
"Matteo, can I ever visit my parents?" Kai asked, pulling with the loose string of Matteo's sweater he had stolen.

"You aren't a prisoner, of course you can." Matteo said, placing a kiss to Kai's forehead, making Kai look up at the beautiful male before him and god was Matteo breathtaking.

Matteo's eyes turned green tint, "why thank you, baby."

Kai blushed when he realized that Matteo was reading his mind.

"Don't do that!" Kai pouted, making Matteo chuckles, pulling Kai into his body and hugging him tightly.

Kai hugged back, giggling when Matteo picked him up, making Kai wrap his legs around Matteo's waist.

"You can visit them now if you want." Matteo said.

Kai nodded his head, "I miss my mom," Kai said, getting out of Matteo's grip.

"Well let's go."

"I will go, you stay here." Kai said, "I don't think my dad can handle me coming out as gay and then brining a guy home."

Matteo pouted, "fine, I'll see you later, my little human."

Kai pressed a soft kiss to Matteo's cheek, "be sure to tell Zane." He said, heading out and happily walking to his home.

He made it within thirty minutes, knocking on the door, he mom opened it and squealed happily, hugging her son.

"Oh, how I missed you! How are you? Are you eating well?"

Kai laughed, hugging his mom back just as tight, "I'm good and I'm eating all the time." He said, pulling away and walking into the house.

"You're still alive? Shocking." His dad said when his eyes landed on Kai.

"George, leave him alone." His mom said, shaking her finger at him.

Kai awkwardly walked into the living room, sitting near his father. His father eyed him, before falling on his neck and he noticed to small faint holes.


His father stood up, "you let a demon feed from you?" His father spat, stepping back.

His mother came rushing in from the kitchen, "what is going on?" She asked.

"He was bitten! Drank from!" His father said, "that's why you wanted to leave, you wanted to become a vampire!"

"He probably didn't know he got drank from and you're scaring him!" His mother said, walking over to Kai, before she was pulled back and pushed behind Kai's dad.

"Stay away from him."

"He isn't infected." His mother said, trying to get out of the grip.

"I'm calling the society." His father said, "you aren't going anywhere." His father spoke, looking at Kai, grabbing his phone and calling someone.

"Yes, it happened. Okay." His father hung up the phone.

"W - What are you doing?" Kai asked, his eyes filling with tears.

"Saving you." His father said, Kai tried to run to the door, but his father grabbed him and pushed him down to the ground harshly.

"George! That's our son." His mother said.

"Not anymore." His father spat, when a knock on the door made his dad let go of Kai's mother and walk to the door.

"He is in there." His father said, a moment later three males showed up and the two big buff males grabbed Kai who screamed and thrashed in their arms.

"It's for your own good." His father said, watching as the people dragged out his own son.

Kai began crying, his body going limp in the two males arms.

He knew he couldn't fight them off, "what are you doing?" Kai heard someone asked.

"Who are you?" The male walking in front of them asked.

Kai finally looked up and saw Luka standing there in front of the van, the people were driving.


Kai read the side.

Vampire Society

We help you with

your vampire problems.

Luka smirked looking at the three males, "your worse nightmare if you don't let my kitten go."

Kai felt their grips let go and he was dropped on the ground scrapping up his hands and knees.

One of the male's grabbed the knife and roughly grabbed Kai's wrist and cut his hand, leaving it bleeding.

Kai hissed at the pain and brought his hand to his chest.

The clock reached six and all the lights went out.

"You can either kill us or save your boyfriend from getting killed be a vampire." The male who cut his hand said, laughing.

Luka just laughed, going to attack the three males, moving fast, the first male was easy, he just picked him up and threw him against a tree, making the guy not move.

The other two buff males were harder, as they were able to fight back.

The first one kicked him harshly in the stomach making him fall and quickly get up tackle the male, who gave up.

The last one wasn't even there anymore, he must have ran off.

Luka looked around and he couldn't find Kai, making him panic.

A note sat down on the sidewalk.

'You left your human for me.

I think it's time we have a chat.

- X'

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