《Adopted by my teacher》Chapter 34 The Finalé
Two months after my mother's wedding, I returned to my usual routine. However, after the news of my new sibling's birth, I decided to head back home, feeling as though I needed to be with them to help out. Not to mention I missed Libby invading my room without permission — even with my consent I still wouldn't let her in — and random talks and petty arguments about stuff that I didn't care about.
I still remember Mom and John telling me and Libby about it. We were in our house on a cool winter night celebrating the holiday with a few of our closest family and friends. We all just finished eating Christmas dinner and both Libby and I started opening our gifts from everybody.
"Ok girls, one last gift," said Mom as she put two large boxes wrapped in festive paper down in front of us.
"From you and Dad?" Lib read the sticker.
"You got it." John smiled as he stood next to Mom.
Without hesitation, both Libby and I tore apart the wrapping paper and removed the lid to see a neatly folded t-shirt inside.
"Not entirely my sense of style," Libby muttered, pinching the fabric before peeking up, "but I guess it's the thought that counts."
I rolled my eyes and stared up at the two. "Thanks you guys," I said with a genuine smile.
"You're welcome," said John.
"Did you both read what's on the shirts?" Mom asked.
Libby and I unfolded our shirts and looked at the front of them as we read aloud, "Big Sister." Then we looked at each other, our jaws dropped in shock as realization began to dawn on us.
"Are you serious?!" I said, staring back at my mom who nodded her head in confirmation.
"No way!" Libby and I cried in pure joy as we both jumped up and hugged her.
Everyone else was no doubt surprised by what just happened. After hugging Mom for a few minutes, Libby and I swapped over to John who took us both inside his arms. Family and friends who surrounded us shared the excitement, hugging one and all and voicing their congratulations.
Two months later, we found out that we were having a little brother, which made the guys in our family really happy. Though I, too, was excited, considering that I had never had a brother before.
So here we sat in the waiting room in the Hospital by ourselves more than a little impatient. There were other couples and families seated around us. Libby and I talked to a few of them for a little bit while waiting for John.
A few more minutes passed before the door finally opened and we saw John walking in.
"Ready to meet your little brother?" he asked us.
"Ready," said Libby and I.
We walked out of the waiting room with John leading the way inside Mom's room. Libby and I waited just outside the door as John quietly went in first.
Seconds later, he returned and propped the door open as we stepped inside the room.
"Hi girls," Mom spoke quietly with a tired smile on her face.
Libby and I looked and saw our little brother in Mom's arms for the first time. Our eyes lit up in awe and we slowly walked up to sit beside her, viewing our baby brother up close as he slept.
"He's so adorable," awed Libby.
"He's perfect," I added.
Mom lightly laughed. "That he is."
As we watched the baby sleep, Mom spoke up.
"Hm?" I said and looked up at her.
"Do you want to hold him?" she asked me.
"Yeah. I would love too," I said, sitting straight up.
As I got seated on the hospital bed, Libby walked over and grabbed a chair, sitting next to me.
I put my arms like Mom's as she placed the baby boy in my arms. I watched him as he slept in my arms where he appeared to be quite comfortable.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Arthur Morgan Steuart," John told us.
Libby and I smiled at each other and looked back at Arthur.
"Hey Artie," Libby whispered.
Baby Arthur made a cute, quiet sound and yawned as he began to wake up. We stayed silent as he woke so that we wouldn't scare him or make him cry. His eyes opened and he saw us for the first time. We smiled at him in awe, seeing his little blue eyes look up at us.
Libby and I cooed him sweetly. His eyes blinked a couple times before he returned the smile with one of his own.
"Hey Soph, can I hold him now?" Libby asked me.
"Yeah, sure." I said before handing Arthur to Libby who held him for a while before giving him back to Mom.
A few hours had passed by and it was already nighttime. Libby and John were watching T.V. and Mom was napping. I looked to my left and saw Arthur awoke and moving around in his hospital crib, so I walked over to him and took him into my arms again. I sat on the window sill and looked outside, admiring the night sky. I kept him close to my chest, keeping him sedated with my body heat.
His little blue eyes looked out the window, seeming to be mesmerized by the full moon and a bunch of stars in the night sky. I looked down at him as he stared at the sky.
"You like the stars, Art?" I quietly asked.
Arthur looked up at me and made a quiet sound as a yes. I lightly chuckled as he looked down and saw one of my fingers near his hand. I looked at him and slowly lifted my right index finger as he looked at it before lightly grabbing it, holding it close to his heart.
"I love you, too." I smiled and kissed his head, which made him make a cute, quiet, and happy sound.
"Hey sis."
I turned around to see Libby's approach.
"Hey," I smiled.
Libby looked at Arthur and lightly stroked his arm with her finger, who then looked at her, wondering what was going on.
"Hi Artie," she said sweetly. He made a cute little happy sound as if he just said hello, eliciting me and Libby both to laugh a little.
"I guess this will be our main job," I told her, referring to the baby boy's sweet smile. "We'll have to make him happy so that he won't fuss and cry all the time."
"We? You mean you're staying...for good I mean?" she asked. Her smile threatened to split her face as I nodded.
"Well, there goes my plans for changing rooms," she joshed, earning her an eye roll.
"Girls?" said a voice from behind.
We turned around seeing that Mom was now awake.
"Can I see him?" she asked.
"Sure." I smiled and walked over before handing Arthur to her.
"Time to eat," she told him as she picked up a bottle for him.
As Mom was feeding Arthur, John woke up and saw us crowded around Mom as we watched her feed the baby.
"Everything ok?" he asked.
"Everything's fine," Mom assured him.
"Was he hungry?" he asked.
Mom nodded in response.
"He likes the bottle now, huh?"
"It sure looks like it," Mom smiled.
Soon the room's door opened as we looked over to see Mom's doctor walk in.
"Is it time for his check up?" Mom asked.
"It is, but I promise you that it will be quick," she said and took Arthur from her before exiting to another room.
Ten minutes later, the doctor returned with Arthur. "Told you that it wouldn't be long,"she smiled as she gave him back to Mom.
"How is he?" she asked.
"He's perfectly healthy. All of his tests went fine," she informed her.
"So does this mean that we can bring him home tomorrow morning?" asked John.
The doctor nodded her head yes, which elicited smiles from us all. Then exited the room.
"What time will we be heading home?" I asked Mom as we walked back up to her. I looked at Arthur sleeping peacefully in the woman's arms.
"Around 9 or 10."
About an hour later, the excitement of the day caught up with us and we all fell asleep for the night.
I woke up at 9:30 the next morning to witness only Libby and John in the room.
"Morning,"said Libby.
I yawned and rubbed at my eyes before a tired 'Hey' was voiced. Barely awake, I asked, "Where's Mom and Arthur?"
"They're with the doctor for a check-up," John told me.
I groaned in agony. "If we're staying here longer because of the check-up, I swear I'm going to lose my mind."
"Same here," agreed Libby.
A couple minutes later, Mom came back into the room with Arthur in her arms.
"Everything all set?" John asked her.
"Mmhm, I just got him signed up to see the pediatrician back home next month," Mom informed him as Libby and I both walked up to her. "You two want to hold him for a little bit?" she asked us.
We nodded our heads yes to her question and she handed Arthur to me. I sat on the bed, scooting over a little bit for Libby to get seated next to me. Then I looked down at him and saw that he was asleep.
"He likes his little nap, huh?" she asked me.
"It sure looks like it," I said. Slowly, I started rocking my arms to help him sleep a little bit longer.
As I kept rocking the baby to sleep, his eyes opened and I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.
"Well that didn't last very long."
"Did he wake up?" Mom asked.
I nodded my head and his eyes looked up at me.
"Hi Artie," I said gently. He made a happy sound that made me smile.
"Come on girls," said John. We looked up at him as he explained, "It's time to get him set up and head home."
Libby and I smiled at each other, then handed Arthur over to mom as we got all set and ready to leave.
After a few minutes later, we left the hospital, got seated into the car, and started the drive home. During the trip, we kept trying to keep Arthur calm throughout the ride, which didn't go well as he cried mostly the entire way home.
On the road for nearly an hour and a half, we finally made it home. I looked outside the window, seeing our neighborhood all peaceful. It was lunch hour so many we're probably at work or at school.
"Finally," I said as the car parked onto the driveway.
As we got inside, John was holding Arthur in his arms.
I sat next to him and Mom on the couch while Libby sat on the opposite side of them. We were simply enjoying the sweet moments of the happy baby who made a cute sound that made us all smile.
A few seconds after that, we heard a knock on the door.
"I got it," I said, standing up. I walked to the front door and opened it, seeing a familiar face.
"Uncle Austin!" I said happily. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see my nephew," he smiled as I led him inside. "Is he here?"
"Yeah, he's in the living room with the others."
Austin and I then made our way to the sitting area, joining the others who were still seated on the couch playing with Arthur.
"He's got your eyes, Morg."
Mom looked up and smiled. "I know."
"Hey Lib," said Austin, tugging a strand of her hair in a playful manner.
"Austin," she whined and swatted his hand away before fixing her hair.
Austin laughed, reaching out a hand to John. "Congratulations."
"Thanks," said John as he shook Austin's hand. "How's everything back at your place?"
"It's all good. Kira had to work but promised to stop by as soon as she gets off," said Austin, taking a seat on another couch.
After he said that, Arthur yawned.
"Nap time?" I asked Mom.
"Nap time," she said as she stood up. Then walked upstairs to put Arthur in his nursery room for the first time.
"Why don't you two stay here and catch up with Austin while we take care of your brother for a while, ok?" said John.
Libby and I nodded our heads in agreement. John then left the room to follow mom upstairs.
"So, how does it feel to be big sisters now?" Austin asked us.
"It feels great."
"Though I'm sure the feeling would change overtime," I added, causing the two to laugh.
After that, Austin connected his PS5 to the main screen and we took turns playing for a couple of hours while reminiscing old memories with each other.
We finished playing and I decided to head upstairs, seeing Mom and John in the kitchen. Mom gave me the "hush" sign letting me know that Arthur was still sleeping right now. So very quietly, I walked upstairs toward my room but before I made it inside I heard a little cry.
I peeked inside the nursery and waited for the crying to die down a little bit before walking further inside.
"Hey? What's the matter?" I quietly asked him.
His eyes opened and he saw me hovering over him. I picked him up and held him close. Then I looked around the room and sat down on a rocking chair. Thankfully the chair wasn't wooden.
"Soph?" said a voice. I looked at the door, seeing both Austin and Libby as they walked in.
"Is he ok?" Libby asked me.
I looked down at Arthur and saw a little smile on his face.
"Yeah, he's ok. Just waking up from his nap." I told her.
Then Mom entered with John trailing behind her. She walked over to me and I gave Arthur to her.
"Thank you for keeping him calm."
"You're welcome." I said, returning the smile.
About ten minutes later, we all went downstairs. Mom and John were in the kitchen with Arthur while Libby, Austin, and I were in the living room, watching cartoons.
A few hours later, Kira - my uncle's girlfriend - and my aunt Casey and her family arrived to see the baby. Excited chatter filled the remains of the afternoon before everyone went home. Afterwards, we ate dinner as Arthur napped upstairs.
After dinner, I walked into my room and finished my homework online. As I finished it, I responded to the girls' messages, each one mostly revolved around the new birth of my brother.
I heard Mom's voice through my opened door and walked out of my room toward Arthur's where I saw Mom and John with Arthur. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of them as they had their private time with him. I stayed hidden against the wall next to the door, so they wouldn't see me. I turned to Libby's door and saw her walk out to join me.
"You two want to come in and say goodnight?" Mom asked as she and John looked over at us, obviously aware of our intrusion.
We walked inside the room and saw Arthur was awake, but nearly drifting off to sleep.
"He's really sleepy right now, huh?" said Lib.
"He sure is," Mom said as she put Artie in her arms.
Libby looked down at the droopy eyed baby and planted a kiss onto his head who yawned tiredly.
"Goodnight, Artie," she said sweetly. Then gave him to me.
"See you in the morning," I told him before gently pressing my forehead onto his. I gave him back to Mom a second later.
We said goodnight to Mom and John before leaving the room where we said our nights to each other, then disappeared into our rooms. I layed down under the covers and looked out the window, seeing the stars and the moon shine as bright as last night.
I later turned away from the window and fell asleep for the night, knowing this was only the beginning of a new life for us all.
It was Friday and John and Libby were off to school. I woke up the next morning at around 9, took a shower, got changed into a pair of sweats and a baby tee. After styling my hair into a ponytail, I walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Mom and Arthur together.
"Hi Mom."
"Hi, sweetie."
I sat down at the kitchen table, watching Arthur have some quality time with Mom. I still can't believe that he's already 2-months-old now. He now recognizes faces, smiles a lot more, and knows how to use his voice to get our attention.
As I kept watching, Arthur looked away from her and saw me looking at him.
"Who do you see, Art?" said Mom happily as they looked at me.
I smiled at Arthur as he smiled back and cooed happily at me.
"Hi Artie!"
He reached his hand out to me, wanting me to hold him. Mom gave him to me as she started to make breakfast.
"Hey bro," I said warmly. He looked at my face and noticed loose strands of my hair were blocking my eyes. I watched him try to grab my hair a few times and then once he had it in his hand, he started to pull it and it really hurt when he did so.
"Ow! That really hurts, Art." I fussed, understanding what he tried to do (which was really nice and all), but he really didn't know his true strength yet.
Arthur let go of my hair and looked at me all confused as he saw a stern look on my face. "You don't pull on people's hair," I told him.
Arthur tried to grab my hair again, but I stopped him and he started to realize that I was being serious. "No pulling, ok?" I said calmly.
He put his hand down and his eyes looked down from me. I started kissing his cheek so he wouldn't start to cry and hugged him closer. After the hug, he looked up at me and saw a smile on my face, letting him know that everything's okay and he smiled back happily.
Mom set my breakfast down onto the table, so I gave him back to her and sat down to eat.
"You want to come with me when I take your brother to his check up?" Mom asked me as she started making Arthur's formula.
"Sure," I told her and we ate our breakfast peacefully.
Arriving at Arthur's appointment, Mom and I we're seated in two vacant chairs inside the waiting area when the pediatrician walked into the room a few minutes later.
Mom stood up and picked up Arthur's carrier as the doctor approached.
"Hi, Dr. Faulkner," said Mom as she shook his hand.
The man smiled and greeted both the baby and me before leading us down the hallway and into a empty room. I took a seat in a chair while Mom took Arthur out of his carrier.
"Ok, I just need you to put him on this scale so I can find out his height and weight," said Dr. Faulkner.
Mom gently placed Arthur onto the scale where the results of both his height and weight made its appearance.
"Excellent. He's now 11 lbs and 7 ounces. And his height is 56.7 cm in length," he informed us.
Mom picked Arthur back up and held him in her arms, keeping him relaxed.
After a couple more tests on Arthur, it was time for the final check: getting vaccinated. Mom and I watched Dr. Faulkner take out four needles and put them down on his clipboard.
"He had one of the vaccinations last month. So these are the four that he has to take until the next 2 months," Dr. Faulkner explained.
Before the shots were given, I covered Arthur's eyes so he wouldn't see what was happening, but once the needles got into his arm, he wasn't happy at all.
After all four shots were done, Mom handed Arthur to me so I could calm him down while she talked to Dr. Faulkner.
"It's ok Art, it's ok," I soothed as I held him while he cried. I tried my best to keep him calm, but he was not having it after what just happened.
After a few minutes of consoling him, he stopped crying and was back to his calm and happy self, which made me happy, too.
"Having fun there?" Mom asked, watching the two of us.
"Yeah." I smiled as she walked up to us, wanting to put Arthur in his carrier; but once he saw her approach, he pushed Mom's hands away from him and showed a stern look on his face.
Mom looked at him all surprised while I just laughed.
"Looks like he's mad at you, Mom," I told her.
"I guess he is."
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