《Adopted by my teacher》Chapter 10 I'm Back


Sophie POV

I woke up not seeing Mrs. Morgan in the room. I got up from the bed and went towards her room. She wasn't in there. I was panicking until I heard noises in the kitchen. I walked in well more like ran in to see her fixing breakfast. I smiled and took my seat. "Good morning sleepy head."she said smiling sitting a plate down filled with bacon and eggs in front of me with a glass of orange juice. "Good morning." I said eating slowly. "Whats wrong you don't like it." I laughed at her face expression. "No its delicious!" I said truthfully. "Then what's wrong cutie?"she said putting strands of hair behind my ear. "I.....I have to go back to the orphanage and I was having so much fun."I blurted out. She was sad about that too,"How about I take you out for some ice cream and then the orphanage." "Sure."I said getting up walking to get my bag packed and changed.

Mrs. Morgan

I sat there. I know she's sad to leave me....I don't want her to leave. She walked back in with her bags. "I'm ready."she said lowly. I got up and we walked out the house and drove off to an ice cream place not far and sat there talking about simple things. After, I took her back to the orphanage. She got out with her suitecase and walked towards the door. "Sophie..."I said as she turned around hugging me tightly crying. "Awe don't cry. Listen." I said bending down her height drying her tears. "I'll be back for you another time and im sure Alicia and Emma and everyone really miss you. Okay?" "Okay."she said. "I'm not leaving this spot until I at least see a smile on that pretty little face of yours."I said tickling her causing her to laugh. "Thats better." She smiled at me and grab my hand as we walked in. I sign her back in and was leaving out. "Bye." She ran and gave me another hug,"See you Monday Mrs. Morgan."she said smiling and running off upstairs to get unpacked. Hearing her say Mrs. Morgan didn't fell right. I walked out the orphanage and decided to see what my sister was up to before I head home. I knocked on the door and she answered. "Hey sis!"I said about to hug her, but bagged away. "You have-" I said, but she cut me off. "I know I know. I could really use Sophie's help on putting him to sleep."she said inviting me in and I sat down. "Speaking of Sophie how she take it when it was time for her to go back??" Cas asked taking a sit by me. "Not well until I cheered her up a little. She called me Mrs. Morgan...." "What else was she suppose to call you sis....." I looked down.


Sophie POV

When I made it to my room I sat down. I didn't really wanna leave, but I'm back now. She said she love me..... I smiled thinking about it until Emma and Alicia walked in. I jumped up yelling,"Im back!!!!!" They laughed and gave me a huge hug. "So don't just stand there tell us everything!"Em said. "But I wanna hear about the christmas in the orphanage first." I said as we all sat down on my bed. "Well, we made cookies for "Santa"."Alicia started off causing me and Emma to laugh. "Then we put up the tree, decorate, and hung up stockings. Then it was bed time and we woked up and open presents. It was just a Christmas party going on. Now tell us about your Christmas." "Well it fun I even meet her family."I was telling them everything. "I heard her brother was hot."said Emma. "With a kid size brain, but he's really cool when you get to know him. I even got his number so we can hang out." They started laughing and stop when I showed them his number. "Give it give it!!!" They yelled going ape on me. "Fine!!" I wrote the number down and ran downstairs.

Emma POV

I dial the number and me and Alicia was waiting for him to pick up. "Yes this is the Pizza Palace."said the woman through the phone. We quickly hung up. "Sophie!!!!!"we yelled chasing after her downstairs.

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