《Peacekeeper // Green Lantern》Chapter Twenty-Four: Nemesis
Sinestro was many things, but he was not a monster. Hal Jordan would have argued against this to the death, but Sinestro bludgeoned him with the nose of a spaceship not only to potentially kill him, but to minimise potential collateral damage by moving the confrontation as far away from his cities as possible. This aforementioned supersonic craft, comprised entirely of energised parallax particles, slammed directly into Jordan's chest and halved his energy shields. He could've sworn that a handful of ribs cracked despite the protection of the shields, which was uncommon but entirely possible if the applied concussive force was sufficient.
Hal planted his fist onto the nosecone of the vehicle and funnelled an immense payload of ion through its superstructure. After a split second, the construct combusted from the incredible energy that was forced into it. The craft combusted into a field of glittering atoms that shone in the sunlight and fell towards the ground due to Korugar's gravitational field.
Jordan pushed his advantage, summoning a cloud of spheres each no more than one metre in diameter. These orbs danced three-hundred and sixty degrees around Sinestro and began randomly buffeting him with ion beams. The rogue Green Lantern managed to defend against the turrets in his line of sight by using a constructed panel of beam-refractive material, but the ones that fired whilst behind him landed all their strikes and chipped away at his personal shielding.
Sinestro smirked. "You've been practicing. How adorable."
With a thought, Sinestro was consumed by a yellow force bubble that seemed to absorb the incoming energy bolts. A conduit drew itself from the bubble, tracing through the air and connecting to a newly materialised pulse cannon directly behind Hal. Using the GL's tricks against him, Sinestro fired the absorbed ion through the cannon. A searing, concussive impact slammed into Hal's back, propelling him forward and breaking his concentration. As he winced in pain, his orbiting drones fizzled out into dust. All the while, the impact had sent the Lantern officer hurtling directly into Sinestro.
Hal wasn't going to let Sinestro win. Not in a million years. His mind expelled the exact details of a superheated plasma emitter, topped with a tungsten heating plate. Tungsten had the highest melting point of any element that Hal knew the atomic structure of, so it could absorb an incredible amount of heat. The plasma emitter was fastened to Hal's right fist and came flying forward with it as the human came into contact with the Korugarian.
The tungsten impacted against Sinestro's face, dealing a large chunk of blunt force damage. Hal pressed the device further, the plasmic discharge slowly but surely draining the deflector integrity.
"Give up, Sinestro!" Jordan snarled. "Your little gang's finished!"
Hal's analysis visor placed Sinestro's shields at 60 percent and dropping due to his ongoing plasma attack. Their current velocity threw them through the upper stratosphere. In less than a minute, the duo would be coming into range of Korugar's orbital defence platforms. They were fitted with spectral scanners that pinpointed ion power signatures and painted them as targets for their Mass Accelerator Weapons, meaning that these things would only open fire on Hal and not Sinestro. Thankfully, the human Green Lantern had a plan for that. He wasn't entirely sure if it would work, but he was going to try.
The GL Sentinel dialled back all subsystems apart from energy shielding and ion output. He felt the air grow thinner and stale, noting the power reduction to the life support suite. Now with his ion signature minimised, Hal reeled his fist back and sucker punched Sinestro with all his physical strength. Now letting his construct dissolve, he raised his ring and buffeted his foe with a halestorm of ion particles.
As Sinestro spiralled backward into the killzone of his planetary defence platforms, their MAWs clicked into targeting position. The high concentration of ion, what these guns were programmed to fire upon, happened to be the guy who built the things.
"Adios, meatwad." Hal remarked confidently to himself.
Twenty trails of fire burned through the vacuum as the MAWs opened fire on the ion irradiated Sinestro, culminating in massive yellow puffs of explosive energy.
Jordan, being the arrogant pilot he was, opened a channel to Vell and Katma. "See? What did I say? I just beat Sinestro."
Katma, her voice almost drowned out by the sound of energy fire, promptly responded "You bested Thaal Sinestro in single combat under five minutes? I don't think so."
"Sure I did. I did it the first time, you bet I just did it again."
Vell, after emitting a tense growl probably from punching Arkillo, added "I think that you've misread the situation...leaving yourself open to an attack."
Hal scoffed as he crossed his arms. "Yeah, right."
Suddenly, as Hal peered at one of the orbital MAW stations, it began to wobble slightly. A tiny speck appeared at its side and the station began to warp and become propelled inward. All of its mass was being concentrated into that miniscule area of space, so it looked like a large sheet of fabric that was being sucked into a vacuum cleaner. Within five seconds, the gigantic space station vanished from sight, as did the mote of light. Hal's self-assured smirk warped into a confused stare. "...Huh."
"Care to enlighten us, sir?" Katma remarked sarcastically.
The human's display suddenly began to flash red, and the words 'IMMINENT IMPACT' flashed across his eyes. Hal slowly turned around.
A gigantic mass covered the entire planet as it careered towards him like the foot of a giant. It was the vanished space station...somehow transported through space by Sinestro. He must've induced a spatial wormhole using a construct; an incredibly complex feat.
Hal thinned his lips. "I'll...call you back." He said lowly before cutting the signal.
The station was moving at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour, so before he knew it, Hal was incredibly close to becoming a smear on the reinforced hull of the orbital platform. There was no time. The only thing he could do was reroute power to shields and ion output, then project an extra layer of protection around him with a construct. A two-metre thick disk of particles arranged in the atomic structure of promethium alloy sowed itself together in front of Hal, as shock-absorbent springs tied the thing to his body. He then gritted his teeth, preparing for one hell of a bruise.
Hal's passive damage reduction subsystems saved him from death, but they couldn't save him from a shattered left forearm, extreme whiplash, and the internal 'discomfort' that came with sudden acceleration to high speeds in a short span of time. He screamed as the pain poisoned his every fibre, but he fought against it to maintain his shield construct as the station ploughed into him like a speeding train.
Sinestro's voice called to Jordan, indicating that he opened a channel to the GL to gloat. "Despite the years that have passed, you are still an immature, arrogant, undisciplined boy."
"Do you ever shut up? Why don't you explain...your maniacal evil plan while you're at it?" Hal snarled through his clenched teeth.
"I'd rather just kill you this time." Sinestro muttered slyly as he focused.
Hal picked up an energy spike in the MAW's energy supply...Sinestro was exciting it, priming it for an overload. An explosion of that size would destroy the entire station and kill Hal for sure. He needed to do something, and he needed to do it fast. Suddenly, the human's eyes widened and his mouth extended in a smirk.
He started up the spatial cascade drive in his ring, the engine used to achieve faster than light space travel by folding space between the user and the destination. There wasn't enough time for a proper jump...but Hal was thinking that maybe he could give Sinestro a front row seat to the overload. Instead of plotting a course, Hal simply bent away the distance between him and Sinestro's apparent location according to his scans.
The channel was silent, indicating to Hal that Sinestro was a little too shocked for words as the cascade initiated. "Yeah, nothing funny to say now, right?"
In the blink of an eye, the reactor core detonated. Hal's already waning shields were broken, and damage overflowed onto his body. The dampeners did as much as they could, but he was subjected to severe energy burns and concussive force, as was Sinestro. The golden puff of an explosion could easily be seen from Korugar's surface.
The next moments were a messy haze to Hal. Only barely conscious, he recalled swirling shapes, rumbling, howling winds, and the all too familiar sizzling of objects being disintegrated upon atmospheric re-entry. First the black turned to blue, then was laced with silver as the GL fell into the pillared mass of Korugar's capitol city. He skimmed upon the densely towered metropolis like a stone across water, smashing through the vacant vehicles left in the streets.
Minutes of tumbling finally came to an abrupt halt when Hal slammed into the side of a building. Blood ran from his mouth as he finally shook his head and came to. His eyes had trouble adjusting for several seconds, but he spied segments of the space station's debris fizzling into sparks. Korugar's atmosphere was much denser than Earth's, meaning that basically anything would burn up as it fell from orbit; Hal didn't have to worry about debris falling on the cities, but he did have to worry about the burns he sustained from his re-entry.
Once he could see further than five centimetres away, Hal scoured his display for Sinestro's energy signature. There it was, about a mile away...then half a mile. Then Hal was struck by a devastating punch; with his shields down, the blow bruised his face and sent blood through the air. Sinestro's face was twisted in fury as he slammed another fist into Hal's head.
The human fell to the ground, cringing in pain.
Sinestro scoffed as he wiped the sweat and blood from his forehead.
"Hey, elkosh!" A woman's snarled cry stole Sinestro's attention, and his head snapped to as he arched an eyebrow in rage.
Vell came roaring into the despot with a mag-lev transport in front of her, loaded with ionic explosives. On contact, the vehicle combusted in a green fireball that would've consumed Hal if he wasn't protected by a shield that Vell had sent out.
Sinestro was thrown blocks away before he crashed into a landed starship, buckling the thing and creasing its hull plating.
The Bekkorian jogged over to Hal and held him up as he coughed. "You grakking poozer. What did I say? What did I grakking say?"
Braced by his partner, Hal smiled with his teeth washed red by his own blood.
Vell was repulsed by his very swollen face. "Gods, what is wrong with your face? You look like an Apalaxan kidney."
"...Thanks, sweetheart." He gasped.
Vell helped him stand, then took a few paces back. "You've...tasted my heart...?" She muttered, puzzled. Within a split second, she stowed the confusion and abruptly interrupted herself. "Look, now's not the time for human grakk that doesn't make sense to me. You're too messed up to win, and I'm not experienced enough to win. We gotta work together."
Hal shook his head, trying to fight through the concussion he currently had. "Alright just...just gimme a second." He rubbed his eyes violently, then blinked about ten times.
"You know, that's really bad for your eyes."
"Hey. Just shut up." Hal snapped. "I kind of just fell from space."
"So did he, and he's coming right back."
Hal brandished his ring, forming an array of electronic parts. "It's probably his big-ass head."
Vell squinted at the cyclone of components, struggling to make out what Hal was up to. "Hey. What the flarpooz is that?"
"Remember that gigantic neutron ray cannon that we went over together?"
She snapped, "...Yeah? The one that neither of us could make because it was too complicated?"
"Yeah. We never tried double-teaming it." Hal said with a smile.
Vell grinned bloodthirstily and immediately complied with Hal's suggestion. After studying which segments of the massive weapon were being slotted together by the human, Vell started to synthesize the remaining portions. With Sinestro closing, the gigantic neutron cannon slowly took shape in the air as the two GLs focused like they never had before. About a millisecond from impact with Sinestro, the co-authored construct the size of an airliner whirled to life and fired.
White light consumed the immediate area, overpowering even Hal's optical protection. Nothing but fuzzy noise flooded his ears as he fought the overheating weapon that threatened to fall apart above them. The air around the weapon boiled and atomized as it was heated by the power of a dying sun.
After five seconds, the burst of fire ended, and vision instantly returned to Hal. After what felt like an eternity, he let go of his concentration and slumped slightly from the mental strain. He looked to Vell and saw her do the same. Satisfied that his partner was safe, Hal set his sights to his age-old foe. Sinestro was unmoving not five metres away from the duo, uniform seared white hot and his face covered in red burns. Suddenly, he began twitching and his eyes latched onto Jordan.
"You're...under arrest, Sinestro. For voiding the non-intervention protocol for the second time by subjecting a civilisation with a device of alien origin currently beyond their understanding." Hal sternly stated. "Anything to say for yourself?"
Quite unexpectedly, Sinestro's teeth were exposed by a charming grin. "You will understand. One day." His ring flashed once, indicated that it had sent out a transmission.
Vell leapt onto Sinestro and seized him by the collar. "What did you do?"
Hal's ring beeped as a message appeared on his visor, reading 'CRITICAL PARALLAX REACTION DETECTED'. The co-ordinates pointed to the site of Sinestro's Central Reactor...he just commanded it to collapse and detonate. An explosion of that size could jeopardise all life on the entire continent...
Without a single word to Vell, Hal shot into the air at ultrasonic speed. The world blurred by in muddled patches as Hal's speed once again superseded specifications.
He came smashing through the structure that contained the reactor, and put in everything he had towards erecting an energy-absorbent barrier between the Reactor and everything else, sealing himself in. An intense migraine split his mind, but he kept pushing. He couldn't let Sinestro kill his own people like this...he couldn't.
Existence itself seemed to pop as the Reactor folded in on itself, consuming its outer casing, then combusting with enough destructive force to kill millions of people. The blast washed over Hal, through his very cells. The radiation bombarded his heart, drying it of blood and causing it to suddenly freeze its beating. His vision once again faded to black.
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