《Gangsta//Joker》Its on the loose


My skin never felt this hot. I felt like my blood was actually boiling and i needed my fist to be repeatedly hitting quinns face or better yet jokers. They were both idiots, dumb and dumber, stupid and stupider. Harley must've had something real good in between those chicken legs of hers that had joker turn into her puppet. Its like arkham all over again where she seperated us and then mind controlled him. I shouldve killed her the day she was in my room.

He was so brainwashed by his own creation im starting to have a hard time understanding why he wasnt taken down yet. When collecting the last of my belongings from his place i had the dismay of bumping into him on the way out which lead to a screaming match that ended with a "harley was right about you.", from him. That resulted in the quick death of about 7 of his henchmen after i was taken out of my state of shock. All i saw was red figuratively and literally-blood.

He wanted to play rough? He's met his match because i wasnt his frail little he could push and kick around. Reving the engine on my motorcycle as i zoomed through the other cars i could see his purple lambo swerving passed cars and onto what all of gotham knows as trade road. A partially abandoned 2 lane road that mainly trucks use on the begining of every month to trade goods with neighboring citys and bring in things from outercity factories. Nobody ever used it because of all the cracks and potholes in the road that was only durable by trucks.

Speeding up so i was right next to him i sent him a glare and once he realized me he rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on the wheel. Fine! Speeding up infront of him i turn the motorcycle to the side swinging my leg around to meet the other to avoid having it torn off, before tilting it over so its stops and is further blocking joker from passing. Jumping off i stand in the middle of the street with a harsh glare and crossed arms, not moving even once his car gets closer. Quickly he stomps on the breaks and the car stops two inches infront of me and he lets out a growling sound as he climbs out the car slamming the door.

"Youre so fucking...ugh! What do you think-"

"Shut up! Youre going to shut up and listen" i yell kicking out one of his headlights, which by the tick in his jaw pissed him off. Right now i didnt care about his attitude or anger because he was going to listen and remember im not his rag doll, i was the girl with the voice.

"Youre a real pain in the ass, y'know?" He rhetorically ask walking closer and i began pacing.

"You think i betrayed you when ive done everything with you! Every meeting, every kill, every heist EVERYTHING j, i was there! I didnt sell any information to anybody or tell anybody your precious secrets. Im the only one who truly had your back, !" I finally explode.


"Got it got it got it gottttt it" he breathes leaning on his car trying to stop me from talking but i groan running my hands through my straightened jet black hair.

"No joker you dont get it! You let this twit come in between us and string up her web of lies just like back in arkham the same EXACT way she seperated us and tried to 'cure' you. She fell in love with you and tried to fix you for her own selfish reason to have you as her pet of a boyfriend. I never tried to 'fix, change or cure' you i stood by you. Youre to blind to see i was your only real friend" i laugh sarcastically.

"listen doll, im not someone who loves, im not a good person im not even a friend. When youre any of those, people take advantage and use you." he breathes a slight growl comming out waving his arms around for emphasis.

"Yeah i know j ive seen the song and dance routine already its getting old. Youre not listening to whats really inportant-"

"Whats really important? Me doing what joker does best executing my will according to my plans...which you happen to no longer be apart of" he smirks dramatically stalking around me as he runs a hand through my hair. Before i could respond back a truck beeps from behind us probably irritated we're blocking the road.

"Hey asswipe go yell at your bitch somewhere else" the driver yells and i feel my eye twitch. What did he just call me?! Grabbing the golden green diamond encrusted gun out of his jacket i shoot the fat man right in his throat.

"I was going to say you shouldnt call her that" he turns around and shouts at the guy with fake sympathy and when he does i hold a knife against his kneck. He smirks at it before meeting my eyes.

"Awwe come on ill be your friend" he says in that goofy voice flashing his silver teeth knowing id usually laugh at that but not this time, its like he was mocking it and how weak i was cause i would crumble at that every time. He realized the glare on my face and his smirk dropped when i pushed the tip of the blade into the side of his neck.

"Do it do it do it dooooo it" he screams in my face clenching his hands in fist and unclenching them as theyre heald up in surrender.

This was a truly messed up man. He was nuts, he was insane, there were a few screws missing up in his brain. He was pushing me to stab him and slit open his throat instead of just listening like a normal person. But this was joker he was far from normal and once his mind was made up...there was no going back.

"You're scared my friendship will hurt you but not the knife i have digging into your kneck" i breathe out and he lets out a laugh quickly grabbing it out of my hand.


"Gosh if you werent so crazy id think you were insane" he growls and quickly one of my favorite things he does is added to the list of things i hate about him.

"Just fucking listen" i yell at him and he rolls his eyes crossing his arms. Good God! why wont he understand im trying to help him. Hes just as dumb as harley, maybe ace chemicals shrinks the comprehensive capacity of your brain.

"No! Go..away" he hisses and i grab my knife from his hand going over to my motorcycle instantly regretting that i used it to block the road because of all the damage that was done. Id honestly be lucky if it even came back on.

"Get in the car" joker growls and even though my back is facing him i could bet his car he rolled his eyes. Ignoring him i inspect my motorcycle seeing theres a hole in not one tire but both, chipped paint and the engine was hanging off. "Ashton i said-ungh!"

Did he ever shut up?! I didnt care what he said and would have rather walked instead of getting in the car so i threw my knife at his leg.

"You didnt have to throw your knife at me" he says turning back onto the highway to get to gotham and i ignore him glairing out the window. My eyes catch sight of the bridge thats opening up and i remember when i drove us off it. I feel a small smile creep up on my face, good times. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end like this partnership that we had. Honestly how long did i think it would last? I was finally comming to terms that this was over and it was so hard because i had become undeniably attatched to this psychopath. Ivy was going to have a feild day with this when i told her.

Purpousely leaving the note book in his car i found when ivy and i broke into arkham, more specifically quinzels office i could feel my smirk growing. Do i honestly look like the type of girl to chase a man down? Hell no, i didnt care if he listened or not because once he finds what little miss harleys been hiding well...the evidence will speak for itself. How he knew where i was staying was beyond me but its joker so im not really suprised. Opening the door to the car he spoke before i could get one foot out.

"Leaving without giving me any sugar?" He laughs obviously teasing but i smirk and turn back around facing him before grabbing the collar of his unbuttoned shirt and pull him to me. Pressing my lips quickly against his for a hot kiss he freezes and i try to supress the smirk. Jokers never been one to back down so instead he kisses back more harshly and his tounge clashes with mine but its never a fight for dominance its more so playful. The kiss is all tounge heavy breathing lip biting and teeth clashing. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck letting my fingers tangle and pull at his soft green hair soliciting a growl from him. Trying to hold back my smirk i pull away with a blank face saying "good night" as i climb out his car i barely have enough time to shut the door before he speeds off and i smirk.

"You like him ash admit it! You dont kiss someone like that if you dont" ivy pesters following me around my loft and i roll my eyes. She swears me and him like eachother when its very obvious we both are incapable of feelings other then anger.

"So when you two have cute curly haired mixed babies can i be an aunt?" She ask but i push her away and lick my lips realizing i can still taste the joker. "Youre lips are all swollen! Mustve been one hell of a kiss" she chimes happily and i shake my head opening my laptop.

"Ivy i dont like him, i may be slightly attracted to him sexually but no gushy shit like love struck quinn" i admitt and she squeals.

"Speaking of quinn i seen her at the store, looks like the circus act has been pretty rough with her" she says softly and i shrug, why should i care she probably annoyed him while he was working or went in his office without permission. All she'd probably ever be good for is a distraction she was to dumb and pure to do something bad.

"He never hit me hard enough to hurt me" i tell ivy plugging in the flash drive frost made me months ago with all of jokers contacts and plans.

"The bastard hit you?!" She screams and i notice the vines comming from her hands.

"Not like punching and kicking but when we first met we hated each other so it was more of him slamming me against walls to restrain me and pinning me down as i attacked him...i was usually the aggresive one" i realize and look over to see her smirking. She didnt need to know about the time he choked me because id have to explain his name and past and that was only between me and him.

"He likes you and wants you to have his babies" she squeals and i throw a vase at her that she quickly dodges. Her and this damn baby talk.

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