《Gangsta//Joker》To ride or die with me


Waking up on the couch with my hands tangled in something extremely soft i look down to see them in the jokers hair while he has his body inbetween my legs arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his headed cuddled into my stomach was completely unexpected. This was weird and domestic we were getting to comfortable and i hated it. Moving my hands from his hair he groans.

"Whyd you stop?"

"Youre woke?" I ask getting angry earning a mechanical laugh. "Youre not a cuddler but youre wrapped all around me" i say but he ignores me.

"Youre very uh, moody in the morning" he yawns rubbing his eyes not making an effort to move off me.

"You have some nerve" i snap as he twitches and sits up.

"Bruce wayne is having a dinner party tonight" he remembers stretching and i cant help but stare, its always strange seeing him do normal human things even if it is just stretching. Why is the first thing he thinks about in the morning bruce wayne? Unless hes been up for a while.

"So?" I begin, standing up looking for the remote to turn off the t.v. "Its just going to be a bunch of annoying snobby boujie people" i complain.

"Perfect youll fit right in" he laughs but im not paying him any attention.

"Why him?" I ask skeptically only to get a blank stare...he was looking at my neck. Before i could reaact He nodded his head to his office and i followed.

"I have a theory-" he says sitting in his chair and i sit on his desk.

"That bruce wayne is batman?" I ask and his red lips scrunch up.

"Here i was trying to make it as interesting as possible a nice dramatic pause but you jump right to it" he rolls his eyes.

"Really j, bruce lost his parents due to murder hes a rich billionaire and sometimes just go missing for days ironicaly after batsy has had a fight, could it be healing time? Plus he has one golden rule and one only...not to kill, could it be from the trauma of his parents? And plus batsy has all the latest cars and gadgets, could it possibly be from bruces billions?" I ask and the joker nods but his eyes are glued to my neck.

Thoughts of last night rush back into my head and i wonder if he remembered it, hell he probably didnt mean it let alone mean to say it. He was drunk after all.

"Get dolled up, i have a plan" he tells me looking at the laptop as he runs his hand through his hair. Hopping off the desk landing on the cold marble floor i look back to see his eyes closed and smile heading to the kitchen.

Making a quick breakfast of bacon eggs and toast with grape jelly i grab the bottle of syrup and the carton of orange juice. He liked crumbling up his bacon and sprinkling it in his eggs then drenching it in syrup. kicking open his office door and noticing he's mumbling with his eyes closed. As strange as it is i knew it ment he was sleep so i place everything on his desk and lightly slap his face. Jumping up out his sleep his hand tightly grips my wrist i burned making me flinch and a tiny gasp escape.


"You cant just go around hitting people doll" he starts to yell but he stops and breathes.

"You cant just go around choking people either and burning people!" I yell back rubbing my forearm stopping only to cradle it. "I was trying to be nice you ass, i made you breakfast twice and you keep hurting me" i growl ready to kill him but all im met with is him stairing at my neck. "Unbelievable" i spit about to storm off when his hands grab my waist pulling me on his lap.

"I know i keep hurting you and its really not my intentions but you keep pushing all my buttons, ones i didnt know i had-"

"Thats not how you apologize" i snap at him and he shuts his mouth looking down.

"Thank you" he finally says as if it pained him and he earns an eyeroll before we start eating in a peaceful yet tense silence.

"I ment what i said last night" he finally says and i stop mid-chew. He actually knew what he was doing. I get up off his lap right before frost walks in with a guy in a panda suit.

"I got them" he says and i walk out but not before hearing "suit up boys we're going out tonight".

My makeup was done extremely well and i smelt like some sexy victoria secret perfume. I had no idea what he had planned but i do know that it was something to reveal who the bat really was. Being only half dressed which ment i only had this on:

I was fastening the straps onto the leg part when my door was swung open. "Im really starting to believe you dont have any maners joker" i snap before bending lower to fasten my heels. When i stand back up his baby blue eyes are still eyeing me until i put my hands on my hips but he just smirks.

"Dinner party not-" he begins but i scoff placing a knife on each side of me.

"I have my own plan you idiot, and if you be a good boy you might even get to kill some people" i smirk going over to my closet and pulling out a nude knee length dress.

"Your own plan? No i already have one" he says and i scunch up my face knowing mine was more solid and fullproof.

I lick my teeth angrily before remembering a female can easily and effortlessly overpower a man. Relaxing my tense deffensive shoulders to look less demanding and pulling my bottom lip inbetween my teeth i turn around to see lust slightly in his now dark blue eyes.

"Please mistah j" i ask lowering my voice into a more seductive tone and see him eyeing my body once again.

"You trynna sweet talk me?" He ask his tone matching mine but huskier as he leans back in the chair putting his arms behing his head stretching his legs out. The clown voice- the nasaly high pitched one that he used with outsiders and his victims was definately gone, and even though he only said a small few words i wanted more. Alot more.

"Is it working?" I ask and he smiles, a real smile not one of the stupid ones but a genuine smile, his silver teeth on display much to my approval.


"Lay it on me" he says biting his pinky nail and if it wasnt for all the boundaries i built and my plan to kill him id admit how sexy he looks right now. My plan to seduce him was backfiring BADLY. Oh mistah j, you have no idea of the things id do to you.

Wandering the semi-lit halls of the wayne manor while the party continued on downstairs i listened for any sign of someone being around. My dress was torn, one of the straps popped my hair slightly wild and my bruises from j on full display. "Hey what are you doing up here?" I hear and turn around seeing the host. Bruce Wayne. Decked out in a nice black velvet suit with his hair slicked back and a very expensive rose gold watch wrapped tightly on his arm. My favorite color.

"I-i please..help" i say shakily leaning against the wall cradling my arm making sure my bruises are on full display. Once he notices them He rushes towards me carrying me to a large master bedroom.

"What happened?" He asked curiously but still skeptical. His guard was still up probably ready to call the cops, or put on his little bat boy costume and be a hero again.

"I know you...you probably think im bad and im derrange like him but i didnt want to do it. He made me. I tried to leave and he-he..." I trailed off pretending to sniffle. Wrapping my arms around myself i try to fake a tear but before i could he stops me.

"Hey listen to me, im going to get you out miss. Ill get him locked in a hole where nobody can find him." He promises rubbing my arms.

"Thank you, i knew youd help" i cry throwing my arms around him before gunshots are ringing followed by a mechanical laugh. Bruce runs out the room but runs back and give me a serious stare.

"Stay here dont move"he says before running off again. Holding up my new rose gold watch i grin in satisfaction. As easily as id stole this from him? Youd think batman would notice a crime happen right under his nose, literally. I get up and walk out seeing all the chaos downstairs people running and screaming for their lives leaving their children alcohol being spilt all over the floor.

Gliding down the steps i catch the jokers i and give him a wink letting him know my part was done and he throws his head back laughing as he waves around his machine gun- a signal for his henchman.

Walking outside i had 3 guns aimed at my head and smirked. "It seems as if none of the men in gotham have any manners."

"Oh its plenty of doctors in arkham with manners that cant wait to help you" one of the officers say and i laugh whipping around and using his gun to shoot the other officer in the knee before i pull his arms back dislocating them and taking a knife out slashing open the last officers kneck making blood splatter all over my dress.

"Too bad they wont get the pleasure of meeting me tonigt" i pout. getting angry i pick up his gun and shoot the other two in the head making more blood splatter all over me. "I just bought this dress" i grumble Grabbing the keys out my bra and quickly unlocking the lamborgini before i speeding off.

As i drove with one hand on the wheel the other calling the joker i growled after the 3rd time of him not answering when i see him snapping someones neck before noticing me. Quickly climbing in the car he smirks over at me.

"Fancy seeing you here toots"he jokes and i smile rolling my eyes. "Oh i couldnt answer because my hands were covered in blood and thee uh, touch screen wouldnt work" he muses and His laugh rings out when he notices something heavy hit the hood creating a dent.

"You ass!" I yell banging on it.

"Seems like we've got a guest doll lets give him a nice welcome" he grins madly pulling out his gun shooting the roof of the car only to remember i had all of his cars bullet proof.

Seeing we were coming up to a bridge that was opening up in the middle due to a boat passing i felt adrenaline pumping through my veins and a smile growing wide on my face.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" He yells and i just laugh.

"You trust me mistah j?" I ask and he looks at me crazily but i just lean forward pressing my foot harder onto the gas.

"Trust you?! I still double count my money when i steal it" he bites out but i just laugh enjoying the feel of the adrenaline boiling, my skin becomming hotter, buzzing with anticipation the closer we get.

"On 3 we jump" i tell him taking off my belt to see him looking like ive lost my mind.

"Jump?" He ask "jump where?" He yells

"1" i begin opening the door but instead of following me he sits there.

"This wasnt in the plan!" He yells over the boat horn and air comming in from my door but i smile over at him sending him a wink.


I was free falling and it felt like slow motion. I felt like i had all the time in the world. My only view was the deep purple that faded into blue and the car flying above me. Incongrous. Out of the ordinary. The cold night time air blowing my hair harshly against my face and i fell through the air like sand slipping through fingers enjoying it so much i forgot about the water, i forgot about my high school physics class where we learned about inertia. An object in motion will stay in motion unless that state is changed by an external force. And that force? The cold deep ocean of gotham.

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