《His Muffin》Jealous.


{Xavier Knight}

This morning I woke up with her on my mind, I'm excited to see her.

I get into my car and start driving when I reach it's exactly six. I walk in and spot her talking to the same guy as last time, What. The. Fuck.

I look at the time, 6:01, she is talking to him cause I'm a minute late? I need to start being exact again.

"Hey muffin," I greet, cutting whatever he was saying off.

"Hello sir," she smiles, God, her smile. Fuck. "I'll be there Blake, I promise," be where? Why is she promising him that? Why do I care? Why am I questioning everything when it comes to this girl?

"Alright May, take care. Bye," he says patting her head and heading out.

"Sorry sir, let me get you your muffin," she apologizes, walking away to get my muffin. Why is she apologizing? It isn't her fault. The Blake guy is at fault. He distracted her.

"Here you go," she hands me my muffin when she comes out. That's when I notice her hair, it looks different, she looks hot.

"Did you do something new with your hair?" I ask, staring.

"Yeah sir, I styled it differently. I wanted to try something new," she smiles.

"It looks good," I compliment.

"Thank you, sir," she blushes.

"So, listen can I get your number?" I don't know why I asked that.

"Uh, why?" she tilts her head, aww she looks like a puppy.

"Just so I can call you in the morning to make sure that there is a muffin," I bullshit, I just want a reason to call her.

"Don't worry about that sir. I already keep one reserved for you every morning. I make sure there is always the one you like with fewer blueberries," does she not want to give me her number? She can just say that.

"If you don't want to give me your number- it's fine, you know? Just cause I'm your boss doesn't mean you are obligated to give it to me," I mumble, I don't know why I'm sad about that. I hope she doesn't think she would get in trouble for rejecting me. I don't want her to see me like that.

"Oh no sir, it's not that. I just don't want you to take extra time off your day just to inform me to do something that I already do," she rushes, "if you want my number you can have it."

"I want it," I hum.


"Okay then," she grins, getting a paper and writing her number on it before handing it to me.

"Thank you muffin, but again you won't get into any trouble if you don't want to give it," fucking hell Xavier, just take the number.

"I don't mind," she blushes, fuck again.

"Alright then, I'll be on my way," I smirk.

"Yes sir, have a nice day. Enjoy," she smiles.

"You too muffin," I wink, turning around to walk towards the elevator which is when I spot Jen. She looks pissed. What's her problem? I walk past her not stopping when she starts to speak.

Jen comes here cause her best friend works here and she likes spending time with her when she is on her break. I couldn't exactly fire her considering everything that happened was Jen's fault- not her friends.

I enter the elevator, before pressing my floor number and getting out when it reaches.

I place my muffin on my desk and sit on the chair. Even though I'm over everything that includes Jen, I have a feeling she isn't. Whatever, it was her fault, not mine.

I put those irrelevant thoughts aside and pick up the paper Amaya gave me. After typing the number and saving it. I pick up my files and begin working.

My phone rings, interrupting my work.

"Xavier honey," my mom beams from the other line.

"Hey ma," I greet, "how are you?"

"I'm doing great sweetie. How is everything going for you?" everything means the mafia. My mom has never liked the fact that I took over the mafia after my dad, she thinks it's dangerous. Which it is but it's the family business.

"The mafia is doing great ma," I answer.

"And how are you doing?" she questions.

"I'm doing good too. Don't worry about me, I'm always good," I inform, she really doesn't need to worry. I can take care of myself.

"I know but I am your mom so don't argue," she orders.

"Alright, ma. I need to get back to my work, okay?" I laugh, knowing I have a lot to do.

"Okay, honey. Stay safe though alright? Don't get hurt," she mumbles.

"I'll be fine, I promise," I assure.

"Okay. I love you, Xavier," she sighs.

"I love you too, ma," I answer before ending the call and going back to my work.

A few hours later I get a knock on my door.

"Come in," I call out. It's my assistant, her office is right beside mine.


"Boss. Here are some more files you asked for," she said handing me Dante's files, which now I am supposed to do because his dumbass decided to get a dick piercing.

"Put them there," I instruct, pointing at the sofa area I made at the side of my office. My office is really big so I never had to worry about space. I have a swing chair on the other side with a bunch of pillows in case I want to be comfortable.

"Also, sir," she walked up to my desk, "Miss Williams was here. she said she wanted to talk to you but I informed her that you were busy," Jen? Fucking hell.

"Never let her come up here," I order, "and if I ever see her in my office, someone is getting fired," everyone in the office knew my history with Jennifer so no one ever let her in unless her friend gets her. which I allowed considering I can't stop Jen from visiting her friend on her break.

"Yes sir, of course," she nodded, "excuse me."

With that, she left my office and went into hers.

I suddenly got an urge to talk to muffin so I texted her.

'Hey, muffin.' yeah that's good.

'Hello, sir :)' how did she know it was me?

'How did you know it was me?' that's a normal question.

'Well, no one else calls me Muffin, sir.' Oh yeah, that makes sense. Also, they better not.

'Right, so are there any muffins available?' I want another one.

'Not the ones I make for you. I make just one every morning with fewer blueberries. I'll make sure to make two next time.' aww that's cute.

'No don't. I just wanted another one today I don't want it tomorrow :)' friendly.

'Oh. Alright. Would you like something else?'

'What are the options Muffin?'

'Well, I think you would like the banana nut muffin. It's super good.' Well, if she said it is then it is.

'Could you bring one up for me?' I want her to see my office.

'Of course, sir, I'll send someone with it :)' What no.

'No. You get it.' Fuck. Does that sound rude?

'Okay sir :)' Smiley face. That's good.

I hear the intercom "sir, your muffin is here would you like me to bring it to you?" my assistant asks.

"No. Let her bring it in," I want to see her.

"Alright," a few seconds later I hear a knock.

"Come in," I call out, "hey muffin," I smile when I see her appear at my office door.

"Hello sir, here is your muffin," she says, walking over and handing me the banana nut muffin.

"Sit," I gesture to the chair in front of me, she listens and sits. Adjusting herself in the seat.

"How has your day been going?" she smiles up at me. That fucking smile.

"It's been good, better now," I smirk.

"Try the muffin," she rushes out, changing the topic.

"Bossy," I wink, taking a bite out of my muffin. I like how she blushes when I even slightly flirt. It's cute.

"So? How is it?" she asks excitedly.

"It's really good, Muffin. You know my taste," I smile, it really is good, "but I prefer the blueberry muffins."

"I know but that's great. I'm glad you like it, sir-" she gets cut off by a phone call. She doesn't pick up.

"You can answer," I inform her when her phone rings again, "I don't mind."

"Hey Blake," she calls out, oh it's him. I shouldn't have told her to pick it up. "I know. Okay. Yeah, I will. Okay. Bye. Love you more." She answers him before hanging up and looking at me with an apologetic smile.

"So, who is this Blake?" I try not to sound annoyed cause I don't have the right to be. But I am.

"He is one of my best friends, I've known him since my first year of college. He has helped me a lot," she talks about him like he has brought the moon for her. Am I jealous? No, of course not... Yes, the fuck I am. She is gorgeous. I want to ask her out.

"Oh," I don't really know what to say.

"But we are just friends. He is like a brother to me," she rushes out, I think she noticed. Maybe. Or maybe she wants to let me know that she is single. Do I think highly of myself? Yes. But I am super-hot. I would definitely bang myself if I was a woman.

"Good," I smile. Good? Really Xav?

"Anyways I should get back to work. Goodbye sir, have a nice rest of your day," she grins, getting up. I don't want her to go but it's too early to be requesting that. Maybe when she is my girlfriend.

"You too muffin," I wave at her as she steps out of my office.

I need to ask her out. Soon.

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