《Fto Oneshots [ FINISHED]》Saving a Guild Member


This was a request by NightmarelllPanda2324 I hope you enjoy it!!

Based on season 5!!

•No one's pov •

It was a normal night for Michael watching people illegally import lacrimas into Atlantide for about 3 days this was his 4th night watching them tho Michael felt that something bad was going to happen so he moved from where he was to boxes and other things but When he teleported there he was immidently knocked out by someone.

Meanwhile at Grimshade

•Allumos pov •

It's been an hour since me,Viper and Michael were supposed to be meeting but Michael didn't show up ,me and viper started to get annoyed that he didn't come so we started asking around for spirit I forgot that he changed he's name to spirit but once everybody said that nobody saw spirit today or last night I went to Jerichos room to ask him if he has seen spirit/Michael he said last he saw him was When he was leaving to watch the people who were importing lacrimas I think thats what he said I then started get worried that something must have happen but Viper didn't really care but was a tad bit concerned since Michael was a SS rank so who could possibly beat him I then went out of jericho's room to talk with Viper.

•Viper's pov •

I was called by Allumos to go outside of jericho's room When I got there Allumos was pacing around thinking about something I spoke up and said what do you think happened to him he answered with a I don't know he then said that were going to were he was from what jericho told us to find him I noded slowly since I do have to pay him back for giving me jasper I chuckled a bit while asking Allumos what were going to do When we find him he didn't answer so I can only think that he would either slap him for being kidnapped of whatever happened to him or hes going to give him a hug and be nice to him or both.



•Michael's pov •

I woke up to my Head hurting and being chained to a chaira with lacrimas all around me I was confused and just thinking about how to get out of hear without using magic I was then interrupted by someone coming I yelled out who's out there loudly I recived a laugh but it sounded like a psycopath's laughter I then saw a person with black everything and a mask that was dark blue and a black bandana over her eyes she slowly said my name it gave me chills I then looked at her mask and I gasped it had the devils tongue guild mark I started asking her where I was and who she was and why she had the devils tongue mark she said that she was a member of devils tongue I asked her why I was here she then told me that her guild leader needs me for their plan and she needs information on the guild leaders personal lives I told her that I won't speak she then laughed and said tell me the information and I would get some information in return I said what information could she possibly give me that I would need she laughed again but it was more louder she then walked up to me and whispered my Wife I was shock I said how i've looked for years she then said And i've known for tears while laughing and then she grabbed a Button and laughed and pressed the Button I then screamed in pain while being shocked and she then grabbed a large knife from what I saw from the corner of my eye she laughed and skipped towards me while holding the knife When she got to me I told her to go die in hell and then she slashed one of my eyes I screamed in pain she started to give me more cuts All of the sudden I heard a large explosion and heard people yelling I couldn't hear them I then passed out.


•Allumos pov •

When me,Viper and Colin since he decided to come along, got to the place jericho told us ,we couldn't sense michael's magic power we were about to leave but something told me to stay and thank god I listened after 40 minutes me,Viper and Colin heard screams that sounded like Michael we rushed were the screams were coming from at was stunned from what we saw, we saw Michael being hurt I yelled at Viper and colin to take Michael and go they didn't waste a second, this was going to be a hard fight since their was lacrimas everwhere I started to break one by one while fighting the person once I broke all the lacrimas and then the person was gone in a instant like they were never there I ran straight back to grimshade.

•Viper pov •

When me and Colin finally got Michael out of the chair he was unconscious so we ran back to grimshade and took him to the infirmary and bandage all his cuts and wounds once he was done we stayed by a unconscious Michael keeping gaurd after 20 minutes Allumos rushed in paniced When he saw Michael was fine he sighed in relief after that me,Colin and Allumos took gaurd and protected Michael until he woked up When he finally did he said good morning to me,colin and Allumos I smiled a bit .

After that incident Allumos and Viper told the council about what happened tho they used the name spirit instead of Michael after the council meeting a investingation was hold up and everything was being resolved and everybody was doing fine tho Allumos, Colin and Viper have watched closely over Michael over the past few days.

The End

Stay safe and positive my Choco chips

Sorry it took so long TwT

Word count: 1008 words

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