《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》You Are Amazing, Just The Way You Are!!


Arnav bhai!!! came a call from nearby, Arnav turned around to find his brother cum friend Akash. Akash came to him running 'where the hell are you going bhai?'

Arnav looking around 'nothing man, just looking around'

Akash looked at his cousin brother, raising his eyebrows in enquiring manner 'it does not look like, going by your face it looks like you are searching for someone'

Arnav looked at Akash 'nope nothing, I'm not searching for anyone here, how can I look for anyone when I don't even know anyone, did you forgot I'm new here'

Akash 'I know but bhai looking at your face it doesn't seem so....what caught your attention that you are going around this Mall round and round, and don't forgot who was not even interested to come here in the first place is now suddenly very interested to admire this place, as if you had never seen a Mall in Delhi before'

Arnav shrugging 'but this is Chennai'

Akash 'really bhai? If I know you well than you were not even interested in the Dubai big Mall'

Arnav 'so what? Can't I get interested now?'

Akash 'if so, why are you looking at each and every faces rather than shops and other things in mall? Out with it bhai'

Arnav looked at him as if caught, sighing 'I saw a girl, she was beautiful, cute and...and...her eyes...it was so so...expressive, like they were talking to me....oh Akash I missed her...she was right here but then don't know where I lost her sight.....she is damn beautiful....wish I get to see her once....I'll not lose her again....'

Akash 'wow bhai love at first sight'

Arnav 'don't know about love? But I really like her'

Akash 'hmmm so....' He could not even complete his sentence when....

Arnav exclaimed 'there she is....' He ran towards her....only to see her exiting the mall.

MCC College,

Akash 'bhai looks like you got fans'

Arnav absentmindedly 'what?'

Akash 'look around you bhai, girls are looking at you and started dreaming with their open eyes'

Arnav rolled his eyes 'shut up Akash'

Akash sulking 'I don't know bhai why you never give attention to any girls, even when they themselves approach you...and here we are trying hard to get the attention of the one girl we like but they ignore us like pest'

Arnav 'this is waste of time, I came here to study and I'm going to do that...besides my whole attention will get only my someone special'

Akash 'aah will that be that mall girl you missed by any chance?'

Arnav sighing 'only if I get to meet her...'

Akash 'if you are destined than surely you will, like Di says and for now let us go to canteen I'll introduce you with our gang'

Arnav and Akash reached to canteen, Akash introduced Arnav to his group of gangs, NK aka Nandhkishore, Aman Mathur, Ravi, Vivek. NK 'hey man welcome to MCC College' Arnav shaking his hand with everyone smiled little, they took their seat chatting over introducing about themselves, getting to know each other

At the corner of the canteen, a girl exclaimed 'hey there he is? Oh My God I cannot believe he is here'

Other girl looked at her friend as if she is an alien 'what is it La? From yesterday I'm watching you, you are lost'

La with her dreamy eyes 'yeah in his dreams, look Khushi that boy in Mall he is here, oh he is so handsome, see na'


Khushi shaking her head went back to her book stating 'La it will be good for you if you study for the test'

La 'Khushi why are you so boring? Close your book and take a look at him, anyways these test are not so important'

Khushi 'why not La? Only if you write these test well you will be able to write your semester exams well, so please spare me, for you every guy looks good and I'm not even interested in these guys, I've a goal set and I've to reach it at any cost'

La 'oh Khushi you are sounding like a school girl, take chill pill, okay.....relax yourself, it is not school where you have to dip your head always in books to score top marks'

Khushi 'for me studies are not joke to take it easily, anyways leave it we can't agree with each other's opinion on this topic, now let me study' La looked at her book worm friend sulking, she is exactly a nerd, with her big glasses on her eyes and her head dipped inside book as if she will read the whole book in the world with the speed and concentration she is going, sighing she looked at the guy once again knowing well her friend will never loosen herself, for Khushi her dream is everything and her dream is to study well, score good marks and grab a good job.

Lavanya's eye lit up when the guy looked at her side; she smiled her dimple smile at him getting a simple smile from him in return which evoked hope in her heart. Arnav getting bored out of wits was looking around when his eyes caught the attention of the girl who took his sleep with her dreams, he was looking at her without blinking when he saw La smiling at him, and on being caught he smiled at her in return with his sheepish smile.

NK followed Arnav's gaze saying 'She is Lavanya Kashyap. She is also from Delhi'

Arnav nodded at him, Akash looked at his lost bhai and followed his gaze listening to NK's word 'is that girl Lavanya bhai whom you met in Mall'

Arnav again nodded at him looking at Lavanya's table, Aman 'oh Man La charmed him too'

NK 'she is hottest girl in our college Aman and obviously everyone will fall for her'

Akash 'but bhai too fell for her, he never ever looked at any girl in his previous college or in school even though there were many hot and sexy girl fanned over him' with confusion etched on his face, NK laughing 'see how ASR is looking at her'

Akash looked at his bhai lost form, his eyes lit with spark and twinkling which he never saw in his eyes before unless he scores top marks in his subjects.

NK getting up 'let us introduce ASR with her'

Aman 'yep lets go'

Akash too stood up with them 'bhai common' Arnav snapped out of his dream world 'what?'

Akash 'yeah common lets go we will introduce you with her'

Arnav 'you know her?'

Akash 'yes she is in our batch'

NK dragged him patting his back 'come man, don't be shy' Arnav retorted 'I'm not shy' NK shrugged his shoulder and moved forward.

La got nervous and squealed saying 'Khushi that guy is coming here'

Khushi 'So?'

La 'oh my he is coming Khushi, what should I do? What will I say? Tell na'

Khushi looked at Lavanya as if she got her screw loose, why does she have to be so excited for a guy approaching her; she never felt any excitement even she looks up at any guy by chance.


Arnav reached to their table along with NK, Akash and Aman. NK 'hey La how are you?'

Khushi rolled her eyes, flirt!!! In one day what will happen to her.......La looking at Arnav 'I'm fine'

Aman and Akash smirked to each other looking at Lavanya lost in Arnav, they nudge NK from behind 'fool introduce them' NK nodding at them.....NK 'La this is my new friend Arnav Singh Raizada and Akash cousin brother' then turning to Arnav 'ASR she is Lavanya Kashyap'

Arnav 'hi!!!'

La 'hi ASR, welcome to our college'

Arnav 'thanks' and he looked at her side, La followed his gaze and smacking her head mentally introduced him to her friend 'ASR she is Khushi, my best friend'

Arnav nodded at her, La snatched the book from Khushi's hand who is glued her all attention to the book, Khushi 'what is it La?'

La brushed off her irritated voice and whispered to her 'Khushi at least say hi to him'

Khushi looked up at Arnav, her heart skipped its beat looking at his handsome face, and his chocolate caramel eyes were like ocean where she found herself drowns in his never ending depth of eyes. Arnav smiling at her 'Hi Khushi, I'm Arnav Singh Raizada'

Khushi coming out of her trance listening to his husky voice stuttered 'Hi...nice to meet you....I'm Khushi Gupta.....' and did which she never did before, forwarded her hand to him for handshake, Arnav looked down at her and then at her, embarrassed of herself she started withdrawing her hands when he slid his hand for hand shake. Both felt electric spark run though their spine, withdrawing their hands hastily they both looked at their friends smiling. Lavanya was looking at Khushi with open mouth, she never saw Khushi do something like that even though giving handshake is not big deal.

Khushi wanting to escape the place 'er...I need to go to library to return the book, so I'll see you guys later'

Before Lavanya could stop her she went away from there taking hold of her book and bag, La turned to everyone 'Khushi will never change'

Aman 'yeah we know how she is?'

NK 'always a book worm'

Akash 'La I don't know how you are her best friend, both of your characters are opposite, she is so serious type and you are all chilled type'

Lavanya 'yeah but she is very nice girl' saying she smiled at Arnav, who in turn smiled at her.

Days started rolling down, Arnav always found himself turning towards the girls desk, he who never let himself falter his concentration on his aims and studies is now looking at the girl all lost in her. Lavanya on the other side always gush about how Arnav is always looking at her and she is weaving the dream of being his lover. Khushi listening to her talks about Arnav feels so low and a dull throb of pain in her heart. She too had noticed him looking over at their desk more than often necessary. She don't know why she never felt so bad when any guy looked at Lavanya before, but today she is feeling sad on seeing Arnav's gaze on her but she knew too well who will look at a girl like her who is plain Jane when Lavanya ever so beautiful girl is beside her. Sighing consoling her heart she always tries to divert her concentration on her studies and mostly avoiding the topic of Arnav, giving excuse whenever Lavanya's talks about Arnav.

Month later, all were in canteen except Arnav and Khushi........NK 'La where is your friend?'

La 'oh she is at library preparing notes'

Aman 'man why she is so serious always'

Akash 'she is exactly like bhai, or to say more worst than him, I had atleast seen bhai smiling but Khushi she is always so serious, even to get a smile from her is very difficult'

La 'hey don't say that, she does smile but not often'

NK 'I've never seen that often'

At Library, Arnav 'hey can I sit over here'

Khushi looked up from her book 'what are you doing here?'

Arnav 'excuse me what will anyone do in library, of course to read'

Khushi 'oh!!! Sorry'

Arnav 'so may I?' Khushi looked up at him raising her eyebrows like what when she rewind his earlier question of him asking to sit beside her, sighing 'of course you can sit, anyway it is not like the seat is reserved'

Arnav sitting beside her 'ah but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable'

Khushi 'why will I be?'

Arnav 'is it so? Then I why always see you running away from the place where I'm'

Khushi looked at her book in silence, Arnav looked over at her titling his head.........Khushi 'it is that.........'

Arnav 'it is what? I've always seen you making excuses whenever I'm around......do you hate me so much that you are not willing to share the same place where I'm? but what have I done to you to hate me?'

Khushi rushed to clear the air off 'no no you are thinking wrong, I don't hate you...why will anyone hate you? You are really nice than any other guy here....it is that...I'm not so good with making friends......I'm not very friendly person in first place......I've always been alone and prefer to be....till now I've only La as my friend'

Arnav 'friends than?' forwarding his hands towards her.....Khushi looked at his hands and then at him....Arnav nodding his head 'will you be my friend? I really want to....'

Khushi placing her hand in his 'friends'

Arnav 'good now you will not run away at my presence, right?'

Khushi smiling little 'no...I'll not'

Arnav 'you look cute when you smile, do smile often'

Khushi 'err....thanks'

Both kept in silence, Khushi started to prepare notes once again, Arnav glanced at her....breaking the silence 'hmmmm what do you think about....'

Khushi 'about?'

Arnav 'er...nothing'

Khushi 'what is it ASR?'

Arnav 'Arnav!!!'

Khushi 'huh?'

Arnav 'call me Arnav, ASR sounds odd from you'

Khushi 'hmmm okay Arnav, now tell me what do you want to know'

Arnav 'what do you think about crush, love.....'

Khushi looked at him, then looking ahead in thought 'I never thought about these things.....for me I had loved only my books, dreams....nothing more....about crush never had one *then thinking in her mind until I saw you*.....' tilting her heads towards Arnav 'what about you?'

Arnav 'Me? Yeah I like a girl'

Khushi's heart sank but she laughed it off 'lucky her? Hmmm'

Arnav 'do you think so?'

Khushi 'yeah you are really good guy and she should be lucky'

Arnav 'but....will she accept me too?'

Khushi 'why will not? Just go and talk with her'

Arnav 'are you serious?'

Khushi 'yeah you should definitely tell her who knows she might like you.....and I know she likes you too....'

Arnav confused 'what? You know? And how?'

Khushi smiling at him 'of course I know......I'm her friend, than how will I not know....she likes you too....'

Arnav 'who?'

Khushi gathering her books she stood up, smiling 'Lavanya'

Arnav stood up shocked 'but.....' before he could get a word out of his mouth when he saw Khushi walking out of library, Khushi as soon as turned away from him blinked back the thin layer of tears formed.

Later that evening, Arnav went to his room they had taken on rent, Akash as soon as he entered 'where were you bhai? I was worried? Even La was asking about you?'

Arnav 'why?'

Akash 'why what bhai?'

Arnav 'why she is asking about me?'

Akash 'oh common bhai, a girl who likes you will obviously ask about you if she sees that you did not turn up to class, waise where were you? You said you will join us in canteen right'

Arnav 'she likes me....'

Akash 'haan bhai you are asking me as if you don't know'

Arnav 'no....'

Akash chuckling 'don't lie now bhai, we all know how you like La and she you'

Arnav 'you too think I like her'

Akash looking at Arnav confused 'what bhai? Why will you not like your Mall girl?'

Arnav 'what? When did I say she is the girl I saw in Mall?'

Akash 'then? Then why were you staring at her on your first day of college? They why were you staring at her always, we always saw you looking at her'

Arnav irritated 'what the!!! Akash, why will I look at her when my girl is in front of me'

Akash 'what? If La is not the mall girl than who is?'

Arnav 'that is what I'm saying when did I say she is the mall girl? She is not......and I'm not looking at her.....'

Akash putting his hand on his shoulder 'bhai relax and tell me who is the girl you like'

Arnav sitting down on the sofa 'Khushi!!!'

Akash looked at his brother open mouth 'what? You like Khushi?' Arnav nodded at him, Akash saying more to himself 'so all these days you were looking at Khushi and we thought you were looking at La'

Arnav 'we?'

Akash 'err I, NK and Aman?'

Arnav 'is that why you guys always push her towards me?'

Akash 'voh we thought to help you'

Arnav sarcastically 'yeah right? You all helped me very well, now Khushi too thinks that I like Lavanya and not her'

Akash slumped down beside 'now what bhai? Confusion his confusion.....everyone thinks you like La.....'

Arnav 'like in hell I like her....can't you people do me a favour of not destroying my life? Forget it, you people already did'

Akash 'bhai we are sorry......we never thought you will like Khushi.....'

Arnav enraged charged on him 'why? Why can't I like Khushi?'

Akash 'it is that she is not your type.......I mean you are so class and modern....but...but she is very traditional in her views and behaviour.....'

Arnav narrowed his eyes 'love does not come around knocking keeping these sense in mind......it just happens....leave it you will not understand until you fall in love with someone'

Akash 'wow bhai you are speaking like Romeo'

Arnav 'yeah only thing is in future it seems because of you people I'm going to lose my Juliet and roam around city like Mad Romeo'

Akash 'no no bhai we will not let that happen.....your Juliet will be with you always...'

Arnav 'for that first we have to make them know that I don't like La in that sense and have to start impressing Khushi...nah she is already impressed since she has qualified me as a good guy better than you all'

Akash raised his eye brows 'unbelievable.....you are better than us....she said to you....when? how?'

Arnav 'today? In library....'

Akash 'so you went to library to meet her'

Arnav sheepishly 'yeah when I was coming to join you people in canteen I noticed Khushi is not there and was disappointed....but then Lavanya said she is library so I changed my path and landed in library to meet with Khushi.....now she has become my friend....one step got closer to her....now the rest have to follow....even before I could make a move to another step I got to know that how she thinks I and Lavanya like each other'

Akash felt bad 'sorry bhai...sorry for the confusion......more over NK had even spilled the bean saying you like Lavanya in front of both girls'

Arnav 'that is why she is avoiding me.......and Lavanya trying to get closer to me? But why?'

Akash bulb lighted 'maybe she feels something for you and to escape the embarrassing situation she is escaping....don't want to feel heart break and cheat on her friend...that is what a true friend will do, right?'

Arnav thinking 'yeah....My Khushi is so sweet.....'

Akash shaked his head like stating in mind 'he is goner'

Then Arnav in a thoughtful manner 'yeah Akash you are right *his eyes wide with realization* this is the reason why she always stays away from me? And may be Lavanya thinks I like her too because of you people and talks with Khushi about me.....may be Khushi thinks that I'm staring at Lavanya when I'm looking at her....Oh no where did I land myself into......I wanted Khushi to like me not Lavanya...what to do now? Hell I don't know what to do? I can't lose her Akash....in these days I've realised one thing that I've fallen in love with her and that too very hard and now she is running away from me......'

Akash 'don't worry bhai we will do something.....time for damage control.....let me call NK and Aman over here'

An hour later, NK exclaimed shouting 'what you like? I mean Love Khushi'

Aman sat stupiefied 'you love Khushi.....the great nerd....can't believe it....'

Arnav scoffed at him 'what is there not believe that I love Khushi'

NK 'it is that a guy handsome and charming like you loves plain Jane'

Arnav huffed 'why is that you people never appreciate simple beauty.....you all run behind the makeup doll rather than natural beauty....and Khushi has her natural charm which your defective eyes can never see....argghh why am I explaining to you in the first place'

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