《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》Pyaar Tum Se Hi!!!


Raizada Mansion was buzzing with excitement, servants running all over the house trying to get everything done asked by their master. The atmosphere lively and lovely, the whole house decorated to welcome the elder grandson of the house after long years.

Devayani Raizada(Daadi) looked at the clock and then at the front door, Manorama (Chachi) swaying herself stood beside Daadi 'Sasuma do not worry, he has gone to get him'

Daadi nodded her head, smiling 'I know but I can't wait to see my grandson.'

Maami 'hold on Sasuma, they are on their way and your wish to see your grandson will be granted soon' Daadi sighed......years before her elder son Amar Raizada has left the house for the Videshi girl with whom he had fallen in love when went on his business to trip to California. There has been disputes between her son and her, she had downright refused to accept a foreign bahu and he was adamant to marry that girl and the rest all know he has left everything behind for that girl and now after years of grudges his son's only son her grandson is coming to meet her and stay with them for few days.

Arnav Singh Raizada, looked at the house, the very same house his father born and lived all his life until he decided to leave everything for his mother....the very same house where his mother was being refused to be accepted.

Manohar (Chacha) putting a hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts 'beta let us go inside'

Arnav nodded at him, he walked along with him towards the door, as soon as the door opened he was greeted by the smile of his grandma....oh he knew well all of them, he don't have to be introduced to them and his relationship with him, his father has always talked to him about them and had shown their photos numerous times.

Daadi looked at him, her eyes filling up seeing Arnav in front of her; Chachi did arthi before inviting him inside. Arnav as soon as came inside touched Daadi's feet overwhelming her, Chachi too was surprised, being brought up in USA he looks like well mannered boy for her.

Daadi smiling, kissing his forehead 'My son has taught you well manners'

Arnav 'Maa....Maa taught me all this....she follows Indian tradition strictly'

Daadi nodded at him stiffly, Arnav sensed the rejection in Daadi's stance even now, but he kept quiet adviced by his mother.

Chacha laughing 'arey why are we standing here' all moved towards the living room, Arnav only then noticed other's presence....a girl of around sixteen smiling at him widely.....Chachi pulling the girl near her 'this is my daughter Mansi Raizada'

Mansi chirped 'Welcome home bhai'

Arnav smiled at her, another girl came and stood near them, his eye brows rose to see the highly modern attire she is wearing, his father has told him about his mother (Daadi) being strictly traditional and here he is seeing the girl wearing short dress which is hugging her body like a second skin.

He looked at her face to see her smirk at him......Chachi 'and she is one of my close relative daughter Lavanya Kashyap.....she is working in Raizada industry with your Chacha'

Arnav nodded at her....Daadi 'Beta you must be tired from the journey, first go freshen up and after having breakfast with us you can take rest'

Not having any choice rather to follow, sighing he agreed with her. Mansi hoping 'I'll escort him to his room'

Arnav smiled at her 'sure'


Both left towards his room allotted for him......Daadi sighed looking at his back, Chachi 'Sasuma what happen?'

Daadi 'he is not so excited to be here with us'

Chacha 'he is visiting and seeing us for the first time, we are new to him, he will adjust in days time and then see how he mingles with us'

Daadi 'I hope so..... he looks like his father'

Chachi 'haan he is like Amar bhai'

Mansi 'bhai I'm so happy to see you here, we will have fun together....don't worry I'll show you around Delhi....this is your first time to India na'

Arnav 'yes'

Mansi grinning 'Then we will have a blast for sure. I'll introduce you to all my friends, they are all so nice'

Mansi is talkative and bubbly in her nature, all innocent and lovely girl.....Arnav liked her nature and was happy to get someone so carefree like her in this new place.

Mansi 'bhai this is your room' Arnav looked around the well furnished and classy room. He is impressed, he looked to the other side of the wall where curtains are hanging, curios on why curtains in one wall and the rest are not he pulled apart them to gasp looking at the small garden with pool.

Mansi 'this one and the adjacent one *pointing opposite* share this private poolside'

Arnav stepped inside the garden, Mansi 'did you like it?'

Arnav 'loved it'

Mansi 'I know right you will love it, that is why I suggested mom to give you this room'

Arnav 'Thank you'

Mansi 'mention not, this is your home bhai, remember' Arnav looked ahead, what should he tell to his little sister? How he disliked the idea of coming here, only because of his mom advising him to visit dad's relative did he agree. Almost after long years his dad has got call from his family asking him to make a visit to them stating Daadi is not well and wish to see him. Dad having the important project going on was in fix; later maa had suggested him to go hearing that Daadi's health is not that worse and beforehand Arnav can visit them and later they will join him. Which he refused bluntly how can he visit the people who did not accept her? His maa has said it will make Dad happy and it did despite of the hurt his family caused him.

Arnav opened his eyes feeling refresh with the little nap he took after his breakfast with the family. Breathing in the chill air coming from the pool side he smiled little. Getting up from the bed he reached the pool only to stand still looking at the scene unfolding before him.

An angelic face, having the smile which put shame to the light, milky white complexion with black mid length hair, with her eyes closed the girl is inhaling the fragrance coming from the rose. He gulped when she opened her eyes looking at the perfectly bloomed rose fondly; beautiful hazel eyes.

Khushi who has been watering the plants had got lost in the new bloomed rose and started admiring them. Sensing the presence of someone beside her, she looked up only to clash with molten chocolate eyes. Not only the eyes are stunningly captivating but the man himself was epitome of Greek God.

Time stood still, they gazed at each other like no tomorrow.....Arnav took in the beautiful creature he had never encountered till date. And Khushi took in the Godly handsome man ever she met.

Flustered with her behavior of checking out a man Khushi lowered her gaze away from him, twisting her finger at the end of her duppata she stood for a minute before running away to her room. Arnav snapped out from his dream state seeing her running away to the adjacent room, he stood looking at the closed door, a second later only to reward at Khushi peeping from behind the curtain. He smiled shaking his head seeing her shying away before closing the curtain again.


A knock came on the door, Arnav looked up to see HP standing outside, HP 'bhaiya Daadi ji asked you to come downstairs for tea, all are waiting for you'

Arnav 'tell them I'm coming' HP left with message......Arnav arrived after five minutes but before he could sit he was dragged by Mansi towards kitchen 'I need you to meet with my best jiji, my best friend'.....stopping inside; she shouted making Arnav's ear drum to split ' Jiji!!!!'

Khushi who was preparing tea turned towards her smiling knowing well the hypher shaitan of the house, but as soon as she saw Arnav her smile froze.....both their heart started beating fast, a new feeling blooming inside them.

Mansi 'Jiji this is Arnav bhaiya, I told na Amar papa's son from USA and bhai this is Khushi jiji' she introduced both of them.

Khushi folding her hands greeted him a shy 'Namasthe!!!' and was rewarded with greeting but also with the bonus of his smile.

Mansi 'Jiji do you need any help?' Khushi nodded her head in no....Mansi 'toh tikka hai, I'm going to join others....come bhai' she again dragged him outside with Arnav looking towards Khushi, Khushi looked down, feeling heat rising her cheek.

Arnav slowly asked 'she is your jiji, means sister. But papa said chacha has only one daughter'

Mansi 'yes, I'm only daughter of Manohar and Manorama Raizada....actually Khushi jiji is Papa's friend daughter....she is living with us from past two years since her parents died in an accident' Arnav even though felt relieved but his heart went out to Khushi, he can never think of his life without his Dad and Mom.

Mansi who never has shortage of topic started blabbering with him which Arnav listened to patiently until his attention caught the same rhythm he heard few minutes ago.

Khushi came with the tray containing tea followed by HP bringing snacks. She served everyone, Arnav's heart took notch seeing her near him, Khushi looked up almost missing the grip on the tray seeing him looking at her with those smoldering eyes.

Arnav whispering 'careful' took the cup, she lowered her eyes bashfully moving to the corner........he took a sip and frowned which did not go unnoticed by others. Daadi 'beta what happen don't you like tea? Is it not good?'

Arnav looking at Khushi 'no no, it is good but I never had one....I prefer black coffee over tea'....how can he say he never like tea at all....it is like as if asking the vegetarian to eat non-veg..... Khushi whose face fell at his reaction first than relaxed, she left the place and came back in another five minutes bringing a cup with her. She forwarded it to Arnav, he looked at her quizzically.....her voice so sweet reached his ear warming his heart 'black coffee'

His eyes lit up seeing her care for his interest; with grateful nod he kept the untouched tea cup on the table and took the coffee from her hand.

On the other hand seeing him drinking the coffee with appreciative smile she felt happy.

It had been week he has come here and his encounter with Khushi is countable only at dining table during breakfast and dinner where he was able to see her, credit goes to her job. She leaves the house by morning and by the time she returns it is evening. He was surprised when Mansi told him her jiji works in a school as hindi teacher when she was a B.E. graduate that too in distinction, reason she loves children and hindi very much. She never looks at him directly in the eye always shies away and he always looks forward to get her one glimpse. The little eye contact he gets's at the dining table she serves breakfast and dinner is all what granted to him and it is more than enough. Other's in the family always looks forward to spend their time with him making him feel home, his chacha, chachi, daadi and not to be left out Lavanya always tries to be with him when she is at home which he always tries to avoid.....but only two people were able to make him feel home, one who came to very dear to him in such short span is Mansi his naughty cousin, always hovers around him when at home calling bhai....and other one is Khushi with her silent gestures of taking care of his likes and dislikes, not that she knows him too well but whatever she does she keeps in mind he likes it and not to be left out as odd one out from the families happiness....her way of trying to make everyone happy even though this is not her own family and not reciprocated the same warm in return she never fails in her responsibilities...the only people who adores and loves her whole heartily is Manohar and Mansi, rest of them is as they are tolerating her for the sake of the promise Manohar has made to his friend........

Coming out of his thoughts he looked towards the gate from the terrace of Raizada Manison and saw the object of his thought coming.....his heart galloped in happiness, another thing he looks forward in a day, the time of her returning home from school, he always comes to terrace to see her come inside, a good chance for him to see her without any hindrance from the family where he could take his fill for five minutes. Even though her face look tired it was enchanting, she is pretty and a serene beauty one could never find.

Arnav watched her coming out of her room, knowing well she will be moving towards kitchen to make evening snacks and beverage for everyone he waited for her to pass by him to reach stair case.

Khushi looked up to see Arnav standing infront of her, her eyes took the surprise to see him almost blocking the way. She stood nervously shifting on her feet, not seeing him move she looked up to find his amused eyes on her.

'I need to go down' Khushi voiced out slowly.

Arnav 'hmmm'

Khushi 'voh....will you please move aside?'

Arnav 'oh yes, please....' He left few space for her, she moved passing him clutching her breathe. Arnav called out to her halting her step 'Khushi!!!'

His husky voice making her shivers 'ji!!!'

Arnav 'I need black coffee now, please' Khushi looked back at him, nodding at him she walked fast not believing her heart anymore, it almost stopped listening to him calling her.

Khushi knocking on his door stood petrified to encounter with him, all fault goes to her treacherous heart which always is behaving violently when he is in front and around her. Arnav 'come in'

She forwarded the tray containing black coffee to him, he taking the cup from her sipped the coffee savoring the taste of it. He looked up to see Khushi turning to leave.... 'Khushi!!!'.....she turned around to look at him. Arnav 'the coffee is tasty and I love it......*looking at her intensely* and the one who....'

His words stopped in between hearing Mansi voice drifting from far calling out to him like always whenever she is back from her high school. Khushi stunned with his words, shivering with the understanding of the unsaid words ran out of his room, in fear of her new feelings and the shyness around Arnav.

Mansi grinned looking at him; Arnav raised his eye brow asking 'What?'

'You like her don't you?' pointing towards Khushi. Arnav looked back at Khushi who is in study room working on the next day notes she is going to take for her students. And from the place they were standing the view to study room is very clear.

Mansi 'don't try to deny it, I can see how your eyes lit up seeing jiji....I know it right, the feeling of seeing the person you like before you'

Being caught by his little sister he blushed little, Mansi 'haye look....look....your cheek is turning red.....are you blushing bhai?'

Arnav looking at her mockingly, twisted her ear 'I see you have knowledge on feelings and all'

Mansi 'ouch bhai leave na....I'm not a child to not know about the feelings.....I do know the feelings boy and girl harbor for each other. I know that much about the feeling of "like" towards a person'

Arnav 'Oh really?'

Mansi 'of course I've seen lot around me how the people behave in love'

Arnav 'and you are one among them in the list'

Mansi 'haww nothing of that sort.....I'll wait for my prince till he arrives, until then no making fool out of myself'

Arnav 'and how will you know?'

Mansi 'like you came to know'

Arnav looked at her for explanation, Mansi 'remember bhai the evening when we were looking at the photos of bade papa, badi maa and your friend in your laptop. Arnav 'so?'

Mansi 'You do remember that everyone was there and daadi asked you who the girl was with you in that photo, that wedding reception wala photo....your friend Rima'

Arnav 'yes!!!'

Mansi 'You have rushed to clear up things and said she is your neighbor and childhood friend, both the families are friends. I had seen how you looked up at jiji to know her reaction.....you feared she will take it wrongly na.....you explained yourself only for her na'

Arnav looked at her amazed, Mansi 'I saw how you relaxed seeing her face where there was no misunderstanding regarding your relation with Rima. And when Papa asked your thoughts about your life partner and is there someone in your life? You said there is none and you are waiting for your soul mate, the way you looked at Khushi jiji while saying all this confirmed my doubt and I know you found her, your life partner'

Arnav raised his eyebrows, a girl in her age understanding feelings to this extent is something new to him, in her age everything is like passing clouds and children in this age misunderstand the feeling of what it meant to be true love, taking their crush to be their love when in real it is just an attraction and infatuation.

Mansi 'I know you are surprised bhai but I grew listening to the story of bade papa's love story from papa. He always narrates me how his bhai loved a girl truly and left everyone for her, he used to tell me all about you people, he had always been in touch with bade papa but never had the courage to go against daadi and come to see you all in USA'

Arnav nodding at her looked towards Khushi, his solace, he feel bad for his mother yet again who always pinned for being accepted by all of them here.

'ASR today is Saturday; shall we go to club tonight? You will enjoy it for sure'......Arnav, Lavanya, Mansi and Chachi the only people who are present in the house at the moment, Daadi has gone to visit her friend who fell sick, Mama in office and sadly Khushi too has school today. Lavnaya and Mansi have leave from the respective office and school, so Arnav is stuck with these ladies. He hates to be in home doing nothing but he could not do much rather than to work from home for his company in USA. And now after lunch when he is working in the lounge he was joined by the ladies.

Arnav looked at Lavanya contemplating how to avoid her, it is not unseen of her attempt in trying to get close to him always but he just not the one who will give in to her.

Arnav 'voh....'

Lavanya 'no ASR, today I'll not hear any excuse like every other time'

He sighed, Mansi giggled at him only to get a stare from him in return. Chachi 'beta go and have fun na'

Mansi 'I too will go with them, and even Nihaal too, he would love it and yes Khushi jiji....she rarely goes out of the house....it will be a new experience for her' ever ready to jump to rescue her bhai, Arnav eyes lit up having the idea of Khushi too will accompany them. God he loves his sister at the time like this, she is a life savior.

Lavanya and Chachiwas not too pleased with the idea but had to agree to it when they stared atMansi who has already started calling Nihaal her best friend and businesspartner's son of Manohar. Arnav smiling left for his room.

Khushi looked around her environment, her hesitation, uneasiness and nervousness displayed clearly on her face. She had never been to club before, being a simple and her beliefs on her morals and traditional she felt out of place.

She watched with eyes popping out seeing Lavanya dancing around like there is no tomorrow, and the way she did not bother to push the guy who is hovering around her.

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