《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》Chori Chori Chupke Chupke!!!!


Anjali hugged her brother tight, shedding tears of happiness to see him back. He, Arnav Singh Raizada pulled her away from him and exclaimed 'Di, I'm not returning from any war that you are shedding your tears so much. I'm just returning from US.'

Anjali thwarting on his arm gently 'you will not understand. I'm seeing you back in flesh after one whole year Chotte'

Arnav 'I know'

He then went over to Nani and touched her feet who hugged him and kissed his forehead. Maami ji hugged him smiling broadly 'My Arnav bitwa is back'

Maama ji 'Welcome back bitwa' with a pat on his back.

Akash hugged him, happy to see his brother back 'Missed you so much'

Gupta's too were there gathered to welcome him. He took blessings from Shashi, Garima, and Buaji. All were happy to see him back. Payal smiled at him timidly saying softly 'Welcome home Arnav ji'

Arnav nodded at her. He then looked at everyone, Anjali seeing this said 'Dad is in office Chotte, he has an important meeting'

He shrugged his shoulder telling he did not expect much from him. He never was the one to show love and care for the family. All he does is work, work, and work from the time his mother has passed away when he was hardly fourteen in an accident.

As they walked further into the house he stopped short looking at the girl before him, no not a girl and grown up beautiful woman. Khushi Gupta.

Khushi Gupta like always looked at him and ran away...........

Garima smiling slightly 'Don't bother about her bitwa'

Anjali 'She is still afraid of you Chotte' all chuckled knowing the story behind the lion and the scared lamb. It is like this from childhood. They are so used to it seeing Khushi running away from Arnav.

Nani 'let us meet on dinner time, till then you go freshen up and rest Chotte. The Long journey would have tired you up' nodding at her he left to his room.

Dinner Time,

The elders of Raizada's even Arjun (Arnav-Anjali's father) and Gupta's, Akash had settled down the chairs around the table, shortly Arnav too joined them after HP's message sent by Anjali.

Anjali and Payal came outside from the kitchen carrying each a vessel of favorite dish made for Arnav, HP helping them to arrange the table. Lastly Khushi came out carrying a two bowls in tray, one big and the other small one.

It was kheer.

She served everyone from big bowl in a cup and lastly from the small bowl she served Arnav his favorite Kheer, sugar free one. He looked at her who averted her eyes away from him.

Nani 'You three too have dinner with us betiya. We will serve ourself'

All settled down, Payal along with Akash, the two love birds (obvious to everyone) sneaking glance at each other. Anjali settled down in her usual seat beside Nani, only seat left for Khushi is beside Arnav. Having no choice she silently sat beside him and started having her dinner after serving herself in a plate.

Arnav stood up having his fill 'I'll be in my room, resting'

Anjali 'but Chotte you did not taste the kheer'

Arnav 'Di I'll have it later, not now' his gaze flickered to Khushi, sighing he left for his room. Khushi raised her gaze and watched him go. He stopped at the first step of the staircase and looked towards the dining room, where she sat, holding her gaze for a minute and then left.

She came inside the room after an hour to see him pacing the length and breadth of the room. She walked over to the low table before the lounge and kept the tray containing a small bowl of kheer. He swirled her to face him holding her arm, twisting the same hand behind her back he pushed her into himself growling 'What took you long to come to me?'


Khushi looked at the fine lines on his forehead creased in frown, his eyes holding anger directed towards her, his stiff posture as he held her in his arms, her arm hurting in his tight grip but the pain she did not feel as much as the pain she felt when he was not here.

As Arnav watched big copious tear rolled one after the other from her beautiful hazel eyes on to her cheek and disappearing below her neck.

He left her arm, cupping her face, upset seeing her tears 'Khushi...Khushi...don't cry' she hugged his arm crying making him feel awful.


Khushi sniffing said in small voice 'I missed you *raising her eyes up to meet his* So much'

He crushed her petite form in his.

Raining kisses on her forehead, each of her eyes, her nose up and down, her both cheeks, jaw where ever he could reach not sparing an inch on her face lastly settled on her lips.

Khushi gasped at the contact of his lips after one and half year. She parted her lips moaning his name snapping the left over control in him, lifting her up, he settled her on his bed not breaking the kiss. Feeling the need to air, he left her lips but not the contact on her skin, his lips kissed her, nibbled her, bit her, caressed her soothing her pain to his heart content. He had missed her so so so so so much....words which could not do justice to his feelings which he poured his feelings with his action. Khushi writhed under him gasping, moaning his name with his lips playing havoc on her.

He moved his hands behind her back to pull the dori, she stiffened and he stopped. Breathing deeply he touched his forehead with hers, like loving her, sending shivers down her spine he called with the ache of need 'Khushi!!!'

Arnav 'You need to leave now. Someone will realize you are missing....and if you stay here for more than a minute I'll not be able to stop'

Khushi blushed but then said 'I'll but....but do have the kheer, I prepared it for you.'

Arnav 'I know and I'll have it. I wanted you to come to me soon. And what good excuse can I make; I know you will come with the kheer if I do not have it. Nothing changed it at all'

Khushi pouted at him for teasing her 'How can I let you escape without tasting my kheer which I had specially made for you'

He kissed her again; her unbound love always moved him.

Khushi got up fixing her clothes properly, smiling at him she turned to leave the room but then stopped 'Oh forgot to tell you, I and Jiji are staying over here tonight. It is weekend, movie night, in case you forgot'

Arnav 'how can I forget these weekends when you feign tiredness, being sleepy and sneak into my room?'

She put her hands on her hip 'I did not; it was because you order and threaten me to come up to your room otherwise you will carry me here'

Arnav 'and today too I'll do the same if you do not come up here by own'

Khushi 'Lad Governor be thankful to God that I'm given separate room otherwise....'

Arnav 'and whose idea it is? Mine, so that you will not have problem to get into my room without getting caught through poolside (private pool connected with Arnav and Guest room) which only mine and your (temporary) room has access to'


Khushi 'haan haan I know how crooked your mind is'

He pulled her in one swift move who landed on him 'but you love this crooked mind guy'

Khushi looking in his eyes 'very much' blowing a kiss in the air towards him which he caught it in his hand she left the room. No one knows their secret love and they don't wish for them to know, till they are ready to reveal it to them. As always Khushi does not stays in place when Arnav is around, all have the notion of she is scared of him because of his anger but only she and Arnav knows, it is not. She does not stay because the love between them is like a fire which cannot be blow out with the help of water and it will come forth in open, and it is no worth to sneak out to meet each other, they love it this way. Without anyone's disturbance which for sure their siblings will be good at, i.e, Kabab mein haddi.

Six years before,

[Both Raizada's and Gupta's houses were in single compound]

Eighteen year Arnav dragged the quivering form of sixteen year old Khushi who is scared out of wits to see him dragging into one of the secluded corner of the garden hidden from other's view.

Blocking her in between him and the large tree he glowered at her 'What the hell was that?'

Khushi, her voice shaky 'What?'

Arnav 'now tell me don't play innocent. Why was he giving you rose?'

Khushi 'I...I don't know'

Arnav 'Don't know? How the hell you don't know before taking that bloody rose from his hand? Don't you know he is proposing you, you idiot'

She gasped her eyes shocked and wide, and his livid. Looking into the open book of her eyes he calmed down little , and wagging a finger before her face, he warned 'Never allow any guy to be your friend, never take any gifts from them, always be professional with them and no personal relationship. If I see you friendly with anyone else other than Akash (simply because he knows Akash is not a threat who is having huge crush on Payal and looks at Khushi as his sister) otherwise they will have to face me. You do remember what happen to Rohan, isn't it?' Khushi shuddered, she had seen it all before her eyes how Arnav had beaten him up like a sack but she did not know Rohan was looking at her with bad eyes when she bend down to pick the pencil with which she was drawing sketches sitting in one corner of the garden along with Payal and Anjali while the boys (Arnav and Akash with his friends) were playing basket ball other side.

He ground out 'Understood?'

Khushi 'huh? But why?' even though she is scared but her curious mind won over her to prop the question only to later regret to see his clouding face.

Bringing his face very close to her and looking in her eyes 'M.I.N.E., because you are Mine, only Mine'

Four years before,

'This is for you!!!'

'For me?' she looked around hoping no one saw them, he had yet again cornered her.

He pulled her chip up to face him 'look at me when I'm talking to you'

Khushi looked at him in fear, Arnav 'till when you are going to run away'

Khushi 'I....I'm not running away from you'

Sarcastic clear visible in his tone 'yeah right, I can see, you do not run away from me. From our childhood to till now you always run away, hide yourself whenever I'm come before you or around you or in the same place as you. Khushi I had told you I'll not hurt you. Why do always get's scared of me? Am I that bad?'

He cupped her face, she looked in his eyes for the first time seeing the softness in the molten chocolate eyes, husky voice filled with love 'I Love you, Khushi. When will you understand this? I'll never hurt you. All I ever wish to see is happiness in your eyes, smile on your face'

Khushi looked down unable to take in what he is saying, Khushi 'you....you shout too much. You always get angry'

Arnav 'have I ever hurt you? I would have got angry or even shouted at you many times only because when I feel you are ignorant to your surrounding or when you don't realize what is happening around you. That is all because I care for you and want you always to be safe.'

She stood quiet, he forwarding his hand 'now take this, your birthday gift'

Taking it tentatively from his hand she opened the gift wrap slowly, Khushi 'mobile!!! You bought me a mobile'

Arnav 'Yes, you don't have one and I had to buy you one.'

Khushi 'kyun?'

Arnav 'Kyun matlab? To talk to you, chat with you in message, what's up, can even Skype with you'

Khushi 'Oh!!!'

He gave her another parcel, Khushi 'What is this?'

Arnav 'The mobile was bought for you long back. Your birthday is nice excuse to give this mobile to you but this is not your actual birthday present. Now open it'

Inside was a beautiful pearl necklace.

Khushi 'Wow!!! It is beautiful' he took the necklace from the case and made her wear it, her breathe hitched seeing him so close, his breathe fanning her. She stepped back, and he let her.

Admiring her in his gift he whispered 'beautiful!!!'

Caressing her cheek he watched her squirm, flushing in his favorite color Red.

Khushi flustering, shuttering 'I..I should go'

Shrugging his shoulder 'Go but keep this necklace safe. Wear it when times come'

Khushi 'When?'

Arnav 'you will come to know it. For now, keep it safe, away from everyone. If anyone ask you what gift I gave, then tell them I've gifted you a mobile'

Khushi confused at him and his words left to join others who were excited discussing about the night party kept for her birthday with Arnav watching her walk away.

Three year before,

Cupping her face 'Khushi, I'll come back soon. It is just two year and I'll visit once in a year during my vacation'

She lowered her eyes, feeling something clench tight inside her chest. She did not know what she feels for him but she knows she feels something for him which she is unable to name it. She will miss his bossiness, his possessiveness, his protective shelter, his care, his love, and his many things.......

Arnav 'you are hearing me, right? Understanding me, right?' she nodded her head at him.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her. He will miss her so much; he is leaving his heart and soul behind him to US, for his Masters.


Anjali's voice called out to him from downstairs, he patting her cheek once again left his room while she left his room through poolside door.

One year before,

Khushi cried, her big fat tears rolling down her cheek, looking at Arnav. Both chatting with each other on Skype.

Arnav 'Khushi....Khushi...don't cry'

Khushi, shaking her head at him lowered her eyes, Arnav 'Khushi!!!!.....Khushi, look at me'

When she did not look at him, Arnav 'Please.....'

Khushi 'you said it is only for two year'

Arnav 'Khushi!!!' he chanted her name pleadingly.

Khushi 'you lied to me'

Arnav 'Khushi!!!!'

Khushi 'don't talk to me....'

Arnav 'Khushi....suno meri baat. I did not wish to stay here, okay. I had to, Dad want me to look after our office here in US branch. I've no choice Khushi. Do you really think I would deliberately stay here when all I wish is to fly back to Delhi, to you?'

Khushi 'I don't know anything'

Arnav 'Khushi, don't be sad. Okay, this year too will pass soon'

Khushi 'Promise, you will come soon'

Arnav 'I promise, only this one year then I'll be back for forever. Now stop crying, give me a smile. I'm having an important meeting. I'll be giving presentation tomorrow. Do you want me to give bad presentation after seeing you crying, your face filled with tears?'

She nodded a No; wiping away her tears from her eyes and face she smiled at him slowly 'All the best'


A month later,

'You are Chotte's friend?'


'I mean Arnav' cleared Anjali, the doubt of the beautiful dimple girl standing before her.

Maami 'hello hi bye bye....Bhat is your name? and how do you know him?'

Lavanya looked at the colorful Maami 'Lavanya Kasyap!!! We studied together in Harvard'

Maami 'Oh!!!'

HP came with a tray containing glass of juice, cups containing tea and plate's of snack and sweets.

Maami 'leo leo Juice, tea....aur snack...ya phir sweets'

La 'No thanks'

Anjali 'Lavanya ji at least have juice'

La 'La is fine, Lavanya ji feels odd'

Anjali 'Okay'


Everyone from Raizada's turned to look at surprised Arnav standing there. He came towards them, his laptop bag in one hand, and other hand holding his coat. Arnav 'You here?'

La 'Surprise!!! I came to visit India *or to say you*. Colorful India about which you talked nonstop'

She hugged him, happy to see him. Maami and Anjali looked at them with their jaw slacked. Maami 'hello hi bye bye inki rapport ko dekhe toh friendship se jyaada lag raha hai'

Anjali gleefully 'Haye it would be lovely Maami ji. They look good together'

Arnav 'Well welcome to India' turning to his Di and Maami 'Di!!! Maami she is Lavanya, my friend. Studied with me in Harvard' it was settled, Lavanya was going to stay in RM.

Seeing their easy banter Anjali's mind started working rapidly, dreaming to see her brother getting on to a horse.

Weeks Later,

Everyone liked Lavanya, she is sweet but still attitude in her place. Anjali was hoping in happiness to see Arnav and Lavanya together, confiding with Nani and Maami she started dreaming for their marriage.

Anjali 'Dad please talk to him na'

Arjun 'Anjali, you are thinking too much. There must be nothing like you are thinking.'

Anjali 'Dad!!!'

Nani 'bitwa what harm it will be to talk to him? They look nice together.'

Arjun 'how can you say he likes her? Did he say anything to you?'

Anjali 'No, but I can see he is comfortable around her and La, she surely likes our Chotte. I can clearly see her feelings for him'

Nani 'and what is wrong in getting them married. Lavanya is nice girl, modern, sophisticated, bilkul humari Chotte ke liye teek hai'

Maami 'hello hi bye bye, Maaf kijiyega bhai sahab but I agree with Maa ji and Anjali betiya. Talk with Arnav'

Anjali 'If you are thinking of talking with him alone then we all can talk to him'

Arjun 'just with your assumption don't take any steps which will hurt them. You are not sure of that girl's feeling. You are not sure of what Arnav wants'

Nani 'I don't know why you are thinking too much on this'

Anjali 'If you want assurance I'll talk to La and know what she feels for Arnav before talking to Arnav'

All are gathered in family room, Arjun looked out of the window while his daughter, mother in law, Manorama, Manohar rounded on Arnav, even Shashi and Garima were present there and sat quiet, they have simply nothing to say like Arjun.

Arnav 'What?'

Anjali 'haan Chotte, we like Lavanya for you.'

Arnav 'What the!!!'

Nani 'She will compliment you well'

Maami 'haan miss tip top is best for you. Very modern, stylish wife and bahuriya'

Everyone turned back when they heard crashing sound. Cups and tray broken into pieces, tea spilled all over the floor.

'Khushi!!!' she turn to run away, but Arnav had seen her tears. Holding her hands before she could run away he called her softly, with his one finger under her chin he made her look up at him.

Her eyes filling like a dam to broke and ready for the water to overflow. She hugged him tight, sniffing. All looked at them with mouth open, shocked.

The girl who ran away from him scared is hugging him tight crying.

Garima, shocked and in feeble voice 'Khushi!!!'

Arnav cupped her cheek, wiping her tears 'bas, nothing is going to happen as you fear'

He turned to his family 'I love Khushi. She loves me. And we want to marry each other'

Various shocked expression and gasping sound can be heard around. Arjun walked over to him 'what did you say?'

Arnav 'I'll marry only Khushi'

Arjun hugged him tight, Shashi and Garima having tears in their eyes. Arnav was shocked at his father's move. Arjun 'you made me happy Chotte, very much'

Arnav looked at his father in surprise to see him call him Chotte after ten years. Exactly ten year with his mom he had lost his father but today....

Arnav 'Dad!!!'

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