《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》Deewangi!!!


Arnav looked back 'what the!!! Why are you following me?'

Khushi 'haww Arnavji don't you know? I love you'

Arnav fumed 'get lost' and left from there, Khushi's heart pinched for a second but then she grinned shouting at his back 'but I love you Raizada'

This is daily day happening in Mount College, Shimla from past one year, Arnav Singh Raizada, the rude aloof angry guy of final year student of Fashion Designing being followed by a cute, beautiful, bubbly girl Khushi Gupta second year student of Fine Arts.

Payal smacked her head from behind 'Khushi why do you always run after him? He is so rude to you. Kya bachpana hai yeh'

Khushi mortified 'my love looks like child play to you'

Payal shaking her head 'no Khushi but he is definitely not interested in you.

Khushi 'but he is not interested in anyone else too, and I'm sure one day he will love me back'

Payal 'I hope you don't get heart break due to all this' Khushi turned deaf ear to her words and left behind Arnav who probably had went to library.

Arnav looked up from his book he is reading, not again he thought groaning inwardly. Khushi 'hey why you are always buried in these books Arnavji? Chill, relax for some time'

Arnav 'what will you take to leave me alone?'

Khushi shaking her head 'not happening in this life time'

Arnav 'tumhe kya lagtha hai roz roz phoolon ki guldhastha aur sugar free chocolates mere ghar bejne se mein tumhe entertain karunga, and then forget it'

Khushi cupping her one cheek on her palms 'haye you look handsome even in your anger'

Arnav growled 'handsome? Are you making fun of me? Listen Miss Gupta...'

Khushi 'Khushi, for you only Khushi, how much my ears are longing to hear my name from you, in your oh so husky voice'

Arnav called for all the patience he could muster up, standing up 'look Gupta, I'm not going to entertain you or will acknowledge these silly things of yours. Please spare me from all this, I've my own priorities set which I've to achieve at any cost'

Khushi 'toh kijiye na achieve, hum toh sirf aapse pyaar kar rahe hain. Pyaar karna guna todi na hai'

Arnav 'Love? Seriously? Do you have any eye problem? If then do check them please? No one will love a handicapped crippled man like me'

Khushi's anger riled up at his words 'don't...don't you dare call yourself crippled man'

Arnav looked at her fuming face, all traces of childishness gone, Khushi 'say whatever you want to me but don't insult yourself warna mujhse bura koi nahiin hoga, samjhe aap' she left with a huff, glaring at him.

Akash came to him, keeping his hand on his shoulder 'bhai?'

Arnav 'Why can't she just leave me alone Akash? She is getting on my nerves day by day'

Akash 'but bhai she loves you'

Arnav 'Love my foot, it is just a passing attraction which will end with time, she just has to understand this....*turning to Akash* I'm leaving for home'

At lunch time, Khushi came inside canteen and searched for Arnav but he was nowhere, Akash was sitting alone so Khushi came running to Akash 'Akash ji where is Arnavji?'

Akash 'bhai went home?'

Khushi 'huh? Went home? He is having classes na'

Akash 'yeh but seems like he have bunked his class'

Khushi 'achha tikkai, thank you' and she started running out, Akash shouted back 'now where are you going?'

Khushi 'to meet Arnavji, bye Akash ji'


Akash ran towards her catching up, pulling her elbow to stop her 'no, you are not going to meet him'

Khushi pouted 'why? I want to meet him'

Akash 'Khushi why don't you leave bhai alone? He is not interested in you'

Khushi 'he will get interested in me Akash ji. You don't worry, I'll handle him.'

Akash 'you are not understanding' Khushi freed her hands away from him 'and I don't want to' she ran off but not before shouting 'don't tell him about I'm coming to meet him'

Akash muttering to himself 'bhai is surely not going to like this'

Arnav opened the door of his flat to get shock, Khushi standing there smiling at him 'Arnavji!!!!' she pushed passing him came inside. Arnav closed the door and turned to her 'what are you doing here?'

Khushi looked all around the flat in awe 'wow this is nice'

Arnav clutched her arms 'Khushi I asked you something, what you are doing here?'

Khushi 'of course to meet you, * looked at him as if he is a dumb* why did you leave the classes half way and came?'

Arnav 'to get some peace'

Khushi 'accha toh let us get some peace'

Arnav 'that is definitely not going to happen in your presence'

Khushi 'Arnav ji I'm hungry, what is there in the house?'

Arnav 'nothing'

Khushi 'haww then what did you had in lunch?'

Arnav 'nothing'

Khushi 'Arnav ji you should not skip your food, wait let me prepare something for us quickly'

Arnav 'that is not needed' but his words were as always unheard by her, she went inside the kitchen after searching it, and started checking the ingredients.

Arnav came inside the kitchen 'what are you doing now?'

Khushi 'I'm making roti, daal, and aloo sabji for us'

Arnav 'I said there is no need of this Khushi, just go from here'

Khushi adamantly 'no, you go, I'll cook our food and call you' Arnav pulling his hair out went to his room banging the door shut. He called Akash who asked sorry for not able to stop Khushi from coming to meet him but Arnav as Arnav vented out his anger on the poor soul, whose ear drum got hurt listening to his bhai's angry words.

Thirty minutes later, Khushi after setting the table for lunch knocked on Arnav's door 'Arnav ji lunch is ready come out. I'm starving'

Arnav shouted from inside 'I'm not hungry, just go from here Khushi'

Khushi 'haww' she went to the dining table, taking a plate piled food in it, and went inside his room who glared at her. Khushi 'don't look at me like that, I'm not scared of that look'

She kept the plate on the table before the couch 'come have your lunch'

Arnav's reached its peak, he yanked her towards him 'what the hell do you want? Why can't you leave me alone?'

Khushi gulped, swallowing 'in this one year did you not understand that I love you and only want your love'

Arnav pulling her dangerously close 'you want my love?'

Khushi nodded her head, Arnav 'then I've a condition'

Khushi 'condition?'

Arnav snarled 'yes condition. Have s** with me' Khushi looked at him wide eye 'what?'

Arnav 'kyun dar gayi.......now where your love gone?' Khushi's eyes filled up, Arnav pushed her away. She could not control herself and ran inside the bathroom crying. He closed his fist tight and gulped closing his eyes angry with himself.

Minutes later door to the bathroom clicked open, Arnav thought to apologize to her and turned around only to be left shocked. Khushi clad only in towel standing before him. His tongue got tied looking at her in this state.


Khushi 'I'm ready Arnav ji' he looked at her shocked, she lifted her hands to untie the knot when he shouting turned his back towards her 'No!!!!'

Khushi 'why Arnav ji? just before few minutes ago you said that you wanted to do 'That' with me'

Arnav 'Khushi!!!...Khushi please just go and put on your cloths'

Khushi 'why are you refusing now Arnav ji?'

Arnav shouted at her, still not facing her 'I said go and put your clothes on'

Khushi jumped back frightened, she rushed inside the bathroom and came out after minute all dressed. Arnav turned towards her, his eyes blazing with fire. He stride towards her and slapped hard 'what do you think you were doing?'

Khushi eyes teared up; no one had slapped her in her entire life. Arnav clutched her shoulder shaking her 'by doing all this, what are you trying to prove Khushi? Haan?'

He pushed her away from him glaring at her, Khushi started crying, Arnav 'leave me alone Khushi, I don't want to see your face ever again' Khushi looked at him wide eye.

Arnav 'I hate you Khushi...did you get that I hate you? I'm begging you leave me alone in peace'

Khushi stunned looked at him; he turned his face away from her, her tears hurting him. Khushi choked 'I...I Love you Arnavji *Arnav closed his eyes*...I always have and always will. I know by coming half naked in front of you, agreeing to have 'IT' with you, you probably must have confirmed me to be a characterless girl na. But I don't regret coming in front of you like that Arnav ji. *Arnav turned to her shocked, Khushi looked at him gulping* my love for you will never see what is right and wrong, it just knows one thing that my heart, body and soul belongs to you, so there is no wrong in showing myself to you. If you had done 'THAT' with me even then I would have not felt bad because for me it would have been pure love. I can never stop loving you Arnav ji, even if I die, because everything of me belongs to you and only you. Don't think that it is a passing cloud phase for me and I'll do this shameful act before anyone else, because I'll not. Only you have the rights on me and no one else, only you have the rights to see me, touch me because for me you are not just my love but in my heart I've started seeing you as my husband. So I don't regret for my act because my husband has full right on me, which is you and this right I'll never give it to anyone. Do you think by asking me something like that I'll assume you a cheap person and my love for you will vanish in thin air, no Arnav ji that is not going to happen in this life time'

Wiping her tears 'I know you hate me so much *gulping* and,...and from now on I'll not bother you. I'll not show you my face but never think that I'll stop loving you'

Khushi turned to go but stopped, she looked at him 'what I don't have in me Arnav ji? tell na. I'll try to overcome it. Or are you...are you still in love with Lavanya? *her heart broke with that thought even more than his painful words* I've always loved you Arnav ji even when you were with Lavanya. You know it hurt me so much when she hurt you but I could not do anything to her. Do you...do you still love her?...why? what is in her that I don't have? Please tell me...if you want I will even do plastic surgery and change my face to Lavanya's if I'll get your love....but please tell me why do you hate me so much.....why don't you love me?....*looking at his stilled form, she burst out in crying* I'm sorry...I bothered you lot....don't worry from now on you will not have to see me....*wiping her tears* but....but *looking at the plate piled with food* have your lunch? Don't take my anger on your food? It is not good for your health....' She ran off from there crying leaving Arnav shocked.

Arnav slumped down on the bed, her every words echoing in his ear but please tell me why do you hate me so much.....why don't you love me?..

Arnav's tear escaped 'I don't...I don't hate you...how can I destroy your life by binding with me' he cried thinking all the time when Khushi used to follow him like lost puppy. His gaze went towards the food she made for him, gulping he stood up and sat on the recliner, taking the plate in his hands, he eat not because he felt hungry because he could not refuse her words. A lone tear escaped again 'I'm sorry Khushi...I'm so sorry.....you did not left me with any other choice'

Arnav Singh Raizada had an accident at the age of his ten, his leg was badly hurt and he became limp in his right leg. His family had taken him to so many doctors but they had said no hope and he has to deal with this limp all his life. Because of his limp he had suffered so much, pity, sympathy, mocking, had been fun object to others and the list goes on. He had become rude, aloof from everyone. No one wanted to befriend him and he never let that concern him, he is okay being alone. His Di Anjali Raizada and brother Akash Raizada was enough for him. Girls would be sniggering at his back but he cared less, he was all fine till he joined the Mount College in Shimla away from his hometown Delhi. In his first year of the college, he had met with Lavanya Kashyap, sweet girl was all he thought, she became his friend gradually when other girls stayed away from him she was the only girl who befriended him. Boys, they never considered him as a human being always keeping a distance as if they are spot with him than their image would be shattered. He and Lavanya had become very good friends and gradually he started falling for her and thought the same from her side too seeing her concern and care for him but the bubble had been lost when he had confessed his feelings and in turn got mocked by her....it was enough blow for him. Till today he could not shake of the words from his mind.

Lavanya 'do you really think I like you in that way? How can you think in that way ASR? I cannot imagine myself with a partner like you who cannot walk properly, I had been friend with you only because you are good at studies and I needed your help in studies. But you thought it to be as my feelings for you. No girl in the right frame will love you ASR. And do you think the hottest girl like me, where the boys in this whole college run behind to have a chance will fall for you. It will never happen in my dreams too, it will be a nightmare ASR. I cannot afford for a dark life.'

He had been shattered listening to her words and it killed him, felt like a fool to think of someone beautiful girl like her would want to be his life partner. He had been dwelling on his sorrow when Khushi confessed her love to him. He was shocked when she told she is following him from past six months discreetly and she loves him. He retailed, shouted at her every time, looked at her as if she is pest but nothing deterred her from approaching him again and again.

His phone started ringing; he attended the call, Anjali 'Chotte!!!'

Arnav 'Di!!!'

Anjali 'Chotte what happen? Why are you sounding upset?'

Arnav 'nothing Di, I'm tired'

Anjali not convinced 'is that girl again? Akash called me that she had come to meet you at home'

Arnav 'yes Di, but now she is gone'

Anjali sighing 'Chotte why don't you give her a chance? Why are you still dwelling on the past?'

Arnav 'she deserves someone better Di'

Anjali 'What about you, Chotte? You too deserve someone better like her'

Arnav 'Di I don't want to talk anything about it, just leave it Di...tell me how are you?'

Anjali 'I'm fine Chotte'

Arnav 'hmmmm'

Anjali 'I called you to inform that our AR grabbed another deal today'

Arnav smiling lightly 'it is good Di, congrats'

Anjali 'I miss you and Akash here Chotte'

Arnav 'I would be returning back to Delhi soon Di, this year is my last. And for Akash it will take another year'

Anjali 'yeah and then I'll handle AR to you both'

Arnav 'no Di, I prefer to handle designing department, you should be AR's Managing Director'

Anjali 'no Chotte'

Arnav 'Di we will talk on this matter later' both the siblings than having a little talk kept the phone.

Next day, as always Arnav got a bouquet of flower of red rose with sugar free chocolate to him delivered by Khushi with a note....Arnav opened the note to read 'sorry Arnav ji....you asked me not to show my face but you did not ask me to not send you these flower's and chocolate, and please don't ask me to stop all this because I know how much these flowers, you being close to plants makes you calm and at peace, but don't worry I'll not show my face....pakka promise.....and I had to tell you something Arnav ji, today you know I got a dream of you, me and our baby playing together...we looked so cute Arnav ji like a happy family'

Arnav sighed keeping the note safe in the pile of notes she send, Akash came inside his room, seeing the flowers and another chocolate box, he spoke out loud 'today again'

Arnav looked at him, Akash sighing 'she loves you bhai, and she will never stop these'

Arnav 'till when Akash, if I'll just not give her any attention than she will stop trying'

Akash shaking his head 'I don't think so, I've never seen someone so crazy for anyone'

As said Khushi never showed up before him, but her notes, her bouquets of flower accompanied with small chocolate box always greets him every morning.

One fine morning, as usual Arnav got his morning greetings from Khushi, but with the note stating different things.... 'Arnav ji today I'm leaving for Lucknow, buaji is not fine, and she wants to see me. I'm leaving for two to three days, hopefully will return back soon. Take care of yourself Arnav ji....I...Love you.....and I'll miss you so much....'

But never the flower send to him stopped, the flowers always greeted him all his mornings, with a note written from your Khushi......

Khushi came back after five days from Lucknow, she started getting ready for college with so much enthusiasm, she will get to see her Arnav ji today...oh how much she missed him. Payal had already left for college; she got ready and left hostel hurrying towards college which is the next building.

Her nostrils taking in the waft of air passing by college, I Love You Arnav ji, Khushi hurried towards library knowing well Arnav will be there, she cannot go in front of him but can see him far, can't she? She giggled at her own thought....she stepped inside and started searching for him in that vast library....soon she spotted him but then looking at the scene in front of her, her smile wiped off, Lavanya is hugging her Arnav ji....means they are back together....swallowing the lump she stepped back from there....and ran off....her college radio boomed just then announcing......Lavanya Kashyap proposed Arnav Singh Raizada, and we will get to see the pair official soon....her heart lurched listening to it.....Khushi gulped her tears....she ran and ran not wanting to attend the class, half way through she collided with Akash....who steadied her....she looked up at him to apologise, her tears at bay, choking words came past her lump throats 'I'm sorry'.....she ran away from there even without hearing what he have to say.

Words filling her ears as she ran passed everyone 'Oh my Lavanya Kashyap is back and she proposed ASR'

Another 'ASR will surely accept her, you know right he was crazy for her'

First one 'yeah, always follows her everywhere Lavanya...Lavanya....Lavanya...' everyone laughed around....Khushi could not take it around and hid herself in her secret hide out, crying furiously.

Principal looked at the girl before him 'you want to discontinue here?' he could not believe one of the best student of the college want to discontinue her studies.

Khushi nodded 'yes, my family wants me to come back'

Principal 'but...'

Khushi 'I'm sorry sir but I had to leave this college'

Principal 'okay!!!'

Khushi 'sir one request, I don't want anyone to know I'm discontinuing here'

Principal looked at her confused, Khushi 'I can't explain to everyone here' Principal nodded at her, Khushi 'I'll complete my formalities to get my certificates today itself, decided to leave back today itself, because of emergency issues'

Principal 'okay!!!' Principal could not do anything other than sighing to loss a best student, who had got into this college with her 100 percent scholarship.

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