《Princess Of The Underworld》09| Making & Using Friends


I stood at Mal's locker with her, she had just finished putting her infamous "Long Live Evil" tag over it.

"So, do you have a plan?" I asked the girl as she flicked through the pages of her spell-book.

Mal only hummed, "I do. And we don't have to do any of the work." I raised my eyebrow, curious as to what were we going to pull off, "We just to need to persuade someone else to do it."

My attention was diverted to Mal as I noticed Ben walking up to us, "Hey." He said to me.

I looked at him, a smirk on my face, "Hi."

Mal only nodded in acknowledgment as she closed her locker, Ben looked at the tag on it.

"You should really think about taking this off you locker and into art class, I could sign you up?" He offered, I exchanged a glance with Mal.

"Way to take the fun out if." Mal snickered.

I watched as Jane walked past us, squeaking a little and running into the bathroom.

I felt Mal slip away as Ben started a conversation with me, "What about you, Hadey? Any clubs or classes you would like to try?"

My eyes glanced at the bathroom door, where Mal and Jane both resided, "I don't really do clubs," I glanced at the boy in front of me as I took a step back from him and towards the restroom, "or classes."

I then turned away and marched into the bathroom where I found Mal with her spell-book out and Jane in front of her.

Mal read from the book, "Beware, foreswear, replace the old with new hair." I then watched as Jane ducked only to pop up again with long, curly hair.


Jane turned to the mirror shocked, it certainly did look better, "Much better," I told her, placing a hand on her shoulder, she tensed, then relaxed after a second, "Do you like it?"

She nodded quickly, her hair bouncing as she turned to face Mal, "Do my nose!"

Mal held the spell-book just out of Jane's reach, "Oh, sorry, can't. I can only do a small amount of magic, not like your mom. A flick of her pretty little wand and you could look however you wanted."

"She doesn't use the wand anymore." Jane explained, mindlessly playing with her new hair, "She says magic is in the books, and not the spell books, the regular ones, like history and stuff."

"Strange." I hummed, Jane looked at me, "You'd think that The Fairy Godmother would do anything for you, magic or not. It's the least she can do for you, since you're such a great daughter and all."

Mal nodded, leaning against the wall, "Yeah, Jane. You're great. You're very involved in school clubs-"

"You're super nice." I added in, "Being our friend and all that."

"Straight A's?" Mal question, Jane only blushed, looking at the ground.

"I got a B plus in Castle Architecture." She admitted.

Mal only shrugged, "Close enough. Don't you think she would do this one thing for you?"

I nodded as I led Jane over the mirror, "Just one flick of the wand is all it takes. It can't be that hard."

"You know, she did magic on Cinderella, not even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?" Mal asked with fake innocence.

"Well, of course she does." Jane said, "It's just, tough love. Work on the inside, not on the outside. That sort of thing." She frowned, playing with the end of her dress.


"That's the one!" I exclaimed startling Jane as I pointed to her sad expression, "That's the face! Use that on your mom!"

"Do you really think it would work?" Jane asked, full of hope.

I nodded, "Yeah, that's all Cinderella did and then your mom did her magic. Surely she'll do it for you, right?"

The girl nodded, "Right!"

"And, hey!" Mal told the girl, "If your mom does get out the wand, invite us?"

Jane smiled, "If I can convince my mom, you'll be there!"

"Yay!" Mal and I fake giggled, I even did the little jumpy thing.

"Bye!" Jane smiled as she left.

"Buh-bye!" I waved, dropping the smile and turning to Mal as soon as she was gone. "That went well."

Mal smirked at me as she picked up her bag, "Now, we just sit back and wait."

Step one, complete.

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