《The Underworld ✓》🔥 II 🔥
"Don't start a fire if you can't handle the heat"
She waits patiently for the sun to touch the wooden wall, signaling that the day she has been waiting for since last year has come. A smile is on her rose-red lips, and the excitement in her eyes doesn't go past anyone. The girl, Arabella, lies on an old, wooden bed that has a few blankets over it and one pillow. All in white, but, over time the color has become more like yellow.
At last, her tired eyes, come to see the rays from the sun as they lightly grace the wall. She wastes no time to get up and still in her undergarments, she runs out of her bedroom. Not minding the noise she makes. The day she has been longing for is finally here and she doesn't want to waste a second of it. She runs to the main room of her little house and sitting on the sofa, are her two favorite people. Her brothers, her saviors, her family. The twins, Grayson and Jaxon.
"There she is" Grayson, the older twin says, as both of them stand up. The three of them join together in a hug, a thing that is well-known in this family and no one misses an opportunity to hug when they need it. "Happy birthday, dear sister" They say in unison, as they are used to do. "Thank you" Arabella tells them and giggles. She sits down on the sofa, in the middle. While her two brothers sit on either side of her. On the small wooden table in front of the sofa, are two presents. "Which one do you want to open first?" Jaxon asks her, wanting her to pick his.
"That one" She says and reaches to take the one left of her, which is from the younger twin, who is just happy that his gift was picked first. The two brothers are very competitive and when it comes to their little sister, all they do is compete to win her love and be the best brother that she know. Of course, she thinks that both her older brothers are equally the best brothers that she knows and she loves them equally. But, she can't deny that it's not entertaining to watch them bicker and argue of who's the best.
The present in her hands is just a small, and simple wooden box that is no bigger than her fist. The wood is decorated with hand-cravings that her brother made himself, as he's found passion in wood cutting and loves nothing more than creating something with a knife and a plank of wood. Without opening the box, she looks at the carvings. By first glance, you might believe it to be just a bunch of nonsense, but looking closer, you start to see the beautiful image that these carving contain.
On the lid of the box is a carving into the wood is a small baby wrapped around in a blanket. And on side of the box are images of person from infant to child to teenager. As a sign that Arabella is now a teenager and is soon to be wed to someone, as much as that pains the two brothers. To give up their only sister, to a man they barely know. Under the box, her name is carved into the wood and around it, small hearts and other fancy decorations that make it look beautiful.
Her eyes soak in every single detail of the carvings and each one of them is beautiful in her eyes and though they might not be perfect and not professionally done, but she can feel the love that her brother put into it. Slowly and gently, she lifts the lid of the wooden box and her eyes widen with surprise and wonder when she sees what's inside the box. Through all the hay, she picks it up, still being careful, for she knows exactly what it is and doesn't want it to be ruined by her little hands.
It's a necklace with a silver chain and a silver heart charm, with her name written on it. Though, the necklace was not made for her, but for the one she's named after, her grandmother. The necklace did indeed belong to her. She breaks out in happy tears and hugs her brother. "Thank you so much, this is so beautiful" She whispers and kisses his cheek. "I'll help you put it on" He says and Grayson helps her remove her hair so Jaxon can put the necklace on. As soon as the silver touches her delicate skin, shivers run down her spine from the cold metal.
"Now open my present, before you jump around and celebrate" Grayson speaks, with a chuckle by his younger brother, who's happy to see the necklaces of their grandmother on the girl that they love with their whole hearts. Wiping away her tears, she picks up the box that the oldest one gave her. However, that one doesn't have hand made carving, or any decorated pieces on it. However, it is heavier in weight and a bit bigger than the one that she got from Jaxon. She lifts the box and inside is a blanket.
White and hand knitted blanket with her name sowed into it with yellow thread. The blanket that their mother had made for her, but never got the chance to give it to her, personally. Her brother wrapped her in the blanket the night that they fled their birth place. The horrors that they had seen was enough to send them running and they thank the lord every day for not taking the life of their baby sister that night. She picks up the blanket and inside there's something hidden. Carefully she unfolds the blanket, to reveal what her brother had put inside.
In the blanket is a silver hairbrush. It's truly beautiful, patters of swirls decorate the silver on the handle and it looks perfect. She hugs her brother. "Thank you, I love it, it's pretty. Thank both of you" She says, happily and exited. The day has only started and it's already the perfect day that she had hoped it would be and she has everything, not just the gifts but her brothers. The ones that have always cared for her and guided her through everything, she truly is grateful to have such amazing brother by her side, and nothing on this earth can maker her happier.
"Now, get dressed. We're going to the village" Grayson says, noticing that she is still in her undergarments, the see through white dress that she wears. Over the years, she hated wearing dresses, they are made so women are unable to breathe and she loves breathing in the fresh air. Jumping up from the old sofa, she return to her room, to change her clothing. Opening her wardrobe, that has the few dresses that she owns and finding the one that she wants to wear for her special day. Taking it from her wardrobe she dresses herself into the dress.
The dress is pale blue and has a boat neckline and hugs her flat stomach. From the waist, it goes down to her ankles and goes a little out. The dress doesn't have any special to it, it's rather simple and that is exactly what drew Arabella to it, she doesn't notice the rich and fancy dresses when shopping, rather the more simpler ones catch her eye. She isn't much for the over the top things, and they don't have enough money to buy everything, like she has seen many girls from the village do.
Around her neck she has the necklace and wears it with pride. Using the brush that she got from her oldest brother, she attempts to brush her hair. Her fire colored hair always gets tangled, not matter how much she brushes over it or tries to have it in a braid. Her thick bangs that flow down to her back, looks longer when she has brushed it. The brush is better than her old one and perhaps that is why she was given a new one. Her old brush was so old that it barely managed to brush her hair completely.
Looking in the old and a little cracked mirror, on the side of her small desk, she looks at herself and sees a girl with gleaming eyes and finally straight hair, though it won't be long until her hair starts to get tangled and her bangs swirling into semi-curls. She sees a beautiful girl standing in the mirror and in one year time, she will become a woman and hopefully married. At the age of fifteen, suitors come asking girls for their hands, and if wealth enough, their fathers allow their daughters to marry them. In her case, her brothers will decide.
The thought alone worries her gravely, her brothers will most likely turn down every suitor that will ask for her hand in marriage. She picks black Mary Jane heels to wear, it doesn't exactly match the dress, but it is the only heels she has. The other shoes she owns are riding boots which she also uses for winter and her summer shoes that are more open than all the other ones. Happy with the way that she looks, she goes back to her brothers, who are waiting by the front door of the house. They know that living with a girl, the price of waiting is what they have to pay. But, in the end she always looks amazing.
"Arabella, you look stunning, as always" Grayson says, as he notices his sister come from her room. In his eyes, she truly is beautiful and sometimes he can see their mother in her, as she does resemble her. Though, it has been fifteen years since he saw her face. "Thank you, you are ever so kind" She says with a smile on her face. The thee of them exit the house and go to the stables. Two horses stand there, for the stables that they own is small and no more than two horses can fit there. Arabella goes on a white horse, and Grayson goes on the same horse with her. While Jaxon goes on a brown horse. They all ride to the village.
Unknown to all of them, the door of their house opens and a hooded figure walks inside. Walking past the fireplace, a roaring fire starts. But, as it lights up, it quiets down a bit. The hooded figure stalks towards the bedroom that belongs to Arabella. Taking the hood off, the figure reveals itself to be a man. The door flies open and he walks inside. He looks around the room and takes in every detail of it.
He goes to her bed and sits on it, thinking to himself that this bed is not comfortable and not suitable for his future Queen. Opening her wardrobe, he takes a look at the dresses that she owns and again those are not suitable for her. Everything in her room is either broken or cheap and is not good for her. He leaves her room, but before he does that, he puts his gift on the bed for her to open when she returns.
And the man leaves the house, but the fire does not go out. He leaves the house, with no trace that he was ever there, except for the fire that is burning in the fireplace and the candles that have been lit up and the gift that he left for Arabella. Though, she might not know him, he knows her. And, he has been watching over her, since her birth and he kept her out of harm and protected. His trusted demons slept near the house, to keep predators away and enemies of his Queen slaughtered or brought to him to be slaughtered or tortured for pleasure.
By the time that Arabella and her brothers returned from the village, the evening was soon to come. They spent the entire day in the village. Having fun. Shopping and looking at things that they can only dream of having, and joked amongst themselves. It might not have been a lot, but to Arabella, this day had been perfect and she's grateful that she got to share her joy with her brothers. As they rode home, she watches the sunset happen before her eyes and was amazed by the beauty that it holds, and the stars that soon came to the sky was magical and each star sparkled with beauty.
"Carry me... Please?" She asks her brother when they're at the stables and he has gotten off the horse. Her legs are killing her, from all that walking and running that she did. She's sure that her feet are bruised, for they are aching and all she wants to do is take a bath to relax. But, then again, her body is also tired and doesn't want to do anything but sleep on her bed. She did after all not sleep much the previous night, the excitement in her body didn't allow her to sleep.
"If I go down, I might fall" She says, trying desperately to hide her smile, but failing terribly. "Fine, only for I love you" Grayson answers and helps her off the horse, and carries her bridal style inside the house. Jaxon giving the horses food and water and putting them in the staples, allowing them to rest, after the journey that they have had. The village is a bit far and can be tiring for the horses to go that far. They go inside the house, expecting it to be dark and cold, for they have been gone for the whole day.
But, they find is well lit up and warm. All candles are lit up and the fire burning well. Fire is also in the fireplace and crackles nicely. The three siblings are rather confused and setting his sister down, Grayson takes his sword and goes to see if there is anyone in the house, someone unwanted. Jaxon also has his sword in hand, but he looks on the outside of their small house to see the intruders, but the twins find no one. Arabella, with no weapon, stays by the door, unsure of what she can do.
She knows no fighting skills and has no weapons on her, even if there was an unwanted guest in the house that were trying to escape, she could not stop them. "There's no one. We're safe" Grayson speaks from his room, after he has gone into every single room and searched every place that someone can hide in, but finds no one. By the look on Jaxon's face, he knows that his brother saw no one outside. At least the siblings are safe and are not in danger. They just continue with their night, forgetting that this happened, as nothing appeared to be stolen or missing from the house.
"Good night" She says, and kisses her brothers good night. "Rest well, sister" Jaxon tells her. While Arabella went to her room and retire for the night, the two brothers, stayed awake. Both of them, in the main room, where you'd have to go if you were to go into any room of the house and exit it. Somehow, they knew that there was still someone in the house, yet could not find sign on anyone but them and their little sister. But, they could not risk the safety of Arabella.
She, however entered her room and right away she stripped off her dress and set it aside, to be washed later. In her undergarments, she goes around her room to blow out the candles that hold the only light in her room, for the sun is gone and only darkness remains outside. But, as she walks around her tiny bedroom, she notices something on her bed, something that she did not see before, and has never seen it in her life. She certainly did not put it there, or had anything to do with it.
On her bed, is a box. Made out of crystal. Just the outside is beautiful and she can not understand how it got there. But, she picks it up. She's careful to not drop it, and is afraid to even hold it. Afraid that she might break it or ruin it, for she's not used to having things that are this beautiful. And, if this were made out of crystal or diamond material then it must've cost a fortune and she knows no one who own such money. Even in the village, the richest person who could not afford anything like this.
The lid of the box has golden outline and it looks like it has been hand painted, with gold paint. Not many can afford that. She's careful to open the box, the lid has a handle that looks like the new types of door knobs, something new that people are getting. It's round and smooth, yet made out of the same material as the box. As she looks down into the crystal box, her arctic blue eyes widen with surprise and shock, for she can not believe what her eyes are witnessing. For a moment, she thinks that it's all a trick and this isn't real, but then reality kicks in and she knows that this is far too real to be fake.
Inside the box is a small flame, floating, but still doesn't move out of the box. It's burning flame dances and it doesn't even have a source, it's just there. And burning quite beautifully. The flame is small, yet holds so much beauty. It lights up half the room, as the other half is lit up by the candles, but if they were out, then the whole room would be perfectly lit up, only by this small flame, in the box. Setting the box down on her bed, Arabella, reaches her hand out to touch the flame.
The red-haired girl feels compelled to touch the fire in the crystal box and her hand moves without her brain saying so. Her index finger lightly graces the flame and to her surprise, she did not feel pain, nor did she get burned. The fire is so calm and her eyes can't help but look at it and wonder how such pretty thing on earth is dangerous, to her, it doesn't seem like any threat. She sets both her hands into the flame and allows it play around her fingers and palms.
Every cell in her body is screaming at her that this is wrong that this is witchcraft and she should not be doing this, yet here she is, with her hands in a flaming fire. She closes her eyes and allows her fingers to be in there, she feels safe and well protected. Like nothing on this earth can harm her. And, for a moment, she felt so relaxed that she wanted to sleep. The fire is making her stronger, not only mentally but also physically. Arabella opens her eyes when she feels something strange happening to her.
Looking down at her hands, she notices that up her fingers and hands and wrists and all the way up to her elbows and forearms, her veins are glowing. Her gaze turn to the flame and it's getting smaller, traveling to her hands, and through her body. She can't deny that this feeling isn't good, she feels wonderful and her whole body feels stronger and better. As more and more her body absorbs the fire, the more tired she becomes and even though her body feels stronger, it takes a toll to mess around with things like this.
Her eyes grow heavy and she can't keep them open for any longer. Closing them she nods of into the dreamworld. The fire in the box is gone, it has been absorbed into her body and became one with her. What she does not know, that in the cracked mirror on her desk, a man sitting on his throne, in his kingdom, watched the whole thing happened, with a smile on his face. "Soon, my love. Soon you'll be by my side" He whispers and watches the unconscious girl sleep in her bedroom. The candles gone out, for now she plays with magic.
Arabella is a fifteen-year-old girl and her life has been written for her, before she was even born and soon she will fulfill her destiny. This night is the night that sealed her fate and her life has been changed forever, nothing can be taken back. For what was given cannot be returned. And the girl that she was will never be again, for there is something special in store for her and the man will wait eager for her to rule by his side. Arabella is the future Queen of hell and nothing on this earth will ever change that.
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