《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆¹¹· guy ⛥·˚
⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗
┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ¹¹· guy ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ
a/n: who reacted the emojis are written in the comments. but always remember that 💗 is y/n.
what does pwp means?
the server's name?
oh my name changed
i changed it uwu
it means people with power
isn't it funny? 😂
ew vox wtf
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
they really hate it whenever i use that emoji
🌵1 🌝1
guess where we are rn!!!!
oh uhm
you're all together?
you didn't invite me? ☹️
😟2 😭1 😞1
🤰1 🤱1
😠1 😰1
i'm just kidding 😗
i'm not at home today actually
i'm at a café!
😯2 💛1
ooohhh that looks goooood
eeeeyyy where's that
the pie looks good
who are you with?
╭─ who are you with?
same question
is that your cousin
╭─ is that your cousin
eeeh nooo 😆
it's shoto
😯1 🥔1 🤯1 🧑🎄1 🐶1
he went to our house and was supposed to invite me and my mom to a coffee shop
😯2 🛸1
but mom's at work even at saturdays so it's just the two of us
🪴1 🤺1
why are you reacting like that
guys reply 😰
we're gonna get sushi later
👹1 💨1 🤹1
would you guys like anything?
no ☹️
but can we also hang out like that tomorrow? i want to have a food trip with you 😞
i'll make you drink milo
oh yes
you guys can go over to my apartment and we can order foods and drinks
i'll make caviar toast for everyone!
😦2 🤗1
ike just said he isn't coming
let's go out tomorrow with y/n then?
it'll be like our first date with her
are you down for it y/n?
oh! we can go to the food court downtown! it only opens every sunday
they have tons of different foods
have you been there?
no :3
😭1 🥺2
but my mom bought me a cotton candy ice cream from there one time
that sounds disgustingly sweet
that's final right? tomorrow at the food court downtown
where do we meet and what time?
hmmm maybe we could eat our lunch there
💖2 👣2 👅1
so 11:30 we meet at the station near the school?
💖2 🧠1 🫂2
sounds lovely
yeah i'm good with that
yeah, then we can walk around after we eat
so where are you guys rn?
we're at a library
wait ike is it okay if we say it to y/n?
ike is literally standing right in front of you, luca
🅻1 🅼1 🅰1 🅾1
y/n we're at an archivist's library
╭─ y/n we're at an archivist's library
but isn't that a private space?
ike has the ability to travel from present to future and vice versa
but he can't travel back to the past for some reasons.
oooh i see i see
why are you in an archivist? and in the future?
😦1 ❓2
LOL where do we even start
i went to the future to visit a friend
he's gone (?)
and robots started chasing us
then we went to an archivist's library to escape
also to see ike's past works
then we saw an exorcism book
vox, mysta's gone btw
😆1 👹1
lmao let him be
let's leave him later
oooohhh :°
robots 😰😰😰
╭─ robots 😰😰😰
i know right 😰😰😰😰
bye now! we're going to the mall
take care y/n
say hi to shoto for us
yup! shoto says hello too!
oh and he just told me to say 'that word mysta always say' to vox
fuck me?
fuck you?
i'm sorry
😆2 😰2
oh god
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
✞︎ "shoto, we'll be going to the foodcourt tomorrow downtown." y/n said after she hid her phone. "would you like to come with us?"
"who's we?" shoto asked.
"the whole occult club!"
"wow." shoto mumbled and chuckled after he saw y/n's face.
"hmm? what's the wow for?"
"nothing." shoto said. "it's just your expression when you said the whole occult club."
"your face was lightened up and your eyes were twinkling like... all the stars in the world just went there." shoto said.
y/n just blinked at him. her pure reaction just made him chuckle at his ridiculous self.
"it's just that you look... really happy and fulfilled." shoto said.
"yes! i revived the club again with new members, and nothing is going against its way because of you too!" y/n beamed. "i'm really thankful and happy to have you guys in my life. you're all the answer to my prayers."
shoto was right. y/n's face was lightened up. and her eyes were filled with twinkles from all the stars in the universe. her look was ethereal.
"i'm thankful to have you in my life too." shoto whispered.
"speaking of which, i heard you got a new club advisor?"
"yup. oliver-sensei."
"yes, the exchange professor from states." shoto said. "nice nice. you're doing well as the president of the club."
"yeah! so... are you coming tomorrow with us? so i can inform the others right away!"
"nah. i'll be busy tomorrow. and besides, that hang out is going to be exclusively for occult members only. i can't be there too." he said. "and it's their turn with you to be fair, i guess." he then mumbled.
"okay then." y/n said when her phone started ringing.
incoming call... mama
"hello, mama?"
[daughter! how are you?]
"did you really just call me for that?" y/n asked. it may sound sarcastic, but it was a genuine question.
and her mother took it personally.
[what do you mean, you ungrateful child?! i'm just asking how you are because you're alone again on saturday and you might've missed me!]
"hi aunt sena!"
[oh! hi shoto, my good boy~ you're with our y/n at the moment?]
"yes, aunt sena!" shoto chirped. "i went to your house earlier this morning to actually invite both you and y/n for breakfast, but you weren't there so i took y/n instead."
[aww, shoto that's so sweet...]
"don't flatter me now, aunt sena. you told me to treat you guys as my real family, and who doesn't take their family out, right?"
[aaackkk! shoto, i'll adopt you!]
"i still have parents though..." shoto said while scratching his head.
[oh... well, y/n, what are you waiting for?! become his girlfriend and marry him so he'll be my son!]
"what?!" the two exclaimed.
"oooookay! okay! bye, mama!"
[wait! y/n, my dear, seriously. how are you?]
"i'm good, mama. i wasn't bored because shoto took me out. i'm fine." y/n answered.
[okay. maybe i'll stop working during saturdays starting next week... have you bought a new phone?]
"yep! i could message my friends with a new app too!" y/n happily said.
[sigh. my daughter is so fucking precious... do you need anything else? new shoes? new clothes? NAME IT RIGHT AWAY!]
"uhm... let me think." y/n said. "i'll need... money for tomorrow, mama. i'm going out with my friends tomorrow."
[oooh... okay! mama will work harder!]
"thank you for your hard work, mama~"
[it's all for you, you know...]
"of course i know~" y/n said and gave shoto an apologetic look. but he just smiled, telling her it's alright to take her time.
[oh! and y/n, my sweetheart, i received a mail earlier saying that your dad is returning soon.]
"w-what?! why did you only tell me that just now?!" y/n exclaimed. "gee, mama!"
fortunately, y/n's dad is alive, unlike any other main character. he's just working for the civil state affairs, so he's far away from home.
don't get any ideas. he's just a public servant. i'm watching you.
[*laughs* he said he'll be home next week saturday. now, i should end the call so you and shoto can spend more time, okay? take care, you two!]
"yes mama, you too!"
"take care, aunt sena!"
[aaaaah i love you guys!]
y/n immediately ended the call in embarrassment. shoto just chuckled before he invited y/n to go to the mall.
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
✞︎ "ayo? what the f*** is this?" mysta mumbled.
he was the last one to arrive at the station, except for y/n. and right now he's looking at four men who have the most eye-catching drip in here.
vox is wearing a light brown flannel and brown pants.
luca is wearing a simple oversized t-shirt and black shorts.
shu is wearing a navy blue vest over his light blue top.
and ike is wearing a sky blue flannel with a white shirt under it.
what is this?! i just wore a hoodie with house clothes underneath?! mysta yelled in his mind.
sure, everyone looks like they're just wearing normal clothes, but they effortlessly made it look like they're modeling or something.
"oh hey, mysta. nice outfit." vox first noticed him.
"thanks... it's the third time i wore it this week." mysta mumbled, making his friends chuckle at him.
the five immediately perked their eyes up to the woman with the familiar voice. and there they saw their beloved lady.
leto y/n, wearing denim pants and a white shirt under her pink knitted sweater. (or whatever you wanna wear, but this is leto y/n's canon outfit for today)
"did i keep everyone waiting?" she asked while catching her breath.
"nope. we were just early." ike said.
"yeah! we're so excited that we all got here before the meeting time." luca also said. "by the way, y/n. you look good!"
"yeah! especially in that outfit. love the drip." shu said and winked at her.
"you're so cute and pretty, y/n." vox cried. "c'mere and lemme pinch those cute chubby cheeks~"
"gross! you sound like an old man wooing a baby meaningfully!" mysta complained.
"shut up, boy!"
"thank you." y/n shyly said. "y-you guys look good too. it's the first time i've seen you all dressed up. and it's also the first time i'm going out with you all." she said and bowed.
"please take care of me."
the five also bowed.
"now! off to the food court!" mysta exclaimed after immediately wrapping his arm around y/n's arm.
luca frowned. mysta knew the retriever was going after y/n's arm, so he took it first.
"ah! i got my new phone." y/n happily said while waving her phone at the boys.
"eeeeyy you can take pictures now." shu said. "ah! shall we take our first picture while walking to the foodcourt?"
"a selfie? is this right?" y/n asked while holding her phone in the air.
"yup! way to go!"
"you can do it, y/n!"
"smile everyone!"
"cheddar cheese pringlessss!"
the six of them smiled at the camera. shu beside mysta who standing behind y/n, and ike in between vox and luca. their smiles were different from each other, yet they all say the exact same meaning.
they're happy and contented.
"waaaah... it's so good." y/n mumbled while staring at the picture. "i-i look really pretty here though."
"but you always do, though?" vox said as they all peek behind the lady.
y/n immediately glanced at vox with the most confucked and flushed face, making everyone laugh.
"stop teasing me, guys." y/n sighed.
"vox was telling the truth. you're very pretty, y/n." ike said.
"t-thank you. you guys say that often now..."
"do you want us to keep lying?" shu also added.
y/n looked away with her cheeks heating up. "w-whatever. i meant to say that the phone is good at capturing photos." she mumbled and walked away.
"ah, y/n. we could take photos of you too if you'd like." ike said. "or you could take selfies on your own. for a profile pic or some sort."
"n-no way. i'd faint if you take a picture of me in public." y/n immediately said with her face turning purple.
thee five just glanced at each other before smirking, all of them thinking of the same thing.
"whatever you say." mysta said and shrugged. "okay, let's go!"
"should we eat lunch first?" shu asked.
"yeah i think so." the others said.
"oh! there's a korean restaurant near the foodcourt. would you guys like to have korean barbeque for lunch?" y/n chirped.
"oooohh korean barbeque! i looove barbeque!" luca beamed.
"me too! i want it too!" mysta excitedly said.
"oh god. today's greasy food day, i could feel it." ike whispered in remorse. "whatever. i haven't tried it anyways." vox who heard it just chuckled.
"get your calculator ready because we're gonna compute a lot today." mysta then said.
"why do we need a calculator? shu's literally standing beside you." luca said as he and mysta laughed.
"i'm not a genius that can immediately answer an equation, guys..." shu sweatdropped.
"oh really? then what's 1,367,883,656 x 0?" vox asked.
"uhm... 0?"
"see! smart boy!"
"how did you do that?! woooow!"
"oh god... luca..."
after a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at the korean restaurant y/n was talking about. just outside the street were bustling people. seems like the foodcourt really is just nearby.
the five of them ordered with shu, y/n, and luca leading everyone on what to get. they're having the grill with the cheese melter upon mysta's request.
"thank you for the food!" the six of them chanted before they started having their own worlds.
shu and y/n taught everyone how to grill the pork right, and gave ike and mysta the first cooked batch. of course, they also had to let the two try it.
luca and vox immediately had their own world grilling their beef the way they like, while on the other side of the griller was y/n taking care of ike and shu stopping mysta from burning the barbeque restaurant.
"try this wrap, ike." y/n said with the lettuce wrap in her hand.
ike opened his mouth wide as y/n pushes the food in.
"mhmm! it's good! oh god."
"you want more? i can make you more."
"me too!" luca beamed.
"wait i want a wrap too!" vox also beamed.
"i can make you guys a wrap." shu said, making the two frown. "what?" shu asked innocently.
"shu! it's burning! what do i do?!" mysta exclaimed while the beef was on fire.
"stop wasting good quality beef, idiot!" vox scolded and took care of mysta and his mess.
"oh goooood the beef is good with cheese and—" luca was cut off when y/n placed a lettuce wrap on his lips. he then immediately opened his mouth and gobbled what y/n wanted to feed him.
"and here i thought he is the picky eater," ike mumbled with a little chuckle.
"wait, i tried another one and i think vox would like it." y/n said while closing the wrap. "would you like a lettuce wrap, vox?"
"yes please. aaaaaaahh."
but mysta stood up and took the wrap in his mouth instead.
"mysta!" ike scolded while y/n laughed.
"that was mine, you dickhead!" vox complained.
mysta just snickered at him, but his face started getting red as he coughs.
"it's hot?!" mysta exclaimed, coughing with his mouth full.
"because that wasn't for you, fucker." vox said and ate the wrap y/n has again made.
shu immediately passed mysta a glass of water. "move here, bro. closer to the cheese and get away from vox."
"y/n, you should take care of yourself. you don't have to make wraps for all of us." shu said. but y/n stuffed his mouth with a new wrap she made, defeating the sorcerer.
"i like this one." y/n mumbled and grilled her own set of pork.
ike saw it so he placed the same cooked pork from his bowl on y/n's plate. "eat a lot, okay?"
"okaaay. thank youuu."
"you're welcoooome."
"that was so cute." vox cried.
"let's take another picture!" luca said.
everyone took their phones out, including y/n— had to mention it because of the proud look on her face.
"let's take a groupie at y/n's phone first." vox recommended. "be careful, my dear."
after the five of them took a groupie, vox asked a waiter to take a picture of them with his phone.
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