《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆⁰⁷· what i'm thinking of ⛥·˚
⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗
┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁷· what i'm thinking of ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ
ᅟ✞︎ "you guys are dismissed!"
everyone cheered and clapped their hands.
"alright! who wants to go have dinner outside?! my treat!!" y/n exclaimed.
"EEEYY! FREE FOOD!!!" luca, shu, and mysta said in unison. ike immediately scolded the three of them to shut up while vox laughs like a grandpa in the background.
"good work, president." vox said, now standing beside y/n.
y/n hummed. "thank you. you guys did a great job too."
"come on, you guys. we deserve a good meal after all the things that have been happening to us." y/n said.
vox opened the door, letting y/n and ike out first. but when it was mysta's tun, vox went out, closing the door on the fox's face.
"vox you motherf***er!" mysta exclaimed as he marches towards his good friend, ready to pick a fight.
"any recommendations?" y/n asked them.
"there's a good pub nearby." ike said. "it's cheap, and they sell very good burger steak."
"burger steak!" luca beamed.
"i looove burger steak!" shu said, copying luca's voice.
leaving the school vicinity, y/n walked beside ike with vox behind the two of them. and behind him were luca and shu with mysta in between.
y/n walked faster before facing the guys. "soooo how is everyone feeling?"
"y/n!" they all exclaimed as they paused walking.
"huh?" y/n also ceased walking backward.
"don't walk backward! it's dangerous." ike scolded.
they all sighed while y/n just sweatdropped. "i thought i did something bad." y/n mumbled with a small pout.
"we can talk about it after eating dinner, y/n." vox told the lady.
"sorry. did i scare you?" ike asked and offered his hand. "come back here and walked with us."
y/n huffed with a faint blush under her eye.
i can't believe this, it feels so unreal. y/n thought before taking ike's hand.
the two of them giggled as ike pulled her back, before mysta threw himself behind the lady and draped his arms over her shoulder.
walking to the pub ike was leading them to was chaos. vox and mysta were arguing? flirting? ike was trying his best to keep y/n occupied and away from those two, while Luca and shu would steal her away. they were a bit loud too and people would turn their heads on them, but they didn't pay them all mind.
they immediately found a cubicle the moment they arrived at the pub. and in this order, they were seated; ike, mysta, vox, shu, y/n, luca.
knowing how shy y/n is, luca volunteered to talk to the waiter to take their order. everybody went for hamburger steak with their own preferred beverages.
"hey y/n." mysta called in the middle of dinner. "what do you think of us?"
shu was the first one who gave mysta a doubtful look. "really? you're asking her that?" shu asked.
"what? can't i ask?!"
y/n drank water first before clearing her throat. "well..."
"ike is really nice. from a distance, i can tell you guys like him so much. there's just something ike that draws people's attention to him, and he's very likable for many reasons. he's calm, sweet, and gentle. he'd be the guy who'd sing you a lullaby if you ask him to. i think he's a man of virtue." y/n said. "whenever i stare at ike, it feels like he has a lot to say and a lot to ask, but at the same time, he's a walking wonder himself. although he seems to be the calmest in the group, i feel like he'd be the first one to get angry if ever something happens."
ike couldn't face them all and just continued eating. but everyone saw how red his ears are, making them grin.
"and ike is quite shy too~" mysta teased. he immediately behaved himself when ike glared daggers at him.
"vox... hmm... how do i say this." y/n said, having second thoughts. "he... he always sounds like he has experienced everything in the world. like he's been living for centuries. he talks like a grandpa!"
a pfft escaped the men's mouth as half of them stop themselves from bursting into laughter. y/n was confused, but she continued.
"although vox sounds like an old artifact tomb, the way he's speaking and his choice of words give me peace of mind. like talking with him makes me feel like i could say anything to him and he would just listen. he feels like the guy who could give perfect advice. men would usually use fists in a fight, but i feel like vox would calmly make his way in for an attack."
vox, smiling, stared at the lady with his elbow resting on the table and his cheek resting on his palm. he can't believe y/n could describe him so well and perfectly.
"shu was the first one i became friends with. he feels a bit shy and introverted- and quiet, but he gets along with everyone pretty well. his understanding and respect are truly something else, and i think it is his most prevailing characteristic. oh! especially his decisiveness to immediately help a person as much as he could. especially if he has the power to do so." y/n said. "to be honest, without shu, my club wouldn't have you guys as members. you guys would've probably left me and only wish me luck if it weren't for him."
shu chuckled as the others awkwardly let out a hehe.
"luca is a very energetic guy. his smiles would always remind me that there's always a tomorrow." y/n giggled. "his smiles are very infectious, and he's very optimistic. his innocence is very cute and i would be lying if i say his ignorance never caught me off guard. but his ignorance just makes him luca. he's very himbo and i just want to take care of him so much. he's like the sun in anyone's darkest moments. even though luca may sound like an idiot, in serious moments i feel like he'd also give the best advice."
"can i hug you..?" luca asked.
"eh? sure?"
luca wrapped his arms around y/n's neck and buried his face in her shoulder. his cheeks were hot and he was feeling a little shy now. the others couldn't help but find the scene cute. of course, it's their two sunshines together, after all.
"and lastly mysta. mysta... out of everyone, i feel like he'd be the most honest to me." y/n said. "mysta feels like he's never afraid to say things he knows is right or say things he just wants to say. although he feels like an introvert, he's one bold introvert. his sense of humor is quite good too, especially his mouth. he could be shy at first, but once he adjusted, he'd be the best guy you could ever be acquainted with. he may be foolish, but i feel like he's the most righteous."
"that's all." y/n said with a lovely smile while caressing luca's hair.
"y/n..." they all cried with legit tears.
"ah-?! don't cry?!!" the lady panicked.
mysta passed out a tissue from the tissue box as they all let out their snots in unison. y/n was anime sweating since she couldn't do anything but just watch and console the guys.
"what about us? ask us what we think of you." ike said.
"e-eh? no... you can keep it to yourselves..." y/n said with her face slowly heating up.
ike chuckled. "when i first saw you, something in my mind started telling me that i should protect you even with my life in line." he said. the others immediately seconded.
"you're really, REALLY adorable, y/n! maybe you just don't know but now you do! you're effortlessly cute and if people find that annoying, i don't know what's their problem." luca added.
"the way you smile at us also gives us the peace of mind." vox also said. "your soft presence is already enough for us to keep going. we like how you're just... you."
"the way you speak and the way you juggle your words. you say everything the way we wanted to hear it. you just know what exactly to say, like you know exactly what we desire. it's really amazing." mysta said.
"how everything you say and you do has nothing behind it. your ditziness and shy nature have gotten us to stay." shu also added. "we have no exact words to explain why we chose to remain, but we know to ourselves that it's only because of you and how much we want to help you and the club."
they can't figure out y/n's expression since her fringe was hovering a shadow over her face as she looks down. but it didn't take them too long to realize that she was stopping her tears.
the up and down of her shoulders caught their attention, and that's when drops of tears fell on the table.
"everyone..." y/n mumbled. "you guys are too kind... i don't think i deserve you or any of these at all..." she said while rubbing her eyes.
"i have so many reasons to thank you, guys. you saved my club out on a whim, befriended me even if it costs your images at school, and stayed with me no matter how weird everything has been. i'm really thankful, really..." she cried.
y/n rubbed her eyes, hoping to stop the tears but they kept flowing. there was pain etched in her tone.
she suddenly raised her head. despite feeling embarrassed- she knows she looks like a mess right now- she still stared at her members with resoluteness written all over her red face.
"i promise i'll do my best in leading the occult club! please continue taking care of me!!" y/n said with a wide grin.
their stares were lingering on her, and they were all purely admiration towards y/n.
they stared back at each other and nodded.
it's time to tell her.
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
ᅟ✞︎ "ah! i forgot to ask about how everyone is feeling tonight!" y/n said right after they left the pub. "are you guys tired? feeling giddy?"
"nothing much really changed for me." shu said. "shouldn't we be asking you that question instead? your nose was bleeding earlier."
"i-it's my first time doing it, of course, i'm supposed to bleed." y/n shyly said.
the boys immediately choked on their salivas except for luca.
"y-yeah! come on shu, common sense!" mysta said.
y/n hummed. "are you guys sure you're feeling okay with the abilities you've got?"
"are we supposed to feel something?" luca asked.
"no, no. that's not what i meant." y/n gently said. "if you feel anxious, or scared about your abilities, it's all right. i could explain everything to everyone right now as best as i can to make sure everyone can sleep peacefully tonight."
mysta was the first one to raise his concern about his ability. he was feeling anxious if his charm could be of any help with the occult club. due to mysta's courage, luca also told y/n that he was pretty scared.
y/n immediately consolidated the both of them with her purest words of affirmation. and that- miraculously- got them to calm down and trust her more.
ike also told y/n his worries. although ike was the hardest to pursue among the five of them, y/n did a very good job in giving ike the best words of advice.
until vox raised his very own concern.
"y/n. my ability... can you elaborate more about it?" vox asked.
they saw how y/n froze despite the six of them walking.
"yeah... i wasn't planning to keep it from you guys any longer anyways." y/n replied.
"vox's ability is to eradicate bad spirits." y/n said. "he could wipe them off from the face of the earth if ever they tried getting in our way. or if ever we saw one, vox can kill it."
"i'm sorry. it must've been a scary ability. i was too hesitant to tell you." y/n softly said after glancing back at vox.
everyone was staring at him. the four knew how he got that ability, so they weren't as shocked as y/n when she first learned about it.
"i... i understand. it's actually a cool ability." vox honestly said.
it reminds him of himself centuries ago. the ability feels so nostalgic.
vox earned a nudge from mysta with a small grin. vox can already hear him teasing and 'welcoming' him back.
"don't you think there's a lot of people tonight? shouldn't they be all at home?" luca asked.
which was true. there were people sitting by the sidewalls and talking to each other, a few children running around the area, some women gossiping and some people just standing and walking to wherever.
"they seem a little bit different too." shu added. "ah. maybe i'm just tired?"
"you're very sharp." y/n said.
"those who you see that feel different aren't actual people but the spirits themselves." y/n clarified as they all continued walking. "i told you guys that spirits appear like normal people, and people they were once acquainted with can't see them right?"
"the white charm's ability is to stop time." y/n continued. "it's an ability passed down by elira-senpai to selen-senpai to reimu-senpai. without the white charm, the other charms will never work."
"stop time?!" they all beamed.
"c-can you turn back time too?!" mysta asked.
"eh?! no! where did that come from?!" y/n lowkey panicked.
"us spirit mediums can see spirits with or without stopping time. if we do stop time, people will see those spirits... unless they knew that spirit before it died." y/n explained. "that's when luca's ability is to be used."
"ah. normal people can only see spirits when you stop time, but even with that, they won't see spirits they know. with luca they can." ike explained briefly and concisely.
"yes!" y/n beamed, a little happy that they understood her somehow. "if the white charm's ability is used, you can only then use the other charms."
"would you guys like to try it?"
"the charms?" they all asked in unison.
y/n shook her head. "the white charm!"
"oh! yeah!" they exclaimed.
"okay!" y/n offered her palms. "everyone, hold each other's hands, please."
ike took y/n's left hand while vox held ike's left hand. mysta held vox's left hand while shu held mysta's left hand as well. same goes with luca and y/n.
without any warning, a light flashed through the five men's eyes. their hold on each other tightened with the pain they felt in their eyes, like a spark hitting them. aside from that, they also felt their heart skipping a beat with the sudden pang.
"f***! what was that?!" mysta exclaimed and rubbed his eyes.
"is it okay to let go now?" shu asked, whose hand was let go by mysta.
"yeah it's alright." y/n said.
"yo..." ike mumbled while looking up.
he was the first to notice the birds in the sky which were literally frozen in the air. when the others saw it, their jaws dropped to the ground.
"ah! look!" luca pointed out the passersby who were also frozen from walking.
"but why are they walking?" mysta asked.
"they're the spirits, idiot." vox said. "wait, am i right?" he turned to y/n.
the lady giggled. "yes! those are the spirits."
"they look a little bit like spirits now." shu said as a matter of fact.
"this is crazy!" mysta exclaimed as he and luca started shouting and screaming. it was so quiet and peaceful that not even the breeze was heard.
"but we cannot use the white charm for too long." y/n suddenly said.
"why?" shu took the liberty to ask.
"among all the past presidents of the occult club, i-i'm the weakest so..." y/n fiddled with her fingers. "my body can't really handle it."
the five blinked and were silenced. they just stared at y/n with wide eyes and non of them could even move in shock.
until y/n started coughing blood.
"shut up!" y/n exclaimed sharply.
that successfully stopped the guys from panicking.
that was a shout? they all thought in unison while watching y/n wipe her hand and mouth.
"elira-senpai knew it would happen in the future. although she never met me, she created a ritual for us to be able to use our abilities without the white charm's help." y/n continued explaining. "we use candles and chants and chalks... you name it."
"wait a minute." ike called out. "what do you mean our abilities? isn't the white charm your ability?"
that automatically halted y/n's explanation.
"no... it's not." y/n said. "i received my charm when i was in my first year when i joined the occult club. the white charm is the president's charm- in short words, it's originally elira-senpai's that was only passed to us every year."
"so you have two abilities? that's pog!" luca beamed.
y/n giggled, but she seems a bit down and she's just hiding it from them. "yeah... i do."
"w-well! since you're club members now, i have no reason to hide it from you!" y/n tried her best to sound upbeat and cheery to cover her anxiety, but the boys still saw through it.
"hey... look. if you're not comfortable in telling us, don't." vox immediately said.
y/n shook her head. "you guys have to know... because how can you trust me if i don't trust you guys at all?"
y/n started running and settled not far away from her friends before facing them.
"i'm really scared to tell you... please don't hate me."
"we won't! we promise!" mysta said with a grin.
"yeah! you're our president! and you know we can't hate you!" shu added.
they all hyped her up, and she does admit that she's feeling a little better now compared to before. but there was still the fear of letting them know and the want to back out from trusting these people.
her heart was beating so fast and it was churning her insides. but she knows she can't keep this forever. they have to know. because how can she call them her club members if the president herself is keeping a very club crucial secret?
"the charm i received during my first year..." y/n started and held her shirt.
the boy's eyes almost went out of their eye sockets when she lifted it.
"it's black." y/n said, talking about the piercing on her belly button. "i received a black charm during my first year."
it was a small belly button piercing with a black gem and a small black bunny head dangling below it. they were all surprised that y/n, who looks really cute and pure, actually pierced her stomach.
and has received a jet black charm.
"if yours was the black charm, then why were vox's rays not red earlier but black?" mysta questioned.
they all stared at y/n in anticipation of honesty and integrity. she could feel herself melting under their gazes, but she has no time to get all shy and cute.
because it's now or never.
"it's probably because of the similarities of our abilities." y/n placed her hand down, hiding her piercing again.
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