《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆⁰¹· we're no strangers ⛥·˚
⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗
┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰¹· we're no strangers ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ
ᅟ✞︎ "ms. leto. this is your final warning." the president said with his clipboard in his arm. "i already gave you 5 days after the club recruitment day and your club still doesn't meet the club requirements."
"look, ms. leto. the senpais already graduated. no one's going to be with you in the occult club anymore." he added. "and the cheerleading club wanted to take this club room to separate themselves from the men."
"please no..." y/n mumbled. "i-i can still recruit people! the club only needs a total of four members to call it a club, right?"
"and a club adviser, ms. leto."
"a-and a club adviser! i can still recruit!"
i can still... recruit... y/n thought, remembering all the memories she had with her seniors in that very same club room.
the president sighed. "damn it, leto." he whispered.
"fine. one more week."
y/n's face brightened up as the council members behind the president started complaining.
"shut up. let her have one more week. no one's gonna die if we give her one more chance." the president said to his colleagues who immediately shut their mouths.
"kaichō..." y/n teared up. "t-thank you! i promise to recruit more members for the occult club! thank you so much for giving me one more chance!" she exclaimed while bowing non-stop.
the president sighed. "okay, okay. one more week, ms. leto. i want to see membership letters on my desk in seven days."
"let's go." the president left with his council members.
"kaichō, the cheerleading club is already in dire need of the club room. we should've taken it already!"
"what even is an occult club, kaichō? it doesn't even make sense."
y/n's grip on her shirt tightened.
i have to recruit new club members or else this club room will be taken away. and the occult club will be demolished.
my senpai's poured the biggest effort to keep this club. i mustn't fail them!
"i need a plan," she mumbled and turned to the club.
"maybe i have to make the club presentable again..." she whispered. "no. no! each item in the club is memorable. it came from the past alumni, i can't get rid of them."
ah, i know! she thought and picked up a paper and a pen.
"i just need to do another recruitment poster or something! then photocopy it at the library and distribute it! that's right!" y/n beamed and started drawing on the paper.
her illustration of the occult club wasn't that bad, honestly. she was proud of it. after putting a few more details to it, y/n immediately ran to the library.
she had her poster photocopied into several pieces. y/n was confident that maybe a student or two would consider joining, especially some students from the first year.
the occult club is actually fun! she just needs to let everyone know!
during 3 o'clock and onwards is club time. so y/n took that chance to post the posters on every bulletin the school has.
she knew she looked pathetic, that she looked desperate. but she has no choice. sacrifices must be made to keep her beloved club alive.
let's make them proud! she cheered herself before pinning a poster on the last bulletin.
y/n then went to each and every floor. although she's very shy, she asked each class representative if they have a classmate that has no club yet. she also asked them if they could pass out the poster to their club-less classmate.
if she'd be honest, it was scary and tiring. but it's about to be worth it!
chin up, y/n! you can do this! y/n said to herself.
she continued recruiting by the school grounds with the poster she made. but lady luck wasn't in the mood to smile at her that day.
y/n sighed. "i'll continue this tomorrow." she whispered and went back to the class building.
there wasn't even one student trying to get into the occult club... but she distributed a lot of posters.
"is there something wrong with how i advertise the club?" she whispered.
y/n then reached the club room, and the door was opened.
but i closed this before i went out... she thought.
y/n's eyes widened. no way! someone went in!
was it a trespasser?! or someone who'd like to join the club?! please be the latter! she exclaimed in her mind before opening the door widely.
there was no one.
but y/n's eyes widened when she saw the mess inside the occult club.
the books were out of order, some were even on the floor. the table was turned upside down, and so are the chairs. the papers, the trinkets, the antiques. the room was a mess!
"n-no... no no no... who would do this?" y/n mumbled as her knees slowly fell on the floor.
nina-senpai... reimu-senpai... everyone... she thought with her palms covering her whole face.
"what did i do wrong..?" y/n cried helplessly.
she doesn't know what to do. can she really find members for the club in just a week? and also an adviser. it would only need a miracle for that to happen, and it's not even close to possible.
y/n doesn't know what she'll do if the club would be taken by the cheerleading club. y/n saw how her seniors did their best for the occult club to rise again. she doesn't want to fail them now.
although it seems like she's only protecting the club for the memories she and her seniors have made, she also loves the occult club itself. the supernatural beings and topics, the unimaginable things, the unexplainable, all of those.
her seniors loved the unexplainable as well. they were the reason why she was hooked onto it too.
"leto-chan, we're handing the club to you. take care of it okay?" enna said and handed the key to y/n.
"guide the others to get into the occult club, and make them experience the fun we all had!" millie chirped as nina, reimu, and enna all agreed.
"you'll never be alone in the occult club, leto, honey. this will remain our fortress. please take care of it, okay?" nina gently said.
y/n nodded. "i will take care of it, senpai!"
"who knows, maybe there's a ghost dancing beside us." reimu randomly said out of blue, making them laugh, except for enna who immediately complained.
y/n slowly stood up, silently and lifelessly. she took a chair and placed it up before resting the posters she made on it.
"i-i'll get going." she managed to mumble despite her dry throat. she didn't forget to lock the club room this time before leaving for home.
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
ᅟ✞︎ the next day came. all the sadness y/n felt yesterday faded away like nothing. now, she's again determined to find new members for the club.
y/n was seated on her chair while researching tips on how she could advertise her club more. she only has 6 days left. she's running out of time.
leto y/n, the president of the occult club. she's a third-year from section B, and is a really shy person.
although she's in the last year of her high school, she's actually very lonely.
y/n used to hang out with the seniors before and people judged her for that. now that she's hated and is now the senior, people won't even try befriending her nor bat an eyelash.
her only friend at school is probably the cat that lives in the school backyard and the librarian. she's not even sure if the librarian likes her back.
"have you heard? there were transfers!"
"i've heard about them! just how?"
"it's already the second week of third year. they transfer so late."
"but five transfers? it seems so sus!"
"they're really handsome though! have you seen them?! i call dibs on the guy wearing sandals!"
y/n didn't pay them any mind and just kept doodling on her notebook. when the teacher came, the classes started right away.
lunch was the same as every other day. but unlike before that y/n would sit with her seniors, she was all alone at a table made for six.
oh and also, clubs were rushing to the transfers, asking them all to sign into their clubs. especially the sports club.
should i try asking them? she thought. but she immediately shrugs it away. those people probably aren't interested, and she hasn't seen them either.
maybe if i bump onto one and i get lucky... i just need 3 more members. and an adviser. she thought.
after lunch, classes resumed. and after classes...
club time came.
"please sign in to the chess club, ike! vox!" the president of the chess club cried.
"we told you, we don't want to." vox said with exasperation.
"vox." ike called before glancing at the president of the chess club. "sorry, but we'd like to check out the other clubs as well. excuse us." ike said and pulled vox away.
"club this, club that. what the hell is wrong with this school?"
"calm down. as much as i don't want to say it, t-this isn't you." ike said, cringing. "look, just calm down and ignore the club recruitment okay?"
"i admit that calmed me down a bit." vox honestly said. "it's just a little bit annoying, you know? sports club here, literature club there."
"it's that season, that's why," ike replied.
"ah, there's s the vending machine." ike said and went to the vending. vox just followed with his flip-flops clacking on the hallway.
"would you like anything?" ike asked and went for a can of coke.
vox leaned onto the wall. "do they have tea?"
"cold matcha." ike answered.
"i'll take it."
while ike was busy with the vending machine, vox kept glancing left and right to watch out for students from different clubs. again.
it's their first day here at the academy, yet, it's already tiring.
vox then eyed on the bulletin board. he's aware that the academy has competitive students, and the academy is known for winning competitions nationwide. so he already expected the harsh club recruitment coming.
"maybe we can choose a club here, instead of just randomly joining one." ike said, looking at the bulletin board as well.
he gave the cold matcha tea to vox as they open the can in unison. they drank their beverages while keeping their eyes on the bulletin board. looking for something that might catch their eyes.
"an occult club?" vox mumbled after he saw a weird poster. his words, not mine.
it was almost at the corner of the bulletin board, like the person who posted it there tried their best to find a place for the poster to stay without covering others' posters.
vox lifted the paper a little bit for ike to see as well.
"an occult club huh? isn't this a club about paranormal stuff?" ike asked.
vox shrugged. "the poster doesn't seem to scream paranormal to me." he said.
if interested, please seek for leto y/n from 3-B. club room is located on the 5-floor left wing
"aww this is actually cute. there's a winking face here with a star," ike said and chuckled.
"huh. the club president is just from section B beside my room." vox said.
"has an occult club member approached us?" ike asked and took the poster gently from the bulletin.
"not that i can remember." vox said.
"should we check it out?" ike asked. "i'm not- i'm not gonna lie. this occult club has gotten me interested. because this school has been nothing but normal." ike said and stared at the paper.
they knew it was a photocopy, but they just realized that it was hand-drawn before photocopied.
"yeah. sure. this aside, have you thought of a club to join?" vox asked.
"do we really have to?" the two of them chuckled as they walk to the left-wing.
"i'm interested in joining the literature club, or maybe the journalism club. but first, i'd like to see this occult club. it sounds surreal."
"alright, alright. no need to say it again and again, ike."
"how about you?" it was ike's turn to ask.
"hmm? maybe the literature club as well? to be honest, i just want to stick with you until this horror ends."
"i do think literature club suits you. i might just take the journalism club instead."
one out of the five transfers, vox akuma, and ike eveland.
"then i'll take journalism club with you."
"now football club seems interesting."
"that is so cool! pog!" luca exclaimed and laughed while seated on his chair.
the boys of the class were busy cleaning up the room while throwing papers in the bin like they were shooting in a basketball ring.
"woah! throw it at the biodegradable, man!" luca said after he saw one of his classmates shooting paper in the wrong bin.
the classmate immediately apologized and threw it in the right bin this time.
"do you have a club, kaneshiro? maybe you're interested in the judo club!"
"naaaw. don't wanna." luca just said while fiddling with his phone's lion keychain.
"don't force him if he doesn't want to! here kaneshiro, catch!" one of the boys said and threw luca a ball of paper.
out of curiosity, and just a natural reaction luca would have, he opened the crumpled paper.
"aww, this is adorable! why did you guys crumple this club poster?" luca asked and straightened the paper.
"huh? let me see." they asked and peeked. "ah... that."
"that's not even important. come on, threw it so we can fix the tables and throw the trash!"
"occult club? this school has an occult club?" luca excitedly asked.
due to his dense personality, luca failed to notice how his classmates' faces turned a little bit grim.
"yeah. but it's dying. they don't have enough members, and their club room is soon to be taken away by the cheerleading club."
"aww..." luca mumbled and stared at the paper. the poster itself is simple, yet cute. it has a lot of doodles too. he liked the hitodama light ghosts at the side.
occult club is searching for new members! if interested, please seek for leto y/n from 3-B. club room is located on the 5-floor left wing
i remember shu mentioning it once. maybe he'd like to come with me to check this club out? luca thought.
but his thoughts were cut off when his classmate snatched the paper from him and balled it again to throw it in the bin.
"hey! that's unpog, man!" luca complained.
"don't tell me you're interested in that occult club trash?" he asked and gave luca a shoulder pat. "don't waste your time, dude."
luca was confused. he stood up and pushed his classmate's hand away before leaving the room without uttering a word.
did shu go with vox and ike? luca thought while peeking at section C.
"woah!!" luca exclaimed and laughed. that made shu laugh as well.
"dude! that was unpog!"
"yeah right." shu just said and placed his arm around luca's shoulder. "how was your first day, mr. poggers?"
"it's fine. i thought i was about to have fun, but i was a little annoyed inside the room." luca confessed.
"why bro? what happened?"
"nothing. there was this cute poster that they just threw like nothing."
"ah. you and cute things." shu mumbled. "who you searching for, by the way?"
"you! i was searching for you!" luca said as his excitement came back into his body. "the cute poster i saw belongs to the school's occult club. wanna check it out together?"
"occult club?! i thought those only exist in video games!" shu said, getting infected by luca's excitement.
"yeah! oh, i think mysta might be interested too. maybe we could also sign up for the club?" luca asked.
"oh. mysta already signed up in the detective club." shu said. "but sure let's ask him to come with us too! i mean, we're just taking a peek right?"
the two of them continued talking while walking to the detective club. these people were also two of the five transfers, shu yamino, and luca kaneshiro.
"it's here, right?" luca asked.
"yeah— wait luca, knock fir—!"
"hayaah!! i'm hitting it! yeah!! bri'ish debuff my ass!"
luca and shu just stood at the door while staring inside the club room. the others in the club just stood and stared back at them like there were caught doing something illegal.
"hi!" luca greeted and entered the club room. "wow. so this is how detectives work? so pog!"
"haha... please excuse us." shu awkwardly said and entered as well. while luca was busy looking around and the club members couldn't do anything, shu poked mysta's side.
"yaw! oh god! someone just poked my side! this game is so real?!"
"mysta it's shu!" shu said loudly for his good friend to hear.
mysta was frozen from playing his vr game. he slowly removed the device from his head before giving shu a guilty smile.
"huh. so this was why you immediately signed in a club." shu said with a grin. "not fair man. you should've invited me too."
"awww, shuuuu! my man!" mysta said and did a fist bump with shu.
"hey, luca!"
"oh, hey, mysta! your club is so cool!" luca said and walked to mysta as well.
"what are you guys doing here?" mysta asked and set the vr aside.
"oh. well, luca saw an occult club po—"
"there's an occult club?!" mysta exclaimed. "naw. it probably has some weird-ass members."
"hey, don't be rude now." luca reminded, making mysta mumble a soft sorry.
"if you don't want to come it's fine. me and luca were just about to check the club out." shu said.
"yeah! come with us, mysta! their poster had cute doodles." luca added as well.
"the cute doodles got me! let's go!"
"if it's cool, i might join."
"me too!"
"aww, students can't have two clubs though."
"wait, where's the occult club, luca?"
"oh right wait. let me remember..."
"you forgot?!"
"they threw the paper away!"
"wait let's check the bulletin board, guys."
mysta rias, one of the five transfers as well.
these five men have known each other before they entered the academy. let's just say, they came from somewhere unimaginable as well.
"ah... up!" y/n mumbled before carrying the table up.
she also started fixing the chairs before picking up the books on the floor when she tripped over a piece of paper. her face came into contact with the floor first.
"aww..." she murmured, lying on the floor.
now she just wants to lay down and do nothing at all. why is this so hard?
"huh. it's opened. excuse us..."
y/n immediately raised her head to the door, only to meet a couple pairs of eyes and three more from behind.
ike and y/n just blinked at each other.
"have a great day..." ike bid goodbye before closing the door.
"aaahh! wait a minute!"
┊⛥ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰¹· end ꒱ ・゚ˊˎ
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