《Moments | Spideychelle Oneshots Collection》The One With All The Jealousy (pt. 1)


Michelle and Peter have been dating for a while now. One day at school in homeroom, a student was transferred to MJ's class. Their teacher introduced him as Matthew. He sat beside Michelle.

"Hey," She said to him. "I'm Michelle. Call me MJ." She held her hand out to him.

"Matthew," He shook her hand. "But call me Matt."

"Nice to meet you, Matt."

"You too, MJ."

"So uhh.. you're new here, huh?"

"Yeah. I was enrolled the last minute so..."

"Want me to help you navigate around and stuff?" She suggested.

"Oh yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, MJ."

"Yeah, no problem."

The bell rang and all of the students cleaned out all of their stuff on the table and headed to first period. Peter saw them walk together and his reaction was not at all friendly. He nudged Ned with his elbow.

"What?" He asked.

"Look." He pointed towards the direction of his girlfriend and the mystery guy.

"What about them?"

"'What about them?'?! Dude, he's hitting on her!" Peter said, irritated.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Look how he's looking at her." Ned took another close look.

"Oh, I see. Someone's jealous...!" Ned jokingly said, poking Peter.

"Hey! I'm not jealous."

"Yeah you are." He said, chuckling.


"Dude, if he's bugging you so much, go talk to him."

"You know what, no. I won't. Maybe I'm just overreacting."

"Mmhmm, that's exactly what you're doing right now." Peter gave Ned the stank eye. "I'm just kidding, dude. C'mon let's get to class."

Michelle asked Matthew if he wanted to sit with them at lunch and he gladly said 'Yes'. When the two arrived to their table with their lunch trays, Peter gave them a curious look.

"Hey, you guys." Michelle said, putting her tray on the table. "This is Matt. Matt, that's Ned." Ned gave him a wave. "And that's Peter," He gave a quick nod. "My boyfriend." MJ continued.

"Yeah that's right, Matt. I'm her boyfriend." Ned was at the other side of the table, cringing.

"Nice to meet you, Peter." Matt quietly said as he sat down next to Ned. MJ sat next to Peter. He put his arm around her.

"So uhh.. who is he, really?" Peter whispered to Michelle.

"He's new. I offered to show him around and stuff. It's not a big of a deal, right Pete?"


"No, no. It's.. yeah, it's fine."

"Okay." She kissed his cheek. Peter snuck a quick glare at Matt who was talking to Ned about Star Wars and Lego.

"First Michelle, now Ned too?! Goddamn, he is good." Peter thought to himself.

"So uhh.. Matt," Peter interrupted the two. "Where do you live?"

"I moved here a few days ago. I was born and raised in Maryland."

"My mom used to live there." said MJ. Peter looked a tad angry.

"Well, we had to move here because dad's work is here."

Everything around Peter went mute. He looked from MJ to Matt. She was smiling at him, listening intently. He breathed heavily. He didn't know what was happening to him but he didn't feel so good with the situation. He tapped Michelle on the shoulder, making Matt stop with his story.

"Are you okay, Peter?" She asked.

"May I talk to you for a minute, MJ?" He said, gesturing towards the cafeteria doors.

"Yeah. Sure." They walked away from their table.

"Michelle," He started once they were out of earshot. "What is it with this guy?"

"What do you mean? Matt's a nice guy."

"He seems nice but... he's just..."

"What? He's what?"

"The way you look at him is just... And the way you listen to him... I just--"

"Oh my god, you're jealous!" She started to chuckle.

"I am not!" Peter childishly stomped his foot on the ground and his face started to redden to the tips of his ears.

"You are jealous." She started laughing.

"This isn't funny, Michelle!" He said louder than he intended to, causing a bunch of looks from people around them.

"I'm sorry, I just.." She continued laughing. She held onto her stomach. "Okay.. Okay." She stopped.

"It's just... you've never looked at me in that way."

"Peter, I don't like him that way, okay? Besides, I'd never cheat on you! I love you, okay? I'm just being friendly to him. I know the struggle of trying to make friends with someone in a whole new school. It's scary. I don't want him or anyone for that matter to experience that humiliation."

"Alright. I'm sorry. I overreacted a bit much, didn't I?" He held her hands.

"Oh yeah, you really did." They laughed. Peter kissed the back of her hands.

"C'mon. We wasted so much of our lunch time."

They headed back to their table where Matt was talking to Ned about movies. Peter was able to share his love for movies calmly this time around.


***At the chem lab***

The four have chemistry class together. Their professor tells them that they need to partner up for a project. He assigned the partners.

"Leeds, you're partnering up with..." He skimmed through the clipboard. "Parker." They high-fived.

"Jones," Peter's joy suddenly faded away. There was only another person in the room without a partner and he dreaded for his last name to be called. "You're partnering up with the newbie, Matthew Carter."

The name echoed in Peter's ears. It was all he could hear. He didn't even hear their professor's instructions for their project. He leaned on the table and stared at his beautiful girlfriend. He assured himself that she doesn't like Matt in that way, like she said earlier at lunch. He trusts her. But he doesn't trust Matthew.

"Dude, are we gonna come by your place tonight to start on the project?" Ned asked.

"Huh?" He looked at him.

"The project?"

"Oh. Ohhhh yeah. Yeah sure, you could go over to my house." He crossed his arms. He overheard MJ and Matthew's conversation.

"Wanna come by at my place after school?" She asked.

"Yeah." Peter went over to MJ and tapped on her shoulder.

"Hey, Peter." She said in greeting. He didn't say anything back. Instead, he cupped her cheek and kissed her right in front of Matt. He looked a bit uncomfortable and lent his attention towards the floor.

"Do you mind doing that after class, Mr. Parker?" asked their professor.

"Sorry, sir." He replied, pulling away. He grinned at MJ and she blushed.

***At Michelle's house***

"Make yourself at home, Matt." She said, closing the door behind them.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

"They went out. It's their wedding anniversary."

"Oh. Tell them 'Happy Anniversary' for me."

"I will."

Minutes later, they started to work on the project. They needed no materials and only worked on Michelle's laptop.

"No, I don't think that's correct." said Matt.

"Wait, really? But isn't that--"

"No, no. Here, let me." He took over the keyboard. MJ skimmed through their notes.

"Oh. Whoops, I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine." A few minutes later, Matt handed the laptop back to MJ. Their hands brushed and he looked at her. He started to lean in and their lips touched ever so slightly, making Michelle come to her senses and jump up. She breathed heavily and put her palm on her forehead.


"MJ, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what came over me." It took a while before she could respond.

"That's enough for today." She said. Matthew showed himself to the door and left without a word.

Panicked thoughts came into her head. She never lied to Peter. She was always honest whenever they talked. She always told him her deepest darkset secrets. He trusted her so much. What was he gonna say about this once she tells him? Or is she ever gonna tell him? She paced around the room. She grabbed a glass of water and drank. She didn't want to tell Peter yet, but she didn't know who else to talk to. She figured Ned was still with Peter. She waited a few hours to call Ned.

"Hey, Michelle. What's up?"

"Hey, Ned. Listen, please don't freak out or anything, alright?"

"Alright...? MJ, where are you going with this?"

"Just listen, please." She took a deep breath. "Matt... Matt.. kissed me."

"WHAT?!" Peter's voice boomed through the other line. Michelle's heart fell to her stomach.

"Michelle, I'm so sorry. I was on speaker." Ned's small voice said. She cursed at herself.

"MICHELLE?! WHY WOULD YOU-- UGHHH!" Peter's furious voice deafened her ear.

"I'm coming over. I don't wanna talk about this through the phone."

She drove to Peter's house and quickly ran upstairs to his room. Outside, she could hear Peter's shouts. She knocked on the door. Ned told him to calm down and he let Michelle in. Peter was sitting on the bed, his face was in his hands.

"Peter, calm down. Breathe." said Ned.

"Okay.. I'm.. I'm calm." Michelle walked over to him.

"Peter.." She put her hand on his shoulder. He shook her hand off.

"I can't even look at you right now."

"Peter, just know that I wasn't the one that kissed him. He went in first."

"But did you kiss back?" He asked coldly. There was an awkward silence. Michelle thought about saying 'No' but she knew it wasn't completely true. She did kiss back, just a little. "You did, didn't you?" He looked up slowly with a look of utter disbelief plastered on his face. "Oh my god."

Ned didn't know how to fix this situation. He was just on the side, witnessing what he thinks might end up on a break up.

"Peter, I--"

"Michelle, why don't we just.. take a break."

"Sure, we could talk about this tomorrow."

"No. I meant take a break.. from us."

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