《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 7
We walked into the lobby and I took it all in. The Lobby was huge! And it looked fancy. I felt like I shouldn't touch anything. I heard the boys chuckling as I ogled at the hotel. There was even a pond with live ducks swimming in it. I quickly walked over to the ducks and Louis followed me, while the other boys got us rooms.
"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe there's legitimate ducks here!" I squealed, and Louis laughed.
"I know, but imagine the noise they can make!"
I laughed and watched the ducks swimming in the fake pond waterfall thingy. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Liam and the boys.
Alright, I have three suites. We each need to room with someone. So, Gwen, who would you like to room with?" Liam held the keys up.
"Whoever's willing... And how'd you afford all of this?" I asked.
"We're vampires, love. The old world had many treasures and some of us happened to have been wealthy back then..." Harry trailed off, looking distant. My heart skipped a beat when he called me love and I rolled my eyes at my teenage hormonal self. I need to get over this silly boy crush, it's obviously not going to happen.
"Right... So who's rooming with who?" Niall asks.
"I'm with the Nialler!!!"Louis shouted and I laughed as he engulfed Niall in a hug.
"I wanna be with Gwen!" Harry exclaimed, and he wrapped an arm around my waist. Great. How was I supposed to get over him if I'm rooming with him?
"And Zayn and I can room together!" Liam beamed. He gave us each a key and we grabbed our bags. We were all on the same floor, so we loaded into the elevator and pressed floor number twenty one. We watched the doors close and we looked out of the glass elevator. The lobby grew tiny below us and the chiming signified that we had reached our floor. The doors opened and we all stepped out.
"So, let's get settled in and meet in my suite in thirty minutes?" Liam suggested. We all grumbled in agreement as we went to our designated rooms. Harry and I were the furthest down the hall. As we walked to our room, I looked across the open space to the hall across from ours and saw a suspicious man in a black leather jacket, buzz cut, kinda ripped, holding a phone to his ear and grumbling things into it as he watched us all intently. It kinda freaked me out. I made eye contact with the man, who muttered something into his phone, then turned from me. I grabbed onto Harry's arm and he unlocked the door to our suite.
I looked around, amazed at the luxurious space. I smiled hugely and heard Harry chuckle.
"I take it you've never been to a hotel like this?" He asked, gently brushing past me and setting our bags down. I blushed then mentally scolded myself for acting like that. He's just another boy... An extrememly hot boy... That I used to hang out with... Who I've seen shirtless... Get ahold of yourself, Gwen!
"We've never had a reason to. We never traveled as far as to require a hotel." I replied, shrugging, remembering my mom always insisting that we returned by nightfall. I never realized how peculiar it was.
"We never stayed out past nightfall. It was really annoying. She wouldn't even let me go to a coffee shop to meet with friends after the sun had set..."
Harry looked at me with the glint of knowledge in his eyes.
"What?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I'll tell you later. Just enjoy the hotel and don't worry about it, alright?" He said carefully. I thought about it for a moment, then nodded. He smiled at me.
I couldn't help but think how suspicious that was. He was smiling at me like he knew something I didn't. His smile looked genuine though...
"So which room do you want?" He gestured to the two doors on the wall to the right of us. I shrugged and he just laughed.
"You haven't changed..." He paused, distant."Then I'll take the first one." He beamed at me as he grabbed his bag. I went to grabbed mine, but he grabbed it as my fingers skimmed the material.
"I can carry my own bag," I muttered.
"Yes, but a gentleman doesn't make a woman carry such a heavy burden," He said with a smirk. I shook my head, laughing. I blushed, thinking back to how in the olden days, the man would always carry the woman's bag. It made me smile, I could honestly see Harry doing something like this back then... That's when everything faded out for a bit and I saw Harry carrying a trunk with one hand as I reached out and took hold of his free hand, laughing as I held my skirt up with my other hand and we walked down a dirt path. Everything came back as the vision faded out and I shook my head. Everything seemed old timey, my dress seemed very old... I laughed, shaken by what seemed like a memory.
"What?" He asked as I continued to laugh.
"You can be really old fashioned, Harry!" I half lied. I wasn't telling Harry about what just happened, he'd think I'm crazy.
He lightly blushed, but still insisted upon carrying my bag. I followed him to my new designated room and he nudged the door open with his foot. He sat the luggage down and turned to me with a breathtaking smile, causing me to stumble and I fell into his arms. I blushed and looked up into his green eyes. He chuckled as he lightly blushed and helped me regain my balance.
As I looked around, I gasped at how spacious and beautiful the room was. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room. A classic wooden dresser in front of it, against the wall. The doors to the dresser and or wardrobe were open and I could spy the television. There was a nightstand with a phone and a digital clock. Across the room, a door was open, revealing the huge bathroom. I squealed with delight, causing Harry to chortle.
I ran and jumped up onto the bed, kicking my shoes off in the process. I bounced up and down, giggling as Harry watched me with conspicuous amusement glinting in his eyes.
"Come on, Harry!" I squealed as I flopped on the bed and bounced up then I jumped again. Harry chuckled, then joined me on the bed. He jumped, launching me up, making me scream with surprise, then I came back down and stumbled into Harry and he caught me. I laughed and we continued to jump. When I came down, Harry tazed me in the ribs(or tickled me) and I fell to the bed and he sat on top of me, eliminating any chance of escape. He then proceeded to tickle the crap out of me. I screamed and laughed, my face was as red as a beat, but he continued to tickle me. I pushed him with all my strength, but it wasn't enough. He had my arms pinned above me, exposing me ribs and armpits, making me vulnerable to being tickled. I heard a door open, but I was too busy gasping for breath through my high pitched screams and giggles. I heard more laughter and finally turned my head to see four boys doubled over in laughter as they watched me. I let lose another scream as Harry's fingers trailed up my ribs, tickling me. The boys slowly recovered, but instead of helping me, they all joined in on tickling me. Tears were streaming down my face as their fingers jabbed into my tickle spots. I gasped through my screams and begged for mercy, but I wasn't yet granted it. Damn their vampire strength. I continued screaming and laughing when finally, Harry drew away, watching me with immense amusement as the boys continued their cruel punishment.
One by one, the boys stopped tickling me and I drew in deep breathes, my sides aching as the boys still laughed at me.
"Why did you guys come in here and attack me?!" I gasped.
I received another round of laughter before Louis answered,"We thought Harry was having you as a snack and we came to help, because we heard you screaming... But when we saw him tickling you, well, we didn't wanna miss out on the fun!"
Harry glared at Louis,"Thanks for the confidence in me, man..."
"Aye, she was screaming her head off, we couldn't help but wonder... But we see why now," Niall said with a smile.
"Okay... But I need to go get ready for dinner, so... Out!" I pointed at the door and they laughed, but walked out.
Right before Liam shut the door, he said,"I'll see you and Harry in fifteen minutes." Then, with a smile, he pulled the door closed. I sighed and went into the bathroom.
Wow, I was a mess. My face was past red and blotchy, and my mascara and eyeliner were smudged. My hair was tangled and my clothes rumpled and dirty. I realized that Harry must have left his bag in here since there was a black one next to my pink one. I grabbed it and walked out, trying to ignore my reflection. I knocked on his door, then after waiting for a moment, I walked in. I saw Harry sitting on his bed, head in his hands and his fingers were pulling at his hair. His whole frame was wobbling.
"H-Harry?" I asked meekly. His head jerked up in my direction as his eyes began to flicker.
"Sorry, I'm just thirsty. The fight sapped my blood, because of that, my wounds aren't healing quickly... And you keep reminding me of someone I miss, so my mind keeps wandering back to more unwanted memories, causing more stress, which takes away my blood supply." He had burns running down his arms, scratches, cuts, bruises... I winced, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't be hurting.
"I'm sorry, Harry. I know it hurts, missing someone, so just focus on the good memories. Just remember the good you saw in them, it helps."
"But I only see the good in you, you're so much like her, and I just feel... Nevermind..."
What could he possibly feel?
"Don't get me wrong, I like you as a person, separate from her, but you do remind me a lot of them... But I like you for you..."
I felt my heart ache, so he was missing a female... I obviously had no chance with him now.
"I'm sorry, Harry. You don't deserve this pain..."
There were a few moments of silence before he glanced up at me,"Everything has happened for a reason. Maybe I lost her so I could be even happier with someone else." This made my heart flutter and gave me hope. Maybe I do have a chance with him.
"Remember when we, or I, was a kid and I fell out of the tree house?" I asked, trying to distract him. "I could've died, but you managed to catch me on the ground below. I was so scared that I wouldn't let go of you..."
He gave me a small smile,"I carried you all the way home and Gemma was so upset and wouldn't let you out of her sight the rest of the night."
"See? You've been saving me from the beginning, Harry. That's what you do. You can't save everyone, you're only one person."
"I know... Thanks, Gwen." There were a few moments of silence before he turned to me, "Hey, I'm sorry we didn't hang out after a while... As you grew, your scent became harder to be around... It was overwhelming. You have no idea how many times I almost killed you."
I cringed, not knowing he came close to that for me. We sat in silence before I turned to look at him.
His eyes flickered more intensely before me, reminding me of the problem at hand,"Drink from me." I whispered, remembering my intentions. His eyes became full vampire, with specks of green, showing his human was still there.
"Gwen... I don't wanna hurt you. And I might not be able to stop, since your blood is like a siren to vampires..."
"Harry, I'm willing to take the chance. Just take my blood." He steps towards me, the green flecks slowly disappearing until he only had his vampiric eyes. He pulled me into his arms and smiled at me, his fangs glinting in the shimmering, fading twilight. I leaned my head back and I felt his soft lips press against my neck gently. He kissed the skin, trying to decide the right spot to bite. He chose the vein right below my right ear. He began to suck and nip at it and I felt his fangs grazing it a few times, before I felt them cut into my skin. I gasped and dug my nails into his stone cold shoulder. My body hurt and I whimpered as I felt the beast in Harry taking away my life source. I clung to Harry, fighting the natural human instincts of fight or flight. My head was spinning like a top and my breathing was uneven with pain. But then pleasure burst through my body. Then I felt his teeth pull out of my vein and he kissed the wound, running his tongue over it, carefully healing it for me. He held me in his arms as I felt my wound burn as it healed.
I giggled. Harry looked at me with a strange look, which caused me to giggle more.
"Hahahaha, yeah, McCurly?"
"Are you okay?"
"Teehee! Hee Hee hee! Yeah, why? Hahaha, you look... Sexy, McCurly!"
"Oh no... I broke her... I gotta go find the boys!" He exclaimed to himself. He pulled me into his arms and another giggle slipped through my lips. I eagerly reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. He glanced at me as I giggled and played with his hair. His speed increased as I laughed again. He stopped in front of a door and knocked. I looked over his door and saw that strange man lurking in the shadows by our door with a serious face that made me laugh harder than before. The door was opened by Liam, and Harry brushed past him. Right before the door closed, I saw the man step from the shadows and fiddle with our suit handle. I giggled as his head turned to me with a serious look, before he pushed the door to our suit open and the door to Liam's suit closed, blocking the man from my sight.
I was placed on a couch and as I bounced up and down on it, I giggled as all the boys shot me worried looks.
"Harry, what happened?"
"I.... I think I broke her..."
"What? Where's she hurt? What happened? Harry, how could you? I can't-" Louis ran over to me and starts examining me. I giggle at his serious expression.
"No, it's not like that, I mean mentally. Look at her! I, I fed from her and now she's... Just watch..." All the boys stared at me with worried expressions and I can't help but giggle at all of them. Everyone turned towards Niall and I did the same. Why were we all staring at him? I laughed again as my head started to spin. I collapsed back down on the couch and began laughing uncontrollably and Niall stepped forward. He put his hand on my heart and I giggled, surprised by how cold his hand was.
"Hehehe! Niall, you're hand's cold! I thought you were supposed to be hot!"
Louis laughed and the other boys exchanged more worried glances. Niall's eyes began flashing different colors.
"So what exactly happened...?" Liam asked as I giggled and watched Niall's rainbow eyes.
"I, uh, I fed from her..." He whispered as he stared at the floor and it worried me.
"Curly McCurl Curl?" I called sweetly, then giggled. He looked over at me, his eyes sad.
"Don't feel bad Harry, she let us feed from her too... She said she plans to let all of us feed eventually..." Louis informed Harry.
"Wait, why?" Liam said,his eyes glancing at me with compassion swimming in them.
I took the liberty of answering for myself as I felt my high wear off and saw Niall's eyes flashing from blue to green, before settling to mostly blue eyes with a deep green swirling in them,"Because you guys have done so much for me. The least I can do is let you drink from me..."
"Gwen..." They all said, looking at me with amazement and other emotions that I couldn't identify.
"So, what's my problem after you drink from me? Like, is that even normal?" I asked, not understanding why I always reacted that way.
"We really actually don't know. A normal human has never reacted that way. But then again, you aren't normal..." Zayn trailed off, not quite sure of what else to say.
I was confused. What was wrong with me? Why did I react that way? I just couldn't understand.
"But it's not necessarily a bad thing! It's just different..." Niall intervened, trying to cheer me up. I nodded, but realized that I still had one more thing to do.
"Liam?" I asked. His eyes darted to mine and I saw gold flecks in them, and I knew he was slightly thirsty but had it controlled... For now.
"Yeah, Gwen?"
"Would you like to... Uh... Feed off me?" I didn't know how I wanted to word it.
"Gwen, Harry just fed from you. Are you sure you can handle it?"
I mentally examined myself and decided,"Yeah, I can handle it."
Liam came up to me and grabbed my hand. He led me into one of the rooms in the suit and he smiled at me.
"Are you sure?"
No one had ever cared so much about someone's well being. Liam was so caring it was like he was my older brother.
"I'm sure." He took my hand and drew me close. I tilted my head and I felt his lips brush my neck. His fangs lightly glided against the skin for a bit. He settled on the front vein on the left side of my neck. I felt his fangs carefully press through the skin, but it still hurt. I stifled a whimper as I felt him begin to drink my blood. He was trying to be very careful, but despite his efforts, it still hurt like hell. But it was soon replaced by intense happiness and I was riding my high. Again. I was getting a little dizzy and the feeling made me giggle. I felt Liam pull his fangs from my neck and he wiped his mouth. He began to lick my neck as I giggled again. It tickled and caused me to squirm in his hold.
"Gwen, hold still please."
I giggled again and squirmed,"But it tickles, Li Li!"
I heard him sigh and continue to heal my wound as I giggled some more. He wrapped me in a blanket he pulled from the bed, then walked out of the room. He sat me down on the couch and Niall came over to me immediately. I giggled as his eyes began to flash colors again.
Finally, my giggles died down and I was exhausted. I snuggled into the couch and closed my eyes, almost asleep as the boys murmured in the background, when I remembered something.
"Guys?" I sprang up.
"There was someone who broke into our room after Harry brought me over here. I saw him walk in through our door before the door shut to this suite and you guys fixed me..."
A/N sorry it was so ugh... I'll try to make it better. I hope you guys enjoyed this story! If we get up to 35 votes, I'll tell my real age and name and I'll answer some of your questions if you have any. So vote like crazy, guys! See ya next chappie!
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