《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 5
When I woke up, I was alone in the dark room. I moaned and got up. I shuffled out of the room and squinted through the light in the hallway. I yawned and trudged downstairs, passing boxes along the way. I tripped on the last stair and plummeted to the ground, but Niall caught me.
"Careful, love." He smiled at me and led me into the kitchen. He sat me down at the table and put a plate in front of me.
"Eat first, and then I'll show you where your stuff and the bathroom is, so you can get ready before we go to the airport. The plane leaves at ten, so be ready by eight thirty." He ruffled my hair, then left the kitchen to go continue to prepare to leave.
I took a bite of eggs, then grabbed the bottle of hot sauce off the table. I poured it on my eggs, making them bright pink. I continued to eat and thought about how different my life was becoming.
One minute, I was sitting in school praying for a more exciting life, and the next minute my wish came true. Yeah, it wasn't what I was expecting. If anything, it kinda backfired on me. But hey, at least I don't have to turn in the cruddy packet.
I did miss my family. I missed my mom's warm hugs. I missed ruffling the twins' hair. I missed it, yeah, but I have a new family. A family that could never replace my old one, but I still loved them just as much. Even though I barely knew them, I still owed them and trusted them. They had and still are protecting me. But why? Why couldn't they just hand me over instead of endangering their lives.
That's another thing. Were those other vampires really going to hurt more humans?
I couldn't let myself think about that, or it'd get to me and totally ruin this.
I came back to reality as the hot sauce burnt my throat as hot as the Savannah Dessert. I quickly took a swig of milk as I wondered what being very thirsty to a vampire felt like. I smiled as I stood up and cleaned my dishes. I loaded them in the dishwasher then turned and looked for one of the boys. I found Zayn, who was putting masking tape on a box. He smiled when he heard me approaching.
"Good morning, Gwen."
"Morning." I beamed.
"Oh yeah. Follow me, I'll show you your stuff and the bathroom." He smiled at me again, put the tape down, and took my hand. He led me through the halls and to a door. He pushed it open and in it was a huge bathroom with a box sitting on the floor. My name was scrawled in elegant handwriting across the top. "Your clothes are in the box. Along with your hair and care products. Also, we packed some of your makeup. Even though you don't need any."He winked at me and I laughed.
"Thanks, Zayn!"
"No problem. Now hurry, you have thirty minutes until we have to leave."
I squealed and shoved him out of the room so I could get ready.
I stripped down and quickly showered. I rushed through, but tried to be thorough. I quickly toweled off, then dug through the box. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a cute mini blue dress. I pulled it over me and went to the counter. I blow dried then straightened my hair. I hastily applied makeup, packed my stuff, sealed it, then bustled out of the room with the box. I set it down with the others, then began looking for the boys. I walked into the main room and felt a pair of arms hug me from behind. I gasped and squirmed. The person laughed, and I realized it was Louis.
"Good morning, girly! You look lovely!"
"Aww, thanks Louis! And you did your hair! I love it!" I carefully reached out and ran my fingers through it, careful not to mess it up.
He laughed,"So did you!" And he ran his fingers through my hair with a smirk on his face.
"Okay, girls. Both of your guys' hair looks great, now let's go! We need to go to the airport!" Harry exclaimed, as he carried a stack of boxes out of the room. I laughed and went to grab a box, but Louis stopped me.
"No, no! Let me get these. They can be really heavy, and you might mess up your hair. Go outside and Harry will help you into the car." Louis told me, as he picked up his own stack of boxes. I huffed and he laughed. I walked outside and found Harry loading the boxes into the back of a moving truck. He turned to me and smiled.
"Hey, Gwen!" He called. With a flash, he was in front of me and I stumbled back, surprised. He laughed and grabbed my arm to steady me.
"Come on, let's get you into the car." He took my hand and led me to the black car in front of the huge house. He opened the back door and helped me in. I sat down and smoothed my skirt as he laughed. He kissed my forehead, then pulled out of the car. He grabbed the door, ready to close it.
"We just have to finish loading a few boxes for the movers, then we'll join you in the car."
"Wait, have you kept your promise so far?" I asked, remembering last night.
He smiled at me, but there was faint sadness in his eyes,"Yes, I'm trying."
"What would Gemma say?" I asked.
He laughed and shook his head,"A lot."
With that, he shut the door and strode off. I sighed and fastened my belt. I drummed my fingers on the door.
I wish there was something I could do to repay them. I owed them so much. They saved me from getting shot. They took care of me, they gave me their beds when I had nowhere to go, Niall suffered my emotional pain for me, and now they're moving from their own home for me.
What could I ever do to repay them?
That's when I remembered. I'm the Blood Rose. My blood is the most delicious smelling and tasting blood out there. They're a group of vampires. A way to repay them is to offer them my blood when they ate blood thirsty. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
All of the sudden, I heard doors opening and closing around me as the boys all climbed into their car and shut the door. I was immediately sandwiched between Liam and Harry. Behind us, in the back row, Louis and Niall sat together. In the front, Zayn took the seat behind the wheel and a box was in the seat next to them. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
"Here, boys!" He said, then he tossed each of them a blood bag. He didn't grab one himself, since he was driving.
They each caught their bag, but looked at me first.
"What? I don't mind..." I muttered, honestly not caring if they drank blood in front of me.
"Thanks, Gwen. We missed breakfast. This should settle us for now... But once we get to Paris, some of us will have to go hunting..." Liam explained. I nodded and I heard them each bite into their blood bags. I could hear them gulping down the blood and I could feel their eyes watching me for any reaction. I kept a poker face as I became suddenly interested with the buttons on my dress. One by one, the boys stopped drinking and tossed their bags back into the container up front. I felt Harry put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him.
"You still smell way better." He murmured to me, and I heard the boys grumble in agreement. I blushed and they all laughed.
I felt the car pull to a stop and I saw we were at the airport. We all got out of the car and shut the doors. The boys all surrounded me and we walked into the airport. I heard the loudness of all the humans and I felt the boys stiffen a little, then relax. I could only guess it was because of all the humans. Niall's arm was around my waist, Zayn's around my shoulder, and I felt a few hands on my back and shoulders. These guys were all about the physical contact. I guess they were letting everyone know that I was theirs or something. We walked up and got into a line for one of the flights. We made our way through security and I got a pat down by a forty year old bald guy, which made me blush, since I'd never gone through airport security. I could hear the boys' laughter as my face glowed red.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, we were in the area where we waited for the plane so we could board. I was twiddling my thumbs as I watched the planes coming and leaving the airport, when I felt Louis stiffen beside me. I glanced up and he was already staring down at me.
"Guys!" He whisper shouted. They all came over to us.
"What is it, Lou?" Liam asked.
"We have company. And not the good kind." He stated, and all their eyes turned to mine. I could see their eyes flicker from human to vampire, to human again, and back and forth. That wasn't a good sign.
"What's wrong?" I whispered, becoming scared.
"You can't freak..." Harry told me. I nodded.
"They're after you... They're here for you." Liam told me as his eyes continued to flicker.
"Stay here. Louis and Niall will stay here with you. We will go after them. Don't worry, Gwen," Zayn whispered. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back immediately. I hugged each of them before Harry, Zayn, and Liam left. I sat in between Niall and Louis, they each had an arm around me.
Minutes passed. I began to get worried for the three boys.
"Louis? Are they okay?" I asked eventually.
"I haven't heard anything yet... I think they are..." Louis said.
"I haven't gotten any strange readings on emotions, either..." Niall informed me.
"Okay... Thanks." I smiled at them. Another five minutes passed before two men walked in. They were wearing black leather jackets, black jeans, and black combat boots. They had buzz cuts, sunglasses, and muscles that you could see a mile away. The boys stiffened next to me and a shiver ran down my spine.
The men sniffed at the air, then smirks fell across their faces. They came over to us and I whimpered. I pressed back against Niall, who wound both his arms around me and his eyes went completely vampiric. His teeth became fangs and he growled at the men. The men smirked as they stopped in front of us.
"Come on, Horan, hand her over," One of them said. He had a Bluetooth on his ear.
Niall and Louis's responses were deep growls. Niall's chest vibrated against my back.
"Give us the Blood Rose!" The other one growled.
"No!" Louis shouted. All the humans in the room glanced at us nervously, then one by one scampered from the room.
The one with the Bluetooth snarled and pounced at Louis. They blurred into what I perceived as a vampire fight. I shrieked and tried to run to Louis, but Niall's grip on me tightened as he drew me up against him.
"Come on, Horan, hand her over!" The one in front of us shouted, reaching for me. His fingers brushed my arm as Niall pulled me away. Where the man had touched me, his fingers had burnt into my skin, leaving trails. I cried out and Niall's eyes shifted to my arm. He snarled loudly and put me on the bench. He turned from me and attacked the other men. Loud growls and fighting noises filled the room. Those men were so much bigger than the boys. They were all fighting over me. Me! A pathetic human who can't even protect herself.
I needed to distract them. My blood. I could bleed. If I bled, the new vampires would look over at me and the boys could destroy them. I had to try it. I pulled out the clip holding my hair out of my face and looked at it.
The flower on it had jagged edges, perfect. I pressed it into my wrist, drew in a deep breath, then yanked it quickly across. I gasped as I felt my flesh rip open, but the pain didn't hit me yet. My nerves were still trying to figure out what to do. Dark red blood ran down my arm, laced across my hand, and dripped onto the floor. I heard all noise cease, except for my uneven breathing, the pulsing of my blood in my ears, and the dripping of the blood onto the floor. I looked up to find four pairs of goldish red vampire eyes staring at my wrist.
Their eyes all locked onto my blood as it runs down my arm. The two new vampires start towards me, and I begin to wonder if Louis and Niall will be able to snap out of it. I back up towards the wall, needing something to protect my back. I whimper leaves my lips as every vampire advances forward with blood lust blatant in their eyes. I pressed against the wall, knowing that I couldn't outrun them. They had me surrounded and I really regretted my stupid decision. One of the new vampires grabbed my wrist and where he grabbed me, his fingers burnt into my flesh, causing me to cry out. That seemed to snap Louis and Niall out of their blood lust and they leapt on the men, immediately ripping their heads off and letting their bodies crumple to the floor. They turned towards me, but their eyes were still vampiric.
"Louis? Niall?" I whispered. They paused and I saw their eyes begin to flicker again.
"Gwen... Your arm... We didn't...?" Niall trailed off, gently grabbing my arm.
"Huh? No, no! I did it..."
"Why?!" Louis exclaimed.
"B-because those guys were so much bigger than you... I wanted to help... I'm sorry!" I cried as tears slipped down my cheeks. Their faces immediately softened and Niall wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He kissed my forehead and dragged me over to the bench. He carefully lifted my arm up and examined the wound, which I had stupidly made deep. As the adrenaline racing through my veins began to wear off, I began to get dizzy from the amount of blood loss.
"This is going to feel a bit uncomfortable, but I'm going to heal your wound. Okay?" Niall asked.
I nodded.
"And I'll give you blood to help your system recover quickly." Louis told me.
"Wait! Don't! Not yet..."
"Why not?" They both asked.
"Because you're both wounded from the fights!" I pointed at their cuts and burns.
"Gwen... We're fine!" Louis stated.
"Drink my blood."
They both looked at each other,"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, absolutely. I'll give some to the others, too."
Since Niall was holding my still bleeding wrist, he decided to drink from there. I carefully tilted my neck to the side so Louis could partake from there.
I felt Niall lick up some of the blood running down my arm and I heard a moan of satisfaction from him. I felt Louis begin to kiss my neck as Niall began to kiss my wrist. Almost simultaneously, they began to nip, suck, then bite into my wrist. I gasped as a dull ache spread through my body. I could feel them both taking my blood. I watched in amazement as Niall's wounds began to heal. I winced and began to whimper as the wall of pain hit me. I bit my lip to keep from crying out as I felt tears slide down my cheeks. Finally, the pain subsided and pleasure took over. I began to feel really happy, or almost high, because of the overwhelming pleasure. A giggle slipped through my lips as I smiled. I felt both boys pull out of my veins and look at me in wonder. I was still giggling as they licked my wounds, healing them. Louis bit his wrist and held it up to my mouth. I giggled, but didn't do anything. He pressed his wrist to my mouth and I felt the blood trickling down my throat. It burnt, which caught me by surprise. I felt Niall carefully healing my wounds and burns. Louis's wrist healed up as I laughed again.
"Has this ever...?" Louis asked Niall.
"I don't know... She is different, remember?"
"But I don't think I've ever seen a human act like this..."
"It's not shock... You don't think we overloaded her body when we both fed off of her together, do you?"
"That may be why..." I giggled at their serious faces and realized my wounds were gone.
"Hey! Where's my wounds?!" I yelled. Another giggle came out.
"They're healed." Niall answered.
"You must be magical!" I shrieked.
"Niall, could you please control her emotions?" Louis never took his eyes off me.
"I can try..." He answered as he furrowed his brow. I felt him place his hand on my shoulder and I felt the immense happy feeling leaving my body. I began to feel really tired and I leaned against Louis.
"That's better!" Louis sighed.
"Hey guys, what'd we miss?" Harry asked as he walked in, followed by Liam and Zayn.
"It's a long story. We'll tell you on the plane, since it looks like its time to board." Niall answered. I stood up and almost fell on my face if it weren't for Louis catching my waist. I smiled at him, then reached up and fixed Harry's tie. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.
"Are you guys alright?" I asked, my voice muffled by his shirt.
"Yeah, just a bit sore, nothing we can't handle, though," I heard Liam say.
"And a bit thirsty..." Zayn muttered. Looks like he'll be the first I reward with my blood.
"How about we get on our plane?" Harry said with a smile. He wrapped an arm around my waist as we all left the waiting room and got in line to board the plane.
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