《The Dynasty of Hellsing》The dawn of The End


Looking at the cell's window I realize the sky was red, blood will be spilled. It's the dawn of the end, Hell will rise and doom Hellsing, it is March 4th and I could not stop Ophelia. I was trapped inside a box and inside my mind, I was a prisoner.

Each hour my anxiety grew, I could not eat, I threw up in panic, ticking insanity scratched my mind. I threw a glass at the wall and kneed myself near it, I picked one of the pieces and put it against my wrist, blood came running and I became insanely hopeful it will keep me in this reality. It became a waiting game, not knowing what denouement will this day have. I felt a sudden and smooth calm, Iaid in my modest bed and waited. Crows sat on my window sill as if they were attracted by how I drowned in my silent and calm despair. Tic toc, I could almost hear the time mocking me. Tic toc, it's making me insane. Tic toc, make it stop. I had no perception of the world around me, burning of the highest fever. A loud noise came from upstairs but to me everything was a illusion and nothing was real.

-Mother... Father... Take me away, I cannot bare this alone. I want to die, please KILL ME! -I began yelling, the world was too intense for me to face it. I was crying. -Please ... please ... don't leave me again!

A angel came near me, involving me in a sweet light. His presence seemed pure and I felt myself slipping from this world.

-Did you come here to save me? -I mumbled.

-I will take your pain away ... -He was not an angel but a demon and I loved that demon more than my life. He grabbed my bleeding wrist and kissed it. -Why must you hurt yourself like this? I will endure the pain for the both of us.

In my plain sense my hand reached to him and caressed his face. I almost felt affection and pity for a fool that spends eternity fighting for his love.


-Aleister, you do not love me but you never left me, did you?

-Never, Iris... -he came closer to me, I felt his breathing on my lips and as he came closer he laid a warm kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes, I felt myself dying. I became selfish enough to leave this world in Ophelia's hands. I knew I would not come back, this was the end of me. I was tired of insanity, madness and illnesses of the mind that killed Iris' soul. I gave up. All the demons in life were angels.

I opened my eyes and saw the world as I never seen it before. I threw my hands to Aleister as I havent done it for centuries. Laid kisses on his mouth and my heart became warmer.

-The curse will end today and we shall live forever, my angel. -I whispered.

As we reached the upper floor I saw all the deaths Aleister provoked. Blood everwhere and some bodies were now moving as ghouls, he was building a army and I smiled at him. Hellsing was under attack and slowly and slowly it was crumbling down. Soldiers were drowning in their own blood, some shot and some eaten. Seras was killing our army but one Seras could not save the whole Organization.

Indifferent to all the bloodshed around us, Aleister grabbed my hand and gave me a silver cross. I knew what it meant. Before I ran to the upper floor to meet my match I kissed Aleister.

-I shall never leave you, Ophelia.

-You are my saviour and my angel. You have my heart and soul, my beloved. -And I left. Running across the stair my ecstasy grew. Passing through door and door, I knew exactly were to hit.

With a kick I blew the heavy door down. Integra was enraged and smoking furiously and Alucard was in a tense pose.

-Such a fine evening is it not, sister? -I asked with a genuine smile on my face and my hands behind my back like a little child.


-Do not call me "sister", I know you are nothing to me, you demon!

-Such harsh words! We are family.


-Oh no, my flower. She killed herself...

-You drove her mad!

-She was the queen in my game. I used enough pawns...

Alucard appeared behind me and as he tried to stab me I turned to my left avoiding the blade.

-Oh Alucard, such a cheap trick! -I removed one of the knives I had on me and threw at him, it broke his skin like porcelain making a slight cut and jabbed itself on the wall.

He grabbed his guns and tried to shot me but I knew him too well. He was predictable. I made knives rain on him but he rapidly regenerated.

-But please tell me Alucard, did you really had no idea that Iris was me all this time? -I sat on Integra's desk mocking him that way.

-You were a leech. -He kicked Integra's desk making it fly of the window and me with it. -And I fucking hate it.

I fell on a sharp pole of the fence that pierced my stomach. I stood up and removed it. With the pole in my hand I became a maestro, controlling the ghouls that rose. My laugh was maniacal and echoed through the destruction.

He jumped off the window and started to attack me once again, destroying my ghouls with his exploding bullets.

-LETS PLAY A GAME, SHALL WE?! - Aleister grabbed Integra and brought her to my grip. I point a knife at her neck. - I kill her and you die insane.

He stopped trying to attack me and tried to make a path to me, crushing heads and exploding insides.

-I have shown pity on you, Ophelia. You are mad, for years and centuries you have built a monster blinded by revenge.

-And wouldn't you know something about that, my dear? -I walked away from her and I knew she wouldn't dare to run. She was defenseless but proud as she always was.

I threw a knife at her but it wasn't meant for her, Alucard appeared in front of her being the one being stabbed in the heart and with his slight impairment I ran to him and stabbed him once again in the heart with the silver cross. I felt his pain.

-Do you remember this, Alucard? This was your cross while you were human... -I whispered in his ear. He smiled and closed his eyes.

I look at Aleister. The sweet revenge I believed would never come! Tears pour down my face and I whisper the names of the Bathazar family. Integra falls on her knees near Alucard that melts into a dark matter.

-It is over, my angel... -As I kiss Aleister's lips and entwine my hand with his I felt a excruciating pain. Blood was all over and I was confused. I realized that Alucard was not dead but that we will be soon, piercing both our hearts with a silver spear we die as vampiric common royalty.

I see panic on Aleister's face and I caress his face.

-The curse shall end today ... we are free, my angel. -I tried to bare the pain and I saw he was in the same pain as I. His smile was painful and I kiss his hand.

-I shall never leave you, my Ophelia...

Laid on the ground I looked at the sky, it was blood red but calm. I was not alone, I bare the pain in my lover's arms and we slowly died in agony. I saw a little child run to us with a glowing happy aura. It was my little angel.

"Come play with me, Ophi! We have been waiting for you!"

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