《The Dynasty of Hellsing》The cursed Queen


I opened my eyes like I came from a deep dream. Was it really a dream? Am I from the cursed lineage of Ophelia? I knew it was true, in the deepest of my heart I could feel the pain of her loss and I knew it was true. I suddenly realized how I was nothing more than a pawn in this story. I was nothing more than a pawn used for revenge.

I wanted to walk until I was lost, scream in the void and I ran. Ran to the the only person that I knew that would give me answers, I ran to Integra.

-Sir Integra... - In no condition to appear in front of such high authority I shyly knocked at her office door.

-Come in. -Her voice denounced how tired she was and I felt bad for bothering her.

As I did came in I avoided her eye contact. I didn't had the courage to face her after my failing at leading the Battalion M4, but I had to.

-I am awfully sorry to bother you, Sir Integra, and I hope you can forgive me but I must ask you something ... not as a soldier but as your sister. - I looked her in the eyes and I saw a glimpse of warmness. She stopped smoking and l proceeded. -May I ask about the Ruadh family?

-The Ruadh family? How do you know about them?

I hesitated, should I speak about Ophelia? Would she see me as insane? I did not knew what to answer her. She read my doubts and did not waited a second longer to answer.

-The Ruadh family was one of the first families that ruled the Hellsing Organization.

-What happened to them?

-They were all murdered. Wife of Vincent Ruadh was the sole survivor, she was pregnant at the time, from that pregnancy sprouted our great great grandfather, Harry Ruadh Van Hellsing.


How could it be? Ophelia survived the massacre, did she understood that her family was target because of her and hid?

"Ask her about Gremory Van Hellsing..."

I knew it was Ophelia that whispered in my mind.

-And who was Gremory Van Hellsing?

She stood up and poured wine in a tall crystal glass. She asked me if I wanted some but I respectfully declined, for me this was no moment to appreciate fine wine.

-He was Harry's brother. He never entered the Hellsing Organization and some say he was born mad.

-Born mad?

-He spoke of none sense and was consumed by revenge. He died in the same day as the slaughter of the Ruadh family.

-How did he died?

-Murder. Gremory was a insane mad, maybe he made a powerful enemy. -So Gremory was also a victim of the curse. Did each generation had a cursed pawn? How could I end it? - But how do you know all of this and why do you ask, Iris?

-Forgive me but I cannot say. Were they any more deaths that matched the same pattern?

-So you are talking about the curse. -She laughed but there was no veracity in her laugh. -After Gremory's death Harry's son, Lucifer, was struck by the "curse". After Lucifer came Salem, gran-daughter of Lucifer and some say that our mother was struck by it after but I do not know. They all died in the same day, March 4th.

My mind raced as I realized that my doom was due three days.

-Thank you for your time, Sir Integra. I am sorry to have bothered you so late.

The curse Ophelia brought on these damn souls was real. I needed to talk to Aleister, I knew he was alive and near me. I came to my room and I looked myself in the mirror, I did not only saw myself, I saw Ophelia behind me smiling. I ran once again.


It was cold outside, the sky had some clouds but the stars shined as bright as they never did and the moon was clear and present.

-I call for you my angel, Aleister. I am in need of your aid.

-So you are the master's salvation? -A voice behind me made me turn around in fright. I knew that face, the face I once thought that belonged to my mother. She was sitting on a rock.

-Who are you, witch?!

-Why are you calling me a witch ?! I am not the one that cursed my own lineage to fulfill my desire of revenge. Hm, maybe I should...-She pondered the idea for a while. -Oh you don't look much to me but meeeh, can't really cut you from master's dead heart, can I ?

-What do you want?

-Didn't you forgot that you wanted to talk with Aleister or did all those years haunting people made you dumb, you damn maggot?

A hand grabbed her neck and Aleister appeared from nothing.

-How many times do I need to break your neck for you to learn, Lenore? -And as he said it her broke it like it was nothing more than a twig. -As for you, Iris, do not try do fool me with your tricks. I do know when Ophelia is in this world or not.

I crumbled like a castle made of cards.

-Forgive me, Aleister. Please help me.

He began to laugh, his laugh was evil and echoed hitting the void around us. -Oh child, I must admit that you are a privileged one. Ophelia did not manifested on anyone as strongly as she did on you, that is why I have protected you for so long. You are the Ophelia in this world.

-I am NOT Ophelia!

-Do not fool yourself. We have sacrificed many of your lineage to come to this point, they were nothing more than pawns but you, my dear, are the Queen in this game controlled by me and Ophelia. Your fate was not written by the Gods but by us.

-What changed?

-Your soul drank from the river of oblivion and the chosen one was born ! The one to kill Alucard, to kill Integra, to kill everybody around him and to destroy the Hellsing Organization was finally born !

-I will not kill !

-My dearest fool, you do not have a choice. Does fate let the worm chose in which mouth of the bird it will die? We are near...

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