《The Dynasty of Hellsing》Luxury


The last thing I saw was fire, it felt like Hell cracked the floor and came to find me. I woke up in the bed I was minutes before such thing happened. This weak body kept me in bed for too long. My consciousness came to me and I opened my eyes. A limited sight of a wet, cold cloth on my eyes. I tried to remove it but suddenly I heard a voice:

-I wouldn't do it if I were you. -It was Sera's voice.


-You were badly injured.

The confused situation came to me and I got up from bed, feeling my knees weak I fell and the wet cloth uncovered my eyes. With my left eye I could see Seras coming at me, trying to put me back on my feet, I could see her blond hair, her big and red sparkly eyes, her yellow uniform. With my right eye I couldn't see. I stopped and touched my eye. It felt rough, burned and it hurt.

-Sir Integra is busy but she will come to see you soon.

I felt sad and lonely. And asked her if she could go because I wanted to be alone. She closed the door behind her and left me with my own self. I started to think why in the world I came here. I asked God why was I cursed to walk this earth alone. I started to get myself dressed, my blouse was all crumpled and my tights had holes in it. I pinned my blonde hair up and put my coat on, I searched what did I had in my pockets but it was nothing more than my whiskey's check. I tidied up the bed and tried to find a pen in the bedside table drawer, I found one and in the back of the check I wrote "I am truly sorry." and placed it side by side the pen.


Almost reaching to the door, the butler asked me where I was going.

-I'm sorry. I'll be going now. Thank you for your hospitality.

Smoothly he wanted to open the door for me but as I touched the doorknob he touched my hand and bowed removing his hand.

-Please let me have the honor to drive you to your house.

-There is no need. I'll just call a cab.

-It will be difficult since this area has restricted access.

I lowered my head and made a weird noise similar to "rrrrrrrrrrr". Not seeing any other option I agreed and he indicated the way. While he walked in front of me, I analyzed him. His shoulders were wide and his arms strong. He was much more taller than me and it intimidated me. He was quiet and didn't speak too much.

I was enjoying the view of that splendid green and well maintened garden with tall corinthian pilars. And suddently I was surprised with a glorious black Rolls Royce Phantom. He opped the door and I sat inside, inhaling the smell of leather and veener. Such luxury that any man or woman crave. I loved it all yet it didn't belonged me. I wanted to go back to my small appartment, I wanted to get back to what I was used to.

As that paradise became smaller I felt nostalgic, missing a past that I never had. I started to imagine a family that I never had, a loving father, a teaching mother and a protective sister. As I stared at the window, the trees seemed to wave me goodbye, the sun hid and I wanted what I knew.

The moon was bright and the whole sky became the moon's stage, all the beauty was in the moon and no one cared about the stars that shone and painted the sky little by little but it was not enough. A white thing flew quickly in the sky but when I looked again it wasn't there. Certainly I was blind on one eye but I wasn't yet insane. I simply ignored it, drinking my tea in the balcony and appreciating the sky as I wrote stories that never happened. Suddenly I heard someone knocking on my door and got startled. I grabbed a small knife and hid it behind my back. I looked at the clock that marked one a.m. Nobody would knock on my door at that hour of the night.



Nobody answered, I became even more frightened and opened the door slightly enough to feel protected by a weak chain. Nobody was there. I closed the door and tried to calm myself.

-Maybe I was just hearing things... -I said to myself.

I went back to the balcony to grab my cup of tea and my notebook and as I did I looked at the stars once again, putting the knife on the table. I laughed and thought how stupid and foolish I was being.

It was cold, I was only with my night gown and felt a chill come up my legs, a sudden shiver ran through my body. As I turned around to go to bed a lost soul grabbed me by my neck and pushed me to the edge, my torso hanging over the balcony, my feet trying to kick and grab anything and everything not to fall, only a hand holding my existence. My blind, scared, in pain and sad existence.

The hand was strong yet it didn't seemed to have a form. A white long cloak covered it's figure, If its hand wasn't around my neck I would say it was an angel.

-JESUS, WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?! -I yelled angry and frustrated for not getting far away from all that mysterious demoniac area.

The creature didn't send me to my death by letting me fall from the fourth floor and crush every bone my body had but it threw me against a wall. I could not see it as a act without mercy. A frame fell and glass shattered everywhere as I fell on top of it cutting my gown and my arms.

To a certain age I believed that my existence was killing the world but in that moment I was sure that it was the world who was trying to kill my existence.

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