《The Dynasty of Hellsing》Inviting Death


-This is Hellsing. We are a secret Organization that protects humans from Lucifer's seeds, the vampires. I am Si...

-Wait. Hold a minute! Vampires?

-Yes, vampires. There are three kinds of vampires. They can be created by the FREAK chip process that takes over your system. The Millenium process, the war we suffered almost five years ago was the Major's plan, after WWII they conducted experiences on war prisoners to create these undead creatures.

-T... t... -My mind was shocked and I felt like I couldn't speak. -THAT WAS YOU!

She looked at me with contempt and her eyes look even colder.

-I was born in the Hellsing family, my duty is to save your asses from vampires. I did not had a choice, I am obliged, by my name to fulfill this duty, for the people, for the Queen and for you. People around you died, it must run in the family because there isn't a year that someone in my Organization ends up dead, either from suicide or murder. People die everyday but even more people would die if this Organization wouldn't exist so, before you say trash, I would advise you to think a little.

I felt my face turning red. I came to her, grabbed her hand gently and bowed.

-I am trully sorry, please accept my apologies. I will be more careful from now on.

She looked at me and her whole expression turned warmer and softer.

-The third way is a much more rare mean to achieve immortality. This happened to the girl you saw before, the police girl. In order to save her life she was turned by a real vampire, by Alucard.


The sound of a huge explosion came to my ears and I looked at Integra frightened. Suddenly she grabbed her gun and ran to where the explosion came. I followed her. As I stood in the corridor I saw part of it destroyed. I ran. As I came to the epicenter of the explosion I saw Seras with a huge bazooka with "Harkonnen" spelled in big letters and a lady with long red hair, her hands were on fire and she tried to burn everywhere she passed. Integra shoot her in the shoulder and she threw one of her fire balls at her. I panicked, everything started moving slower and slower, I ran in front of Integra. If I invite Death to all around me at least It should take me away. I would not let her die.

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