《Neuanfang》Closer To You
A whole weekend with Richard, the thought was thrilling. It would be the most time we had spent together in the month and a half since we started our relationship.We left the hospital grounds, and stopped for lunch at a small restaurant just inside the city centre.
"So we have the house to ourselves tonight." I commented, taking a mouthful of food. "Emily doesn't get back from her trip to Cardiff until tomorrow morning, and my parents are at a wedding tonight, and probably won't be home until tomorrow afternoon."
"I'm sure we will find a way to entertain ourselves." He laughed, taking my hand across the table and playing with my fingers.
"I need to get changed." I complained. "My hair is a mess and I'm still wearing my work clothes, I feel so unattractive."
"Honey, the first time I saw you, you had been sleeping in a field for three nights." Richard laughed. "And you still looked beautiful to me." I blushed at this; he was so generous with his compliments and it wasn't something I was used to at all. "But if it makes you feel better, we can go home for you to get changed, then decide what we will do."
"Thanks." I smiled over at him. We finished our meal, and got back into the car. He tapped my home address into the satnav, and at my questioning glance again answered with my sisters name. The drive home seemed shorter than usual, we spent the journey telling stories of what had happened during our time apart, mostly him talking and I listening.
Schneider's wife had given birth to their first child, and he was really looking forward to the late nights and broken sleep of parenthood that awaited him when the last few shows were done. Each of the band members were looking forward to having the rest of the year off after their final festival show in a week's time, getting some rest and relaxation before beginning work on the next album during the new year. Richard told me that he was putting the finishing touches on the second Emigrate album, and he would be in talks with the other members about whether or not they should do any sort of tour or just release the album by itself.
For my part, I caught him up on my somewhat boring sounding life; how I felt like I was finally getting back to financial stability - he knew that the reason I was living with my parents was because my ex had plunged me deep into debt while we were together, and I was working hard to get myself back on my feet. I also had stories about Emily and Jay's escapades: he had been up to Scotland once to visit, and she was currently staying with him in Cardiff, to meet his family and spend time with him and his bandmates, who were like brothers to him. Jay and I had grown close, he was perfect for my sister and he was quickly becoming the older brother I had never had.
"Would you get your own place now, then?" He asked. I suppose that the thought of visiting his girlfriend at her parent's house - especially at his age, was rather uncomfortable for him.
"I think I'm almost at that stage." I agreed. "City rent is quite expensive though, especially since it's got two universities, nice apartments can be hard to come by; the students tent to snatch up all the reasonably priced nice ones, leaving all of the expensive ones to us workers." He grinned at me.
"What about if we get a place together? We can spread the cost, I'll have somewhere to stay when I visit, space to keep some belongings..." I was silent for a moment. I liked the idea immensely, but did he really need another property? He already had one in Berlin and one in New York, which to be fair he rarely stayed in anymore... "I'll sell my place in New York." He said, as if he had read my mind. "I'm not even there much anymore, and I'd like to spread out my spare time between Berlin and here." He lifted his hand from the gearstick and placed it on my knee, rubbing gently. "Think about it." He suggested.
"No, I love the idea." I said. "It would make my working day shorter and God knows I need my own space. It's no fun being 24 and still living with my parents."
"Alright then." He said. "We can start searching for a place immediately." I took his hand again, releasing it whenever he needed to change gear, and for the rest of the journey our conversation was about what sort of place we would look for. A feeling of excited contentment was settling in my stomach - after the hellish year I had had previously, it seemed that things were definitely looking up, and I had a bright future with a loving relationship ahead of me.
After giving Richard a quick tour of my house when we arrived, I took a quick shower to freshen up a little. Even though I had only been at work for a short time, dealing with blood samples all day could make you feel a little yucky. I didn't bother washing my hair, just brushed it out and let it sit in waves over my shoulders. Pulling on a clean change of clothes, I laughed as I noticed I had picked up a Rammstein top without thinking about it. I shrugged and pulled it on anyway; if he thought it was too weird I'd change into another.
"Is this too strange?" I asked, walking into my bedroom where he was lying on my bed with my laptop on his chest. He looked up and laughed.
"No, it's actually not. You have excellent taste in music. And men." He winked. I nudged him as I sat down next to him and he shuffled along to the other side of the bed to give me space to lie down too. He raised his arm to let me in next to him, and I cuddled into him gratefully. "Hm, you smell nice." He noted.
"What are you doing on Facebook?" I asked, puzzled.
"Just wanted to see what the fuss is about, all you young ones seem to have it. And Schneider. I added him onto your friends list, by the way."
"Oh, that was a real account? I didn't think any of you would be brave enough to keep one." I laughed.
"Yeah, that's him. I have one now, too! Khira has been nagging me to get one, who knows why, and when I opened up the internet browser and yours was there, I thought, why not. See?" He moved the screen to show me the profile he had so far made himself. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of him, and told him to make that his profile picture. He looked at it and shrugged. We messed around on the internet for a while, laughing as he got too many Facebook notifications to keep track of. "Definitely going to turn that shit off." He commented.
"It's still a nice day outside...up for a road trip?" I suggested.
"Definitely." He replied, shutting down the laptop and placing it gently back on my desk. "Oh, before I forget, I found an awesome apartment. I'll show you it tomorrow, I already called the landlord to arrange a viewing."
"That was fast!" I was shocked.
"Yeah, what can I say, it was pretty perfect. You'll love it." He walked behind my pulling his hoodie on, and we left the house and went back to the car. "So, where to?" He asked as he started the engine.
"I'll direct you." I said. "Have you ever visited St. Andrews?"
"No, I've never been in this area of the country. Glasgow is the extent of my Scottish tour."
"You're missing out!" I teased him.
After a short drive, we arrived in the popular town. We parked close to the beach and took a walk along it. It was surprisingly quiet for August, normally most of the students were returning for the new term and were making the most of their free time before classes started. I snapped a few pictures of the sea and the sky, and the town in the distance. Richard took out his phone and took some pictures of both of us; some with nice smiles and others pulling crazy faces. We took a walk into the town, through the cobbled streets, looking in shop windows and admiring the older buildings. We stopped at a Costa for some coffee, and after placing our order at the counter we took a seat outside so that Richard could smoke. Before our drinks had been brought over to us, Richard's phone rang. He looked at the screen and told me, "Khira." I nodded and he stood up and walked a little along the street for some privacy from the other people sitting nearby. Why, I wasn't sure, since he was speaking in German anyway. I kept myself occupied by checking my Facebook account on my phone. Richard had uploaded the pictures of us on the beach and I shared them, with the caption Reesh and I in St. Andrews. Emily had also uploaded some pictures of her, Jay, Matt, Matt's wife and a few others at what looked like a house party. I was glad she was having fun in Wales but I missed her and looked forward to her getting home. My thoughts were interrupted by our drinks arriving. I smiled up at the girl, putting my phone away and thanking her.
"No problem." She responded. She paused for a moment, then said: "I'm sorry to seem rude, but that guy you're with...is he who I think he is?"
"I guess that depends on who you think he is." I replied with a laugh.
She grinned nervously and said; "Richard Kruspe? From Rammstein?"
"Yeah," I admitted. "The one and only."
"Wow." She flushed slightly. "Are you his girlfriend? Do you think he'd sign something for me? My boyfriend is a huge fan."
"I am. And I'm sure he would, take a seat if you want to wait, he's just on the phone to his daughter."
"Oh, great!" A smile lightened her face. "I better not wait too long though, my boss will kill me." She sat down next to me and waited for a couple of minutes. I sipped my coffee in silence, hoping Richard would return before things got more awkward. Thankfully he did, and despite the slightly irritated look on his face, he was really nice to the girl - Claire, her name badge told me - and happily signed a few items for her, and posed for a picture, which I took on her phone. She thanked us profusely before leaving, and apologised more than once for interrupting our "date".
We finished our coffees and wandered back to the car. It was getting late, and a little chilly as it got darker. On the drive home, I asked tentatively what the call from Khira was about. He replied that Khira and her boyfriend had gone to visit Maxime, his youngest daughter, and his ex wouldn't let them in the house because she had another man around. He explained that it wasn't the fact that his ex had someone new that had bothered him; it was that Maxime was being introduced to him so soon, and that Khira had been denied a visit to her baby sister. I rubbed his arm comfortingly, not sure what to say. He took my hand from his arm and kissed my knuckles, before returning my hand to his arm.
"It's not your problem to deal with. Don't worry about it, I'll talk to her when I get back to Berlin." The look in his eyes told me that they wouldn't be particularly friendly words spoken. Not wanting our time together to be spoiled by his dark mood, I decided to cheer him up by cooking dinner and buying some wine. We stopped at a supermarket for ingredients and by the time I had cooked the food and we had eaten, he was in a much better mood. We got changed into comfier clothes - pyjama shorts and a strap top for me, and sweatpants and a tshirt for him - and snuggled on the sofa to watch a film. By the time the opening credits of Silence of the Lambs had finished, we had finished a bottle and were starting a second, and were getting more playful as the alcohol buzzed around our systems.
Deciding to completely disregard the film altogether, I maneuvered myself from being curled into his chest to straddling his lap. I leaned down and kissed him fiercely, his hands reaching round to grab my ass and pull me closer to him. I could feel him growing hard underneath me, and grinded against him while his mouth moved to my neck, his teeth scraping my skin making me gasp. I climbed off of him carefully and repositioned myself in a kneeling position in front of him. I tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants and he lifted his hips obligingly for me to lower them. I took him into my mouth and he moaned as my warm mouth took his whole length in slowly. I looked up at him as I moved up and down, teasing him with my tongue and teeth. He growled and entangled his fingers in my hair, controlling my movements with his strong hands. Sooner than I expected, his hips bucked twice and he came hard into my mouth with a groan. Out of breath, he pulled me to my feet, crushing me into a passionate kiss while he yanked up his sweatpants with one hand.
Both hands free, he lifted me up fireman style and threw me over his shoulder, making me squeal with giddy laughter. Leaving our half drunk wine glasses lying and the film playing to no one, he quickly carried me through to my bedroom and threw me down on the bed. He launched himself on top of my, divesting me of my barely-there clothes so roughly that I thought they would tear. I repaid the favour by dragging his tshirt over his head, then scooted backwards, looking at him invitingly. He wriggled out of his sweatpants, cursing with frustration as one of his feet got tangled. I had to giggle at his eagerness and he growled again, grabbing a hold of one of my ankles and pulling me back down the bed towards him. He kissed me again, roughly this time, wrapping my hair around his hand and pulling my head back to expose my neck. He nibbled his way down to my collarbone, then to my shoulder, all the while moving two fingers gently inside me. Both ready, he entered me more roughly that he had the first time we had been together, and I clung to him, burying my face in his chest and inhaling his scent. My hands travelled down his back to grab onto his ass, my nails digging in as his thrusts became harder and faster. I gasped as I felt myself beginning to climax, and my hands rose up to hold on to his shoulders, I kissed him hungrily, moaning into his mouth as lights exploded behind my eyes. As I tightened around him he reached his own peak, and tensed up with a shout in German, then he collapsed down on top of me, his cheek resting on my chest, both panting heavily.
He rolled over onto his side, kissing my temple as he did so. I rolled into him so we were face to face, and he wrapped his arms around me. We held each other until our breathing calmed, then I rolled out of his embrace as I felt sticky fluids start to seep back out of me. Fuck gravity. I pulled my shorts and top back on out of habit and went though to the bathroom to clean myself up. I splashed some water on my face and looked in the mirror, feeling understandably flushed. I patted my hair into a tamer state and noted with pleasure that my eyes had regained a sparkle that had been absent for some time - years, perhaps. I took a quick detour to the living room to turn off the TV then went back through to bed to where Richard was waiting for me. He too had pulled his sweatpants back on but had decided to forgo the tshirt, which I was pleased about. I climbed back under the covers and snuggled up against his bare chest, his arms sneaking their way around me again and holding me close to him.
"I missed you so much." He murmered into my hair.
"I missed you too." I replied. "But we're together now, that's what matters."
"You're right. I hate the thought of leaving again, though." He sighed.
"I know." I paused. "I'm due a holiday from work. Why don't I fly out to Berlin and stay for the last show?" I suggested sleepily.
"I would like that very much. And I know the rest of the guys would like to see you. Especially Paul and Schneider."
"It's a date then." I reached up to plant a kiss on his lips. "Goodnight sweetheart."
"Night, liebe." He smiled, looking adorable with his messy hair. I pulled the covers tightly around us and fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.
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