《That Emo Kid (boyxboy)》ch. 21(SPRAT) TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello, it's been a very long time since I updated this story.

I even said I was probs never going to update this, but I just wasn't happy abandoning the story with how many ideas I had for it and things I had already wrote. But.... I am sorry it been so long I must say some of the things I wrote I don't quite remember (i.e. like the bed rooms where they were situated and such) but I also I forgot where I left off and so I just started back over the whole thing. I'm sorry if it's a jumbled mess going on here. But I guess you guys can make a little part of the story or just assume they went trick or treating for a bit till they heard thunder and choose to head home. (I'm sorry idk how to explain this very well) I do hope you like the piece I did write I have had this planned out for a while and I want to get it out there.... There is a warning


My heart does go out to those who have had to go through anything like this. I want you to know you are very strong. I love you

We decided to turn back. It was getting late, and the sound of thunder was growing closer.

We turned down the street we lived on. It was dark only the street lights to light the way.

There was something off. I couldn't shake the feeling. There was something wrong. I felt a spike of fear run up my spine. What could be wrong? what's here?

We continued down the street. The feeling wouldn't fade.

"wait what's that?' I heard Alex say. I looked up. A slim-ish looking figure standing near the house. Who could that be??

Alex stopped in his tracks. I stopped a few feet in front of him. Jake seemed uneasy about this. What could he know??

The figure must have heard our footsteps they turned in our direction. I felt rain drops fall from above. My mind was too focused on the person in front of us.

The figure started walking toward us. Alex took a few steps back. He must be nervous. I went to take a step back... wait... why can't I move.... My legs are frozen... my body feels heavy... what is going on?! Why does this figure have this power over me?

"sprat?" A female voice called out. "is that you?" they continued forward. They stepped in to the light....... No.... it can't be....


"sprat it really is you!" it... it's my mother... or the shell of what she used to be...

She stumbled to me. She fell on her knees in front of me. "oh, baby it's so good to see you!" she wrapped me in a hug. I just stayed silent.

The foul smell of booze and drugs hit me. She let out a loud sob. "wha.. what are you doing here...?" I squeezed out. "oh baby! I've been looking for you everywhere!" she exclaimed.

"what... wh... why?" I replied. I could feel my face growing red with anger.

"I've missed you so much." She hugged tighter.

"what do you want with me?" I asked. Tears forming.

"honey, I left him."

Him? That man who convinced to abandon us? Preyed on us.... NO......

"I left him baby.... I left him for you... I'm getting my life back together... for you... I'm sober... I got sober for you sweetie." She said throw tears. It's a clear lie.

"I don't get what you are saying..." I said holding b ack tears.

"baby I want you to leave this place. Come live with me.im trying to get my own place for us." She pleaded. "I'm better now I left him for you sweetie. I'll talk to my brother, and you can come live with me baby." She rambled on, but I stopped listening.

so many things ran through my mind... I've been waiting for so long to hear those words... but it can't be true... it could never be true....

I looked around. Jake was looking down. The look on Alex's face, you could tell he was scared. But I was scared too.

I looked at the women in front of me. It's my mother... or the shell of the person I used to call mom...

Her round cheek, hollow and sunk in. her eyes once the same color as mine now dark and bloodshot. He once blonde, bouncy hair, now dirty and grey.

She let me go and looked me in the face "so do you want to come live with me?"

"bu... but what about my brother." I squeaked out through tears.

She grabbed my shoulders "oh you mean Jake? Carson's kid? Sweetie he isn't your brother!" my chest tightened. "he's not my child. You are. When Carson left us. He just left Jake for me to deal with. He can stay here! I only want you." The biggest pit of rage st4arted to form in my stomach. "I only want you to come with me. It can be just like before sweetie." She hugged me again.

"It's cute you actually think he's your bro..."


"NO!" I yelled. I snapped. "HE IS MY BROTHER! THE ONLY ONE IVE EVER HAD! I AM THE ONLY FAMILY HE KNOWS!" tears streaming down my face. "those nights you guys left us all alone I was the only one who was there for him. I watched him cry. I couldn't take it anymore hearing the words from her mouth burned me. "I watched more tears fall off that kids face then you would ever know!"

"sprat..." Her voice cracked.

"NO. you let that monster prey on us! You knew about it all along! You chose not to listen to his screams! But I heard them! I heard them all! I was the only one to comfort him. I was the one who cleaned up the mess you left. You wouldn't never understand watching the innocents of poor child ripped from his hands!" I felt my face get hot. Was I really saying all of this?

"how could you just turn your back on your own child? Why did you just ignore my screams too? I could never live with you... you are... are... you are a monster!" I yelled. Letting go of all the anger I left locked up inside for far too long.

"sprat. I. i.." she started to say.

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled. I pushed her away. I turned my body away from her.

"why you little." She said. I turned around, feeling a hand connect to my face. The power behind it was enough to knock me to the ground.

Alex was frozen in place. Jake rushed to my side

"you! You little shit! You are worthless, you brain wash everyone into feeling sorry for you. You are worthless! No one wants you! If it wasn't for sprat you would have been long gone." she yelled at Jake. Raising her hand for another blow.

"ENOUGH!" Alex yelled catching her wrist mid swing. Her face went to a straight panic.

"who do you think you are?" she hissed.

"JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" Alex snapped back are her.

"sprat you will be coming with me!" she yelled

"get out of here now!" jakes tone must have been enough to get her to go.

Alex walked over and held out his hand "are you two ok?" he asked clearly fighting back tears.

I got up off the ground and turned to Jake "are you okay Jake?" He nodded not saying a word. He looked up at me. Eyes red from tears.

He looked me over, then pulled on my shirt in the direction of the house.

I smiled to Alex. "yea we are okay." His face told me he was concerned. "hey tonight was fun thanks a bunch. I better get inside." I hugged him and walked with Jake to the door. "but..." I heard him whisper. I choose to just ignore it though.

We got inside, and I helped Jake out of his shoes. The kid was shaking so badly he could hardly stand. "Jake you know hennery and I love you. You aren't worthless you are an amazing person. You are a very strong and I'm sorry you had to see that." He whispered a quiet 'thank you'

"go take a shower and get ready for bed." I smiled at him rubbing the top of his head.

I stood by the stair case till I could make sure he had gotten up them and could hear the water running.

I made my way to the kitchen, where hennery was washing dishes at the sink.

"oh, hey sprat I didn't hear you guys come in." he said to me pulling out his headphones. No wonder why you didn't hear the show going on outside...

"how was your nigh.... OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" he exclaimed rushing over to me.

"oh um... we went to a party and someone bumped into me." I turned away from him.

"Ohno are you okay? You need to be caref.... Wait why were you at a party? You were supposed to take Jake to collect candy!" he started. He took a deep breath in. "well I'm just glad you guys are safe. Don't do it again okay?" I nodded.

"go wash off and get ready for bed." He patted me on the head. I started to make my way to my room. "oh, please leave the candy on the table."

I left the mostly empty bag on table and made my way to my room.

I turned on the shower and stood under the water. Feeling my face burn from tears.

My mind raced. Why is she here? What are her true motives? Was everything she said really a lie? Was there any chance of the words she said had any truth to them?

I can't do this... not right now... I turned off the water and stepped out to towel off.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Where her fingertips contacted my skin, were swollen and starting to bruise. I ran my fingers over the bumps. My eyes swollen already. My face... it's just like hers... I can't stand it any longer. I put on my pjs and laid down. I stared at the fan till my eyes closed....

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