《That Emo Kid (boyxboy)》Sick days (sprat)


i could not get over how cute i thought this chapter was!!! i hope you find it as cute as i doooooo. i was up alllll night redoing most of it to make it sooo cute. i hopzzz i didzz a good job. but i really want ice coffee and i dont want to go to my first hour class so i can go get it! Is that sad??? yes yes it is BUT ITS MY LIFE YOU BUTTZ! anyhoooooooe VOTE AND COMMENT AND FAN COZ FOLLOWING ISH FERRR STALKERS


I rolled out of bed around 11. I couldn’t sleep for the life of me last night. The conversation that I and Alex had started had the memories tumbling into my brain. I fell like a failure to my family. The only grand kid my grandparents had. Now I’m not allowed to even see them. The feeling that I had let everyone down. I couldn’t bear the thought of letting hennery down.

I had to stop thinking like that. Hennery loves me no matter what I was or am. Gay or not. I know him and Jake love me.

Being Sunday and Halloween I was pretty pumped. Today is the one day where I can dress like a freak and get away with it!!

Rolling out of bed I bounced down the stairs. I turned into the kitchen slamming right into a realllllly tall guy. He was big a buff looking. His short slicked back brown hair and black pants suit told me he meant business.

“Sorry I didn’t see you there kiddo!” in a deep bear like voice. He grabbed my hand and practically threw me to my feet. (he was suuuper strong!!!!)

“Sprat this is a coworker and a really good friend of mine.” Hennery smiled pushing a glass of milk in to my hands and leading me to the kitchen table. I took a small sip of it.


“hey sprat I’m sure you don’t remember me but me and your uncle go way, way back I remember you were just a little one in dippers the last time I saw you!” he said taking a seat next to me.

I just kind of gave him a blank stare. I don’t really remember him either. Oh well.

I looked over to Hennery. He was smiling like always. I wondered where Jake was but seeing as there were foots steps down the hall told me he was alive. I jumped off the chairs and went to look for him.

Knocking quietly on his door I stepped in. I noticed that the covers were thrown a crossed the room and cloths in a big heap. Some of the box towers had been knocked down and some of nthe contens were spilling out all over the floor. But Jake wasn’t in here.

“Jake?” I whispered quietly. I stepped in. I looked around looking around kinda franticly, WHERE DID MY BABY BROTHER GOOOO?!!?!?!?

A few moment later Jake stepped in. his hair a mess and in a really big hoodie that almost covered his shorts. He looked really sleep deprived. “Jake are you ok?” I stepped closer to him. His eyes were blood shot. He gave me the look like he was up all night. He looked so sad. I got within arm’s length of him, when the smell hit me. Vomit. He was up all night puking again?

“Jake are you feeling ok?” I asked trying not to throw up myself. He looked down at the floor, looking ashamed that his older brother found him like this. “Jake? Are you ok?” I asked again getting much closer to him. He nodded his head.

About three seconds after that he puked. All over the floor. He dropped to his knees and heaved whatever that was in his tummy on to the floor. “oh Jake!” I said moving to grab him. I pulled his hair back so he didn’t get puke in it. After he emptied whatever was left in him. I helped him stand and quickly led him to the bathroom. I put the shower on warm, laid out a towel for him, and helped him out of his cloths.


While he was cleaning himself up, I cleaned the mess up. After I dug out fresh cloths, and put them in the bathroom for him. I chose grey sweat pants with a loose shirt to go with it. I heard the water shut off and the sounds of a grumpy Jake, fighting to put his clothes on. I waited outside the bathroom till he came out hair still soaking wet as if he didn’t even try to dry it. I helped him back to his bed room and climb back into bed. He pretty much fell asleep instantly, but I sat on the edge of his bed till I could hear faint snores indicating that he was sound asleep. I pulled the blanket up and over his shoulders. I got up and shut the light off.

I walked out to the kitchen Hennery and his tall friend was still talking. “sprat was Jake alright?” hennery asked right before I was about to go to the living room. I turned, nodded , then walked back to my room.

I started to think about what could be making jakes so sick all of a sudden. He used to get really sick when bad things were gonna happen or when he was super worried about something. Whatever it was I hope he’ll be ok.

A few seconds after the thoughts filled my head there was a knock on the door. “yeshh.” I whisper yelled. “SPRAT!” said the voice, which I knew was Alex.

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