《Bbh x Skeppy (SMUT LIKE WRITING)》Chapter four


The night approaches and since it's obvious Darryl likes me, I like to flirt with him as much as possible. Its fun:)

As im laying in bed bored, i decided to go mess with Darryl. I go to his bedroom and sneak up on him, seeing him dead asleep and snoring, being adorable:).

I walk over to him and smile at his cuteness, then push my lips against his his, causing him to first wake up a little, seeming like he enjoys it by kissing me back in a soft way, causing butterflies to invade my stomach. I was only joking to make him mad, but seeing him not say a word and kiss me back so passionately made me almost weak. But then i thought too soon:|. He cracks his eyes open and then sits up in bed with a shocked expression.


His face turns red and i give a reassuring smile.

"What? Im bored."


I chuckle and then get in bed next to him and lay my head in his lap and look up at him, giving him a pouty face.

"But i weally like u and it makes me sad when u dont wanna kiss me" I 'jokingly' say.

He then sighs and lays down, pushing me off of him and turns away from me. I chuckled and then scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around his body while placing my face directly onto the back of his neck. He then gets goosebumps at the feeling of my warm breath on his neck. He sighs and tell me to get out, which i say, "Nah sorry."

He grunts and just says whatever, which i respond by giving him small kisses on the back of his neck, making his heart race. He then scoots away and i scoot back to him and grip him tight so he cant escape my grip.


He sighs and turns over and before he can say a word, i crash my lips onto his, then moving myself so i am now on top of him. I can feel the shivers flow through his body. I pull away and laugh, "Thats what u get-"

Before i can finish, he forcefully flips me over to where he is now on top of me. He gets really close to my face and smirks, "Stop it, u muffin. This is what u get." He then blows on my face and rolls off of me and turns the other way, not facing me.

I lay there speechless, but snap out of my trance. I then again start snuggling with his body and in-tangle my legs into his.

"well i still wanna snuggle and u cant stop me"

He then just chuckles and says "whatever u muffin."

I wake up and open my eyes to see me turned on my back and Zak snuggled up on me. I smile at his cuteness and want to get up, but want to take advantage of the moment. I kiss him on his forehead and start rubbing his arm.

Before I can react, Zak throws his head to face mine and pecks me on the cheek. "You thought I was asleep huh?" My face turns red with embarrassment. "ZAK OMG WHY DO U KEEP KISSING ME." He laughs and then says, "You kissed me first on the forehead ya silly!!"

I turn even redder, "Oh uh I thought u were someone else at first-"

Please dont find out please dont find out. I know Zak only plays around with me and he doesn't actually have feelings. I mean how could someone like him, have feelings for someone like me? No way. He just flirts for fun.

"Its okay, I never said I didnt like it." He smiles at me and kisses me once again on the cheek and runs out of my room.


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