《Bbh x Skeppy (SMUT LIKE WRITING)》Chapter two




Zak opens his eyes and looks at his alarm set for 10 am, suddenly remembering everything that happened the previous night. He stands up and goes into the kitchen to just see Darryl cooking breakfast, oblivious to what happened the night before.

D-does he not remember? I cant tell him, he would never forgive himself for doing it.

"Goodmornin Zak!! Want some eggs?"

Zak smiles with a sleep smile, trying not to make his thoughts obvious. "Sure, thanks."

Zak goes and plops on the couch and just sits in his thoughts, and to his surprise feels Darryl plop down next to him after a while of thinking. "What ya thinking ab?" Zak feels his face turn pink as being this close to him causes him that feeling once again, of feeling almost breathless.

"I...um..." Darryl chuckles and gives Zak a weird look. "Well nevermind then, you dont gotta tell me" Zak just laughs. "Sorry, just im a little tired." "No worries."

Darryl eats his eggs while watching the current show on tv. Zak just stares at Darryl, lost in though about how attractive he really is. Darryl then double takes and looks at Zak, with a confused look. "Hellooo? Is Zak okay in there??" Zak then just chuckles and apologizes, but then says. "You have really pretty eyes ya know?" Darryl then blushes and smiles, "Well thank you, you do too you little muffin." Darryl looks away and continues watching the tv. Zak shivers at hearing him say that again, making him remember from last night....muffin...

The day goes on and all Zak can think about is the night before....how he made him feel and what he did to him. He just wants to know if Darryl feels that way about him, or was too drunk to even understand what he was doing.


Zak decides to just see if he can find out any information about Darryl's feelings, to give him some insight.

Zak goes in Darryl's room to see him streaming.

"Hey Darryl...can u come here real quick?"

Darryl spins around and says "Why what is it? Im streaming Zak."

"Dude its important."

Darryl sighs and looks back at his stream. "Hey guys ill be right back, hold on a second."

Darryl follows Zak into the living room, where they both sit on the couch.

"What ya need?"

"Um hey so I was just wondering like a lot of people have been saying u have feelings for me and stuff so i was just ya know like wondering ifyouhadacrushonme..."

Darryls face then turns red and chuckles nervously. "Have a crush on you? Zak u know better than that. Im gonna go back to my stream now."

Darryl stands up and Zak grabs his arm quickly, stopping him from leaving. "W-wait...can you just stay for a second?"

Darryl wanted to say no, but see's the desperation in Zaks eyes and cant say no to him, so he sits back down, awfully close Zak.

"So like if you did I wouldnt be mad at you or anything.."

Darryls heart skips a beat and wants to say he does but bites his lip instead, causing Zak to almost look flustered.

"Zak I dont think this is a good time to talk about this okay? Im gonna go back to my stream now."

Darryl quicky gets up and leaves before Zak can see the embarrassment on his face. Zak feels almost disappointed, but why...?

Night rolls once again and Zak has a pit feeling in his stomach thinking it might happen again. Zak realizes he needs to sotp being so afraid of just his friend, so he gets up and goes in Darryls room to see what he's doing.


*Knock knock*

"Hey Bad! Just im boredddd and wanna see what you're doin."

Zak then gets greeted with a very tired Darryl, who is adorably cute with his messy hair.

"hey um whats up its really late i was bout to go to sleep what do u need?"

"Oh i was just um bored and maybe wanted to do something like play minecraft idk?"

Darryl then rubs his eyes and thinks for a second. "i mean sure if you want but i might fall asleep."

"Okay cool meet u online."

They both start playing online and about ten minutes of the gameplay, Zak hears a snoring coming from his headset. He smiles to himself and goes to check on Darryl, who is dead asleep on his keyboard.

Zak goes over to him and tried to nudge him awake. "Hey...Bad...wake up... u fell asleep..."

Darryl then opens his eyes a little and then yawns. "hmgkfk can u hwelp me up pleasze?"

Zak chuckles and pulls up his friend and helps him to the bed and lays him down, to his surprise wont let go of his arm.

"Hey bad, i gotta go, let go."

"hmsmh no lay with me"

Darryl pulls Zak onto the bed and starts hugging him, leaving Zak in a stuck position.

Zak tries to break free but cannot because of the strong grip, and decides to just forget it and go to sleep since he is tired anyways. He soon feels Darryl get a tighter grip and nuzzles his head onto his shoulders, causing Zak to smile to himself.


I will post another part when i see people start to like it!!:)) I hope ur enjoying it:))

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