《OOC!》Chapter 11
Three days into playing the other cleansing, Wei Wuxian was acting weird.
Well Weirder than normal.
Lan Wangji tried to talk to him that day but the other moved away from him.
He decided to give the other space, but since his heart was broken by the other Ignoring him and because he is human and rules be damned...He's allowed to be dramatic and sulk so he invited both his brother and Nie Huaisang for tea in the Jinghi that afternoon.
"What happened between you and Wei-xiong?" Nie Huaisang asked as he sipped his tea.
"I don't know!" He grumbled.
"Although I am feeling sorry for you, I find this tantrum of yours quite amusing as I have never seen you made a tantrum ever."
Lan Wangji glared at his brother when he heard that.
There was then a knock at the Jinghi door and a soft but trembling "Lan Zhan?" Was heard on the outside.
Lan Wangji quickly turned to the two "hide."
The two quickly scrambled away and hid under the floorboards of the Jingshi...There are two hidden floorboards.
'These two just want to overhear our upcoming conversation!' But he didn't have time so he said "Come in" he quickly hid the third tea cup away and cleaned the two and replaced the tea in an insane amount of speed because of adrenaline.
"Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian called out again when he saw Lan Wangji preparing tea. "Ah, you were out of it the whole morning, I thought some tea might clear your mind a bit better."
Wei Wuxian smiled "How thoughtful of you Lan-er-gege." he smiled slyly before sitting infront of him.
"What did you want to talk about?" Lan Wangji asked.
"I first want to apologize for ignoring you this morning."
"Bunny, you have been forgiven the moment you decided to show that pretty face in front of me again." Lan Wangji winked at the younger who huffed.
"One would think I would have gotten used to it by now." he muttered "I hope not, It's satisfying to see your reactions." Lan Wangji smiled as he poured tea for the two.
"The reason why l ignored you. was because of a stupid nightmare." Wei Wuxian whispered out "But it felt too real." Wei Wuxian then placed his hand on his dantian.
"You can tell me, I'll be here for you." he held onto the other's cheek and made Wei Wuxian face him.
Wei Wuxian smiled softly 'I know that.' he thought and took a deep breath before letting it out.
"I was thrown into the burial mounds by Wen Chao." he started there which made Lan Wangji's breath stutter 'No, that actually happened, you were thrown there, this is most likely a confirmation.'
"What happened next? Take your time." Lan Wangji spoke gently.
"I was...coreless..."
"...What?" Lan Wangji gasped out...that actually makes more sense if you think about it.
He knows his beloved would never do anything without reason.
"I know...it felt painful, I could feel it." he breathed out shaking.
Lan Wangji went over to Wei Wuxian's side and placed the other's head on his shoulder.
"Don't be scared."
Wei Wuxian calmed himself "It was dark, corpses are everywhere, my bones were all broken, no food but corpses are seen, corpses that don't move, corpses that are already rotten, the place was...filled with resentful energy, it was pulling me down."
Lan Wangji felt like an arrow was shot to his heart, he couldn't protect his beloved, why was he not good with what he wanted to say in his last timeline.
He could have been able to help the other.
"Then...I said the words 'I don't regret it.' " Wei Wuxian said.
Lan Wangji was confused "You don't regret what?" He asked.
"I'm getting there, be patient." Wei Wuxian huffed as he played with the other's hair, he found it relaxing "Lan Zhan? Do you mind if you play with my hair? It usually helps me feel safe." he murmured "Will do anything Wei Ying asks."
"Don't say that, I might take advantage of you!"
"Impossible." I will give you my whole treasury if you ask for it.'
Wei Wuxian shook his head before continuing "A while before...Lotus Pier got burned...I was whipped...by the Zidian...again."
Lan Wangji held the other closer.
"Then we escaped, Jiang Cheng came back, I went to help him...a guy named Wen Ning helped me bring him to safety and some remnants of Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu."
He paused as he gripped on the other's hair a bit tightly before removing his hands.
"He lost his core...Jiang Cheng...he lost it."
'We heard he lost his core but he got it mended by Baoshan Sanren.' Lan Wangji thought to himself while drawing circles on his Wei Ying's back.
"I searched through books, I saw a core transfer theory...I don't know if that even exists..."
Lan Wangji froze 'OF COURSE THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE! WEI YING GAVE THAT ANGRY BRAT HIS CORE! More of a reason to get him out of that wretched Sect!' Lan Wangji gritted his teeth.
"I asked his sister...her name was...Wen Qing? She transferred it...Lan zhan it was painful...it took 2 nights and one day! Without anesthetics!"
Wei Wuxian was now climbed all over the other's lap as he hugged him,
"It was scary...I may be brave but the events felt too real, I have never even met Wen Ning or Wen Qing...but they don't seem like bad people."
'That's because they aren't.'
"I'm here, don't worry, it's just a dream, now why don't you go and wash up? It's going to be lunch in a few minutes."
Hearing that Wei Wuxian quickly got up "SHIT! I just remembered I have a group lunch with Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng! I'll visit you again later before curfew!" Wei Wuxian scrambled up to to
wash his face in Lan Wangji's bathroom.
When he was done he went towards the door but not before he looked back at Lan Wangji "Thank you Lan Zhan, you're really. the best, I'd trust you with my life if I could." and he left the door.
"You can trust me anytime" Lan Wangji faintly said before the silence was ruined by two floorboards opening up aggressively.
"Can't you both do it more quietly!?" He hissed at the two.
"So I'm guessing he wasn't actually possessed." Nie Huaisang said "But it was his only choice." Lan Xichen continued.
"All of more reason to get him out of the Jiangs, you've both seen what happened, Xiongzhang are you going to talk Sect Leader Nie on about the Wen Branch?" Lan Wangji asked.
"I will, when the time comes, I'll be visiting him soon enough, how much time do we have left?" Lan Xichen asked.
"Two weeks, for the punch" Lan Wangji said "Brother can you talk to Uncle for me...regarding Wei Ying's parents?" Lan Wangji asked embarrassed.
"Whatever my didi wants!" Lan Xichen said as he left the Jinghsi.
"Wait! I also have lunch with the two!" Nie Huaisang bolted out of the Jinghi as well.
'Now, I need a plan to let him leave the Clan...'
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin were waiting for Nie Huaisang in the famous restaurant in Caiyi Town.
"What's taking him so long?" Wei Wuxian grumbled "You're talking about how he's late, you too were late!" The purple robed male snapped at him.
'I had to talk to someone about my nightmare.'
"I had to apologize to Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian told him "For what? Being a whore? If you did then great job! Now stop following him around! You're ruining both his and our Sect reputation! You damn cutsleeve."
'That...hurts...what's wrong with being a cutsleeve' Wei Wuxian then recalled their conversation the conversation he had with Lan Wangji a few night ago 'Lan Zhan might be right...this isn't healthy for me...But Jiang Cheng and I had many great memories together at some point of
time...it's just...hard to let go.'
Wei Wuxian just stared at the other while smiling and patted the other's shoulder "Ah, Jiang Cheng, you don't mean that! Who's going to help you find a pretty girl to marry as the future Madam Jiang?"
'I can find a perfect girl for myself without your help thank you very much! Who needs you anyway? You're useless! I can be a better head disciple than you will ever be!'
Jiang Chang slapped his hand away "I can find a good woman on my own!" He tsked and looked through the crowd for the green robed teen.
'How are you going to be able to find a wife if you have been blacklisted from every matchmaker in the future?' Nie Huaisang thought rolling his eyes before making his appearance.
"I'M HERE!" He surprised the two "Nie-xiong! You sure took your time!" Wei Wuxian looked him up and down with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile.
"Da-ge sent me a letter and expects a reply as fast as possible because he worries!" That's not true at all but makes a good excuse 'And I had to send some of my spies from around the area to spread some certain rumors, and since Jiang Fengmian never speaks up for those, it'll just make life easier.'
"What are you brats still standing there!? Get in and hurry up! We have class in a while!"
"Coming Chengcheng!"
"Who are you to call me Chengcheng!?"
Nie Huaisang hid his smirk behind his fan 'The rumors will soon be around.'
Madam Yu was out nighthunting again with both her maids before she stopped by an inn which had a bar just across it where she could hear if anything was going on.
"I heard something from Lotus Pier." one of the men said which caught her attention, 'They better talk about my son or my daughter! If it's about that bastard son I will march up to Gusu and whip that damned boy!'
"Oh? What about Lotus Pier?"
"You know the son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze?"
Madam Yu's grip on her cup was getting tight.
"That son of a servant? What about him?"
Madam Yu let go of the tea cup and placed her hands on her robes.
'Atleast some people have sense.'
"He's not just a son of a servant! His mother was a powerful cultivator too! The disciple of Baoshan Sanren you fool!"
Madam Yu's brow twitched hearing that.
"Really? I didn't know, I thought both his parents were servants." a different man said.
"Enough! Who cares who his parents are! I want to hear the gossip!" A female asked as she took a big gulp off the drink she got.
"I heard from my friend's son that he's being mistreated."
This made Madam Yu gasp 'Who dare spread such false rumor!? Who is that bastard's friend's son?? When I find him I will whip that fool to death for such disrespect!'
"Mistreated how so?"
"When people give punishments in Lotus Pier, if it is something small, harmless, or little matter, they will be kneeling in the ancestral hall, but then it's something a bit big, they will run around the Pier from dawn to sunset, and if it's something very big like harming a Sect disciple, they use
a disciple whip."
Madam Yu nodded at that 'Atleast this wasn't wrong hmph!'
"Yeah, what's that related to Wei Wuxian?" Another Man joined the conversation.
"From my friend's son, he said that even when Wei Wuxian is peeling Lotus seeds on his free time, harmless pranks, and take breaks, he'll be whipped by the Zidian!"
Madam Yu widened her eyes and clenched her fists 'Which one is that disciple who dare spread this!?'
"What!? But that's unreasonable! How could he be whipped for something harmless! This is abuse!"
"I also heard that whenever he surpasses the heir he also gets whipped."
"Just for being better? Isn't that just jealousy?"
"You're right! How ungrateful they are! Wei Wuxian is the only reason Lotus Pier is in one shape! If not my sister who lives there would have long left because of the Jiang heir's tantrum!"
"My cousin's son got bullied by the Jiang heir too! But Wei Wuxian helped him and gave him some sweets which kept him to stay there!"
Madam Yu couldn't take it anymore she stormed up to her room while her maids guard her door.
When she got in her Zidian started crackling.
"Wei Wuxian the only reason Lotus Pier stands!? HAH! WHAT A JOKE! MY SON IS BETTER THAN THAT WRETCHED SON OF A WHORE!" She raged out.
"Wait till I get back at Lotus Pier! I will find that wretched disciple or else each one of them will be tasting the Zidian from me!"
"It's not like they were wrong though." a familiar voice called out behind her as she turned around.
"Who's there!?" She called out but no one answered and she went out to see her two maids still
guarding "Did one of you say something?" She questioned and both shook their heads "Was there anyone near?"
The two maids looked at each other genuinely confused "Madam Yu, there was no one." Yinzhu had said.
"Perhaps a good night's rest will be good for you Madam Yu." Jinzhu said after.
Madam Yu nodded before retiring back to her rented room.
She took out her Zidian and placed it on the table.
^Yunmeng, with Jiang Fengmian^
Jiang Fengmian was walking around the Pier gathering some items he'll be needing when he heard some women gossiping on the stall beside him.
Since there's no rule for gossip or eavesdropping in Lotus Pier he decided to overhear their conversation.
"Do you think Wei-gongzi is having a good time in cloud Recesses?"
"I hope so, such a free kid but being isolated in the mountain with thousands of rules."
"When he comes back I hope he'll be fine."
"But wouldn't it be better if he stayed in Cloud Recesses though?"
Jiang Fengmian froze when he heard that one comment 'WHY would it be better for his Ward to stay there!? He's doing just FINE here!'
"Why should he stay there?"
"Well, you've always seen the way he limps around! My relative works as a servant and she would always see him getting whipped for such harmless things!"
"Oh! Yes! I was also there at times when it happened!"
"Poor boy, he's a bright child, he doesn't deserve to be in a place that will just destroy him piece by piece."
"I don't care if the sect Leader will behead me but I will speak the truth, the Sect Leader is a coward for not keeping the sect Madam in place, and the Sect Madam is too childish! Just because someone else's child is better than yours does not mean your own is worthless!"
'Who is she calling a coward!?' Jiang Fengmian clenched his fists.
"Right! Wei-gongzi is the son of Cangse and changze! I heard she thinks he's the illegitimate child of Sect Leader Jiang! But why would she believe in those rumors she started herself? Nobody thought of his as the Sect Leader's illegitimate child until she started it and then when rumors spread she believed in it!"
"Pathetic if you ask me."
"His son had broke my daughter's heart when she tried to give him sweets that she made by herself because she admired him but he just stared at it as if it was dirt and left her tearing up."
"What!? He could have politely declined it instead of just doing that!"
"How rude!"
"My Daughter wanted to leave away from Yunmeng but Wei-gongzi came by and asked if he could have one if she doesn't mind as it looked tasty."
"What a gentleman!"
"Wei-gongzi truly deserves better!"
His son has done nothing wrong! People would always misunderstood his anger for something else!
"I heard the Sect Madam left Lotus Pier again."
"I heard she isn't even doing anything but night hunting!"
"I am in doubt if the Jiang heir is really Sect Leader's son."
"Why do you say that!?" One lady looked scandalized.
'Jiang Cheng is his son! His only son!'
"Well, it is no secret that the Madam always leaves Lotus Pier to night hunt...but to nighthunt what!? Those creatures she's taking down isn't even bothering anyone!"
"Oh right! right! When she came back to Lotus Pier after a night hunt, a week later she was announced pregnant with a child which was around a month!"
"It's either the sect Leader touched her before hand or someone else did."
"All the Madam Knows is to nighthunt! I heard she was the 3rd lady of her Sect, not the heir nor the spare either, only good for alliance, what would they teach her about politics and Sect work!"
"All she knows is to leave all the work to her husband."
'His wife did not cheat on him! He also never cheated on her! And she's doing well as the Madam of the sect!'
Jiang Fengmian had enough that he payed for the stuff he needed and left the stall to return back to his home to have lunch with his only daughter.
^Lotus Pier, with Yanli, at the docks^
Jiang Yanli was at the docks getting fresh air and peeling Lotus seed pods when she then heard a group of people separated on two boats laughing.
"Ohh! Remember that Time Wei-gongzi turned your hair purple on accident?" A man asked a female who was on the other boat.
"Of course I do! I have to admit I looked quite good with purple hair!"
"He was all in panic and tried to find way to reverse it!"
"He did only to find out it would go off in 2 hours!"
"You were mad but amused at the whole thing."
"I was but in the end I asked him to give me some of that talismans so that i could color my hair purple whenever I feel like it."
"Do you still have it?"
"Of course I do!"
Jiang Yanli smiled 'Oh A-Xian.' she shook her head, it was nothing new, her brother loved to tinker a lot.
She's listening to their conversation, waiting to hear some about her biological brother, those two would always visit the town together, surely the two did some troubles together.
"Wei-gongzi is such a bright child! He'd be able to do anything he wishes as long as he put his mind to it!"
"He could be a Sect Leader, I have no doubt he'd make a good one."
This made Jiang Yanli pause, if her A-Xian wanted to become a sect leader of Lotus Pier she would have to try to make him change his mind because her brother, Jiang Cheng, had always wanted to take over the sect.
"I heard from Wei-gongzi that he doesn't aspire to become a Sect Leader."
'That's good to hear' she thought to herself.
"Really? That's a pity, if ever he makes his own Sect, I would have love to move there, he is such a kind and bright boy."
"From what my son heard from him, he said that his Da-shixiong aspires to become a rogue cultivator like his parents,"
'A-Xian wants to leave? No, he can't! I can't allow that! He'll never leave his shijie!'
"It would fit him! Though if he leaves who'll make this place brighter?"
'Why are the speaking as if my brother and I are incapable of making Yunmeng as bright?'
"You're right about that part Meimei!"
"Also, I have wondered why the Prides of Yunmeng went towards only both Sect Heir Jiang and Head Disciple Wei Wuxian."
"Are you living under a rock? The only lady of the whole cultivation world that has a good gentry can't pick up her sword."
Jiang Yanli sighed 'Here they go again.'
"Really? But why?"
"She was born with sickly, they said that she tried to build a core but all her efforts came close to none."
'Atleast someone gets it' she nodded to herself.
"But my little A-Yan was born with a weak heart, the healers didn't even know if he would survive more than 5 months old."
Jiang Yanli felt sorry for the said baby the woman said, maybe she had someone to relate to, but the difference is that, she was born sickly while the other nearly or had died.
"Really what happened to him?"
"He grew to be a cultivator under the Jiang Sect, he has an average core, but it is fine for my family since he did it with his own hardwork."
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Each and every soul is something precious. Its what allows us to have a passion. Its what allows us to do things like decide to get up one day and change our lives for the better. That little bit of soul helps us in ways we never really understand. Aaron lived his every day never really understanding the idea of a passion. Just existing, working hard because it seemed like the right thing to do but never really getting too into anything. One day on his way home he feels a shattering feeling within his heart a tug here a tug there. The blackness consumed him when he saw the first message. [Error soul fractured]. Follow the story of Aaron and his many names as he goes from world to world slowly restoring his soul by using the karmic ties he establishes to slowly become better and then some.Cover from: gej302 check out his other covers here! This is my first story so please let me know when i make grammer mistakes as i'm still learning a bit!I do not own the rights to the stories used as bases for this one. Copyrights belong to Daisuke Satō for Highschool of the dead, Junya Inoue for Btooom! and Hiromu Arakawa for Full metal alchemist. Please support the original release.
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