《The God Hashira》Chapter 3: Selection and First Mission


It's the morning of Final Selection and Tanjiro is getting ready. Edward meets up with the boy.

Edward: You ready?

Tanjiro: As ready as I'll ever be.

Edward chuckles, "Don't worry, after Selection, I'll tell you a few stories about my time before I met you."

Tanjiro: They must be some amazing stories, but I think it would be better if you told them once Nezuko wakes up.

Edward: You are way too humble.

Edward and Tanjiro make their way out side to Sakonji who is waiting to say his goodbyes for the time being.

Sakonji: From here on out, its up to you Tanjiro. No need to worry about your sister, I'll keep her safe while your away.

Tanjiro: Thanks..... for everything.

Edward: Alright, we best be off if we want to make it before tomorrow.

Sakonji: Heh, as impatient as ever. Safe travels you two.

Tanjiro and Edward walk off and wave.

Tanjiro turns around and yells to Sakonji, "Say thanks to Sabito and Makomo for me!"

Sakonji and Edward both perk up at this.

Sakonji/Edward: But how!? How did Tanjiro come in contact with the dead?

Edward continues to ponder as he walks with Tanjiro.


Edward: So Tanjiro, since we still have time, do you have any questions you want to ask to clear anything up?

Tanjiro thinks for a second, "Just one at the moment. How did you meet Mr. Urokodaki?"

Edward: Hmmm. I'd say I met him during one of my travels when he was still a member of the Demon Slayer Corp.

Tanjiro: Really? What was he like?

Edward: He was brash but known to be cool headed when the time was needed. Very skilled with a sword too.

Tanjiro: Wow, he sounded amazing.

Edward decides to show off a bit, "Well, he wasn't better than yours truly."

Tanjiro sweatdrops, "Confident much."

While listening to Edward, Tanjiro notices something.

Tanjiro: Wisteria?

Edward looks around too, "Seems we've arrived."

Tanjiro: Huh?

Up ahead of the two is a open area with a bunch of people gathered, seemingly waiting for Final Selection to start.

Creepy Children: Good evening. Tonight, you've come to enter the Demon Slayer Corps. Final Selection. Here on the mountain, there are several demons who were captured alive by Demon Slayer swordsman.

Edward: *whispers* You can sike yourself up, I'm going to look around.

Edward walks off.

During his look around, Edward notices a familiar face.

Edward: Genya?

The now known Genya turns towards the voice to see Edward.

Genya: Huh!? Edward? Where the hell have you been, its been years.

Genya is seemingly cheered up by Edwards presence.

Edward scratches his head, "Well you know me, I've always been one to travel without notice."

Genya: Yeah, and it always pisses me off.

Edward: Heh, sorry. So, how have you and Sanemi been?

Genya: Eh, I've been fine but 'Nemi..... he was very closed in once you left.

Edward: I'm sorry. I should have told you both. It was selfish of me to leave without warning, especially on you two.


Genya: Don't worry about it as long as you don't do it again. I will shoot you next time.

Edward sweats nervously, "Cool, yup, ok, got it."

Edward notices something, "Uhh, Genya?"

Genya: Yeah?

Edward: Where did everyone go?

Genya: WHAT?! Goddammit, it started without me! See you later!

Genya rushes down the mountain towards everyone.

Edward: Heh. Well, now to entertain myself for a week.


Edward arrives in the closest town and thinks for a bit.

Edward: Now what to do, what to do. Oh! I got it.

He decided to try and find a swordsmith or weapon shop anywhere.

Edward enters a shop and walks up to the desk, "Hello? Can anyone help me?"

Shop Keep: Yes? Hello. What can I get for you.

Edward: Do you have any swords made out of Scarlet Crimson Ore?

Shop Keep: Any other specifications?

Edward thinks, "Well, it most likely won't be his main weapon so preferably a short to medium blade if possible."

Shop Keep: I believe we have something that fits your specifications. Give me a second.

The shop keep returns with a blade that looks right.

Edward inspects the sword, "Perfect. Great coloring too. Thank you."

Shop Keep: No worries, have a great day.

Edward sheathes the sword and takes his leave.

He takes a seat outside by some shopping venue.

Edward: First Mission accomplished, now what?

While thinking, Edward spots yet another familiar face. So he decides to do something that they hate.

Edward sneaks up behind them, "Shinobu!"

Shinobu: AAHH!

Shinobu quickly turns around to see who scared her and is pleasantly surprised to see it was Edward.

Shinobu: *Sigh* oh, it just you Edward. What are you doing here?

Edward holds up the sword, "Just picking up a gift for someone to cheer them up next time I see them."

Shinobu: Will you be attending the upcoming Hashira meeting?

Edward: Why?

Shinobu: Well you are a Hashira after all, it would be a shame to have you miss another one. You've been gone for a while.

Edward: Heh, I didn't think I was still of that rank.

Shinobu laughs, "Don't be silly, of course your still a Hashira. If you were removed or demoted, many other Hashira would step down too."

Edward: You flatter me. So, how have you and Kanao been.

Shinobu: We've been fine. Kanao is taking Final Selection now and I've been promoted to the rank of Hashira since last time we saw each other.

Edward: Really. Congrats! I just came from Final Selection and I didn't even notice her.

Shinobu: Well Kanao has grown considerably so it doesn't surprise me.

Edward: Listen, I heard about Kanae and I wish to offer my condolences.

Shinobu visibly is saddened at the mention of her late sister but is glad Edward is consoling her.

Shinobu: Thank you, it means a lot coming from you.

Edward: Hey, cheer up. Since I missed your birthday, I got a gift made for you a while back.


Shinobu: Really? How thoughtful.

Edward takes out a beautiful butterfly necklace with blue gemstones inside it.

Shinobu is taken back by how the necklace looks, "Edward! I don't know what to say, thank you!"

Shinobu takes the necklace to inspect it more.

Edward: It was no problem. It was the least I could do for disappearing for so long.

Shinobu puts on the necklace, "How do I look?"

Edward: Beautiful. Whoever steals your heart will be one lucky man.

Shinobu blushes from the compliment.

Edward: Well, it's getting late. It would be best for both of us to retire for the night.

Shinobu: As sad as it is, I must agree. It has been great catching up with you, I hope to see you again sometime soon.

Edward: As do I, goodnight.

The two part ways as Edward makes his way towards the closest Inn to get some rest.

Edward arrives at the room he was given and gets ready for bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~

Edward is woken up by the sudden noise of a window breaking.

Edward: What was that?

He grabs his sword and leaves his room to investigate.

As he goes to turn a corner, Edward hears a feminine voice shout out.

???: That's what you get you pervert!

Edward fully turns the corner and deadpans.

He stumbled on the scene of Mitsuri Kanroji punching a man out the window.

Edward: Well, I guess you have the situation handled.

Mitsuri turns towards Edward and lights up with joy.

Mitsuri: Edward! Oh my, it's been so long!

Edward: Indeed it has. So what brings you here?

Mitsuri: I was sent on a mission and it lasted longer than I thought so I had to get a room here.

Edward: Oh, and I assume it was successful?

Mitsuri giggles, "Would you expect anything else?"

Edward: Heh, I guess not. Welp, it's still early, would you like to get something to eat with me? I'm buying.

Mitsuri: Sure, I would love to talk more.

Edward: As would I.


Edward: So, anything new happen?

Mitsuri: Well, I became a Hashira. That's really the only notable thing that's happened with me recently. What about you?

Edward: Well, I have been staying with Sakonji recently to help him teach a new student, and I've run into a few familiar faces recently.

Mitsuri: Oh, how lovely. I loved your training. It was the perfect blend of hard work and relaxation. And your a great cook.

Edward: Why thank you. You were the only person I had a hand in teaching that didn't care to learn my Breathing Technique.

The two's conversation is interrupted by a waiter coming up to them.

Waiter: What can I get for you two today?

Mitsuri: Ooh, can I get some Dango please.

Waiter: Of course, and you sir?

Edward: I would love some Mochi if possible.

Waiter: Coming up.

The waiter takes one final glance at Mitsuri's fairly open shirt before leaving. Of course, Mitsuri doesn't notice but Edward does.

Edward turns towards Mitsuri, "I like what you did with your hair."

Mitsuri: Oh, thank you. Rengoku-san had such cool hair that it inspired me to do something interesting with mine to.

Edward: Ah, of course. You truly have become much like your sensei.

Mitsuri: I take that deeply. Rengoku-san is truly amazing.

The waiter returns with the two's orders.

Waiter: Here you go. Your Dango and Mochi.

Mitsuri: Thank you.

Mitsuri starts eating immediately but Edward turns towards the waiter.

Edward: Excuse me. Can I talk to you outside for a moment?

Waiter: Umm, sure.

Edward: Great. Mitsuri, I'll be back in a minute.

Mitsuri: Okay.

Edward practically drags the waiter outside and shoves him into a corner.

Edward: I'm not one to take things directed at me personal. But when you disrespect a friend, then I can't stand by.

Waiter: I have no idea what your talking about.

Edward: You now damn well what I'm talking about. I saw the way you looked at my friend. Not only was it disrespectful to her but you had the nerve to do it in my presence.

Waiter: Listen, I don't know what your talking about but I have work to do.

The waiter tries to shove his way past but Edward grabs him and puts him into a headlock.

Edward: I know I can be rash sometimes but I always can get a message across to someone, even if they choose not listen.

Edward proceeds to knock the waiter out.

Edward: I think you need to sleep it off.

Having dealt with the situation, Edward makes his way to Mitsuri.

Mitsuri: So, what did you need from him?

Edward: Ah, well, I needed to get a point across to him about how he should act around others.

Mitsuri: You knocked him out, didn't you?

Edward laughs, "Why, whatever could you mean."

Mitsuri: I once stumbled upon a similar situation you handled the same way when I was being trained by you.

Edward: Well, you caught me. Okay, I'm hungry, time to dig in.

Mitsuri can't help but laugh at how Edward acts.


Mitsuri: Well, it was great reconnecting, but I need to head back to my estate. I have to prepare for the Hashira meeting.

Edward: Welp, don't let me keep you from your job.

Mitsuri: I assume you'll be heading to the meeting too. You could come with me to my estate to get ready if you need.

Edward: Hmm. You know what, sure. I would love to accompany you. Tanjiro can't have anyone with him on his first mission anyways.

Mitsuri: Yay! Ah, this will be so fun! We can say hi again to everyone together.

Edward: As a thanks for letting me stay with you, I'll do the cooking.

Mitsuri: Yes! I can't wait. It's like our roles are reversed from last time.

Edward: Yep, except I still did the cooking. I didn't want another disaster to happen.

Mitsuri: Hey! The fire grew on its own. It wasn't my fault.

Edward: You weren't even working with heat! How is that possible?


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