《Of Love and Loss: An Attack on Titan Story (Levi x OC)》Time


They lived together in relative peace for several months. Sometimes they would go on expeditions; each time, both would make it out alive and Levi would anxiously check over Hael's body, making sure she wasn't injured.

One dark night, the two decided they probably wouldn't make it out alive; humanity wouldn't make it out. That dark, dark night, they decided go get married because this would never be over.

The wedding occurred a few weeks later, both just wearing their uniforms. Hange was ecstatic, Erwin slapped Levi on the back, earning a half-hearted glare. Hael's friends were giggly and annoying to her as ever.

The very next day, Erwin barged into their room. Hael squeaked and tugged the covers over herself and Levi sat up, sheilding his new wife. He glared at Erwin, "What do you want?" Levi growled.

Erwin looked slightly embarrassed as he said, "We are moving out today at 2. A mission to Shigansheena."

"Why?" Hael pipped up.

"You forget your place Hael. Levi may be your husband, but you are still a cadet. Prepare to move out." Erwin said sharply, but the fact he used her name made it feel like that wasn't exactly what he thought.

Hael's body blaized with indignation. She tensed like she was about to throw herself at the Commander. Levi gently laid a hand on her chest, his face forcing her to calm with those eyes of his. Hael snorted and pulled the covers over her head.

"Tch. Don't be a brat. Come out we need to get ready."

"Levi! We were just married yesterday! Can't we have this one day?" Hael whined.

"Apparently not. Now get up, we need to move." Levi said, looking like he enjoyed it no more than Hael.

They packed their stuff and ate breakfast, then got their gear on and prepared their horses. By the time Erwin signaled for them to move out it was 2 o'clock.


And the troups raced toward Shigansheena to complete the mission. The "mission" being a scouting job to see if the damage to the wall of the district was able to be patched in anyway.

Levi was forced to let Hael leave his sight as she galloped toward her position on the right flank. He sighed, watching the dust cloud from her horse fade and praying she wouldn't get herself killed.


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