《I see forever in your eyes (All of us are Dead x Reader)》Chapter 2


Still Y/n's pov

"Alright, you punks. Give up your phones." Mrs Park said walking in the classroom making me stand up along with some others and put my phone on a random place before going back to my seat and sit down i started zoning out thinking about Nam-ra speaking of Nam-ra i looked at her catching her staring at me she stared in my eyes for a few minutes before i looked away the door opened making all of us look at the door seeing a girl i don't know her name she passed out making all the students walk to her including me i had no idea what she mumbled "Nurse room." I said making mrs Park nod i put her on my back "Nam-ra, make sure they're studying." Mrs Park said making Nam-ra nod mrs Park On-jo I-sak me and Su-hyeok ran to the nurse room we laid her on the bed and she started trashing around she scratched On-jo making her flinch back "Pumpkin, are you okay?" I asked "Stop calling me pumpkin in serious moments." She said so she liked me calling her pumpkin i looked at her hand "It's just a scratch." She said

"I-sak and Y/n, go back to the classroom we'll handle it." Mrs Park said "Y/n, now." She said making me and I-sak go back to our classroom "Where's On-jo?" Seok-woo asked "She has a scratch." I said making him run out "What's wrong with him?" I asked myself "Maybe he likes On-jo." Gyeong-su said "Maybe." I shrugged seeing Hyo-ryung talking with Ji-min and Na-yeon so i quietly went up behind her kneeling down and grab a bag of chips out of her bag and sit on my seat behind her she looked at her bag smiling to herself before turning to me with a look of anger "Y/n, stop stealing my snacks." She said "I know you love it." I said opening the bag and eat some Gyeong-su grabbed some and sat down next to me

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