To clear up confusion, I purposely made the seven unrelated to one another, except for Beelzebub and Belphegor, and Satan and Lucifer. But even so, they think of one another as siblings.
Alt title: Luke's misadventures to fetch Simeon a lover.
"Ahh... Then he stopped streaming and just...rushed over to my house? It's so strange having people barge in here so much. I mean, Yuki kinda does that too, but still."
"Well, I guess it's just natural." Simeon's soft chuckle was heard from the other line. You huffed.
"Natural how?"
"...I guess you just have this kind of...charm."
You pause at his words.
"A charm that makes people want to be around you. It's...really nice. Being with you, I mean." He finished.
"..." You take a few moments to digest the sentence. Then, hesitantly, you spoke.
"I really don't know what's this so-called charm you claim I have."
"And I guess that's just part of it." Simeon laughs, prompting your confusion to rise, along with your flustered state.
"You know how hard it is to think you're lying when you're the type to say the truth all the time, Simeon?"
"Well, have you ever considered that I'm not lying?"
Was really making a point to get you feeling all mushy from all his stupid compliments.
At least when it was Asmo, you could easily dismiss it because...
Because it's Asmo.
Because Asmo is used to complimenting himself, so complimenting you isn't really that big of a deal, right?
"If I'm so charming," You sarcastically remarked. "How come Yuki had literally been my only friend before Asmo started bothering me?"
"Because you're closing yourself off?" Simeon mused. "But if you wanted, I'm sure you could charm and befriend people easily."
"Like you do?"
"Perhaps even more." The soft laughter that followed was music to your ears.
"...You know, you told me to call you so I could rant, but you're just complimenting me."
"Haha! I apologize for interrupting you." You could practically sense his smile from all the way over here. "Please, continue."
"Well, that's all, actually. Satan barged in here, and Asmo followed right after when he found out. I'm starting to think Satan was right when he told me that I shouldn't have told Asmo because it caused him to stop his stream so abruptly. His fans might've been disappointed."
"You were being honest, right? That's fine. Asmodeus might have gotten upset if he found out from somewhere else, anyway."
"Well, yeah, you're right, but..."
"I'm sure it's natural for Asmo to want to devote– er...give? His time to you."
"Works in my favor, then."
"Why, because you like it when he pays attention to you?"
"Mmm...no. More of, he'll easily grow sick of me because of how constant he sees me."
"...Why is that a good thing?" Simeon's voice had a tinge of concern. You chuckled. "You'll see."
"...If you say so." Simeon didn't pursue the topic.
"Anyway, enough about me. Anything with you?" You changed the subject swiftly.
"Ah, um, nothing much, really." He replied. "I'm here at home taking care of my cousin, Luke. He's baking right now."
"Oh, the one Solomon visited the other day, right?"
"Right." He confirmed with a smile. "I'd...like for you to meet him someday. Preferably when it's not a bother since I hear people have been barging in on you these past few days."
"It wouldn't be a bother if it's you, and I'd love to." You laughed shortly. "And how old is he, anyway?"
"And he's...baking right now?"
"Yes. Quite talented, isn't he?" Simeon laughed. "He's been baking for a long time now. It's impressive, especially since his confectioneries are the best."
"Very impressive." You could feel yourself smiling, triggered by Simeon's laugh.
"I'd normally watch him in case, but this time he told me to leave so he could surprise me."
Meanwhile, from the point of view of said cousin, Luke was getting concerned.
Because his supposed guardian wasn't responding to his shouts for him to come down and check the cream puffs out.
Worried, the blond walked upstairs, where the male resided. He knocked on the door.
Again, nothing.
What was up with him?
Carefully, Luke twisted the knob. Unlocked, as predicted. Because it's Simeon.
He peeked inside, only to see Simeon sitting down by the window sill and talking on the phone. His ears were plugged by one of those Bluetooth earphones Solomon had recently taught him to use.
"...then, I'm looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow, (M/n)!"
Luke's ears perked up.
Shortly after, Simeon's phone lit up and he gazed at it with an ecstatic grin. Luke squinted his eyes, seeing him just...looking at his phone. Not tapping it or anything.
Curious, the blond tiptoed his way over, even though those earphones blocked the hell out of Simeon's ears already. He peeked over Simeon's shoulder easily, catching a glimpse of maroon and (h/c).
His eyes widened.
Though, before Luke could imprint the image in his mind, Simeon turned around.
"Oh! Luke. I didn't hear you approach."
"I-I've been calling out to you." Luke, pretending as though he didn't attempt to do something illegal in his mind, crossed his arms and feigned annoyance.
Simeon looked confused. Luke sighed, pointing at his own ears. The brunet then flinched, hurriedly plucking the earbuds from his ears.
"O-oh, sorry. I forgot to take them off. Again?"
"I've been calling out to you from downstairs. The cream puffs are done. Can you try them for me and tell me what you think?" Luke eagerly requests. Simeon's smile grew, ruffling the blond's hair and standing up. He placed his phone down on the window sill.
"Oh, then I'll go ahead and try them. It's quite fascinating to use those... um, what do you call them?"
"Bluetooth earbuds?" Luke raised a brow. Simeon sheepishly laughed. "Yes, those. They really block out other noises, don't they?"
Luke stood still as Simeon left the room.
Once the brunet was completely out of sight, Luke's eyes wandered over to the phone.
"...If he just leaves it here, it might fall outside or even get stolen." Huffing, Luke picked up the phone.
But he found it harder to place down.
Luke pressed his lips together in contemplation, eyes flickering from the phone to the door.
"...Does Simeon even have a password?" He pondered curiously.
Before he knew it, his hand swiped up, effectively unlocking Simeon's phone unexpectedly. Luke flinched, nearly dropping the phone.
He covered his mouth, not wanting to attract Simeon's attention back to him.
Hearing no footsteps, Luke breathed out a sigh of relief.
The phone was still on.
And despite Luke's senses telling him to just shut off the phone and place it back down, he couldn't help but let his curiosity guide him.
On Simeon's phone, a pretty (h/c)-haired male's photo was shown.
The angle was perfect, the male having a small but charming smile on his face. He was adorned with barely noticeable makeup, wearing a nice black suit with a maroon undershirt.
What, so Simeon was just staring at someone while smiling to himself? Suspicious.
"..." Luke's eyes narrowed.
Then the photo zoomed out, showing your contact name, and the chat.
That's the name of the person in the photo.
- - -
"Oh, these are better than before, Luke. You're definitely improving rapidly." Simeon complimented as Luke descended the stairs. The blond perked up.
The duo were enveloped in comfortable silence as Simeon continued munching on the cream puffs. Luke took a seat on the chair across him.
"...So, um, Simeon."
"Hm?" The said male looked up and smiled. "Anything wrong?"
"Um, There's this... um, er..." Luke struggled to form a sentence. Simeon furrowed his brows.
"...Well, um, never mind." Luke fidgets with his fingers. "...You were on a call earlier, right?"
"Yes?" Simeon didn't know why this was relevant. "I got distracted, sorry."
"Was it Solomon?" Luke emphasized, knowing it was wrong.
"No, it was a friend of mine." Simeon nonchalantly answers. The blond feigned ignorance. "Friend?"
"Yes. (M/n)'s his name. I'd like you to meet him soon." The brunet smiled softly to himself at the thought of this '(M/n)' guy. Luke eagerly inches forward onto the table. "He...goes to the same school as you, right?"
Luke's eyes lit up.
'I knew it!'
"So, um, do you...like him?"
"...!" Simeon looked pleasantly surprised. Then, albeit barely visible, his cheeks were tinted with a light pink. Luke grew even more curious.
"...Well, I suppose so. It's hard not to like (M/n)." Simeon confessed. "We're really good friends."
"..." Or maybe not.
Luke dismissed his disappointment to make room for hope. "He sounds nice. Can you describe him to me?"
"Hm, well, (M/n)'s..." Simeon pondered for a moment. "...Really kind. He's a bit closed off towards people he doesn't know, but he's nice. He's a great cook, from what I know. And hm..."
Luke was beginning to get suspicious.
"He helps me out a lot of times. He also praises me a lot," Simeon chuckled to himself at a few memories. "And he's quite attractive."
'Okay, so Simeon definitely has a crush on this guy,' Luke concluded.
Because what kind of person would platonically say all that?
Luke only nodded along with Simeon to not make himself suspicious. Simeon then stood up. "Oh! I should contact Solomon and Lucifer. They might like these."
Luke grimaced at the latter's name. "But Lucifer...doesn't like sweets very much."
"Ah...That's true." Simeon frowns. "And Solomon...has strange tastes."
"...Wait! I know someone who'd love these." The brunet flashed him one of the happiest grins Luke had ever seen him bore.
"(M/n), of course! He's highly fond of sweets." Simeon then walks swiftly up the stairs, leaving Luke to ponder silently.
Luke couldn't wait to meet the guy who managed to make Simeon act like such a lovesick fool.
- - -
But when was soon, exactly?
Luke was getting too curious about this person Simeon's talking about.
And maybe God favored him a little too much when class was canceled for him the next day, and Simeon just happened to forget his lunch at home.
This...was a sign!
A sign for him to bring Simeon his lunch and possibly come across (M/n)!
What's the harm, anyway? The worst thing that could happen is if (M/n) went absent exactly today. And even so, Simeon still needed his lunch, right?
- - -
For some odd reason, you had been roped into doing an errand that required you to go around the whole ass campus to fetch something for the gardening club. You grumbled to yourself, holding a bag of fertilizer with gloves.
Just why did that teacher punish you too...?!
What a hassle.
At least the sun wasn't glowering at you considering it was already afternoon.
And to top it off once again, you don't have your phone.
Mammon had pickpocketed your phone again during class. And because the fucking idiot got caught, he was told to sit away from you.
Then as soon as class dismissed, the teacher had you and Mammon run an errand separately.
You understood it was to punish Mammon, but why include you too?
You were the one being pickpocketed! You were the victim!
You dearly wished Mammon had a more strenuous task than you.
So here, you found yourself, nearing the campus entrance, where a small crowd was forming for some odd reason. You couldn't make out what they were circling.
A model or one of the student council perhaps?
You were about to walk away, when someone called out to you.
"Hey! You! The one carrying a bag of something!"
Your brows furrowed, turning to the source of the voice.
It was a girl. Hair pink, fading into a shade of purple and blue. Her uniform looked purposely disheveled. Her lime green eyes had slits, boring directly into yours..
"Yeah, you! Um, (mispronounced name) or something?"
"Need anything?" You didn't bother correcting her.
The mini crowd had parted slightly, revealing a child right next to her. The female crossed her arms. "Aren't you part of the student council?"
"...Huh?" She was visibly surprised. "But you...you're always with that guy with Solomon..."
"Well, Solomon and I aren't in the council." You shrugged.
"Whatever. There's this kid." She gestures to the boy beside her. "Lost."
"Wh– I'm not lost." Luke argued. The female rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, (mispronounced name). Go help this kid find whoever."
"I'm running an errand, miss." You irritably refuted. She paused.
"...Miss?" She snickered. "You know you can call me by my name, right?"
"Sure." If I knew what it was.
"...(M/n)!" The kid suddenly shouts.
Both you and the tri-colored haired female got startled. She furrows her brows. "Who the hell's (M/n)?"
"Me." You face palmed with your unoccupied hand. She shook her head stubbornly. "No, (mispronounced name)."
"Whatever. I have an errand to run, and I'm missing my phone. I have to go." You adjusted your grip on the bag of fertilizer once more.
"Well you heard the kid." She pipped up, effectively stopping you from leaving.
"He knows your name, so you handle him!"
"I don't even know who he is!"
"Neither do I." She shrugged. You sighed, turning to look at the young blond.
"Who are you looking for, exactly? Or are you just lost?" You tried to soften your tone to not intimidate the poor kid who just witnessed you and that woman arguing.
He fidgeted with the box in his grasp and spoke. "U-um... Simeon?"
"...Simeon?" Your furrowed your brows. "He should be...in the cafeteria right now, with Solomon and the others, I'd think." You mused. "I'll take you there then. I'm going to pass by the RAD garden to drop these off, anyway."
The boy's eyes lit up, eagerly running towards you.
And so, both of you walked around the campus to go to the cafeteria, where you presumed Simeon would be. Luke wasn't sure why you'd enter the building when you were going to a garden, but whatever.
"...How did you know my name?" You inquired. The blond brightened, looking up to meet your gaze. "...Simeon told me!"
"...And your name is?"
"...Oh! You're the young cousin Simeon and Solomon mentioned." You recalled. "I heard you're quite talented in baking and making confectioneries."
"Ah, well... I'm not that great." Luke laughs sheepishly. "I have ways to go before I can even come close to Barbatos."
"Hm." So Luke knew Barbatos too.
"You're still young, are you not? You have a lot of time to improve." You suddenly stopped walking, much to Luke's confusion. He looked up at the label of the room.
'Cooking Club'
"...?" Luke let out a sound of confusion.
You went inside and gestured for him to follow you.
"Open the fridge for me, please." You requested. Luke abided, seeing a wide range of baked goods and dishes.
"Grab those boxes of brownies with my name. All of them."
Luke does as told and looks up at you. You smile down at him. "Carry those for me, will you? I'm giving them to Simeon when we come across him."
Luke's eyes lit up, nearly sparkling in excitement for some reason.
Maybe so he could ask for some from Simeon?
"...You can take a box for yourself." You patted his head with your clean and unoccupied hand. Luke flinched.
"H-huh? But aren't these..."
- In Serial93 Chapters
Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it, or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur) ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— About a boy who isn’t quite normal and doesn’t see himself as a human being, but is taught differently as he finds out about the world's secrets. Though not everyone is happy about his existence. This is inteded to evolve into a full blown space opera with elements of magic thrown into it. ——————————————————————————————— The OneShot goes FullStory. Trying to go a little more SciFi and alternate reality this time. I am not entirely sure how this fiction will turn out. And I am not sure on the tags either. They may change. Bear with it. As always, how chapters turn out is up to my mood.
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