You swallowed, stomach suddenly filled with newfound anxiety at your impulsive decision.
Especially when Asmodeus was looking at you with such a surprised expression.
You pressed your lips together in both nervousness and irritation. 'Say something, Goddamn it–!'
'...I spent a minute here waiting anxiously and the only shit you can say is 'really!?''
"What, you think I'm kidding?" You somehow managed to resist giving into your anger and responded coldly. "Then–"
"AAAAA–!!" As if sudden realization hit him in the face at that moment, he pounced on you and tackled you, prompting both of you to get sent to the ground.
You yelped as your foot slipped, soon feeling the pain on your back. You let out a pained whine. Asmodeus however, was too busy peering at your face, both hands on the ground as he sat on your lap. His eyes shone as he eerily leaned closer. "Gah! You... You said yes! You're mine now!"
"...God, I thought something more romantic and less creepy would leave your mouth at least." You grimaced at his strange wording. "And get the f– get off me, please."
Obeying swiftly, he stood up and grasped your hand, pulling you up. He merely slipped his arms between your arms and torso before hugging you intensely.
"Ah! You don't know how happy I am!"
"...I have a slight estimation of it, surely." You weren't sure if you were obligated to hug him back, so you didn't. Your eyes darted around the hallways, trying to make sure there weren't any students that would see this ridiculous display.
Estimation my ass.
After an uncomfortably long time of him basically relishing in the one sided hug, you finally told him to get off, to which he abided with a playful huff.
You looked away.
"...What now?"
"Hmm..." Asmodeus looked at the ground thoughtfully, tapping his shoes slightly. Then he grinned, looking quite pleased.
"...Okay then, next order of business–" He looked proud of himself. "No accepting gifts from other people."
"...Um, I don't think it works that way." You awkwardly opposed. Asmodeus blinked twice. "Really?"
"Yes. And why would you want me not to?" You raised a brow. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Simeon giving me that cake as an apology?"
"Of course, I'm jealous. I'm your boyfriend."
"...Like, a minute ago, you weren't."
"Well, I am now." He tugged on your hand before latching on your arm with his whole body, looking quite ecstatic as he did so. "So I guess I'm allowed to do this...?"
"Holding hands?"
"How about hugging?"
"...Damn, you're really hung up on these consent things."
"Well, I shouldn't do something that you might get uncomfortable or upset with, so it's better to ask in advance."
"...Huh. So you have learned." You felt a smirk crawl upon your lips.
Is this really the same Asmo that threatened to read 'your' love letter in front of a literal crowd?
"Of course." Asmodeus smiled brightly. "I told you, I'm the best lover for you."
"Don't be like that." Asmodeus chuckled, hugging your neck. "And since we're together, let's go on a date!"
"...You're more relenting than I thought." He uttered to himself before smiling back. "Don't worry, I'll get your mind off Yuki until it's only me you can think of."
"...It sounds gross when you say it like that." You grimaced. Asmodeus waved his hand dismissably. "It only sounds gross when you make it."
"Whatever. Where do you plan on going later?"
"...There's this really nice confectionary shop that just opened up. I figured you might like to go there."
"Because you like sweets?" Asmodeus tilted his head to the side. You paused. "...How did you know that?"
"I just do." He then released your neck and grasped your hand. The one that was bleeding. Your eyes widened as you twitched in pain.
Asmodeus turned his gaze to your hands and froze, seeing the blood practically mixing between your palms and dripping to the ground. He shrieked. "AAAH! You're bleeding!"
"That's why we left the cafeteria in the first place!"
God, you knew this was a bad idea.
- - -
Before the next classes started, Simeon handed the cake back to you so you could eat it before the teacher could come. Your phone vibrated from your pocket.
- - -
Yuki: Is everything alright now?
Yuki: Did Asmo bandage it properly?
(M/n): Yes, Yuki. It's bandaged.
Yuki: Huh. Didn't think Asmo would be able to.
(M/n): It's strange to see you dissing Asmo so openly.
Yuki: Eh? I wasn't dissing him, I was just...
Yuki: Dunno, he didn't sem like he'd know how to properly do first aid.
(M/n): You're right. I had to guide him the whole way.
Yuki: I'm spot on.
Yuki: I should've treated it for you. At least I know how to.
(M/n): It's fine. Did you and Mammon have fun?
Yuki: Why are you asking about Mammon?
(M/n): Nothing?
(M/n): I don't know, maybe because he's courting you?
Yuki: Right
Yuki: Well, everything went fine. Simeon looked depressed when you left lmao
(M/n): ???
(M/n): Why?!
Yuki: He thought it was his fault because he gave you the fork in the first place.
Yuki: Solomon assured him, don't worry.
(M/n): Damn.
(M/n): I'll talk to him thennn
- - -
The said male was just right next to you, really. You turned to him. "Hey, Simeon? Did you really feel guilty for the wound?"
"E-eh? The wound...?" Simeon looked nervous to hear you. You paused. "...Then, no?"
"...Simeon, you treated me to a cake. Why would it be your fault I have a short fuse?"
"Really. It was all my fault, if anything. So you don't need to worry."
"...Thank you. You're too kind to me, (M/n)."
"...Which part of that was kind...?" You deadpanned.
- - -
Yuki: Say, do you think
Yuki: Simeon might have a tiny crush on you?
Yuki: Say, do you think
Yuki: *message deleted*
(M/n): wtf
(M/n): I thought we agreed to no deleting messages?
Yuki: Nothing, I was wondering if Asmo had any plans on giving up anytime soon.
Yuki: I mean, he sounds too persistent.
Yuki: Wouldn't it be funny if you agreed asfmgnk
(M/n): .
Yuki: Hahaha
Yuki: Right?
(M/n): ...
Yuki: Um
Yuki: What does that mean
Yuki: (M/n)?
Yuki: (M/fr), wtf
- - -
"A-ah, (M/n), you should clean up. It's almost time." Simeon pointed to your table, where the remnants of your cake remained. You turned off your phone and shoved it all back to the box.
Just in time, the teacher came inside.
Leaving Yuki's joke unanswered.
- - -
"Say, can you wear something for me tomorrow?"
"Wear what?" You crossed your arms, peering at Asmo, who was sitting on your desk. He hummed. "I bought this really nice (f/c) sweater yesterday. I just forgot to bring it today. It was supposed to be a gift."
"...You still haven't given me my clothes though. My hoodie as well." You frowned. Asmodeus waved a hand dismissively. "It's a replacement. That hoodie is mine now."
"I should've just lent you a plain shirt and left you outside in the rain."
"Hey, now. Don't be so mean!"
"Just give it back. You can buy another one."
"But that one has your scent, so no."
"...Excuse me?"
Asmodeus grinned in silent persuasion, though you knew it was more than just that. You let out an exasperated sigh. The champagne-haired male's phone rang, prompting the male to pause and take his phone from your desk.
He scanned the text for a few seconds before frowning. You raised a brow. He turned the device off and sighed. "Hey, about that date later..."
Unbeknownst to either of you, a certain male's ears perked up from the desk beside you.
"There's an abrupt change in my schedule." He slouched, sighing. "Can we reschedule tomorrow?"
"Alright! You're the best!" He got off your table and gave you a side hug before going back to his desk, just in time for the bell to ring. Though, just before he could leave, he whispered. "I love you."
- - -
Seeing as Asmo had something to tend to after classes, you opted to go straight home. You just weren't sure if it was with Yuki.
Not like you had a choice, actually. That was proven to be a fact once you nearly got tackled by them on your way to the exit.
"Wh– Yuki! Are ya alright?!" Mammon ran to catch up to them. You groaned, trying to gain back your balance. "Hey, I was the victim. Why are you asking the perpetrator...?"
"What the hell did that mean, huh? You ignored the rest of my messages!" Yuki clenched their jaw, watching you roll your eyes.
Mammon watched the interaction, Yuki's words making an imprint on his mind.
After all, he knew pretty well how much Yuki clung to you.
"What, about your joke about me answering Asmo?"
"It's not like you said yes, right?" Yuki looked mortified and nervous. Mammon finally caught up to the subject and scoffed smugly.
'There's way, (M/n) would say yes, stupid–'
"Yes. I responded to his courting and agreed."
"..." The duo looked like you had just killed someone in front of them.
You cast your gaze to the side as you shrugged Yuki's loose arms from your body. Seeing how frozen the duo was, you opted to just sprint away, but that thought was shattered once Yuki snapped out of their stupor and grasped your shoulders in an iron grip.
"Are you ?!"
You swiftly grasped Yuki's knuckles and shot them a look. Yuki's yelling was attracting a lot of attention from the people who were just passing by to leave through the exit.
Gaze flickering from the crowd to Yuki, they finally got your message. Yuki getsured Mammon to follow along as the three of you left and went outside, presumably to a more isolated area by the corner of the campus.
Once there, Yuki looked furious.
"You said yes? To Asmo? I thought you hated him!"
"I do– did." You mentally cursed yourself for slipping. Yuki's gaze hardened. "Then why would you say yes?!"
"...Why do you seem so angry? Yuki, calm down. This is my business, not yours."
It wasn't like you intervened when Yuki introduced a literal person courting them, didn't you?
"..." Yuki looked quite surprised by your response, only to frown. "I'm just concerned."
"I know, but it's fine. I don't really love him, you know?"
"Then why'd you say yes?" For the uptenth time, Yuki exasperatedly questions. You sighed. "If he does something I don't like, then I can just break up with him, idiot. It's not like we got married, Yuki."
"...That's not how relationships work, (M/n)." Yuki crossed their arms above their chest. "God, for one smart guy, this is one of the dumbest things you've done. Right, Mammon?"
The said male flinched at the sudden mention. And like the idiot he was, too confused to think for himself, he responded. "H-huh? Oh, I mean, um, yeah."
"Yuki, I told you, it'll be fine." You tried to persuade.
"What if it turns out he just thought he loved you?"
"..." That sort of stung, truly.
It wasn't like you really believed Asmo loved you, but was the thought truly that ridiculous?
"...Then think of it like I only said yes to satisfy him. I'll bore him until he figures out that I was just a passing phase, alright? Then we'll break up."
"...Damn it." Yuki ran a hand through their hair. Mammon looked hesitant to comfort them, hand twitching. You sighed.
"...Mammon, can you walk home with Yuki?"
"Why? Do you need to buy something from the store again?" Yuki scoffed. You pressed your lips together in a thin line. "...I need to pick up a few things, yes."
"Then we'll come with."
"...Mammon, take Yuki home." You ignored their glare and made a move to leave. "I know you're concerned, but I truly despise it when you're like this."
Why were they so pissy, anyway? It wasn't like it was serious.
You'd think they'd rejoice hearing that you've finally found a significant other.
Maybe Yuki had lingering feelings for Asmo after all?
- - -
To hell with whatever the fuck that was.
Right now you were sitting down in the very same café as last time, sipping on some (preferred beverage) that you only bought so you could stay.
Yuki was onto something, after all.
Buy what for your sibling? That idiot should go get something themself if they needed it so bad.
You could go home right now, but risk running into Yuki, so you opted to stay for a little longer.
Asmodeus messaged you.
- - -
Asmodeus: Hon, I'm really sorry for cancelling our date...
(M/n): That's fine, I'm having a lovely time by myself.
Asmodeus: ...
Asmodeus: Where are you
(M/n): Where do you think?
Asmodeus: You don't sound like you're home... Store? Café? Restaurant?
(M/n): Well shit.
(M/n): Café, actually. In the same one we were in while it was raining.
Asmodeus: Oh no. And you're alone? That's the worst!
Asmodeus: Wait, having someone else with you like a date would be worse, actually.
(M/n): You bitch|
(M/n): You bi|
(M/n): Well fuck ya too then :)
Asmodeus: Maybe one day. Hopefully soon.
Asmodeus: I could rush to you, but you'd think I'm hideous...
(M/n): wdym you looked fine earlier.
Asmodeus: I had to catch a spa appointment. I just forgot about it. Sowwy...
(M/n): Don't you dare 'sowwy' me
(M/n): Anyway, I don't need you. I'm fine like this on my own, stupid.
Asmodeus: Tsun
(M/n): Have a great evening.
- - -
Dropping your phone on the table, you took another sip on the beverage.
Surely Yuki was home by now, right?
Before you could stand up, a familiar male caught your eye from outside the cafe. You turned your head the same time they did.
Your eye twitched upon the sight of a certain male.
Mammon, to be exact.
What the fuck.
He's not supposed to be here.
Both of you made eye contact, freezing in place.
It was an awkward ten seconds or something.
Pretending to not see anything, you dropped your gaze and picked up your phone.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Mammon shake his head, nearly banging on the thick glass for you to look at him again before he realized how stupid that may be for the onlookers and speed walked away.
You dearly hoped he'd leave then and there.
But of course, since when were you ever favored by fate?
The bells rang as the door nearly slammed open. Mammon marched up to you as you stood up to leave, finished with your beverage. Before you could saunter away, his hand clasped onto your wrist and pulled you back down to your chair as he sat on the other side.
You huffed. "What? Your date went home so you want me instead?"
"What– 'scuse me?!"
"Pipe down, darling."
Mammon visibly huffed at your words, barely able to ignore the mocking nickname disguised as an endearing one. You rolled your eyes.
"It ain't true, right?"
"Context, dear." You mindlessly tapped your fingers on the empty glass.
"About'cha saying yes to Asmo, duh!"
"...I wasn't lying to Yuki. I did say yes to Asmo. What of it?"
"Wh– You can't do that!" He slammed his hands on the table furiously.
"...Why the fuck not?" Your eye twitched. Mammon looked ready to slap you.
Earning you a totally unwarranted slap, mind him.
"Because we were supposed to keep Asmo off of your hands!"
Mammon's lack of context was getting on your nerves.
But you kind of managed to gather something from that.
"No, Mammon. Go on, I'm quite curious about who you meant by 'we' and what your agenda is entirely." You pressed your knuckles to your chin as you peered at Mammon.
"A-ah... um erm, ya see..."
"Spit it out." You glowered.
Frightened, he managed to spew out. "Ack–!! Me and Yuki were makin' a plan to keep Asmo off your hands so you'd be nicer to me!"
"..." You sat poker faced at the information.
Mammon looked just about ready to shit himself at what he blurted out. And because of the intensity of your glare.
"...Is that so?"
- In Serial1697 Chapters
I’m Really a Superstar
Zhang Ye, who only wanted to become a celebrity, had tunneled to a brand new Earth that was different. At the radio station, during the host hiring interview. A loud voice narrated, “Up above the sea’s grey flatland, wind is gathering the clouds. In between the sea and clouds proudly soars the Petrel, reminiscent of black lightning. Glancing a wave with his wingtip, like an arrow dashing cloudward, he cries out and the clouds hear his joy in the bird’s cry of courage. In this cry–thirst for the tempest!” As such, the interviewers of this world that had never heard of Gorky’s “The Song of the Stormy Petrel” were so shocked that they stared with their mouths agape! The story begins from here.Thank you for reading novel I’m Really a Superstar @ReadWebNovels.net
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The Dungeon Challenge
The Dungeon Challenge beckons.Katha was taken, offered to the Challenge in exchange for mercy for the villagers of Reach. And now it’s up to siblings Malco and Reva, her only friends, to get her back. They’ll need the power of Archetypes. They’ll need levels. And for that, they’ll need to risk their lives. In their way stands a perilous journey, deadly traps, and terrible monsters. Omnipotent Godtouched plot in the shadows, and older conspiracies come to light to threaten the land itself. Larger than life, older than time, the Challenge itself lies in wait. It plays for keeps. You don’t get another try. -------------------------------------------------The Dungeon Challenge is my first stab at gamelit. A chapter a day for about a month and then Mon-Wed-Fri. Art by the wonderful Cáti Daehnhardt @catidaehnhardt
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The Sister In The Forest(Cancelled)
What do you do when you have a missing sister? Cry for the eternity of your lifeline and do nothing until you die? Or do you take a perfect opportunity of your childhood to explain the explanations of why your sister went missing in the first place? Follow a 16-year-old boy named Aaron Duncan, he is a muted teenager by choice who had lost his sister at a young age. He was five when his sister, Althea, went missing with no explanation. Aaron couldn't do anything, he couldn't prescribe a search until he was sixteen. So, he made it a struggle for the world and went mute, he refused to speak a single word until he finds his sister. And he finally got a chance, his school invited him to a multi-school camp trip to The Kielder Forest, a very recognisable memory for Aaron as it was that forest he and his sister made memories in. No chances were wasted, he agreed and went on the camp trip with his chubby best friend, George. When he arrived at the forest, he felt off. Aaron knew something was entirely eerie about the forest that never felt this way ever before, but he was the only one who felt this way so he shrugged it off and went into the forest with multiple different schools from all around the UK. Meeting Lia Ann kept Aaron thinking about his sister as they had similar personalities. One night, adrenaline was high for Aaron and he decided to go to the cave he made memories with deep in the forest. Everything was intact and his friendship with Lia grew when they both encountered each other. So, normally, Aaron thought nothing of it and continued going back to the cave until one day he was ambushed by a liquid entity that wasn't human. It almost murdered him before he was saved by an unexpected guest, his sister, in pure flesh, was finally in front of him. Aaron wanted to know everything, he asked everything until one question did it for Aaron as he found himself passed out from the help of Althea's distant eyes and woke up in his tent by George. "Was it a dream?" He asks himself dreadfully. A question that will have him explore his character, his purpose, his beliefs, his trust, and his friendships. Will a dream break Aaron down and destroy him? Or will it build him up to be even stronger to find out how his sister went missing? And possibly, what or who may have murdered her?
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A futurist leader inside a fantasy world
Jack who was on Earth empire have been reincarnated into a fantasy world. Using his old knowledge and skill , he plans to force the new world into a new age. *Note: the updates will be random and I not the best writer. P.S. I will be doing this for fun. Chapter Editing in progress
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Scenarios And Preferences
ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP TO 18This book was inspired by: @New_Skara_ScreamCover Edited By Me, But The Original Photo Is Not Mine So Credits To The Rightful Owner.Copyright © 2020 by: crimson_rose_12 All Rights Reserved Anyone Who Uploads My Story On Any Website Without My Consent Or Permission Will Be Reported Immediately.So Please Don't Steal My Ideas, Or Else Legal Actions Will Be Used.
8 86 - In Serial10 Chapters
wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots
crappy oneshots curtesy of me because i need more fanfiction for this movieABANDONED
8 145