
"Becky is hiding something from us" Ash whispers, as the other girls are having fun on the pitch while waiting for Jill and Dawn to arrive. The goalkeeper is tying her cleats, as Allie and Kelley are on each side of her, doing the exact same thing. When she sees a concerned peak into Allie's eyes, Ash sighs. "I don't want to question her judgment or her ability on the field, but she is hiding something from us."

Kelley and Allie exchange a look, before the blonde says : 

"I think everyone has their own secrets"

That makes the goalie frowns. "What do you mean ?"

"I mean that" Allie starts, but when Becky walks on the field in their direction, she suddenly lowers her voice. "everyone has done things they're not proud of. She is an amazing captain, and if she doesn't want to share her personal life with us, then let be it."

"But, what if it affects the team at some point ?" Ash insists. 

"Pookie" Allie warns her, her eyes darkening. "Drop it."

The goalie knows very much that Allie is right : Becky doesn't owe them any explanations, especially since she saved their asses in the headmaster's office yesterday. But a part of her can't stop wondering what she is hiding from them, especially Ash, who would consider herself as Becky's closest friend on the team with Kelley : they got here together the first year, and are going to live their fourth and final year together. 

When the captain sits down in front of them, nonetheless, Ash remains silent. Once she is done putting her cleats on, and that Julie and Megan joined the group to take part of the conversation concerning the back line, the goalie gets on her feet and walks toward the goal. Dawn, who usually does the keeper training, has already prepared some things - God knows when, because she still isn't here. Kelsey and Jane are already doing some passes, so Ash just joins them. 

But the backup goalie immediately sees something is bothering her friend. 

"'Sup ?" she asks in a chill voice. 

Sometimes, Ash can't stop but think that Tobin and Kelsey's brotp was meant to be, because the two girls kinda are the same person sometimes. The goalie only shakes her head, before looking at her two teammates. 

"Nothing. Tired."

Kelsey knows the short-haired is lying, but she doesn't say anything. Maybe she's not ready, she thinks to herself, silently nodding. Jane, who has felt their mental conversation, just remains silent as well. 

But after some time, the rookie says with concern in her voice : 

"Wait, why are Stanford's keepers here ?"

The three keepers immediately turn around. 

Indeed, Hope Solo and Haley Kopmeyer are here, their resting bitch faces looking around the Bruins sitting on the floor, probably judging them or something. By their side is a tall brunette with clear green eyes, who can easily be guessed as being the rookie keeper, Kailen Sheridan. Their coach is here too, a guy names Rory. 


Of course Ash wouldn't be very happy about seeing her former teammate and mentor, who betrayed them, on the exact same pitch they are going to face each other in a few weeks. The short-haired immediately sets her jaw, walking toward the group, where Dawn also is.

When the assistant coach sees her player walk in such determination, she raises her hands in front of her to order her to calm down. Becky, who also is pretty angry, is jogging toward the group of players. 

"What the fuck, Dawn ?" Ash angrily asks, her eyes throwing daggers at Hope. 

Once Becky is finally here, she adds : "Is that a joke ? One of them beat one of us, and in exchange they send their keepers here to train with us ?" the blonde asks in a calm voice, even though everything in her is screaming. 

At least Shelina's not here, she thinks to herself, trying to find a bright side. 

The situation somehow makes Hope laugh, and when both Ash and Becky are about to throws fire at her with mean words, she says : 

"Don't think we even had a choice". With that said, she stares at Kelsey and Jane, who also are here, their arms crossed against their chests. "Hey there, fresh blood."

"Dawn ?" Becky asks, impatient. 

The British woman stares at her players, and they all see none of this makes her happy. It's quite the opposite. 

"In order to prove that we don't have a problem with Stanford and that they are the only ones trying to come at us, the committee agreed on merging the keeper's practices, which means the six of you will have to work together today, and maybe some more later his month." she quickly explains, before exchanging a look with Rory. "We are going to train you together, so please, no cat fights."

"This is insane" Becky groans, rolling her eyes. 

Hope smirks. "So you do indeed have a problem with Stanford, Broon ?"

"No, I don't. Do I have a problem with their players instead ? Hell yes." the captain defenders herself. 

"Becky, you should go back to the others" Dawn calmly says. 

The captain nods, before looking at her teammates, silently saying 'don't mess this up or Alex Morgan won't get suspended'. She then jogs back to the rest of the team, who is staring at the keepers, all their arms crossed against their chests. As Becky clears out the situation, with Jill's help - the British woman, who looks like she is as upset about this call than her team is - Dawn turns back toward the keepers. 

Even Jane doesn't look happy. 

"While Rory and I get this training underway, I want you to go by pair and start warming up correctly." Dawn orders. 

The girls nod. 

Quite naturally, the pairs are already formed. Hope immediately throws a ball at Ash - of course the Stanford's gals are trying to cause them to lose patience so that Alex would be relieved from her punitive sentence - as Haley is challenging Kelsey with her look. So as all the older girls start training, exchanging rather not-so-friendly, low-voiced words, Jane finds herself stucked with the other rookie.


Kailen Sheridan is rumored to be quite a fun but competitive person, Jane knows that. So her strategy is just to ignore her when she starts talking trash. Which kind of starts right away : 

"So, you are the new recruit ?" 

"Yes, but you know that already, so why do you ask ?"

Kailen quickly takes a look around her, only to notice that the four other keepers are too busy throwing secret shade at each other to listen to their conversation. So she lowers her voice as well, before saying : 

"Look, the only reason why I came today is because someone from your team broke my little sister's heart, and I need an explanation from her" 

Her tone, on the other hand, doesn't look friendly at all. Jane immediately understands that all she wants is revenge. 

"Who's your sister ?" Jane asks, trying not to sound too interested. 


"You mean, the psycho that almost chocked Rose because she refused to go to prom with her ?" Jane rephrases, raising her eyebrows. 

She knows that wouldn't make the brunette very happy. And Kailen's deadly eyes are confirming that 

"Marina is not the bad guy in the story" the girl insists in a strong Canadian accent. 

"You should drop it, Kailen" Jane says in a confident tone. "I was there when it happened, and your sister is not out of the closet, that's why Rose refused to go with her. No wonder she's your sister."

"Excuse me ?" 

As their eyes-fight is becoming more and more intense, Kelsey steps in front of Kailen and wraps an arm around Jane's shoulders. 

"Do you have a problem with our girl ?" Kelsey asks in a cold tone, and even Hope or Haley wouldn't mess with her. 

Kailen keeps her head up, and says : "Nah, it's all fine." 

After that interaction, Dawn and Rory are back, and training can begin, under the careful and attentive eyes of not only the whole Bruin team, but also the headmaster's eyes. 


Becky is torn apart between anger and nervousness. 

When Shelina finally shows up, her car stopping in the middle of the parking, right in front of the other girl's, Becky rolls her eyes. She gets off her car, and so does the Canadian. When she realizes she needs to go right to the point, in order not to get lost on the girl's ocean eyes, Becky says : 

"You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry, we had a team meeting and Hope wouldn't let us go, I-" Shelina starts, honest. 

"Did you, or did you not send your boyfriend to beat a Bruin player up ?" Becky coldly asks. 

The Canadian truly looks surprised. "Who ? Adam ?" she asks, her voice shaking a little bit. She then shakes her head. "Of course not, why would you assume-"

"Because he helped that Morgan girl beat one of my girl up." 

"Becky, I swear I have nothing to do with that-"

"LIAR !" the captain yells, making Shelina jump in the process. Of course Becky has a special affection toward the brunette, but she has always promised herself that her team would come first. It always has since she was named captain. She needs to be true to her girls, show them that she can make sacrifices for them. And Shelina is a sacrifice. Once she has calmed down a little bit, Becky grabs Shelina's collar in order to scare her, as her face is only inches away from hers. "You sent him there because you knew I'd protect you, just like you came to the UVA game because I would never have let anyone hurt you".

Shelina shakes her head, and when Becky also grabs her neck in the process, she winces. 

"Becky, you're hurting me-" she starts, out of breath. 

"Tell me the truth !" the captain yells. "Come on, Shel. Tell me you used me ! I wanna hear it from your mouth. Speak !"

"The only reason I came to the UVA game was because there is no other way I can see you !" the Canadian says, and Becky can hear through her voice how shatters she is. 

Becky pushes her against the car, as Shelina's arm makes a weird noise. As the Canadian is wincing again, the captain spills out : 

"Stop lying !"

"Becks, please..."

"Did you, or did you not sent Adam after Janine ?" 

"I-I did, but I had no other choice, I-"

"I knew it !"

More than angry, Becky crashes her hand on Shelina's car, right next to the girl, who jumps. Despite the pain the captain now feels, she throws the Canadian a death glare : how dare she be on the verge of tears when she the manipulative one ?

Becky shakes her head. 

"What if I had said no to Hope ?" Shelina says in a weak voice, absolutely terrified. "All the other girls on the team have sent their boyfriends there ! What would they have thought if I said no ? Tell me ?"

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you used me" Becky lets out, bitter. 

"Becks, I'm sorry... I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Of course you meant to, Shelina. You've always known how to use me to get what you want : come inside my head and mess things up. But I can tell you that's over : next time, when you're about to be beaten up, I will let them do it."

This time, the pain in Shelina's eyes are ringing an alarm on Becky, but she chooses to ignore it. The Canadian pushes her hand away, as a tear slips on her cheek. 

"But..." the brunette starts, wiping her tear away. "I love you..."

"That's too bad." is all Becky says before sitting back on her car, driving past Shelina, who now is crying very hard. 

Take one for the team, Becky, the captain thinks to herself, as her heart breaks a little bit more every second she is driving away from the girl she loves. 

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