《Boyfriend for Christmas》Chapter 27...


"We have a busy agenda today everyone." My mom clapped her hands loudly making me wince.

I yawned into my coffee mug as I took a sip, beside me Jackson was scrubbing at his eyes and yawning as well. The only two people who didn't seem annoyed at being woken up early was Olivia and Knox. I'm pretty sure Olivia was only happy to be awake because my mom was taking her to the bakery again today.

As soon as she got home yesterday she talked non-stop about it, even when she was covered in flour. Telling both Knox and I every detail of how she learned to make make bread, cookies, and pastries. She even learned to work the cash register. I was 100% certain she ate most of what she baked because she was practically bouncing off the walls.

As for Knox being awake so early, well I had a feeling he was use to it. Even after last nights...event, he seemed fine. I had a small idea of what last night was. The way he kept muttering 'no' and thrashing around while whimpering gave me a small idea. He didn't say a word about it when I was woken by my moms knocking and found him already up and coming out of the bathroom. I wasn't sure if he remembered what happened or if he just wanted to ignore it all together, so I followed his lead and decided not to bring it up.

"We?"Jackson mumbled, looking at my mom like she grew two heads.

"Yes 'we', as in all five of us. We have a lot to get done today." I knew that tone in her voice. I looked over at Jackson at the same time he looked at me, both of our eyes wide.

"This afternoon and into tonight is Day 2 of the festival. And as you all knowing it is the baking contest as well. I am one of the judges yet again this year." My mom grinned like she was announced the new Queen of England.

"Because I am going to be the judge I have to get there early to help set up before it starts and the contest starts at one 1:30 pm. So, Katie is currently opening the bakery but I need you Aubrey to run the store until one, along with Olivia."

I almost groaned out loud at her words. I had to run the bakery for the next 6 hours and on the busiest days of the year. Great.

"It is our last day open since we close for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I need the two of you to make sure things go smoothly for me. I gave Katie permission to close early as well." My mom instructed Olivia and I. Olivia smiled and nodded happy to help


"Jackson and Knox, I need you two to help me set up at the festival. Along with being a judge for today I have a booth I need to set up for tomorrow. You two can help with that. Once you four are done then you can enjoy the festival for the rest of the night."

"What about Lucas? Doesn't he have to help?" Jackson questioned.

"He has some last minute things to finish at work. And unlike you two he has a family he has to get ready." She sent Jackson and I both a look. Yep, there is the 'why aren't you two settled down yet' stare.

Jackson and I shared a look both knowing Lucas lied about work to get out of helping. Happens every single year.

"Now grab something quick for breakfast and get ready. I want everyone out of the house in twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes! Ma this is suppose to be my Christmas break where I relax." Jackson whined.

"You had that yesterday. Now get moving." Mom tapped the back of his head as she left the kitchen.

"She almost puts my old drill sergeant to shame." Knox spoke. I laughed into my coffee.

"Just you wait until you are helping her build her booth." My mom would have thrived as a drill sergeant for sure.

Knowing my mom wasn't joking about getting us all out of the house in twenty minutes I left the others in the kitchen with a promise to Olivia I'd meet here back down here.

I made quick work of taking a shower and getting dressed. I remembered this time to bring my stuff to the bathroom so there would be no more run ins with Knox like yesterday. Although I couldn't deny that seeing him shirtless wouldn't be the end of the world.

I shimmied my way into a pair of old blue jeans and a simple black long sleeve shirt. I knew better than to wear an outfit I really liked. Working at a bakery was not an easy job. There was a lot of running around, kneading, mixing, putting things in a hot oven. I learned a long time ago that you will end up with flour on almost every inch of you and you'll be sweating like no ones business.

Olivia and I were most likely going to have to come home and change before going back to the festival. So with that in mind I put a little bit of makeup on and pulled my hair into a bun. Coming out of the bathroom I paused mid-step seeing Knox sitting on the edge of my bed looking at his phone.

I felt his eyes on me as I moved around the room. We haven't said a word to one another since last night on the porch. We both shared something personal and to someone we've only known for a few days. I think in a way we were both embarrassed as well.


"If my mom becomes too bossy don't be afraid to tell her to stop." I finally broke the silence not being able to take it any longer.

"I've been bossed around by men twice her size, I'll be okay." Knox chuckled. "Your mom goes all out for this doesn't she."

"Oh yeah. She's basically apart of every festival or event that goes on around here."

We lapsed into silence once more. I wasn't sure if I should bring up what happened last night or not. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed that I witnessed whatever it was last night. But at the same time I wanted him to know if he did want to talk about it I would listen.

The two of us may have started off on the wrong foot last week and at the time I was certain we wouldn't get a long but ever since we came here that's changed. It may have only been one full day of being here but I've seen a different side to Knox than at first. There was still so much to learn about him, walls to break down, but after last night I felt like we bonded over something similar.

When he still didn't say anything I let out an inaudible sigh. Shrugging on a thick coat and grabbed my purse I made for the door.

"Thanks...for last night." Knox suddenly said making me stop. I knew he wasn't talking about our talk on the porch. Looking at him over my shoulder I gave him a small smile.

"Anytime." When he realized I wasn't going to pry the tension in his shoulders disappeared. I shot him one last smile before leaving my bedroom. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard him behind me.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs Olivia was talking with my mom and Jackson stood there with his arms crossed looking grumpy. If he had it his way he would be in bed until noon. At the sound of our steps my mom looked up.

"Call me if there are any issues at the bakery okay?"

"Don't worry we got this, huh Olivia."

"Definitely." Olivia grinned.

"As soon as you two are done come to the festival. I expect everyone to be there." The last part was directed my brother.

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled.

"I'm taking my car since it's filled with stuff for the festival. Aubrey and Olivia will take Jackson's truck. So Knox you and Jackson will follow me." With that being said she ushered us all out of the house and locked the door.

"Here." Jackson reached out and handed me his truck keys. "Try not to crash my baby." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a great driver jackass."

"Uh huh." He sent me a look.

"It was one time and I slid on black ice." Jackson didn't say anything else but the look on his face made me stick my tongue out at him.

"If my sister gives you a hard time let me know." Knox said from beside me.

"She's a sweetheart." I waved him off.

"You don't live with her." I grinned at the way he said it with a grimace.

"Have fun with my mom." I said as I turned to face him. Knox stared down at me as his hand came up to my cheek. His eyes were locked onto mine as he cupped my cheek.

"I'll see you later." His voice was low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine. All I could do was stand there like an idiot as he leaned his head down towards me. My breath hitching in my throat as he got closer. He was going to kiss. Knox was actually going to kiss me!

Right when I thought he would he instead stopped and pressed his lips to my forehead. My eyes closed on their own and somehow my hands had come up to grip the front his jacket. He didn't even kiss me yet my heart was racing. We stayed just like that for another moment before he finally pulled away.

"Have fun."

I watched him walk away, my brain unable to function with what just happened. When I finally got my feet to work I turned for the truck. Standing there staring over the top of the truck was Olivia who had a fat grin on her face.

"Don't you even say anything." I shook my head at her as I climbed into Jackson's truck.

"I wasn't going to." Olivia shook her head but the teasing grin on her face told me otherwise. If I hadn't been so caught up in the moment I would have seen that no one was even looking at us.

I made this for Olivia and I'm in love!! She's so sweet and cute. And the colors are so pretty!!

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