《Soaring High - Discontinued》Chapter 15


A.N. Okay, so, I was going to post this later, but I figured I'd made you guys wait long enough for the last chapter, so here ya go!

Oh, you guys are so going to enjoy this one!

**cackles evilly**

"What's going on?" Dick yelled as he banged on the door of his room for what seemed like the hundredth time.

He soon realized that his actions were completely futile, so he chose to walk back and slump down onto his bed. He closed his eyes in frustration for a few seconds before opening them again and felt a sense of deja vu.

This was how he had woken up. He remembered feeling as if his eyelids were sewn shut, but he had managed to pry them open. He remembered regretting it as soon as the bright light of the room hit his eyeballs. He remembered feeling a dizziness and a pain in his head. He remembered sitting there blinking blearily, trying to make sense of...anything, really.

Then he remembered hearing the sounds, the sounds of frantic and loud footsteps echoing across the hall and stopping right outside his room. He remembered seeing the dark figure, scarily clad in black, a cape and matching cowl to complete the look. He remembered the two of them just staring and he felt as if he was looking right through the white of the man's mask.

And then he remembered the man rushing towards him as he himself flinched back into the folds of his, what now seemed to be comforting, hospital bed. He remembered the man stopping shortly, a realization dawning on his face as if he had discovered a horrifying truth.

After that, well, it was kind of a blur.

People of all colors, shapes, and sizes pooled into the room. A green man's eyes glowed and everyone suddenly had the same look as the man dressed in black.

A doctor, or someone behaving as one, walked up to him shakily and said he was going to check vitals.

Dick had shakily nodded back when it became clear his voice didn't want to work for him.

He was still so confused.

And then he remembered the commotion outside. A male voice. A female one, shouting.

And then the dark man stepped aside to reveal a woman. Black hair. She took off her mask. Green eyes.

And she looked at him with so many emotions, but Dick didn't have time to process them because suddenly...

She was hugging him.

Hugging him more tightly than he had ever been hugged.

But Dick was still confused.

When she pulled back, he finally found his voice and said the only thing he could think of, the first thing that came to his mind.

Who are you?

The moment he had said it, he felt as if he regretted it.

Because the green eyes woman flinched back. Actually pushed herself away from him and stumbled to the ground.

And he had never seen anyone so defeated in his entire life.

Had he?

He was pulled out of his thoughts but the sound of a lock clicking.

His head shot up and his body jerked upright.

There was a woman at the door. Blonde hair. Blueish eyes. She had on a blue leather jacket, a black bodysuit and fishnet stockings.

"Dick?" she called to him softly.

He realized with a start that it was his name. He felt something starting to bubble in his mind, but before he could pry at it any further, the woman spoke up again.


"Dick? My name's Dinah," she said, holding out a hand, "I'm just gonna ask you a couple questions, okay? Why don't you come with me?"

He stared at the hand for a moment, before hesitantly placing his inside. He didn't know if he trusted this woman, but he'd rather leave the room than be cooped up inside of it.

Unfortunately, she led him to yet another room. Further inside, there was a desk, and behind it, a chair. In front of the desk, where there should be more chairs, rested a brown couch.

She gestured him to take a seat. After he did so, she surprised him by sitting down comfortably next to him, inside of behind the desk.

"Do you know your full name, Dick?" she asked him.

He thought about it for a minute. Dick, Dick...that couldn't be all there was to it?

"Dick Grayson, I think," he said after a minute of concentration, "Wait...no. Richard Grayson."

The woman looked relieved. That must mean he got it right, then.

"Can you tell me who you are?" she pried deeper, although gently.

Dick must've looked confused, because she rephrased the question.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but do you know anything about yourself? Anything you can think of?"

Dick tried to look inside of his own mind. If it really was like filing cabinets like everyone said, there should be a lot about him, right?

He searched deeper and deeper, until he found, not an answer, but a memory. A picture in his mind, clear as day.

There was a woman, and older one, older than Dinah who sat across from him now. And a man, almost as tall as the man dressed in black. They were wearing the oddest clothing. Leotards in a bright red color. In the picture, he looked down at himself, and he, too, was wearing the odd, skin-tight suit.

"Come on, my little Robin," the woman moved her lips, and although he couldn't hear it, he knew what she said.

"Let's go son, time for your big day," the man let out a silent hearty bellow.

Dick's eyes snapped to the blonde woman in front of him.

"My parents were in the circus," he said suddenly, and the woman looked hopeful, "They were trapeze artists. I was a trapeze artist."


Dick realized he had been talking in the past tense.

Dinah, seeing his face spoke up again, "Yes, Dick, was. Look down."

She was right. The boy in the memory had been small, tiny, even. With a wiry statue and thin arms that somehow managed to support his weight.

Now, it seemed he was ten, no twenty, sizes as big. He was much, much older, though not as old as Dinah, and he felt kind of awkward in this body, like it wasn't his.

"What's the last thing you remember?" she asked, after he had finished inspecting himself.

Dick tried, he really did, but he couldn't anything past that memory.

"Nothing, other than that night at the trapeze, when my parents let me make my first debut. I nailed it," Dick said, smiling to himself.

"Try to dig deeper, Dick. You might fight something."

Dick tried again, even though he thought it was futile. He concentrated as hard as he could, gritting his teeth the process.

"I'm trying, but their's nothing."

"I know you can do it. Just think, is there anything after that?"


Dick clenched his fists slightly, and he knew she had noticed.

"There isn't, I swear. I would tell you if I was lying," he said, trying to make her believe it, although he was getting slightly frustrated.

"I know, I know. But maybe it's something you don't realize you know-" she started but was cut off but Dick standing straight up.

"I don't know!" he yelled, runnung his hands through his air, "I swear I really don't. And I'm trying, but I'm not getting anything!"

Dinah's eyes widened at his outburst and she immediately calmed down. She grabbed his arm and slowly let him to do the same.

When he had regained control of his breathing, he remembered something.

"Who was that girl?"

He didn't think about the fact that Dinah probably didn't know which girl he was talking about, but she surprised him again when he saw realization dawn on her features. She hesitated for a moment, but Dick stared at her expectantly.

He needed to know.

"She's...someone that you used to know."

Somehow, he knew he wasn't getting the full story, but he knew she wasn't lying either.

He opened his mouth to question her further, but Dinah interrupted him.

"Listen, Dick. There's no easy way to say this but...you were in an accident," she wet her lips, as if the next part was particularily tough to get out, "And it seems that the injury to your head caused you to lose about 14 years of your memory."

Dick's mouth suddenly became very dry.

"F-fourteen years?" he repeated incredulously.

He couldn't believe it. How could he lose almost 15 years of his life? To, to an accident? When she nodded, he slowly leaned back into the couch.

"Will I get them back?"

"It's hard to say," she said, "To be honest, we don't know."

It was hard to hear the blunt answer, but he knew he preferred it over her sugar coating things and giving him false hope.

Dinah cocked her head, and Dick looked at her in confusion. It looked like she was listening to something, and apparently she was because she turned to him.

"I have something to attend to, but stay here and I'll be back in just a minute."

With that, she turned and strode out of her office. Dick didn't miss the way she locked the door behind her.

He sat back again, his thoughts whirling around his brain in a massive cyclone.

He had amnesia?

It was hard to believe, even now that he realized he simply could not recall anything after that circus act.

He remembered the thrill and the feeling of air streaming past his ears and his eyes and the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins...

...and then nothing.

It was completely empty.

A blank slate.

Suddenly, he heard loud voices come around the corner. He couldn't see anything, but he silently pressed his ear against the locked door.

"This is all my fault!"

It was a female voice.

Dick tried to peek through the small slit in the side of the door and managed to catch a glimpse of black and green.

It was that girl again.

"Come on, you know it's not," another voice tried to reason.

This was someone he hadn't heard yet and Dick strained her neck to see. Fortuntely, the person came into view.

He was all red and yellow and he remembered seeing him in the room. He had been comforting a blonde dressed in green, but it had looked as if he needed the comfort himself.

"It is, Wally! I was there that day. I got distracted. I put him in there. I"m the reason he fell into a coma and now had no recollection of the past who knows how many years! I failed."

"Listen, Percy, I don't know what exactly happened that day. But what I do know, is that you tried your best-" the guy, Wally, tried to say.

"No I didn't," Percy said, "And now look where we are."

The voices faded away and Dick had a moment to himself to think about what he just heard.

He knew for certain they were talking about him, but what did she mean by she failed?

And she had said that she was the one that put him in the hospital in the first place?

Was she trying to kill him?

Dick had absolutely no idea what was going on.

So he did the only thing he could think of.


The door was bolted shut, but he started to look around the room for a way out. Finally he spotted something on the ceiling.

A vent.

Would he even fit?

He had to try.

He stood on top of the table and reached for it. He managed to pry it off, wincing as the metal covering clanged onto the floor. Out of pure instinct and muscle memory, he launched himself into the air, grabbing a hold of the edge and pulling himself up into the vent.

Once he was inside, he rested against the side of the metal tunnel.

How had he managed to do that?

He looked at the endless corridor and something about it seemed familar. Almost comforting.

He shook his head and silently made his way through the maze. He finally came to an opening and peered through the horizontal metal bars.

He didn't see anyone there, so he quietly removed the covering and lowered himself down, his feet barely making a sound as they hit the ground.

If he hadn't been in such a hurry, he would have thought that the way he managed to creep around seemed to come naturally.

He dashed through the halls, making sure he wasn't seen by anyone, ducking behind corners.

How was he supposed to get out of here?

He was sprinting past a long hallway when suddenly....

He stopped.

And looked to the left.

And almost passed out.

The Earth, in all its beautiful glory, lay just past the glass barrier.

Dick was completely frozen.

He was in space.

He was in space.

He stumbled back, his gracefulness now gone, and turned and ran.

He stopped once he was safe from prying eyes and slid down the wall, breathing hard.

Relax, he told himself, Whoever these people were, they didn't live here, right? That must mean they have a way out. Now all I have to do it find it.

He steeled his nerves and continued.

Finally, he came across a pair of people. There was a man, in a yellow shirt, a long blue trench coat, and a matching fedora. The thing that was off, though, was that he had no face.

There was nothing there.

The woman next to him was dressed in black spandex with dark purple accents. A white rimmed, black cape flowed from her back and a purple mask covered her face. She had multiple weapons strapped across her body, but somehow Dick didn't find himself intimidated by her. Or the man with no face.

"So watchya doing tonight, Question?" the woman asked, trailing a finger down the man's chest.

The man sighed. "Taking you out now, it seems."

The woman smirked at him and they stepped onto a platform. She grabbed his tie and brought him closer.

"Wherever we're going, it better be fun. I'm itching to fight," she purred.

Before either of them said anything else, a bright light consumed them both and when it disappeared, they were gone too.

Dick immediately ran over to the machine and looked at the the computer next to it.

On it was a map and, right now, there was a city highlighted.

Without thinking, Dick typed in a random location and pressed a button.

The light soon consumed him and he was gone.

When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in space.

He felt as if he should recognize the place, but it just looked like any old building rooftop. He looked all around him.

What now?

He used the fire escape to descend the building and when he was on the ground, he aimlessly wandered around.

Somehow, he found himself at a park.

It was nighttime, the only light coming from the street lamps above and the building windows a little ways away, partly hidden by trees. He sat down on a bench and hung his head.

What now?

He didn't know how long he had been sitting there, maybe hours, when he saw two figures walk by. He was on edge, until the came closer and into the light. It was a man and a woman, and no one he had ever seen before.

The man squinted his eyes at Dick and walked over.

"My boy, what are you doing here, so late at night? You should be home, with your family, or perhaps a girlfriend!"

The lady clinging onto his arm giggled at the man's enthusiasm.

"I...I don't know," he admitted, his hair falling into his face, "I...can't remember."

The man frowned.

"What's your name, son?" he asked.

"Dick Grayson, I think," he replied, "But I don't really know much more than that."

"Oh you poor baby!" the woman cried, clutching the man's arm tighter and if he winced, he didn't show it.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" he suggested, taking a seat next to Dick.

"Okay, um, I woke up in a hospital I think. They said I was in a coma and when I woke up, I couldn't remember anything. They tried to talk to me, but..." Dick shook his head, "I don't know. I thought I heard some people say something about how they were the ones who put me in the coma, so I just ran."

He didn't say anything else, especially about the whole outer space predicament, becaus ethe man probably wouldn't believe him.

The man seemed to be deep in thought.

"Alright, I have something to confess," he said suddenly and Dick tensed, "I know who you are."

Dick's jaw dropped wide open.

"I've actually been searching for you for the past couple weeks," he continued, seemingly unaware to Dick's current state, "There was an accident, well, you were in a car crash."

The woman next to him sniffled and let out a few tears.

"I have a lot of enemies, you see, and they tried to get to me through you, so they tried to kill you. I tried to find you, after I realized you were still alive, but I assumed they had kidnapped you."

Dick blinked, stunned at this new revelation.

"But-but why would they come after me?" he asked.

The man gave a small close-lipped smile.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that. You're my adopted son, of course!"

The woman next to him scowled.

"Well, our adopted son, really."

"Really?" Dick was surprised, confused, but also relieved that he had someone who could explain things to him. He wasn't alone, he realized.

"Of course! Now why don't you come with me?" he asked, holding out a hand, which Dick stared at.

"Where are we going?" Dick asked.

The woman giggled again.

"Come on, puddin', tell him!" she squealed, tugging on the man's sleeve.

The Joker now full out-grinned, finally letting his crazy side out to play.

"Why home, of course!" he cackled, as Dick took his hand.

A.N. I have absolutely nothing to say.

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