《There's Nothing Without You (Under editing)》22. Her restlessness for her son


Next morning:

6:00 a.m.

Sanskar slept in study only. He woke up listening his phone ring. He opened his eyes and sees the time then takes his phone.

Sanskar: hello.

O. S: Good morning sir.

Sanskar: Hmm morning Arjun, say what happened? Why did you call so early?

Arjun: Sir, have you get ready?

Sanskar: Ready? Ready for what?

Arjun: Sir, We got the tender what we applied last week.

Sanskar: It's good, so you called me tell this only? What is it to get ready?

Arjun: No sir, Today is meeting regarding this tender with clients in hotel Marv and you have to be present in meeting.

Sanskar: What? Today's is meeting and you are telling me now?

Arjun: Sir, I tried to tell you yesterday only but you were in hurry to go somewhere. I tried to call you also but your phone was switched off. I sent text message also but I guess you didn't read it till now.

Sanskar thinks how his phone switched off due to low battery and he charged it last night only but didn't check the messages or calls. He came out of his thoughts by Arjun's voice.

Arjun: hello.. hello sir.. are you there?

Sanskar: Hmm yes, I m listening.

Arjun; Ok sir, so you get ready. Meeting is at 8:00 a.m. I will see you at venue.

Sanskar: But why they have selected that hotel for meeting? It's outside the city.

Arjun: Sorry sir. I tried to settle it but They have another meeting also so they have choosen that place only.

Sanskar: Hmm, Okk I m coming.

He said and disconnected the call then left to his room.

Swasan room:

Swara woke up. She didn't find Sanskar in room and got confused.

Swara (monologue): where is Sanskar? He didn't come in room last night. Wait.... What if...? No, no no Swara relax. Maa said na, he doesn't know anything. He must have some work. Yes, he might have doing his work late night.

Her trance was broken by Sanskar, who open the door and came inside. He sees her sitting on the bed. Swara also sees him and gets up from the bed. She was going toward washroom then only Sanskar stopped her.

Sanskar: Swara...

Swara get scared. She stopped but didn't turn around.

Swaran(monologue): Ohh god! Why is he calling me? He never take my name. Yesterday also he said Swara but, it was because of maa but why today? Did he get doubt? Arghh!! Stop it Swara, you are getting too scared. You will automatically increase his doubt.

Her trance was broken by Sanskar.

Sanskar: Swara..

Swara: (No answer and lost in her thoughts)

Sanskar: Swara (little louder)

Swara turned and nodded at him.

Sanskar: Where are you? I m calling you and you.... Ah, leave that. I was saying.. umm.... Actually, I have a meeting in two hour. For that I have to go out of city. So, can I go first?

Swara gave confused look.

Sanskar: I mean, can I use washroom first? I m getting late. Please.

Swara got shocked. Was he requesting for something to her?


Sanskar: Can I?

Swara composed herself and get aside.

Sanskar: Thanks. ( Smiled a bit)

Swara was still in shock as he never talk to her. Especially, requesting and telling about his meeting is too far. He never shared about his work, his meeting, anything about him. She agrees that After marriage, he didn't behave rude with her but what today happened was totally unexpected.

Suddenly Arshit woke up and started crying because he didn't find Swara around him. Swara sees him and goes to him.

She takes him in her lap and calm him. After a lot of time, he finally calmed. Sanskar also came out of washroom. As Arshit was awake so, Swara thought to make him ready first then she will get ready.

She made him ready and make him sit on the bed, giving him some toys so that he may get busy in playing. After that, she went to get fresh.

Sanskar was ready. He was busy in selecting files and papers. Then he kept everything in his bag and left after kissing Arshit's forehead.

Sanskar: Bye champ.

He came downstairs and was fastly moving towards entrance but AP saw him and asked.

Ap: Sanskar, where are you going, that too so early?

Sanskar: Maa, I have an important meeting and from there only I will go to office. So I m leaving.

Ap: But have you breakfast first beta?

Sanskar: (hurriedly) No maa, I don't have much time.

Suddenly Sujatha also came there and say: Why are you avoiding breakfast? It's not good for health.

Sanskar: But...

Sujatha: No no, I won't listen. We should not go without having anything in morning. It's not good and you know god....

Sanskar knew that it will waste of time to try to pacify Sujatha so, he nodded interupting Sujatha in middle and have his breakfast hurriedly. He took two bread slices and rushed out.

He connected his phone to his bluetooth and sat insidd the car then start driving while talking to Arjun about meeting details.

Sanskar: Yes Arjun, just check every detail.

He asked about clients and other arrangements. Yeah, that paper is with me. Don't worry, I m coming. I m on my way. After sometime, he disconnected the call and continued driving.

Suddenly Sanskar sees in rear view mirror and he stopped the car with a jerk.

Sanskar (shocked): Arshit!!!

He turned around and saw Arshit at back seat.

Sanskar: What the??? How did Arshit come here? He was in room then...?? Shit!! What to do now? I cannot go back also. I have already came out of city. I can't go back too because of meeting. Oh god!!

He was continuously talking to Arjun and driving. So, he didn't notice Arshit till now.

Suddenly his phone ring, It was Arjun.

Sanskar : yes Arjun.

Arjun: Sir, they have reached already. Where are you?

Sanskar: I m coming, till then handle everything.(Serious)

Arjun: Yes sir.

He cut the call and dialled Laksh's phone no. But it was showing unreachable. He dialled house landline no. and someone takes the call but he couldn't hear anything...

He was about to call AP but Arjun again called him.


He get frustrated and denied the call. Arshit also sees him and started coming forward. He might fall so Sanskar instantly remove his sit belt and takes Arshit. Arshit giggles and claps.

Sanskar smiles .

Sanskar ( smiling): laugh, laugh!! After giving me tension, you are laughing? Huh!!

Arshit was still giggling.

Sanskar; OK, so Mr Arshit Maheshwari. Your papa have an important meeting and having no choice, you are coming with me.

Arshit claps.

Sanskar; Looks like you are so excited champ. OK, so let's go.

He made him sit properly beside him and adjusted seat belt. He also fix his own seat belt and starts driving.

Hotel Marv,

Sanskar reached and Arjun came fastly toward him but he got confused as he saw Sanskar with Arshit.

Sanskar as usual was walking with bossy look and Arjun was following him, giving him details.

Arjun: Sir, He...?

Sanskar: Hmm, He is Arshit , my son. You know right?

Arjun: But sir, why he is here?

Sanskar; Long story, I will tell you after meeting. First of all, get a room for me.

Arjun: but sir what's the need?

Sanskar (serious): Just do it Arjun.

Arjun nods and go to book a room in hotel . After sometime, he came back and give him keys.

Arjun: Sir, meeting will be in 10 min. Till then you can have look on further terms of tender.

Sanskar nods and go inside the room.

Sanskar made Arshit sit on the bed. He placed the pillows around him and gave him some playing items like small statues that was kept as room interiors which was definitely Not toys but to make him busy, Sanskar has to do it.

Sanskar: OK champ, you play here. Papa will be back in an hour.

Arshit didn't paid any heed to his words as he was already busy with his new found Toys.

Sanskar smiled and went outside.

Sanskar: Arjun, call Sara and tell her to be with Arshit till I come and tell manager for proper security of this room.

Sara: Employee in Sanskar office and trustworthy of Sanskar. She also accompanied them in today's meeting.

Arjun nodded and within five minutes security was arranged and Sara was inside with Arshit.

After that, Sanskar left for meeting.

Just after Sanskar left, Swara came out of washroom and didn't see Arshit but thought that may be Sanskar took him downstairs.

She wore her Mangalutra and filled her hairline with vermilion. After getting ready, she left the room.

Swara came but didn't see Sanskar and Arshit. She thought may be he has gone. She went to AP and asked her about Arshit.

Ap: I don't know beta. I didn't see him till now. Don't worry, he might be here only.

Swara got worried but unwillingly nodded. Then only Laksh also came and she asked him but get same answer.

Laksh: I don't know Swara. I just came now.

He sees Swara getting restless then say : Hey Swara, relax. He will be here only. We will find him.

They searched him in whole mansion but Arshit was found nowhere. Swara now started crying. None sees him since morning. Dp and Rp also came out. Ragini and Sujatha, who were in room, also came there. Everyone tried to find Arshit but got no clue.

It's been an hour now but they couldn't get anything. They got worried watching Swara crying but one person was smirking and smiling.

And that person is non other than Ragini who was very happy after seeing Swara in pain.

Ragini (monologue): Today, I m so happy Swara. Once again after so many days. I thought you won't create another problem for me after marriage but you also got married in same house and that too Sanskar. But now you crossed your limit. You are trying to separate me and Laksh. You are trying to manipulate him. I won't let this happen. So, this is small lesson to you for messing with me. You tried to separate me from my love na? so, I separate you from your life that is none other than Arshit. I only put him in Sanskar car. I heard in morning that Sanskar is going out of city. So, I thought to take advantage of the situation and I hide Arshit on backseat so that it will take sometime for Sanskar to know about Arshit. He tried to call on Laksh's phone then landline no. also but I handled it easily. Now, I don't think he will call again. He must be busy in his meeting. So, till he call again or come back, you will cry only.

She comes out of her thought hearing AP.

Ap: Laksh call Sanskar.

Laksh nodded and call him. The phone was ringing but not answered.

Laksh (frustrated): What the hell? Where is Bhai? He is not picking up the phone.

Ap: Yeah, Actually, he went out of city for a meeting. May be he is in meeting?

Swara was uncontrollably crying. Everyone was helpless. Dp and ram were trying from their sources. All servants and watchmen were present in the hall. Laksh asked them about Arshit but none know anything about it.

AP and Laksh were trying hard to console Swara but she was not listening anything. She was just crying.

Sujatha taunt her for carelessness.

Sujatha: How irresponsible you are Swara? Can't you take care of a child? Oh god!! my Arshit, Don't know, where might be he is?(Overdramatic).

Ap (angry): Sujatha!! Have you gone mad? Can't you see Swara's condition? She is very responsible and Arshit is her son. She love him and care for him then how will be she responsible for his missing? Stop this nonsense!!

Sujatha: No jiji, she is step mother na? May be that's why....

Laksh ( angrily interupted): Chachi!! Please stop it!! Stop your drama. I know you dislike Swara but for now please keep quite!!

Sujatha: But...

Ap: He is saying right. Just keep quite Sujatha!!

Ap: Laksh call Sanskar again.

Sanskar was totally busy in meeting. His phone was silent, placed on the table and worst is that a file is kept over it.

Screen splits on Swara's crying face, Laksh calling Sanskar continuously, Sanskar bossy face in meeting and Arshit playing.

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