《There's Nothing Without You (Under editing)》7. Victim of Someone else's Selfishness


Gadodia house:

The Marriage Day: ( night)

Everyone came back from mm. Ragini had some work so, She left to her friend's house. Shomi was sad seeing Shekhar sitting silent on the bed. She doesn't want him to take more stress so, She kept quite and silently lie down.

Shekhar was thinking whatever happened today. After they came back to baadi, how people taunt Swara.

Swara was like a lifeless body. Tears were continuously fall from her eyes. She always thought her world so simple Maa, baba, Ragini and her. They were living happily. Though her maa and her sister hate her but then also, Her baba always give a lot of love and take care of her like his princess. Then she went to college and fallen for Sanskar. He loved Kavita but she never expected him to love her back. She didn't even tell him. She thought may be sanskar was not for her so, She make herself satisfied with that Sanskar can never be hers and after her graduation she never saw him and completed her masters. After that her baba told her to get married. She loved Sanskar but still she agreed for her baba's happiness. She get surprised to see sanskar and was very happy that she will get her love but what she got?

A failure, another Heartbreak from the same person, tears, and hatred not from someone else but from her love only. He told her that she deserve worst but does he know that a girl who cannot speak, a girl who bears this society insult and teas because of her problem, a girl who has never seen her real parents, a girl whom no one love accept her baba. Now the worst part is her love also hate her, What will be more worst than this? What will be more worst if you love someone deeply but couldn't get him? Not only for once but twice? What will be more worst when you got Heartbroken second time by same person?.

Her life became miserable. She wants to end her life but she can't because she is not coward and if she died then everyone will believe that all those allegations which Kavita put on her were right. But the questions keep haunting her why did Kavita do that? She was ready to give Sanskar to her then why?

Swara came in her sense with knock on her door. She didn't notice when it was morning. She opened the door to see her baba.

Shekhar: Swara beta, lets go. We will have breakfast together.

Swara nods says she is coming after getting fresh.

Shekhar nodded nd said: Okay, you come. I will be waiting.

After sometime, both have breakfast silently. Shekhar didn't say anything as he didnt wanted to remember everything once again. After breakfast Shekhar left for his office. Swara also went to her room and lost in her world. Whole day passed.


Swara had her dinner and went to her room. She got to know that Sanskar got married to Kavita today. She was sad but she was happy for Sanskar. She was thinking all that then she got a message from Kavita to come to devi maa temple. She ignored but again got a message. Swara thought for a while then went to temple.

Swara reached the temple and she look around but didn't find kavita. She turned to go back but then she heard her voice.

Kavita: Hi Swara, How are you? Everything's fine? Oh, I forgot how can you be fine when nothing is fine, Right? I m feeling sad for you swara, tch tch tch. (She comes near Swara )


Swara stayed at her place didn't do anything.

Kavita continues: Whatever happened with you was very bad. I m feeling very bad for you. Trust me. (She kept her hand on Swara's hand but Swara jerks her). Oh!! Swara baby got angry. Never mind!!! I know u must be thinking why did I do all this, when you were ready to let Sanskar marry me? Right??

(Swara noddee) hmm, so let me tell you why and how I do this.

You know Swara , when sanskar met me after telling you to stop marriage. He told me that you r very nice. You understood him so easily. He was so much impressed with you nd continued you are this, you are that. Whatever!! I got pissed off but still I had to hear everything. Then next day he said that you didnt told your baba anything. I was again disturbed because once again that you were topic of the discussion and other thing was if you had changed your decision but some how I made him understand that I will talk to you. I cannot see Sanskar praising anyone. I got hyper when sanskar take any other girl's name. I love him or you can say that mad for him. Sanskar liked you. I know, not like that but then also I thought why not change this like into dislike. So, you remember when I met you and made plan, actually it was never going to be executed. Just think, if you would have given Sanskar so easily then also nothing was going to change. You know why? Because If I got married by that plan then whole mm family would have hate me because I m bengali. And Sanskar, he might also angry on me because Sanskar never wanted to marry me without his family approval. You don't know Sanskar. He can do anything for his family. If He had to divorce me also, then he would have done for his family because he can never hurt his so called dramatic family. He loves me but not on cost of his relations. So, I made this plan so that I can marry him with his consent. I wanted to tell Sanskar about my plan but Sanskar hate lies and betrayals and most of all he would never wanted to hurt you. So, I had to do it by myself. I had to instigate him against you from before only so that on marriage day, He would not believe me, not you. If I hadn't done that then he would have never believed that you tried to kill me. Don't you wanna know how I did that? How, within one day Sanskar started hating you?

Swara was shocked to know all this.

Kavita: Oh sorry, you can't speak na? No problem, I take your silence as yes. So, after meeting you, I went to my home make some marks nd scratches on my hands and neck then I called Sanskar.

( don't get confuse guys this flashback is inside flashback. I hope you get that)

Sangeet Night:

Kavita house,

Kavita: S..sa.. Sanskar....(fake crying)

Sanskar( worried): Kavita, what happened? Why are you stammering?

Kavita: ( crying) Sanskar, I want to meet u. pls...

Sanskar got worried hearing her cry but it was late.

Sanskar:Now? but kavita its too late nd..

Kavita: (interuppted) Sanskar, pls pls come. I wanna meet you pls.

Sanskar: okk, okk don't cry. You stay in your house. I m coming.

Kavita: NO Sanskar, come to park near my house. I will be waiting for you.

Sanskar: okk, okk I m coming you. Wait there and don't cry.


Kavita cut the call and smirked.

Sanskar was very worried for Kavita. He was rushing to his car but Laksh saw him. He just came back from jaipur. Laksh went to him.

Laksh: What happened Sanskar Bhai? Where are you going at this time? Sanskar: Laksh, I can't explain you now. I m going to meet Kavita. I ll be back. (sit in the car)

Laksh: ( also sit in the car) okk then I m also coming.

Sanskar: Laksh.. you..

Laksh: What? lets go, you can explain me all in way.

Sanskar don't have time to fight with Laksh so both rushed to park.

Sanskar: Kavita called me and she was crying. I don't know what happened to her. She wanted to meet me.( explained laksh while driving).

Laksh: okk so, drive fast!

Sanskar ( frustrated) I m doing that only.

After few minutes, Both reached park. As Sanskar reach there, Kavita runs to him and hugged him tight. Sanskar also hugged him back. She kept crying hugging him. Sanskar tried to break the hug but couldn't so he leave it.

After couple of minutes, he successfully broke the hug and made her sit on the bench. Laksh who went to car to get water bottle came and passed it to Sanskar. Sanskar give water to Kavita and made her drink it.

After some time, Kavita, who was crying get calm.( fake).

Sanskar: Kavita, What happened to you and whats all these marks on your neck and hands.

Kavita: Sanskar, Swara is not what you think about her.

Sanskar: ( confused) Swara??? What she did?

Kavita: you know Sanskar, I went to meet her to say that cancel the marriage nd you know what she did?( fake cry).

Sanskar: Yes, tell Kavita, what She did?(calming her)

Kavita: She warned me, She warned me to stay away from you?

Sanskar: Whatt??

Kavita: Yes Sanskar, She warned me to stay away from or She will kill both of us. She is obsessed with you Sanskar.

Sanskar: What? Kavita are you in your sense? Do you know what are you saying and how foolish you sound? Think before you speak KAVITA!!

Kavita: you don't believe me Sanskar? For that Girl who was threatening to kill me? (Cry)

Sanskar: Kavita, it's not like that nd you also know that I believe you more than myself but what are you saying is irrelevant.

Laksh: Yes Kavita, There must be come misunderstanding. Swara is not like that.

Kavita: Oh! Now youu two believe Swara more than me. So what's the use of saying anything. I m going.(stands up to go).

Sanskar ( held her hands): Kavita stop!! I believe you .

Laksh: what are you saying bhai? do you really think that Swara will do all this?

Sanskar: No Laksh, but let Kavita explain. Kavita you say everything. What happened?

Kavita: okk, after sangeet, I went to Swara's room to talk to her but I didn't found her. The room was dark, lights were off. so, I was going back but suddenly she pushed me towards the table nd when I stood up, she held my neck hardly. I somehow freed myself from her clutch and asked why is doing all this then she snatch my phone and typed something nd show it to me and then erase it.

Sanskar: What she typed nd what you read ?

Kavita: It was written that she will not cancel this marriage. I have to go away from ur life or else..

Laksh: else what??

Kavita: or else SHE WILL KILL BOTH OF US!!

Sanskar: Are you sure?

Kavita: Yes I am Sanskar. I love u nd I m not afraid to die but I i can never let you die. I know you don't want to do this marriage but please do this marriage. You don't want to hurt your papa. Its for your family nd about me, I will see it myself. Your family will never accept me. pls..pls.

Sanskar: What? You know what are you talking. You only told me Swara threatened you nd you only saying me to marry her??

Kavita: I know sanskar but you must do it for your family and Swara also loves you Sanskar, that's why she didn't cancel the marriage nd even..

Sanskar (completed angrily) and even threatened you.

Kavita nods: But Sanskar, leave about Swara but you should marry her for your family. Your family is your everything Sanskar and I don't want anything happen to you. Pls promise me you will do that.

Sanskar: but..

Kavita: Sanskar pls..

Sanskar: okk

Kavita: Thank you Sanskar nd bye. Live your life happily. I i will always love you.

Saying this she left after hugging him. Sanskar reluctantly nodded and say bye.

Laksh: Bhai, What was that? Five yrs relationship broke in five minutes?

Sanskar: No Laksh, I love Kavita and I will never leave her ( pause and then say) Laksh, you have to do something.

Laksh: What?(confused)

Sanskar: you will call Swara nd tell her to stop the marriage and don't come to mandap tomorrow. If she do it then no problem but if she didn't and come to mandap tomorrow, She will face worst of me!!

Laksh: What, don't you trust Kavita?

Sanskar: I trust her, but I feel something is wrong that person may not Swara or Kavita misunderstood the situation.

Laksh: How can you say that?

Sanskar: Didn't you heard what Kavita said, she said? when she entered room was dark there were no light.

Laksh: But it was Swara's room then obviously it will be Swara only na?

Sanskar: Assumption is not always right Laksh nd do what I told you.

Laksh: Suppose if its not Swara, then??

Sanskar: Then whoever it is, will face hell!!

Laksh nods nd both left to mm.

Kavita overhears their conversation. She didn't go back till now.

Kavita ( monologue) Oh god, how can I forgot Sanskar. He never take anything so lightly and this Laksh had to poke his nose everywhere but no worry. I will see how Laksh talk to Swara and went from there.

Next day Laksh was going to talk to Swara before marriage. Swara who was in her room to get ready. Suddenly a waiter come and told her that her baba sent it to her to drink it before marriage as she is hungry since morning. Swara smiled and go to take the drink but waiter dashed with her nd drinks fell on her. ( kavita plan). Waiter apologized to her but she nodded its okay and waiter went out. Swara left to her room washroom.

After she left, Kavita come and covered herself with veil (she had seen Laksh coming toward swara room).

Laksh came inside after knocking.

Laksh: See Swara, pls cancel this marriage. Sanskar loveS Kavita. Pls understand it nd back out from this marriage. This is last time otherwise things will be worst.

After saying this Laksh left the room. Kavita listen all this nd smirked. She also left the room nd then only Swara come out of washroom.

Laksh after talking Swara, he went to Sanskar and told him that he had said Swara to stop the marriage. Sanskar nods.

Sanskar: now let's see what happen?

Kavita: And after that you also know what happened. You came to mandap on my saying. Now you also got that why Sanskar was glaring at you when you came to mandap and about forhead injury, you can understand this you are not that much stupid to not know that it was done by me only.

( Sighed) So how was my plan. Now you also thinking that how intelligent I m? I hit two targets by one arrow. One- I got Sanskar with his family approval.

Second Sanskar hates you .

You know Swara, I was frustrated when Sanskar didn't believed me that night in park nd trusted you. I mean how can he do that? He trusted you, a girl whom he knows just from two or three days inspite of me nd this ignite fire on me . So, Now, you are permanently out of my Sanskar's life. You must be thinking why did I tell you all this so the answer is, so that you can know yourself that how much dumb you are nd second thing you cannot say this anyone as you are mute. Even if you do so, then who will believe you accept for your so called father. Now go and enjoy your already spoiled life and dont ever try to meet Sanskar. Else, I will not hesitate to kill your baba .

Swara get scared on hearing her baba name. Anyways, I also have to go. I had told Sanskar that I want to go to temple because I got him but he don't know that I have come to meet you. Now bye.

Saying this she left.

Once Kavita left, Swara falls on her knees. She was totally blank. After listening kavita, She was numb. How can be people so selfish for their own satisfaction and obsession. She did all this because of some stupid insecurity nd to achieve her love, love really? No, its not. Our love never teach us to spoil anyone's life, to get our love by cheating him. This can't be love.

Swara somehow control herself and left to her home.

Gadodia house:

Swara entered her room and Shekher came to her room behind her.

Shekhar: Shona, where were you beta?

Swara nods nothing.

Shekhar come to her and made her sit on the bed. He also sit with her nd then say.

Shekhar: Swara beta, Why do you hide something to me, when you can't? Your eyes speaks a lot that's why you don't need to speak from your mouth.

Swara started crying nd hugged him.

Shekhar: Swara beta, calm down.

He tried to console her.

After sometime, she calms nd tried to say.

Shekhar: now realax and say.

Swara told him everything in sign language that how it was all done by Kavita nd how She threatened her that she will kill him.

Shekhar got angry on Kavita after knowing all that and wanted to put her behind the bars but Swara stopped him and made him understand that no one will believe her as they don't have any proof and even if they have, they can't change anything.

They can't change that mm family hate her as she can't speak. They can't change that Kavita is married to Sanskar. They can't change that Sanskar loves Kavita and if he got to know about Kavita's deeds then he would never be able to forgive himself. He will be heartbroken. She couldn't get her love but he should not loose his love.

Shekhar: why do you love him so much Swara? The one who never cared for you and your feelings?

( yes, He got to know all from swara's diary)

Swara look at him shocked.

Shekhar nods nd show her diary which was in his hand.

Swara ( sad smile): Love is unconditional na baba? If we love someone with his goodness then we should love him with his flaws also and its not Sanskar's mistake fully. He loves kavita so obviously he will trust her and whatever Sanskar did was because of his love. He did wrong as he don't know about Kavita but baba pls promise me you will never tell him that it's all done by Kavita. Pls baba.

Shekhar sees her but could not do anything.

Swara: Please baba..( takes his hand and kept it on her head)

Shekhar nods and asked: why?

Swara: I know the pain of loosing my love nd I dont want him to loose his love. He will never able to live peacefully.

Shekhar (sad smile): Whenever I think, I know you well, you surprise me with a new thing in you. You are great Swara. Punishing someone is easy rather than forgiving. I m proud of you beta. Have you forgiven Kavita also?

Swara: No baba, I will not forgive her. Whatever Sanskar did was unknowingly but what she did was due to her ego and self satisfaction. She even threatened me to kill you. I will not forgive her.

Shekhar nods.

Shekhar: hmm, Swara one thing you should promise me that you will not let your past decide your future. I want my strong Swara nd what if you didn't get Sanskar. You have your baba who love you a lot. Right?

Swara nods smiling.

Shekhar: ok, now its very late, you should sleep now.

He cover her with a blanket and Swara sleeps. Shekhar caressed her hairs and left the room.

Like this sanskar lived his life unknown of deeds of Kavita. Swara once again started living in her world which surround by her baba, her guitar nd sometimes Sanskar's thoughts.

Laksh started loving Ragini after meeting several times and proposed her which she accepted as Ragini also loved him but Shekhar didn't agree for this alliance because of past experience and anger on Maheshwaris. ( so now you may get that why Swara was convincing Shekhar for Ragini and Laksh's marriage in first part)

To be continued...

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