《Classroom Of The Elite : Reaction fic》Icarus and the miracle strategy


Our class took first place and Horikita gained

in popularity. Considering her natural poise, she'd probably get through it

just fine. I wanted to avoid getting caught up in the rejoicing, so I went to my

room to rest. As I walked away, I was confronted by a goddess of death yet again.

Hoshinomiya : Goddess of death , that really suits you sae‐chan.

Ike : Hey this is after that time when we won the island exam , right.

YR : Yes it is.

Shinohara : Yeah , Horikita‐san guessed all the leaders name correctly and we won the exam.

Kei : We were having a really good time at the cruise ship but then came the exam and ruined all our moods.

Ssatou : hehe , yeah you're right about that kei‐chan.

Keisei : The exam was really hard but because of horikita's strategy we won it.

Matsushita : ' I doubt that.' Horikita‐san you never told us about how you did it.

This girl. She really likes to bring up these kind of questions.

YR : Don't worry about it . The next video will be about it . The miracle strategy that gave class D the victory.

Matsushita : Oh OK. ' That's really great.'

I guess Matsushita's really happy now.

Ike : What did sensei wanted to speak with you ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka : just watch , you'll find it soon.

"I don't really feel sociable. Is it okay if I refuse, Chabashira-sensei?"

Haruka : That's rude kiyopon.

Kiyotaka : Well I was really tired at that time.

Hoshinomiya : Sae‐chan really loves to talk with ayanokouji-kun a lot doesn't she .

Hoshinomiya sensei said with a naughty smirk.

I wish that teacher would just shut her mouth.

Ike : Hey , you guys are talking about something in secret.

Chabashira : Shut up , Ike.

Shinohara : What do you mean by satisfied for now ?

Ike : And why are you so impressed by him sensei.

Sudou : Yeah what did you do ayanokouji.

Keisei : This video is right after the island exam right , so..

Matsushita : ' I was right about it.' So ayanokouji‐kun was the one behind our victory. ' This is the perfect time to expose him.'

Class D : Whattt

Kei : ' Oh no Kiyotaka's gonna be exposed.'

Satou : But hirata‐kun told us that it was all horikita‐san's plan.

Hirata : That's..

Kiyotaka : It was me who told hirata that it was horikita's plan.

I can't let these guys question yousuke and horikita anymore after all it was my own decision to hide myself.

Miyamoto : Why would you even do that. You could have taken the credit for it you know.

Ike : Yeah , he's right . If I were you I would have happily taken that opportunity.

Koenji : Hahaha , you truly are a bunch of idiots. Didn't ayanokouji-boy already said in the previous videos that he doesn't like to stand out. That's the reason he decided to give all the credit to horikita‐girl.

Surprisingly koenji spoke in my favor. Well with his explanation now everyone understood.

Miyamoto : but he stil lied to us.

Kei : So what if he lied to us. Does that really even matter.

Shinohara : Huh , what do you mean Karuizawa‐san.

Kei : Well as long us he wins for our class ,it doesn't really matter if he lied or not.

Matsushita : Yes , I agree with Karuizawa‐san.

Of course you will agree you stalker.

Class D didn't say anything against it. Good going kei.

Ryueen : Kukukuku ' now what will you do monster.'

Sakayanagi : fufufu ' I look forward to what you will do ayanokouji-kun.'

Kanzaki : ' So he was the one behind it after all.'

Ike : Oh , you guys are talking about that again.

Ryueen : kuku , so you already knew she was lying.


Chabashira : ' So he already had his doubts at that time.'

Ike : Hey who is this man that you guys are talking about.

Kiyotaka : I won't answer that.

Ike : Huh, why.

Hirata : we shouldn't ask him such personal questions.

Kei : Yeah , hirata‐kun is right.

Other girls also agreed with kei.

Ike : OK fine.

Sudou : What's up with this random myth.

Ike : Yeah , I don't understand anything.

Ike : What? your father wants to get you expelled.

Miyamoto : Why is your father trying to expel you ?

Keisei : Wait .. how is your father even able to contact the school.

Kanzaki : That's what I'm also thinking about.

Katsuragi : His father might have some powerful connection with the government.

Ike : Wow really , your father is powerful.

Yes something like that and don't ask me any further questions.

This is really troublesome.

Ryueen : ' So is this what he meant at that time when he said he will be targeted by others.'

Horikita : ' His own father is trying to expel him .. but why. Does that mean he was targeted from way back. It really is impossible to understand him.'

Kei : ' Why does kiyotaka's father want to expel him. Why does everybody wants to expel him. I must do everything I can to help him.' Kei thought being worried.

Ichinose : ' why is his father trying to expel him . I must help him.'

Hiyori : ' I don't want my book buddy to get expelled.'

Nagumo : ' So his father want him expelled huh. Well there's no need for his father to worry because I will be sending your son back home to you soon.' Nagumo thought with a big smirk on his face.

The wings of Icarus, huh?

"So, what do you plan to do?" she asked.

"You should know, Sensei. Icarus won't heed Daedalus' warnings."

Even though his wings burned, Icarus flew as high as he could in

search of his freedom.

Kei : ' That really sounded so cool.'

Ishizaki : Damn , that sounded so badass.

Koenji : You seems to have a way with words ayanokouji-boy.

Ichinose : Yeah, that sounded really poetic.

Hirata : Kiyotaka‐kun , if you need any help you can ask us.

Haruka : Yeah , kiyopon we will always help you.

Kiyotaka : Thanks guys.

Mashima : ' His father is trying to expel him but ayanokouji doesn't want to get expelled. So it is my duty as a teacher to help him.'

Hoshinomiya : ' Why would his father want to expel him from here. This is not some ordinary high school after all.'

Sakagami : ' This is the most prestigious school in Japan and his father wants to get him expelled from here . That's stupid . Just who is his father.'

YR : Now that this is done how about we get into the main thing. The video I'm going to show you now is the one that all of you have been waiting for.

YR : Yes , the next video will allow you to witness ayanokouji's true ability first hand.

Matsushita : 'His true abilities huh. This will be very useful.'

Kanzaki : 'So now I'll be able to see all his abilities that he's hiding.'

Ike : What do you mean by his true ability.

YR : Now we're going to see what truly happened during the first inhabitant island exam in which class D emerged victorious. The miracle strategy that led to class D's victory.

Ryueen : kukukuku , finally we are going to see it. I can't wait to see what that monster did.

Sakayanagi : fufu , this going to be really interesting.

Kei : 'Now I can see what Kiyotaka truly did to give us that victory. Knowing him he must have done something really mind-blowing. It really makes me so proud knowing that he is my boyfriend, hehe.'


YR : So let's start the video shall we.

After I returned to the ship, I went back to my room right away. An

exhausted Hirata was there, asleep on his side. I changed my clothes quietly

so I wouldn't wake him and headed into the hall.

Hirata : Thank you Kiyotaka‐kun.

Kiyotaka : No problem.

When I turned my phone

back on, the ringer started buzzing repeatedly. My call history had filled up.

They were all from Horikita. Scary. For the time being, I just answered

emails and relaxed in the lounge while I waited.

She probably wouldn't be convinced unless I explained things. Soon, a

quite angry Horikita met up with me, radiating a silent pressure.

Sudou : Why were you angry , suzune.

Horikita : you'll soon find about it.

"What do these test results mean? What in the world happened?"

"You look like you don't have any idea at all."

"I just can't imagine it. I don't understand it at all. I have a mountain of


Ryueen : of course you don't know anything at all , kukukuku.

Sakayanagi : Seems like class D's leader isn't even aware about the facts that led to their victory , fufufu.

Sudou : Even if ayanokouji helped us , suzune is still our leader.

Good going there sudou.

Horikita ordered a drink from an attendant. I started talking.

"I'll tell you everything. However, my one condition is that you stay

quiet on this matter. I won't compromise on this."

I'd assumed it would come to this, considering Horikita hadn't retired

of her own will. This story was for Horikita's ears only.

Ike : not anymore.

I sighed.

"What would you like to ask?"

"What were you doing during the test? Tell me," she said.

That was a much better question than I'd expected. She wanted to hear

everything at once.

"When the special test was announced, I didn't focus on anything

except for the additional rules. I roughly understood how to manage the 300

points, but you couldn't manipulate them as an individual."

Ichinose : Yeah that's right . It's really hard to understand it.

Kanzaki : That's why we have to work as a group. So that we can earn more points.

Hirata : I agree with you guys.

Most students agreed with them.

Ryueen : Kukukukuku , Working as a group . Don't make me laugh. That guy won the whole thing singlehandedly. That contradicts your entire statement.

Everyone became stunned after hearing that from ryueen.

Ike : What do you mean that ?

Sakayanagi : Dragon boy san is right. I can't wait to see what ayanokouji-kun did.

Hashimoto : princess do you know something about ayanokouji.

Sakayanagi : ayanokouji-kun is my childhood friend.

Almost ever 2n year student : What ? Childhood friends ?

Kei was glaring at me.

Ryueen : ' So they already knew each other.'

Horikita : is that true.

Kiyotaka : Well it's quite complicated. I didn't know her but she knew about me.

Horikita : Huh , what does that mean ?

Kiyotaka : That's why said it is quite complicated.

Horikita wasn't happy with my response but she refrained herself from asking anything more.

"But the additional rules were really difficult to understand. If you did

things normally, you wouldn't have been able to identify the leaders. Right?"

"Yeah. First of all, I volunteered to join the search for the base camp.

Able to move freely, I planned to search out spot locations ahead of everyone


"You make it sound simple, but no one should have known the spot


Keisei : Yeah , that's right.

"That's not true. You didn't understand because you were ill and holed

up inside the ship, but the school already gave us hints about the locations

when we were sailing around the island."

Katsuragi : So you noticed it too.

Kanzaki : What ? the school gave us hints .

Katsuragi had also noticed this when the ship circled the island at an

unusually fast speed. Horikita fell silent. The ship had been traveling nearly

three times faster than a usual cruise ship. Besides, if it were just for

sightseeing, it wasn't normal to use a strange expression like "significant


Katsuragi was suprised to hear this.

Katsuragi : Noticing about the hints is one thing but you even understood that I noticed it too.

Sudou : Man , how do you even notice such things while all of us were enjoying the scenery.

Kanzaki : You're very observant.

Kouenji had noticed this hint, too. Well, it was probably a waste of

time thinking about Kouenji, anyway.

Koenji : Not at all ayanokouji‐boy. It's never a waste to think about a perfect existence like me.

Everyone : Narcissist.

"Then, I reached the cave. I thought it was the most important base."

Miyamoto : How is the cave the most important location.

Ike : No. The river was the important location.

Katsuragi : No , the cave was the most important location.

"The cave was the most important base? Don't you think that the river

and the well would have been more convenient, though?"

"The spot itself wasn't what was important. Its location was."

Okitani : What do you mean by that.

There were no spots close to the river or the well. However, there were

two spots near the cave: the hut and the tower. It was the perfect place to

exercise control. Horikita looked like she understood once I explained.

Class D : So that's why.

"But what advantage is there in going into the cave if you don't have a


"Well, I'd intended to explore various things, but in the end I

discovered the leader's identity."

Miyamoto : What ? You found about their leaders identity.

Satou : Wow, that's amazing ayanokouji-kun.

Onodera : But how did you find about it.

Kiyotaka : keep watching . I am explaining that now.

"Well, I suppose that Katsuragi-kun was careless."

Hondou : Yeah that's probably the case.

No, that wasn't it.

"There was that guy, Yahiko, remember? The one following Katsuragi

around? He was the leader. I saw Katsuragi and Yahiko at the cave, but I

didn't see the moment they occupied it. After the two of them walked away, I

checked if the cave was occupied or not."

Katsuragi : So you saw through me , huh.

I explained the situation. When I saw them, Katsuragi had been

standing near the entrance with the card in his hand. Yahiko came out of the

cave, and they left together.

"Wouldn't you have mistaken Katsuragi-kun as the leader?" she asked.

"Do you think that the leader would have shown off the card so

carelessly in front of people?"

Horikita should have known how unbelievably stupid that was,

precisely because she'd been appointed as the leader.

Sakayanagi : fufu, What a stupid question , Horikita‐san.

Ryueen : Kukuku , That loli is right . How stupid of you suzune.

Sudou : Hey , don't insult suzune . She's still our leader.

Kiyotaka : Yes that's right. Even though I hepled the class it doesn't change the fact that horikita is still the class leader.

It's a good thing that sudou had said that.

Class D : Yeah.

Ryueen/Sakayanagi : kukuku/fufufu.

"But why? Why bother deliberately holding onto the card, then?"

"Because he didn't have any other choice. As far as I can tell,

Katsuragi is a calm and collected man, excessively cautious. There's no way

he didn't understand the high risk of occupying a spot immediately after

finding it. In other words, the person who occupied it was enticed by short-

sighted greed."

Everyone were dumbfounded after hearing my analysis.

Katsuragi : What the hell ? That's insane . You just decided that yahiko was the leader from such simple facts like analyzing his body language and behavior.

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