《Beta Mates》Chapter 11
"I'm scared." Emitt mumbles into the phone. It was the night before the coronation and we'd been talking for hours now, yet it felt like only minutes.
"Everything is going to be fine." I say reassuringly yet I barely believed my own words.
We were going to die. We were all going to die.
I thought that everyone who was talking about our eternal doom was being a tad bit dramatic.
But then the fight broke out last night.
The packs' Lunas held a small event for all the ranking wolves and all those who'd be taking their positions last night. A sort of passing on the torch dinner before they actually did it at the coronation.
Things were looking up with Aiden and Julian being seated on the two far ends of the massive table leaving no room for them to possible get at each other's throats. But of course, they found a way.
By the time they shifted and abandoned their fists for their claws, the room was thrashed, furniture beyond repair and both sides trying to calm the two down. My attention was on Julian of course, but, every now and then, I'd let my eyes slip Emitt's way to make sure he was okay. Emotions I didn't recognize but ones I didn't disapprove of either. Moments like that it really did make me think we were mates, that split moment where I payed more attention to my boyfriend than my future Alpha.
Wait, boyfriend....
"Hello!" Emitt shouts into the phone bringing my attention back to him.
"Yeah. I'm here sorry, zoned out for a second." I say rolling onto my back.
"It's fine. It doesn't seem real Beckett." He whispers into the phone, his voice so clear it felt like he was right beside me. "I'll be the beta of the Dark Woods Pack this time tomorrow."
"And you'll be an amazing one." I confirm.
"You too." He says supportively, the enthusiasm in his voice bringing a smile to my lips. "I know you'll go down in the books for sure."
"You're too kind Emitt." I whisper letting my fingers run over the crumpled sheets where he'd usually be. "But I like that about you. That along with your quirkiness."
"Stop!" He squeaks adorably probably balling himself up in embarrassment. "You don't say stuff like that over the phone you dork."
"I'm sorry." I say sliding off the bed when the doorbell rings. I run down the stairs smiling widely at Emitt's cute little squeals as I continue to compliment him with only the truth. Opening the door, the color drains from my face when my eyes land on my mother and father.
"Beckett." My mother says crisply while eyeing my phone.
"I have to go." I say into the phone, hanging up before he could respond. I stuff the phone into my back pocket before I step aside to let my parents into an empty house that just got much colder.
"What are you doing here?" I ask in a state of shock, the image of my parents before me after so long incomprehensible to my brain.
"It's why are you here, Beckett." My mother corrects while dragging her finger along a low table before rubbing off the dust that collected. "And is that any way to speak to your parents."
"Must we remind you that it's your coronation tomorrow, by the looks of it you've forgotten." My dad comments, referring to my phone call and the fact that they hadn't found me rehearsing a speech or something. "Where is Jackson?"
"He's working." I reply much quieter than I intended as I watch them survey the house.
"As always." My mom comments. "Does he work so much that he can't clean his own house? This place, you live here?"
"I have no where else to go." I say through clenched teeth.
"Don't be foolish Beckett, you know our residence is empty." My dad says sitting in Jack's chair.
"Exactly. Empty. At least here I have Jack." I reply making them both scoff. They disapproved of Uncle Jack like they disapproved of everyone who wasn't above their own status. And owning a diner like Uncle Jack did was at the bottom of the barrel for them, if it wasn't for my stubbornness they would've never allowed me to ever be near him. Believing he'd 'taint' me.
"Enough of the matter. We're here now." My mom says turning to me after she finished giving the house an evaluation. "Come here." She whispers with open arms and a wavy smile.
This is what always got me in the end. That look they'd give me. The one that broke through their masks that they wore so well. The one that reminded me of who I knew them once to be. The one they gave me that I'm sure I returned to them. The look that showed how much we missed each other. Truly.
Without hesitation, I hug my mom tightly her arms immediately wrapping around me. I close my eyes as I enjoy the feeling of my mom this close again, there was clearly a gulf between us that had formed over the years but I still treasured moments like this.
"Get in here." My dad says once my mom releases me making me chuckle as I crash into his bear hug. He was always much bigger than me and left me no room to put up a fight.
I knew they were working hard all the time, their jobs being very important for the pack to even function. So when they started changing I didn't complain, when they stopped coming home a couple nights of the week I didn't complain, when they started missing birthdays I didn't complain. And I still didn't. I wouldn't.
They worked day and night for me and the pack and if that meant I lost my parents a bit in the process then I'd have to live with that and work extra hard to make sure I could show them that it wasn't in vain. That I would be something for them.
"Are you ready for this?" My mom asks seating me down on the couch with her.
"Yes." I say truthfully yet she raises an eyebrow suggesting otherwise. "I've been ready since I was eight, you made sure of that."
"And I'm happy that I did." She replies with a proud smile that defied her words. "I'll be watching tomorrow."
"You'll be there? At the coronation?" I ask in surprise glancing between my parents.
"Well we didn't travel so far to see you for a night and leave." My dad says chuckling as if it was most ridiculous idea he'd ever heard, like if there wasn't I time when he once would. "We're staying for the week."
"That's great." I say with bubbling excitement. I open my mouth to say something but the buzzing of my phone makes me stop as I slide it out quickly to decline the call, I hesitate slightly when I catch Emitt's name. Seeing all the worried 42 messages he'd sent made my heart squeeze itself with guilt.
"Put the phone away Beckett, its rude." My mother comments bringing my attention away as she slips back into his icy persona.
"I need to make a call." I say standing to my feet but her hand latches around my wrist tightly as she stands with me.
"Beckett. We're talking as a family. Don't waste this time, this is important." She says slowly as her eyes study me closely.
"Well they're important too." I say unconsciously gesturing to my phone as I think about all the things Emitt could be conjuring up in that mind of his at why I wasn't reply or answering his calls. "Now if you'd excuse me." I say pulling my hand away as I go to call him back.
"I hope you aren't seeing anyone." The words make me stop as I hold my phone tightly in my hand. "Beckett, you aren't involved with anyone are you?"
"No." I lie fearing for their reaction.
"If you're going to lie control your heartrate." My dad says icily as he stands to his feet as well, making his way to my mother's side so they stood as a pair I knew I couldn't face alone.
"What's wrong with seeing someone?"
"Don't be an idiot and show it." My dad snaps. "You're a beta, with a mate out there. You're going to be eighteen next month and y-"
"Three months." I growl clenching my fists. "I'm going to be eighteen in three months."
I catch the guilt flash through their pained eyes but it goes as quickly as it appeared.
"It doesn't matter. You can't get involved with anyone so soon." My dad says brushing off the topic.
"Why not?!"
"Because you'll find your mate soon and then what happens when there's a stray wolf wandering around sadly for you?!" He shouts angrily. I push the words away knowing that if I took any truth in them it'd affect Emitt and I.
"Well I don't want to find my mate!" I spit angrily, not letting myself regret my words for a moment as their faces contort in horror.
"You won't be Beta if you don't get your mate." My mom spits harshly.
"I'll be beta tomorrow." I spit back.
"Not if I can stop it." She growls making my eyes widen in surprise.
Would she honestly try and take away something like being beta of the pack from me?
"You won't be able to." My eyes trail to the source of the voice basically popping when they landed on Julian. He was panting slightly as he ran his hand through his long shiny hair with deadly blue eyes. "I'll be Alpha and I won't have anyone else as my Beta."
"Julian?" My mother questions in confusion as he closes the front door behind him.
"That is my name." He says sarcastically.
"You don't understand what B-"
"I don't need to understand." He says coldly walking towards the pair that were clearly intimidated by him like most were despite the age gap. "Beckett will be my Beta and there's nothing you or anyone else can say to change that."
"Julian I-"
"I have to talk to Beckett now so if you'd please excuse us." Julian says cutting them off making all our eyes widen in surprise. "Alpha business, you understand."
"Yes.." My dad drags before he takes my mom's arm and they exit the house with boiling rage.
"Are you okay?" Julian asks once they're out of earshot, his eyes filling with an unfamiliar concern.
"Yeah. How did you know to come?" I question as we walk to the living room.
"My father told me they were here and I knew what damage they could cause if unsupervised." He comments as he studies me for signs of 'damage'.
"Did you run all the way here?" I ask carefully as I squint my eyes to study him.
"It didn't take long." He comments brushing it off like if he didn't just do something humane.
"Julian, this house is the furthest in the pack lands. We're basically on the boarder."
"So was I supposed to leave you alone? If so, I won't come next time."
"No." I say with a growing smile as I look at my best friend. "Thanks. I needed that." I say before hugging him before he could jump away. I expected him to push me away like he often did, not liking contact too much but he surprisingly hugs me back.
"Just this once." He mumbles as I tighten my grip around him.
You're the best Julian.
He replies through the link making us both laugh.
I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm that I don't remember setting. I groan loudly as I let my hand search aimlessly for the loud device. I switch it off without looking, doing it enough times to do it in my sleep, literally.
Just when I'm on the verge of falling asleep once again, the alarm blared loudly making me growl in anger as I pick it up and throw it at the wall praying it was broken. It'd be a probably for future Beckett if it was broken, present Beckett wanted to sleep and that's what was important.
I fall back asleep without anymore issues, my phone presumably broken.
"Beckett!" My Uncle Jack shouts making me groan once again, couldn't I be left alone to sleep until I had to go to the coronation. "You've got a visitor."
"Tell them to fuck off!" I holler back in annoyance. My sleepy time was being deprived from me and I would blow if this continued.
"They're heading up!" He shouts. Useless. He was fucking useless. "I'm going to help set up for later, behave!"
I ignore the sound of soft footsteps heading to my room as I try to roll myself into my sheets. There's a knock on the door but I ignore it, another follows that I ignore as well, when it creeps open I roll my eyes in annoyance.
"Beckett..." A voice that I immediately recognize calls making me basically jump out of my bed to see Emitt.
"What are you doing here?!" I ask quietly despite the fact that we were the only two in the house as I rushed towards him.
"I'm s-sorry but y-you weren't answering my calls or texts." Emitt stutters as his eyes search my body throughly to see if I was okay. "And last night y-you just hung up and I didn't hear f-from you again." He says with eyes that become slightly glossy as he looks at me with pained eyes making my heart fill with guilt as I pull him into my arms.
"Please don't cry baby, I'm sorry." I say holding him under my chest as he clenched onto me tightly.
"I thought.......I d-don't know, I thought s-something happened to you. Or y-you were mad at me. Did I-I do s-"
"You did absolutely nothing wrong, don't even consider that. I'm sorry, I was going to call you back but I forgot. This is on me, I'm sorry." I say as he pulls back slightly, his face clear of tears thankfully with a weak smile offered to me.
"Okay...." He says letting out of breath of relief before his eyes widen in shock. "I can't believe I came here like this. Beckett I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking, I should've snuck in at least o-or h-"
"It's fine Emitt. It's fine." I say shushing him as I palm his cheek a little. "No harm done."
"I'm sorry." He mumbles quietly as he looks down at his feet.
"Baby, don't be." I reply making his eyes shoot up to my own as his cheeks take flame. "What?"
"N-nothing." He stutters his eyes avoiding mine as I smile to myself. "It's just you called me....baby."
"Do you not like it?" I question teasingly knowing he loved it, his bright green eyes find mine immediately as they show clear panic.
"N-no. I don't mind." He says quickly making me smile as I take his lips with my own. He hums in delight as I kiss him hard, loving the electrifying buzz that ran through my body from the feel of his perfectly soft lips moving against my own. He opens his mouth without being told letting my tongue slide in with ease as I let my hands trail their way down to his waist as he tip toes to pull me down more to him. Our tongues move in sync as we try to get more of the other, my emotions getting the better of me as I lift him with a sudden hunger for him.
I smile against his lips as I crash him into the wall, grinding into him roughly as he moans into the kiss, his hands grasping my hair tightly as I attack him ferociously. He moans beautifully as I dominate him easily, him submitting perfectly as I transport us to the bed.
"B-Beckett...." He moans not knowing how crazy it drove me every time he moaned my name. I rip his shirt open without thinking making him squeak a little as he immediately covers his chest with his arms while his cheeks light up and his eyes go wide. "M-maybe we should slow down."
"No." I growl. My voice deeper than usual as Tobias urges me to continue, pushing me on as I slowly loosen my grip on the restraints I was trying to keep on myself. "Move your arms."
"I d-don't want to." Emitt stutters shyly as he sinks into mattress, I was a bit worried I was scaring him but the bulge in his pants begged to differ.
I grab his wrists roughly, pinning them above his head before I start peppering kisses down his chest, letting my other hand trail his smooth skin gently.
"B-Beckett." He moans beautifully as my mouth makes it way up to his collarbone, sucking on it aggressively I push his arched back into the mattress as I start squeezing his member through his jeans. "Nghhhhh."
I somehow manage to pull myself away from his delicious skin as I tug down his tightly fit jeans. He pants breathlessly below me with eyes drowning with lust as I stare down at his mouth watering form, I didn't think I'd be this excited to have him lying like this for me. I mean, I'd had a couple of dreams resembling this scene in front me, but I brushed them off not wanting to think about them too much and now I wanted nothing more but to make them a reality.
I hover over him, my eyes connected to his as I slowly start palming him, the thin fabric wet already. He was panting, eyes fluttering shut every now and then when I'd reach his tip and mewling perfectly when I'd suck his neck and he'd shiver below me.
"M-More...." He begs after a while of me teasing his leaking member, I smile to myself as I grip his shape over the fabric before running my finger up his length slowly. "Ahhhhhh!"
I wanted to taste him. Lick his length that I'm sure was sweet. Then suck him dry. But I don't think I was ready for that, I may react differently and it'd hurt Emitt more than I could even bare to imagine.
So instead, I rip his underwear off leaving him completely exposed. His body was toned with faint abs that were hard to see but I liked that, he had muscle but it wasn't too visible. His body was beautiful to watch, every part of it made my member pulse with excitement.
Before he could complain, I take his member in my hand and stroke him steadily making a loud moan escape his lips as he buckles into my hand.
"Ahhhhhh!" He screams when I pick up the paste, his squirming form exciting me more than I could ever imagine. He shivers below me as he clenches the sheets tightly when I suck on his collarbone again, determined to leave a mark. "Yesssss Beckett!"
I take his lips with my own as I stroke him faster, squeezing his member every now and again making him moan loudly as he leaked in my hands.
I pull back letting my lips reach his erect nipple that I lick gently.
"Ahhhhhh!" He screams at the action, pulsing in my hand. I look up at him to see him completely unraveled, his glossy eyes drowning with need and lust. I suck on the nipple hard before biting it viscously. "F-fuck!"
I nibble on it before transferring to the next one as I continue to stroke him, loving how he became so beautifully undone from my touch.
"Yes love." I whisper in his ear before tugging on it with my teeth making him shiver below me.
"I'm nghhh....I'm gonna ahhh!" He squeals before streams of cum shoots out of him before they land on his chest.
I look down at him with a painful erection as I stare at his naked form, his chest covered with his own essence and his member slightly twitching as he opens his eyes.
"How was that?" I question pressing a light kiss next to his lips.
"Amazing." He says with a huff as he sits up to capture my lips, I let him take control as he drapes his arm around my neck and kisses me lovingly. I tried not to think about the fact that he was completely naked because if I did I'd probably take it much further.
"I have to go." He mumbles after breaking the kiss making me groan with disappointment, he was in my lap with some of the sheet covering him a little.
"Can't you stay?" I question sliding my hand under the sheet as I grab him ass firmly making him shake on me as his eyes flutter shut with a low moan.
"N-no.." He answers as I transfer my hand to his already erect member. "We just...."
"I know." I whisper as I stroke him extra slow, if he was going then I'd enjoy myself while he was still here. "Touch me too."
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