《Death of Me》Fancy Seeing You
Three shots later, Devyn had managed to drag me out onto the dance floor. I laughed as she dragged my body against hers, swaying us to the pulsing beat that seemed to merge with my blood. God, how long had it been since I had let loose like this? I couldn't remember the last time if I was being honest with myself.
"Why don't we do this more often?" I called to her over the din.
"Because we both work way too much, and it's usually opposite shifts." She threw a glare toward the back with her last sentence, and I had to restrain the grin that wanted to break over my face.
"He doesn't purposely keep us separated."
"I know," she huffed. "It just seems like it sometimes."
She laughed with me as we moved to the music again. As usual, we were drawing a few wandering eyes. Devyn had a body to kill for, and I knew I wasn't hard to look at either. But I did my best to ignore them. If I was actually going to give whatever had bloomed between Vincent and I a shot, then I wasn't interested in anyone else.
Not even the tawny-eyed man who watched me with mirth dancing in his eyes from one of the corner booths.
"Damnit," I cursed, spinning so that my back was to Jack. I was fairly certain I had never told Jack where I worked, so fate must just have it out for me.
"What's up?" Devyn asked, catching the shift in my demeanor.
"You know the trainer I told you I've been going to see recently?" She nodded. "In the booth at twelve o'clock."
Her gaze drifted around the bar, trying not to make her search obvious. But I saw the moment she saw him. Her eyes widened the slightest bit as she finished her scan, then whipped her attention back to me. "That's the man you're getting all close and sweaty with every week?"
"Does Vincent know?" she asked, ignoring the warning tone in my voice.
"No," I muttered, blowing out a breath. "I never wanted to admit to him that I was so scared after that first encounter that I went and started taking self-defense."
"Something tells me Vincent is the type of man who would be proud of you for that, but he," she started, nodding in Jack's direction. "is gorgeous."
"Shut up."
"Well, if you don't want him, I'm going to take a swing at it." She grabbed my arm and dragged me over to Jack's table, hissing at me to introduce them as we approached.
A grin was breaking over his face as we made it to his table, and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at him. "Fancy seeing you here."
"Hey, Jules," he greeted, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. "I swear, I'm not following you."
"You just happen to pop up where I am two days in a row?"
"Okay, so maybe I was worried about you. And when my friend asked me if I wanted to join them for a night out, I agreed knowing that there was a very slim chance I might run into you."
"This is the one then?" a deep voice asked behind us, causing me to whip around. The man that was standing there was gorgeous. His dark brown skin was gleaming under the neon lights, making him look like he had stepped out of the night sky itself. Full lips pulled back to reveal gleaming white teeth in a dazzling smile. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, he extended a hand to me, and I tried to ignore the muscles that wreathed every inch of his body that I could see. "I'm Sebastian."
"Juliette," I forced past my dry throat as I shook his hand. His grip was firm, but just as gentle as his onyx eyes when they met mine. "And this is Devyn."
"It's nice to meet you," he said, the timbre of his voice falling just a bit as he turned to her.
"Likewise," she answered, turning her head to me with a kind of what the fuck look on her face. I just shook my head in response. I had no idea what was happening.
"Bastian, you're making them swoon," Jack drawled, causing me to shift my attention back to him. He winked at me, which caused my ears to burn as the blush tried to work its way onto my face. Thank goodness it was so dark in the club.
"Well, this has been fun," I said, shaking myself in an attempt to return to reality. "But as you can see, I'm fine. And we're going." I snatched Devyn's hand and made to take off. Something about being around the two men was making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It was a reaction to the air of darkness that clung to the two of them as they settled into one of the most secluded booths in the club. The same one in which Vincent had sat with that weasel-faced man all those weeks ago. And while I had always felt safe and at ease with Jack, something about the current scenario had set my teeth on edge, and I wanted out.
Devyn apparently had other plans. She pulled against my retreat and tossed a flirtatious smile back to the two of them. "Would you two like to take some shots with us?"
Sebastian grinned and looked to Jack, who just shrugged. Something told me he had felt the snub when I tried to dash off but was taking it in stride. As if my thoughts had summoned his attention, he settled those tawny eyes on me. My breath caught as he let them slip over me from head to toe, and I could feel his gaze like a caress. My heart thundered, and a lazy smile stretched his mouth like he could hear it.
"Don't mind if we do," Jack said. He got to his feet with the fluid grace I was used to seeing him with in the studio, and I let out an exasperated huff. So much for girl's night. Jack stopped next to me and met my eyes again. My anxiety must have been written plainly on my face because he said to Devyn and Sebastian, "I just need a quick word with Jules. We'll catch up."
"You sure?" Devyn questioned, glancing at me. When I nodded, she grabbed Sebastian by the hand and dragged him towards the bar. My head was spinning from the mixture of the liquor, dancing, and this strange encounter, so I lifted my hands to massage my temples.
"Juliette," Jack said, taking a step towards me that brought him close enough that I could feel the heat of his body. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" I asked, my head popping up to look at him. His eyes had lost all their playfulness and it was replaced by the softness I was familiar with.
"I didn't mean to ambush you." He ran his hand through his hair. "This really was a complete coincidence. I know that you were trying to have a good time with your friend tonight, so I'm sorry if we interrupted."
I snorted. "If anything, we ambushed you. Devyn took one look at your pretty face and all but demanded to meet you."
"You think I'm pretty?"
"Shut up," I said, all the tension leaving my body as I shoved his shoulder. I couldn't believe I had been so keyed up over Jack. This was the man who was helping me learn to hold my own in a fight if it ever came down to it. What was I thinking? "So, you told Sebastian about me, huh?"
It was his turn to flush pink. "I may have mentioned there was a chance we could run into one of my clients while we were out."
"Uh huh."
"How's the boy trouble?"
"I forgot I told you about that," I said with a wince. "It's sorted itself out."
"So, you're together?"
"Yeah," I replied, a small smile tilting my lips.
"Then I'm happy for you," he told me, giving me a grin of his own before slinging an arm around my neck and dragging me after Devyn and Sebastian. "Let's get that drink."
When we found Devyn and Sebastian, they had just taken their shots. Devyn's eyes glittered when she spotted me, and she handed me my shot without a word. Not waiting for any kind of go-ahead, I tossed the liquor back. I had gotten way too sober way too quick when we went over to Jack. Now, I could feel my buzz kicking back in, and I let my shoulders relax under the weight of Jack's arm.
"Devyn was just telling me that you all work here."
"Yep," I answered Sebastian, reaching around them to set my empty glass on the counter. I caught Anthony's gaze, and he held up a finger to let me know he'd be over in a moment. "You'd think we'd go somewhere else since we basically live here, but it's safe, you know."
Sebastian nodded, his eyes on Jack as he eased his arm from around my shoulders to take the shot his friend passed him. Something exchanged between them, but I didn't catch what it was before Jack gave an infinitesimal shake of his head. Had I not been paying attention I would have missed it.
"What are your all's plans for the night?" Devyn asked, sizing them both up over the rim of her glass. My lips quirked in a smile. I could recognize the huntress in her eyes from a mile away. Whichever man she took home tonight, I pitied him a little.
My phone vibrating in my pocket drew me away from the conversation. I pulled it out and had to suppress my grin when I saw Lucas's name.
I know we're supposed to let you be tonight, but we want to go out. Are you at Tuxedo? I promise we won't bother you, the text message read. He had even thrown in a couple of pouting faces.
We're here. Y'all can do whatever you want as long as you're not infringing on what I'M doing.
You got it, sugar!
I chuckled before slipping my phone back into my pocket. When I glanced back up, I ignored the questioning look on Devyn's face in favor of stepping up to the bar to talk to Anthony. "Are you doing okay?" he asked, eyes scanning over Devyn and the new additions.
"We're good, I just wondered if you'd kill me if I asked for a margarita."
"As long as you don't make me break out the blender, you're fine."
"Rocks is fine," I said, grinning at him. "I just need something to sip on instead of the shots Devyn is forcing down my throat."
"Hey!" she cried, indignant.
"Are you telling me I'm wrong?"
"No, but –"
"Make her one too, please," I told Anthony. He just shook his head at us before turning to make the drinks.
Devyn pouted. "I'm only not throwing a fit because it's a smart choice."
Her eyes flicked down to my ass, or more specifically my phone, as she came up beside me, leaving Jack and Sebastian behind us. "Vincent?"
"It was Lucas," I said, with a shake of my head. "They wanted to go out, but I think he just wanted to make sure that if I saw them here, I didn't think Vincent had gone back on his word about giving us the night to ourselves."
"I don't like how likable those assholes are," she grumbled.
"I feel that on a soul deep level."
"Ladies," Sebastian's voice sounded so close behind me that I started before glancing over my shoulder. Jack covered his laugh with a cough, but those eyes glowed amber under the pulsing lights. I glared at him. "We're heading out. Care to join us?"
"Where are you headed?" Devyn questioned before I could.
"We're going to head down to Black Lantern."
My blood turned to ice. "No thank you," I said as smoothly as I could. Devyn nodded her agreement before reaching for my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Jack's eyes tracked the movement, and after meeting my eyes he clapped a hand against Sebastian's shoulder. "Another time then."
"Sure thing," I answered, forcing a smile onto my face.
Jack kept his eyes on me as Devyn and Sebastian exchanged numbers. He was searching my face the way he always did, and it unnerved me how much he always seemed to see. "Is Tuesday good for you this week?"
"Instead of Saturday?"
"No, on top of Saturday."
"But that'll make it two times that we meet this week."
"And I'm only paying for one class a week right now."
Jack rolled his eyes at me. "We've met up more than once a week multiple times. We can talk money on Tuesday if you really want."
I mock saluted him as they ambled away. Once the crowd had swallowed them, I slumped against the counter and tried to calm my racing heart.
"Still can't go there?" Devyn asked, her voice soft as she stroked soothing fingers down my spine.
"I'll never be able to set foot there without wondering where they found him," I murmured. "They never arrested the man that shot him." I was pretty sure he was still on the force.
"Your dad would want you to move on."
"I know. But I still freeze up any time I see a cop or hear mention of one. You know that."
"I don't think that'll ever go away. And I'm sorry I asked. There's plenty of bars in this city that dodging that place is a cakewalk."
"Sorry if I cock-blocked."
At that Devyn laughed, swatting at my shoulder. "I've got his number if I want to meet up with them after you go home with the banger."
"I hope he hears you calling him that one day."
"I'd like to see him try anything with me."
"He knows that Juliette would gut me if I so much as laid a finger on you," a cool voice said from behind us.
"I didn't know you were included when I told Lucas he had the greenlight," I admonished, glancing over my shoulder to meet Vincent's forest-green gaze. His lips tilted, and I felt every muscle relax at the sight of him.
"I'm not allowed to have a drink with my men?" he asked, quirking a brow at me.
"She's just being a brat," Devyn threw in.
"You two are not going to start ganging up on me," I seethed, pointing a finger between the two of them.
Vincent caught my hand and used it to spin me to face him. Then, he took his time in looking me over. It hit me then that he had never really seen me in anything other than my work uniform or comfy clothes. Or naked, a small voice decided to chime in the back of my mind. His green eyes darkened as he scanned me. If I had thought Jack's perusal had felt like a caress, Vincent's attention was like a brand. A searing intensity that I knew I would feel long after he was gone. My blood heated as he let out a low hum of approval. He looked at me like I was everything he had ever wanted, ever needed, and I had to admit that it was an intoxicating feeling. Devyn's earlier words echoed in my head as she snorted into her drink. At that, a flush crept up my chest and stained my entire face crimson. I dropped my chin to try and hide the blush.
Vincent pulled me into him, utterly ignoring Devyn as my chest pressed against his. His fingers slid up my throat until he had his thumb pressed against the underside of my chin, applying the slightest amount of pressure to force me to meet his eyes. The heat in his gaze made the fire in my blood bank straight to my core, and I had to resist the urge to rub my thighs together. One look at the sly smirk tugging at his mouth had me realizing he knew exactly what he was doing.
"Can I help you?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him.
"I just wanted you to know I was here," he said, voice low enough that I knew it was only for me. "I'll stay out of your hair, but just come and get me when you're ready to head home."
"Okay," I replied, all the ire slipping from my tone.
"By the way," he said, leaning forward so that his lips brushed against the shell of my ear. "You look incredible."
Devyn and I stared after him as he broke away from me. He nodded to Devyn before crossing over to a far corner of the bar. I could just make out Lucas, Brandon, and Arkin at the table he stopped at. The problematic blonde gave me a broad smile before waving obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes and waved back. A sly smile tugged at my mouth as I fished my phone out of my pocket and fired off a quick text.
I could have sworn I heard Lucas's raucous laughter even from where we were standing, and I had to restrain a giggle of my own. Then I spun back to bar and let my best friend have my full attention again.
"Still want to play dumb about the way he looks at you?" she asked, a shit-eating grin on her face.
"I'm going to start making you buy me a drink for every time I have to tell you to shut up."
Meep. Y'all. We're getting so close to the end I can taste it lol. And i have SO MUCH to wrap up and it makes me nervous. What do y'all think so far?
You know the drill!
Possibly become a fan??
No matter what, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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