《Are you for real?! (Naruto various x reader)》𝘾𝙖𝙩•𝙁𝙖𝙣•𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙙


It was a normal morning in the apartment. (Y/n) was listening to (a/a) while eating her breakfast. Naruto tiredly ate buttered toast.

(Y/n)'s eye lit up as she checked the calender.

(Y/n): 'Chūnin exams start soon. Haha.'

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

The two were heading towards the meeting spot. Naruto sprinted to the bridge, and (Y/n) did what she does best.

"Teleportation style: just go to the damn meeting spot."

She popped up beside Sasuke, who chose not to question it. Naruto hasn't arrived yet.

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

(Y/n): 'Where's Naruto???'

Seconds later, said blonde came running towards the three.

"(N/n)-chan, you didn't wait for me!" Naruto whined.

"Bitch- neither did you." replied (Y/n).

Naruto: 'I did take off without her...'

The blonde realized his mistake and put his head down, sulking.

Sasuke: 'Pft, idiot..'

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

"Well, good morning everyone." Kakashi finally arrived.

The trio groaned in annoyance, while (Y/n) crossed her arms and deadpanned at her sensei.


"Dude, what the fuck?"

"That was very much expected"

"That's cuz I basically am you, but at the same time I'm not"

Aaand we're here now.

I think the Author skipped too much. Naruto is running back and fourth, while getting chased by kids disguised as a box with a low-quality rock design.

The box shone bright for a reason I still don't know to this day, I just like to think that it evolves.

The tricoloured smoke cleared and revealed three kids, all with the same goggles Naruto used to where on his head.

"Since when did you get friends?" (Y/n) asked Konohamaru.

"*cough cough* I think we used too much gunpowder."

*slight pause*

Moegi, Udon and Konohamaru did their tacky introductions because the Author was and still is too lazy to do some of the diologue.


(Y/n) went over to Sakura. She didn't talk to her, just went beside her because she walked up to Naruto.

Sakura: 'So, abilities less than this guy, huh?'

The three kids turned their heads over tl the pink haired Genin.

"Naruto, who's this?" Konohamaru said, thinking about it. Well, he thought too hard though.

The boy turned to Naruto.

"Is she your, girlfriend?" Konohamaru whispered smugly, not really though, everyone heard it.

"Awe shucks, you guys are sharp kids." Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Sakura was fuming. So, she knocked Naruto right into the fence. 👍

"*offended gasp* Sakura-chan is my girlfriend!" (Y/n) said, hugging the side of Sakura.

Sakura seemed to calm down at the contact, but blushed at (Y/n)'s words and patted the shorter girl's head.

Konohamaru turned to Sakura again.

"You ugly wench!" He said, but soon regretted his decision by Sakura doing the same thing she did to Naruto.

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

Sakura angrily walked away with (Y/n) patting her back slightly, but they didn't get far due to what Konohamaru said.

"Darn that big forehead ugly wench. Is she actually a girl?" Said boy commented.

Ha, they never learn.

Sakura came charging at the now freaked out group who ran for their lives, specifically Konohamaru ran the fastest.

But would you look at that! Konohamaru bumbed right into someone.


Wait- I can just teleport. I'm stupid

"Teleportation style: going somewhere but stay hidden."

Konohamaru was being held by his scarf.

"That hurt you little brat." Kankuro

"Stop that! You'll get yelled at later." Temari scolded.

"I"m sorry! I was fooling around." Sakura nervously said.

"Hey, Stop that! Let go of him!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Let's play with them before comes around." Kankuro smirked.


"You jerk!" Naruto ran towards the puppeteer. Unfortunately, he fell on his back.

"Leaf Village's Genin are weaker than I thought." The cat eared- I mean, Kankuro said.

「𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒」

(Y/n) was beside Sasuke on the tree.

The Uchiha threw a rock at Kankuro's hand, which lead to him dropping Konohamaru.

Kankuro looked in the direction of which the pebble came from.

"What do you think you're doing in someone else's village...." Sasuke said coolly.

"Weak? *cue smexy laugh* Such fools." (Y/n) teased with a hand on her hip.

"Sasuke-kun! (Y/n)-chan!" Sakura squealed.

A light shade of pink dusted Kankuro and Temari's faces.

Naruto deadpanned at his teammate.

"Another punk to tick me off." Kankuro referred to Sasuke.

"What you doing up there, Princess." Temari said.

"Dayum~ hitting on me already??" (Y/n) commented on the pet name.

Kankuro nudged his sister's shoulder. Sending a short glance of jealously her way. Temari only smirked at his reaction. Oh, but of course there weren't jealous stares only from her brother, we can't forget about team seven.

Kankuro 'tched', and took off the 'thing' from his back.

"Kankuro! Are you seriously using Crow right now!" Temari exclaimed.

(Y/n) sense and knew Gaara was on the branch beside the two.

"Kankuro, stop that." The red haired male said.

"You're an embarrassment to our village." Gaara added.

*cue shocked face and anime gasp from everyone except for (Y/n)*

"G-Gaara..." Kankuro chuckled nervously.

「𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒」

Gaara turned his head over to (Y/n) and Sasuke.

"I'm sorry about that." Gaara apologized

Said Genin used his sand to go back to his teammates.

"Sakura, before you ask. They're here for the Chunin exams." (Y/n) said.

"Chunin exams?" Naruto asked.

"We have it marked on our calender, Naruto." (Y/n) deadpanned at him.

"Oh yeah, that." Naruto said, pretending like he knew what it was.

Naruto: 'I'll just ask (N/n)-chan later...'

The other three were about to leave until Sasuke and (Y/n) jumped down.

"Hey! You there, what's your name?" Sasuke asked.

"Me?" Temari asked with a stoic expression.

"No, the person with the gourd on his back." Said Sasuke.

"I'm Gaara of the desert.... I have a interest in you as well. Can you tell me your-" Gaara was cut off by (Y/n) letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Dude with cat ears is Kankuro. Fan girlie is Temari. Gaara is Gaara. Blonde kid is Naruto. Pink haired is Sakura. And this boy is Sasuke." (Y/n) said, which earned herself a couple of impressive stares.

"And you are?" Gaara asked.

"(Y/n). Nothing more, nothing less." She responded.

"We'll be going now..." Gaara and his siblings left the group of seven.

"So, what do you think?" Zaku asked.

"I don't think they're anything special. But the black haired one from the Leaf Village, and the gourd from the Sand Villa-" Dosu was cut off by a kunai with a note thrown at his feet.

The three froze for a second and stared at the kunai. They all looked back at the direction of the Genin.

Six of them were leaving. So who remained?


Word count: 1204

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