《His Possession {Major editing}》Chapter 10: Clubbing ~
Chapter 10 : Clubbing ~
4 days later
"Jordyn!" I heard Anna sing outside the door, "Jordyn! Mason! open up" Anna sang knocking over and over again making me pull away. I put my hand on Mason's shoulder looking at the door biting my lip.
He growled kissing my neck hungrily and I blushed biting my lip smiling "Mason-"
"This is pissing me off" he said looking at the door, I sat up kissing his jaw to his neck and he growled laying me back down roughly making me giggle. "Fine! I'm going in!" I heard Anna say as Mason kissed me hungrily.
The door opened and Anna walked in and stopped in her tracks seeing us, "well, well, well. Look what we have here" she grinned and Mason sighed looking at her with annoyed look.
"Good morning" she smiled making me blush, "out" Mason said and I sat up pushing him off me. He growled laying down on his back and I cleared my throat "Hi" I smiled sitting up blushing.
"I'd never thought I'd walk in on that" she giggled "what do you fucking want?!" Mason snapped. I put my hand on his arm and he growled putting his arm over his eyes shaking his head.
She smiled at us "we're all going to David's tonight. You should come Jordyn" she said leaning on the doorway.
"What's David's?" I asked hugging my legs frowning
"It's a bar. They serve amazing drinks and food there" she said smiling making me bite my lip "she's not going" Mason said not looking at us.
"I'm only 18" I mumbled playing with my hair and she shrugged "I know the workers there. They'll let you in" she said and I smiled "really?"
"No" Mason said and she sighed looking at him with an annoyed look
"Why not? She deserves some freedom" she said and he just growled, "I said she's not going" he said taking his arm off his eyes.
"What if I want to?" I asked and he looked at me, "I want to go out" I said and he just looked at me. "Please?"
"Yeah please?" Anna said in a teasing tone and he just laid back down sighing "fine" he mumbled and she squealed clapping her hands.
"Yay! It's going to be awesome!" She smiled running out and I looked down smiling.
I looked at Mason as he laid there with his arms over his eyes again. I took the blanket off me going to get off the bed but squealed as he laid me back down roughly climbing on top of me.
I looked up at him in fear as he grabbed my neck tightly, "if I find out that you let other people touch you-"
"I won't let that happened" I said quickly shaking my head and he growled "if you do I swear to go I'm going to lock you up forever in the cells" he said making me gulp.
"Understand?" He growled tightening his grip on my neck "yes sir" I whispered and he looked in my eyes "don't call me that" he said shaking his head and I just held his wrist looking at him in fear.
He let me go quickly as if I had burned him or something, he looked at my face and shook his head quickly walking out the room slamming the door behind him.
I sat up holding my neck and closed my eyes hugging my legs...
I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror staring at my white t-shirt, I shook my head going in my bag for about the hundredth time and sighed as I had no clothes.
I looked at the tight shirt in the mirror and shook my head as it didn't look right. Well not right for clubbing.
I was never comfortable with my body that much, only with my pack and of course Xavier....
I miss them...
I wonder if there all okay.
But other than them I've had trouble with my body image, and it sucks because I didn't bring that much clothes that covers me the way I like.
"Hey" I heard and looked up seeing Anna, "Hi" I said quickly covering myself making her raise and eyebrow.
"What are you doing?" She asked smirking.
"Looking for clothes. I don't really have anything to wear for tonight" I said shrugging and she grinned widely.
"Oh! this is just perfect!" She squealed loudly making me frown.
"What is?" I asked
"Come on. We need to find you an outfit" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room quickly making me stumble.
Hours later
"I don't wear heels" I said as she held the black long heels in front of me. "Oh come on. You have the perfect legs for them" she said and I shook my head blushing.
"Please?" She whined and I looked at them and sighed grabbed them slipping them on.
"Beautiful. Who knew you had a body hiding under those clothes" she said making me blush and she smiled doing her hair. "I'm not really comfortable in this" I mumbled looking at the short dress in the mirror.
"Oh please. You look amazing. You have nothing to be uncomfortable about" she said and I just bit my lip tugging at the bottom of my dress. "I doubt Mason would let me go out like this" I said and she rolled her eyes a
"He's so demanding. I hate it"she muttered and I chuckled just sitting there. "Has he marked you yet?" She asked putting on her make up and I shook my head "nope" I said looking at my bracelet sighing.
"Why not?" She asked and I shrugged "I don't know... Ask him" I mumbled and she shook her head putting on red lipstick. "When me and Evan first met we did the whole mating process in just two days" she said grinning and I chuckled.
"Mason isn't that simple" I muttered
"And it's been almost 2 weeks since you and Mason met right?" She asked "well since he brought me here yeah. We met before that" I said and she looked at me "I didn't know that" she smirked and I chuckled.
"You two will get there. I can tell from what I saw this morning" she said making me blush "that seemed intense. When did you two started kissing?" She asked smirking
"That night we went running" I said and she smiled "is he a good kisser?" She grinned and I blushed nodding. "Aw your blushing" she teased making me smile.
"Do you like him?" She asked grinning
"Does she like who?" We heard and looked up seeing Mason in the doorway making me tense. "No one" Anna said smirking and he looked at me up and down, "doesn't she look nice?" Anna smirked making me blush.
He stared at me for a while then turned around walking out making her growl. "I swear he never shows any emotion" she said and I chuckled "has he ever complimented you?" She asked and I nodded.
"He has?" She said surprised "He always says my hair is nice. And when I wore his shirt the other day, he said I look good. That's compliments right?" I asked and she snorted "yeah I guess. For 11 year old boys" she said and I chuckled.
"He'll open up. I'm sure he's a big softie. Deep. Deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down" she said and I giggled "that's a lot of deeps" I said and she snorted.
"He's just scary and mysterious" she said and I nodded "he wasn't always like that you know. I guess something happened to him that made him like that" she said putting stuff in her purse "like what?" I asked frowning and she shrugged.
"Who knows" she said and I leaned back thinking, "he's never smiled before. Or even laughed" she said and I looked at her. "I've seen him smile" I said and her eyes snapped up to mine "you have? When?" She said
"When we were... Kissing. He smiled at me" I said blushing and she squealed "that's so cute! It's like your breaking down his wall or something" she said making me frown.
Breaking down his wall?
"You girls ready?" Evan said walking in the room wearing a red button down shirt and black jeans. "Yes handsome" Anna smiled standing up and he looked at her up and down smiling.
"You look fantastic baby" he said and she smiled kissing his cheek. I stood up fixing my dress and he looked at me "and you look beautiful Jordyn" he said smiling and I blushed "she does right?" Anna said looking at me.
"Thanks" I chuckled and we walked out, I walked down the steps nervously trying my best not to fall. Anna was busy talking about the bar and how much fun I'm going to have walking casually while I tried by best not to fall.
We walked out the house as she linked her arm in mine as Evan walked to the huge car.
"Oh. Wait I think we have another person coming" Anna said looking behind me grinning. I turned around seeing Mason walking out the house in black jeans that hung low on his hips and a black button down shirt. The first 3 buttons were undone showing part of his tan chest.
'Well... Hellooo' Sarafina growled looking at him up and down grinning.
"Nice of you to join us. Alpha" Anna smirked walking away and I blushed following her. We climbed in the car and I looked up seeing Lydia and other people sitting there all dressed up.
She glared at me and looked at Mason as he climbed in, I saw her fix her dress pulling it lower so her breasts were more out.
'WHORE! He's ours!' Sarafina growled loudly
Calm down, idiot.
"I didn't know you were coming Mason" she smiled at him batting her eye lashes and he just nodded looking at me making me blush.
The car drove off and I sat there as everyone talked, I felt Lydia's eyes on me and heard her talking to her friends about how I'm dressed.
She shouldn't talk. One bump in this car and her boobs will fall out. Yuck.
I looked out the window and the car stopped "we need to make more room. We have another couple coming" Evan said and we looked around. I gasped as Mason pulled me onto his lap, Anna grinned moving down and I blushed sitting there. The door opened and two more people came in.
"Heyy!" The girl smiled and everyone greeted her and her mate. the car began to move again and I tensed feeling Mason's fingertips rubbing my spine.
He made me lean back against his chest and I just sat there tensely. "You look beautiful" he whispered in my ear making me blush "thanks" I said as he rubbed my thigh touching the hem of my dress.
"Too beautiful if you ask me" he muttered looking out the window "why did you come? You look like you don't even want to be here" I asked making him look at me "I don't want people touching you" he said in my ear.
"I wouldn't let anyone do that" I said looking at him seeing his face close to mine.
"You're mine" he whispered leaning forward biting my ear and I put my hand on his arm looking at him wide eyed.
'Oh lord' Sarafina purred.
He rubbed my thigh kissing my ear and I sighed leaning on him looking out the window and he just rubbed my legs smelling my hair.
I looked at Lydia seeing her glaring at me, if looks could kill I would be dead like 100 times.
We walked in the club and I looked around as it was packed tightly full of people and the music was blasting loudly.
"Come on, let's find a booth!" Anna yelled over the music and I nodded following her. I looked behind me looking for Mason but Anna grabbed my hand pulling me quickly making me stumble. I bumped into so much people it was crazy how packed it was.
I'm surprised people could still fit.
"Mm. Hey gorgeous" a guy said grabbing my hips pulling me to him, I gasped as Anna's hand slipped out of mine and she disappeared Into the crowd.
"Let me go" I said pushing him away and he growled "you're mine tonight" he smiled pulling me deeper in the crowd towards the back, I went to hit him when I felt some else grab me and yank me to them "hey she's mine!" The man said and Mason growled lowly.
"Back off of my mate" he spat and the man looked at me, "I don't see a mark on her" the man smirked and Mason growled louder.
"Mason" I said in his ear touching his chest. "Let's just go" I said pulling him by his shirt, we walked through the crowd and I held Mason's hand nervously; he intertwined our fingers holding me closer to him making me smile. We finally spotted Anna and everyone else in the booth making me sigh in relief.
"There you two are!" Anna smiled and smirked at our hands, Mason let me in the booth first and sat next to me. "We found the perfect booth!" Anna squealed clapping her hands.
I looked at Lydia whom was staring at Mason like he was something to eat, she made it so obvious too. "I already ordered some drinks and food so it should be here soon" Evan said and I fixed my dress looking around.
Mason leaned forward putting his lips to my ear "that's why I came" he said and I looked at him "you weren't going to do anything" he said and I scoffed.
"Yes I was-"
"Bullshit. You just stood there" he said and I rolled my eyes leaning back. "Next time stay close"
"He came out of nowhere how was I suppose to know" I said and he just growled at me.
I rolled my eyes sitting there "is there trouble in paradise?" Lydia smirked and Mason just looked at her with hard eyes making her smile die down.
A woman came up and handed everyone drinks, I grabbed one smiling and everyone began drinking. I drank mine feeling it burning my throat, "you drank before?" Anna smiled "of course" I said and she giggled "well this is going to be a fun night" she said and I giggled drinking more.
The waiter came back holding plates of food putting it all over the table, I held my drink and rolled my eyes as Lydia got a salad.
Seriously it's a club.
Who eats a salad at a club?
I reached over grabbing a chicken wing and felt Mason's hand on my knee looking around.
"You should watch your weight. Don't want that chicken wing to go to your thighs" Lydia said smugly eating her salad.
"Her thighs are fine. Trust me" Mason said making me blush and her eyes widen.
Anna smirked at me and I just continued eating my chicken wing, His hand traveled up my dress and I tensed quickly grabbing his hand stopping him from going any further.
"Mason" I said looking at him and he smirked leaning forward taking a huge bite of my wing.
"Get your own" I scoffed nudging him with my elbow and he smirked kissing my ear, I blushed and Lydia glared at me.
"Oh, what happened Lydia?" Anna teased making me chuckle. Lydia rolled her eyes growling as Mason rubbed my knee holding me close to him.
"No more drinks" Mason said in my ear "but I'm not drunk yet" I said looking at him "enough" he said and I groaned putting my cup down.
"Yes, Dad" I muttered making him growl, "you growl way too much" I sighed eating some French fries. "It's your fault" he said and I rolled my eyes, I looked around the empty booth and sighed looking at everyone dancing and drinking.
"You know this is the first time I've seen you eat since we had those sandwiches" he said picking on some food and eating some.
"You know this is the first time your actually starting a decent conversation with me?" I asked and he smirked.
I popped a fri in my mouth looking at him and he looked at my lips, I licked the salt from my lips slowly and he growled lowly.
"You're teasing me" he said lowly and I smiled
"Taste of your own medicine" I said and he moved closer kissing my ear, I gasped as his hand went up my dress, "Mason!" I hissed grabbing his wrist and he growled.
"Why do you growl so much?" I asked looking at him as he rubbed my inner thigh making me blush, "Mason-"
"Hey" I heard and looked up seeing some drunk guy smirking at me, Mason growled glaring at him and I put my hand on his knee.
"Bye" I smiled and he grumbled stumbling away, "cant people fucking tell that your with me?" Mason said squeezing my thigh.
"Obviously they can't" I muttered pushing his hand off me, "don't be a smart ass" he said and I snorted stuffing my mouth with French fries.
"You really don't watch what you eat do you?" He said and I looked at him "I don't really care" I muttered making him smirk "good. I hate girls who barely eat just to stay skinny" he said putting his arm behind my seat tracing his fingers on my arm.
"Lydia" I snorted and he smirked, "she ate a freaking salad. At a club" I said shaking my head picking the food.
"She annoys me" he said rubbing my knee
"You fucked her" I said and he looked at me, "jealous?" He said and I chuckled "no. I don't want to get an std" I said and he chuckled.
"She doesn't-"
"You sure" I smirked eating and he looked at me, "does Xavier have one?" He asked and I shrugged "I'll have to make sure next time I see him" I said and he growled making me smile.
"I think it's better off don't you think? I can tell she wants you right now" I said looking at him and he looked at the dance floor where Lydia was still staring at him while dancing with some guy.
"She's been staring at you all night" I said and he shook his head moving closer to me making me chuckle as he seemed uncomfortable. I continued eating the fries and he moved my hair over my shoulder kissing my neck.
I held his arm biting my lip as he growled lowly putting his hand under my dress. He played with my underwear and put his lips to my ear "lace?" He whispered huskily and I blushed looking at him.
He leaned forward capturing my bottom lip between his teeth making me moan grabbing the front of his shirt.
'Lordy lord!!' Sarafina squealed giggling
He sucked on my lip pulling me closer and I leaned forward kissing him, he tightened his grip on my leg and pulled me closer putting my legs over his thigh and between his making me practically sit on his lap.
I sighed opening my eyes looking at him and he licked his lips putting his forehead on mine.
"Hey man, she got time for seconds" a guy laughed looking at me and Mason looked up at him growling "want me to rip your throat out?" He snapped making the guy tense.
"Chill dude I was kidding" the guy chuckled walking away winking at me.
Mason watched him walk and I leaned forward kissing his jaw, he ran his hand up my leg as I put my hand on his shoulder kissing his neck.
He growled and I smiled feeling the vibrations on my lips, I looked at him seeing he was looking at a group of guys intensely as they watched us and whispered at each other chuckling.
"Ignore them" I said kissing his ear making him shiver, I smiled pulling him closer making him look at me and I cupped his face kissing him.
He sighed running his fingers through my hair kissing back, "Hey love birds! Quick making out and let's dance" Anna said grabbing me and I looked at her as Mason rubbed my legs "I don't dance" I said and she rolled her eye "me either" she giggled pulling me out the booth roughly making me stumble and ran on to the dance floor.
The music got louder and she began dancing "dance! Jump do whatever" she giggled in my ear and I blushed dancing.
"There you go!" She said and I giggled, I closed my eyes dancing and gasped feeling hands on my hips. "Hey beautiful" some guy said in my ear and I blushed taking his hands off me. "Ah don't be shy" he laughed turning me around pulling me on his chest.
I chuckled nervously shaking my head "back off" I said pushing him and he chuckled putting his hands up. "Oh come on lighten up" he smirked pulling me too him and I looked around for Mason.
"Back off!" I heard and looked seeing some guy, "chill dude. I didn't know she was your girl" the man holding me said and the other guy just grabbed me.
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