《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-18


Osman put Arta on one of the benches by the bath pool. He went and lit the torches in the bath hall. The hall was cool and the water was cold.

He undressed and lifted Arta in his arms and slowly went in the pool.

The water was cold and he was shivering. He pressed Arta to his chest. Arta slowly opened her eyes.

"Baba" tears dropped from her amber eyes.

"Shshsh.." Osman said softly and pressed her head to his chest. "Don't cry my love. You will be fine. Close your eyes now." He softly kissed her forehead.

Arta started to cry a sorrowful cry that ached Osman's heart and pressed her harder to his chest.

Arta looked at him with her teary eyes. His eyes were so kind and honest. She didn't know what to say to him. His arms were comforting, and she felt safe and secure.

Unintentionally she hugged him back and tried to calm herself in his arms. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After a few minutes, Osman felt her fever had subsided. He covered her with a cloth and took her upstairs to the bed.

He was tired and cold. So, he decided to call for Nahla to come and take care of Arta so he could go and change his clothes and eat something warm.

Nahla came in and was wondering why Arta was covered in bath cloths and Osman looked as if he was cold and the tips of his hair were wet.

"I took her to the bath pool, since there was no other way to cool her body."

Nahla nodded, she didn't know what to say.

"Change her clothes and don't leave her. I'll be back soon."

"Yes, my prince."

Osman looked pale, his lips were turning blue, and he was slightly shivering. Nahla noticed he was not looking well "Do you feel well my prince? Should I call the doctor for you?"

"No need. You just take care of her and constantly keep me updated on her condition."

Nahle bowed and Osman left the room.

Osman called Khadijeh to bring him warm food and went to his room. Samir and Ahmad were waiting for him by the door.

When they saw his pale face, they rushed to him "What has happened to you?" Ahmad asked looking concerned.

"Nothing, don't worry. I'm just tired, cold, and hungry."

"I totally agree. The winter in Persia is unbearable. I've missed the warmth of Arabia." Said Samir.

"How is Princess Arta? Today was full of unexpected events." Ahmad said.

"She is not good. I don't know what else to do for her." he rubbed his forehead in frustration.


"Don't worry my brother. I'm sure she will be fine soon Inshallah, she is a strong woman." Said Ahmad.

Khadijeh knocked and came in with a tray of warm food. He placed it on the table and bowed.

"Is there anything else that you need my prince?"

"Take the doctor to check on Arta. I'll come to her soon."

Khadijeh bowed and left.

Osman sat behind the table. He was so hungry. "come and help yourselves." Osman said to her friends.

"You go on. We have eaten a whole lamb in the feast." Said Samir rubbing his belly and laughed.

"I want you to go and bring Pirbaba here. Maybe he could help Arta to recover faster."

"I'll take care of that." Samir said and left the room.

Ahmad was concerned for his friend and there was something in his mind that he wanted to ask Osman for quite sometimes now.

Ahmad cleared his throat "Osman do you think you will be happy marrying princess Arta?"

"That was an unexpected question." Osman answered with a full mouth.

"I know but as a brother, I'm concerned for your happiness."

"I know Ahmad. I'm also concerned. I admit that she probably will never love me or show any affections towards me, but I still like her and besides this is Sultan's decision. I cannot disobey."

"You cannot or you don't want to?"

"I guess both." Osman shrugged.

Ahmad chuckled and shook his head. He went and sat on a chair behind the table and started to eat.

"What happened? I thought you had eaten a whole lamb in the feast."

"Well yeah but Samir ate most of the lamb." He shrugged and continued eating.

Osman laughed.

After a few minutes, Samir came in with Pirbaba.

The poor old man's eyes were wet. He had heard of the king's murder and was mourning for his king.

Pirbaba stood in front of Osman. He did not bow to him, but Osman did not care.

"What do you want from me this time." Pribaba asked.

"Well hello to you too Pirbaba."

Pirbaba did not reply and just stared at the wall behind Osman. He was tired of this prisoner's life at the palace, but he knew he cannot do anything about it. He was too old and weak to even think about escaping.

"I need your help again." Osman said.

"I will not help you anymore. I'm ready to die. Do whatever you want, I'm no scared of you."

"Even if it concerns princess Arta's health."


Pirbaba looked at Osman "What do you mean?"

"After she saw her father's head in the feast she becomes unconscious and now she is in a critical situation."

"What? She saw her father's head? How could you do that to her??"

"I didn't do anything. It was Mahoe, one of your own people who betrayed your king. It wasn't me or my people." Osman stood up looking angry and was almost shouting.

Pirbaba looked shocked. He knew Mahoe, he was a very ambitious person but he never thought that he was capable of such a thing. "Why would he kill the king?" He said as if he was talking to himself.

"I don't know. For money, for power." Osman answered.

Osman took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hairs "Listen Pirbaba" he said with a tired voice, "Arta is in a critical situation. I don't know anyone else other than you from her past. I think it will benefit her condition if you go and visit her. Talk to her and make her fight for her life."

Pirbaba looked at Osman in the eyes. He could easily read concern and honesty from his eyes.

"Where is the princess?" Pirbaba asked.

"I will take you to her room."

Osman and Pirbaba entered Arta's room. The doctor was checking on Arta.

"How is she?" Osman asked.

"Her fever has subsided for now, that's an improvement."

"Good good. You can leave now." Osman said looking at the doctor and Nahla.

He sat by Arta's bed and locked his fingers between hers and gently kissed her hand. She was still unconscious.

When Pirbaba saw the love and concern in Osman's eyes he said "You really like her, don't you?"

Osman looked at Pirbaba but did not reply.

"I want you to visit her regularly. I believe that you can help her get well faster."

There were tears in Pirbaba's eyes "If you promise that you will never hurt her and you will love and protect her for the rest of your life" he paused then continued "I'll serve you and princess Arta until my last breath."

Osman extended his hand to shake Pirbaba's hand "I promise." Osman said.


"How is Arta?" Sultan asked Osman.

"She is much better and her condition is improving every day."

"That's good. We should arrange for the wedding then."

"I'm not sure if she is ready yet."

"She never will be ready my son." He put his hand on his shoulder. "I have to go back to Arabia soon and before that I want you two to get married."

"When do you want to return to Arabia?"

"You know I cannot trust Arabia in your brother's hands any longer." He looked disappointed "I want you to stay here and rule Persia. I know how capable you are. I cannot find anyone more trustworthy than you. Arta can help you gain people's trust."

"Getting her acceptance and collaboration would not be an easy task though."

"Yes but she is the Princess of Persia. She cares for her people. Talk to her."

"I will."


"Please be rational my dear. What do you want to do with your life then?" Pirbaba said in a pleading voice.

"It is my life and I will decide what to do with it. I will not marry that monster." Arta said looking slightly angry.

Arta and Pirbaba were sitting on the benches under the shadow of an orange tree in the middle of the royal garden.

"This monster that you are talking about was dying out of concern for your health. He had never left your room when you were unconscious. Don't be so cruel to him my dear."

"I don't care what he did. They are the reason that my father and brother are dead, and our people are suffering. I'll never accept him in my life."

"Please princess listen to me, you can help our people. If you don't marry him what do you want to do? You have a responsibility toward your people."

"Exactly, and I don't think me marrying our enemy fulfills this responsibility."


"Please Pirbaba, I've heard enough and I'm tired." Arta raised her hand and stopped Pirbaba from arguing more. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. She heard Pirbaba's footsteps disappearing in distance.

She was thinking about Osman. She had an image of Osman and herself in the bath pool. She was in his arms, he was holding her tightly and looking at her with love and passion. It was so strange, but she was feeling safe and comfortable. It was really strange how much a dream can feel so real. She didn't know why she was thinking about this dream over and over again.

Her eyes were still closed when she heard footsteps approaching her. without opening her eyes she said "Pirbaba please I told you I'm tired of this conversation with you.." She opened her eyes.

The figure in front of her was nothing like Pirbaba.

The person in front of her bowed with his eyes full of tears "Shahzadeh."

Arta gasped in shock. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Abtin, is that really you?"

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