《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-16


The feast day had finally arrived. Khadijeh had ordered several beautiful and expensive Arabic style dresses for Arta.

"WOW, these are the finest dresses I have ever seen. These are unique and made for princesses and high borns." Nahla said while touching the fabrics of the dresses.

Although the colors were vibrant and full of shinny pieces, Arta could not bring herself to wear those dresses. She thought if she wears those Arabic dresses it will show that she has submitted to their enemy's request. Besides, what will her father say if he sees her with these clothes, it would be so embarrassing.

"I'll not wear any of these dresses. You can return them to Khadijeh." Arta said to Nahla.

"What? No, you should not return these beauties."

"Ok, then you can have them."

"oh, I wouldn't dare." Nahla said looking shocked.

"Then do whatever you want with them. I'll not wear them."

Nahla hugged the clothes and took them to the changing room and carefully put them on one of the shelves. She knew that Arta will need them someday.

Arta considered this feast as an opportunity to show herself to the Arab world and whoever might be their guests in this feast as a strong Persian princess who has not bowed her head to the enemy.

She decided that she will even ask Sultan to let her leave the palace to see what is going on with her people and is their situation as bad as what Pirbaba had said. She wanted to be more present and useful for her people until her father came back.

After taking a bath she decided to wear one of her best clothes to the feast. She chose a pale violet V-neck dress with several layers of silk and organza. The dress had a medium train hanging from her shoulders. The sleeveless dress had a low back and was revealing her fine and beautiful back. The dress was simple with no embroidery except for a ribbon tied around her waist with golden lotus embroideries.

She chose a sandal with golden laces to wear with the dress. She adjusted a hairband with golden threats loosely on her hair. Nahla brought the chest of jewelry in front of Arta to choose something from there but Arta shook her head in refusal.

Arta was thinking about her mother's necklace. How could she lose such a precious thing?

"I've lost a very precious necklace Nahla." She said out of blue "It was my mom's. I wish I still had it."

"Tell me how it looked like maybe I could find it for you." Nahla said kindly when she saw the sadness in Arta's eyes.

"It was the most elegant necklace I'd ever seen, a combination of pearl and turquoise." Arta said, already feeling better for sharing this loss with someone.

Arta was checking herself in the mirror for the last time. Her long curly and shiny hairs were partially covering her back and her golden ribbon belt highlighted her narrow waist.

Nahla looked a bit concern, jumping from one foot to another. Arta finally asked "What is it Nahla? Is there something wrong?"

"You look like an angel Arta, so dreamy and elegant. But.." She hesitated.


"What is it? You can tell me whatever it is."

"It's your dress."

"What about it?" She checked herself again in the mirror. The dress was perfect.

"Please don't become angry but I think you need to change to something that covers your skins more."

Arta raised one of her eyebrows.

"You know Muslim women should cover themselves from the eyes of men. Well, father, brother and husband are exceptions of course."

"I'm lucky then because I'm not a Muslim." Arta said with a harsh tone.

"But you are going to a Muslim feast full of men. I'm not sure how they will treat you."

"I don't care. This is my country and people in my country are free to practice any religion and wear whatever they want. I will not comply with Muslim religious rules." Arta hissed.

"At least you could respect them by wearing something less revealing." Nahla said carefully.

Arta looked at Nahla angrily "I won't respect people who have brought destruction to my country and misery to my people."

Nahla raised both hands in defeat.

There was a knock on the door and Khadijeh came in.

"Are you ready princess?" Khadijeh asked and then looked questioningly at Nahla. Nahla shrugged. Khadijeh also noticed Arta's dress "Why didn't you choose from the dresses that were provided for you? they were so nice and expensive." Khadijeh asked looking at Arta and then Nahla.

"Offf please Khadijeh." Arta said in frustration.

Khadijeh looked at Nahla in confusion but Nahla just shook her head. Khadijeh realized that they had the same conversation before. So, she did not say anything anymore.

It was time to leave for the feast. Khadijeh and Nahla accompanied Arta to downstairs.

On her way out Arta could hear maids' whispers, some were complimenting her and some were just watching her with displeasure and disdain, such as Amal.

When they went out two guards at the palace door were mesmerized by Arta's beauty. They were watching Arta from head to toe with their mouth wide open. They had never seen such a beautiful woman in their life, not to mention a woman whose arms and back were naked.

Khadijeh cleared her throat "Please accompany the princess to the feast."

"No need for the guards to do so. I'll take her." Azim approached them while his gaze was fixed on Arta.

Arta shivered and looked frightened. "I prefer to be accompanied by these guards," Arta said with a shaky voice.

"My prince!" Khadijeh, Nahla and the guards bowed to Azim.

"The crown prince had ordered me to send the princess with these guards." Khadijeh said.

"Yeah, that's right let's go then." Arta said hastily and walked past the guards.

Azim grabbed her arm when she came close to him "why to rush princess." He had a mischievous smile on him.

A chill ran down Arta's spine on his touch.

"Do you dare to disobey me, maid?" Azim looked Khadijeh in the eyes.

Khadijeh bowed and stepped back. She knew that this was not good but what choices did she have. He was a prince and she did not dare to disobey him.

He pulled Arta's arm to walk with him. "Let go of my arm." Arta said struggling to free herself, but he grabbed it harder.


"I just want to accompany you to the feast." Azim said while moving her index finger from Arta's cheek to her lips.

Arta pulled her head back to prevent his touch.

"I don't want you anywhere near me. Let me go."

"Why princess? Let's forget about the past. I was drunk. Let me make it up to you. I can be gentle and caring for real. Besides you look so pretty and irresistible today, that I cannot let you go anywhere." He leaned forward and whispered the last part into her ears.

Arta slapped him in the face. Azim pressed her arm harder and she groaned in pain.

When Khadijeh and Nahla witnessed this scene they ran toward Arta.

"I think it's for the best if Arta leaves with the guards my prince." Khadijeh said firmly and called for the guards.

Azim left Arta's arm "see you in the feast princess." He smirked and left them.

Arta's arm was painful, and the trace of Azim fingers was visible on her arm.

"Are you alright?" Khadijeh asked looking concerned.

Arta nodded "Let's go." Arta said to the guards.

"I will come with you." Nahla said and walked beside Arta.

When they were far enough from Khadijhe, Nahla asked "What was that all about? Did you know prince Azim?"

"Once he tried to rape me."

"What? When? How?" Nahla was shocked.

"I don't want to talk about it. It's not a pleasant memory."

They continued the rest of the path to the main palace in silence.


Arta approached the entrance door. Nahla and the guards left her at the door.

"Princess Arta." The announcer at the door announced her presence to the people in the hall.

The whole hall went silent. She stepped in and got overwhelmed by the gazes that she was receiving from unfamiliar faces. She didn't know where she should go now. She usually sat next to his father in the formal ceremonies. The crowd split gradually in front of her and she walked inside the hall.

Everyone was silent and watching her intently. She recognized a few governors among the crowd who were slightly bowing their heads when the saw her. "Traitors" She repeated in her head when she passed them.

She spotted Sultan on the other side of the hall sitting on the throne, her father's throne. Her heart was burning, and her eyes became blurry.

She stopped meters away from Sultan.

"Welcome to our feast princess." Sultan said kindly. Then he gestured to one of the seats on his right side. "You are my guest of honor, come and sit child."

She tried her best not to show any emotion on her face. She didn't bow or anything, but she didn't play rude either. She knew she was a guest there, although it was hard to keep her tears in her eyes.

The hall filled with murmurs and laughter once again. Osman walked toward her. Arta did not pay any attention to him.

She looked beautiful, angelic. He was not able to take his eyes from her from the moment she entered the hall. But he was burning with anger and jealousy at the same time.

What was wrong with her. What was this revealing dress that she had worn? Is she out of her mind? His honor would not accept that other men see his woman's bare arms and back not to mention her hair. He could see that all the eyes in the hall were on Arta.

"Didn't you receive the clothes that Khadijeh ordered for you?" He sat next to her looking angry.

"I don't need anyone to decide for me what to wear."

Osman let out a heavy breath angrily. He knew that arguing with her was useless and he did not want to make a scene in front of everyone. He will teach her how to dress later.

"Mahoe the governor of Marv" the announcer at the door announced Mahoe's presence.

"Another traitor" Arta whispered to herself.

Mahoe entered with a few of his men.

"Your highness it's an honor to finally meet you." Mahoe bowed in front of Sultan.

Mahoe looked at Arta and was a bit shocked to see her there but he forgot about it immediately for he had far more important things to do there.

"Welcome Mahoe." Sultan said.

"It's a great pleasure to be in the presence of the greatest conquer world has ever seen. The great Sultan Faisal." He bowed again.

Everyone was listening to Mahoe. "Today I have a present for you, your highness." He went silent to grab everyone's attention and then continued "A gift that you were looking after for a long time." He had everyone's attention "A gift that is going to seal your rule over Persia." Now everyone was curious, including Arta. What the hell did he mean?

He gestured toward one of his men who was holding a tray covered with a cloth. The man put the tray in front of Sultan, bowed and walked back to his place.

"Rest assure my king this is a historical moment. A moment that will be written in history. Please accept this gift from your humble server." With that Mahoe uncovered the content of the tray.

Everyone in the hall took their breath in sharply as they saw the bloody head in the tray.

Sultan's eyes widened as he did not expect to witness such a scene. King's Darian head in a tray in front of him and worse in front of Arta. Osman who was standing up walked fast toward the tray and covered the head again and looked at Mahoe with disgust.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Osman roared looking like an angry lion.

Mahoe laughed "Oh I guess you did not recognize the head. It's king Darian's head!" He said happily and uncover the head again for everyone to see.

A murmur started among the crowd.

"I know who he is you idiot. Are you blind? Can't you see his daughter sitting there?" Osman roared.

By the time they were arguing Arta slowly approached the tray and sat beside her father's head.

She touched his father's cheek "Baba" she said softly, a tear dropped from her eyes.

"Baba" she smoothened her father's messy and bloody hair "Baba" she lied down on the floor beside the tray and everything went dark "Baba".

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