《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-8


Night had fallen and Osman was still unable to open that door. Feeling exhausted and defeated they called the night and went toward the west palace.

"For sure Persians know how to protect their precious stuff" Said Ahmad.

"We still don't know what is behind that door, don't set your expectations high." Osman said while yawning.

"Maybe we can ask from our hostage princess?!" Ahmad said with an unsure tone. It was in his mind for quite some time but didn't have the courage to talk about it.

Osman laughed "Sure! And she will tell us exactly how to open the door and what is behind it."

"Maybe we should try our chance. She is not a bad person." Said Samir.

"I cannot believe you guys. Stop with this nonsense. We are not going to ask HER to help us. It will look as if we are weak."

"Since when you care what does she think about you?" Ahmad Said looking at Osman while arching an eyebrow.

"I didn't say me, I said us. Are you deaf?" Osman stopped walking looking irritated.

Ahmad shrugged.

"No one is going to ask her to help us, understood?" Osman said pointing his index finger at Ahmad and Samir as if he was threatening them.

They both nodded and continued toward their rooms in silence.

Arriving at the west palace, Samir and Ahmad went to sleep in the maid's chambers while Osman went upstairs to the same room that he slept two nights ago.

Entering the room, he felt strange. By now he knew that the room belonged to Arta. Her scent was still in the air. He took a deep breath and walked slowly around the room.

He suddenly remembered the necklace that he took from this room. "It was her necklace. As elegant as her" a slight smile crept across his face.

The soldiers had already put his belongings in the room. Walking toward the chest containing his clothes and belongings he opened it and looked for the necklace. He opened the box and intently looked at the necklace. It was so beautiful. Put it carefully back into the box he went to check what was behind the door at the far end of the room.

Opening the door, it was a changing room with lots of colorful dresses with soft fabrics, mostly silk. He noticed that there was another door in the room. walking toward that door he opened it. He saw a circular marble staircase going downward.

Taking a candle with him he climbed down the stairs and lightened the torch at the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly an array of torches all around the place turned on and illuminated the place.

Narrowing his eyes from the sudden brightness he looked around and found a cozy and luxurious bath pool. "wow" Osman said in disbelief. His eyes were wide open.

He decided to take a bath. He took off his clothes and went into the pool. The water was cold and he was freezing for a couple of minutes but then his body got adapted to the cold water and he felt more relaxed.

He closed his eyes and sat on the steps underwater while his back was rested on the edge of the pool. He closed his eyes and listened to the silence thinking about what Ahmad had suggested asking Arta to help them open that door. He listened more carefully, he could hear a faint sobbing from distance. Distracted by the sound he opened his eyes and looked around. He thought he had mistaken, but again he heard the sobbing.


Quickly he wore his clothes and listened again. Walking toward the sound he opened the only door in the bath pool hall. He saw a semicircular area. The sound was coming from one of the rooms with two guards standing in front of it.

He went closer and the guards bowed. One of them was about to open the door when Osman gestured not to. He stayed there for a few minutes listening to her sad sobbing and murmuring something that he couldn't get it.

He pitied Arta. Samir was right the girl had lost everything in just a couple of days. He could only imagine how hard it could be for her. He let out a sigh and slowly walked upstairs toward his room with a heavy heart.

Lying down on the bed he reminded himself that she is an enemy. He hated himself for feeling that way and pitied her even for a moment. He didn't want to have any feelings for her but hatred.

The next morning he woke up with a clearer mind. He ordered the soldiers to move the girly staff out of that room. He only needed the bed and the desk.

"bring more furniture, chairs, and sofas. Take all of these out." Osman pointed to the makeup table and the dresses in the changing room.

Soldiers bowed and started to move things out.

"Maids have arrived from Arabia." A soldier came in and informed Osman.

Sultan Faisal could not trust Persian maids and he ordered maids from Arabia to serve them.

"It seems that we have to move out." Ahamad said to Samir.

"You can stay in one of the upstairs rooms if you like." Osman offered them.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Samir said.

"Yes, we are not part of the royal family after all, your highness." Ahmad said mockingly while bowing in front of Osman.

Osman shook his head looking irritated and turned his gaze toward Samir who stopped chuckling after he saw irritation on Osman's face.

Samir cleared his throat and said, "We will move to the generals' quarter, it's not that far from here."

"Alright then." Osman nodded.

"Your highness, these are the maids that are assigned to the west palace." Said one of the soldiers who had accompanied the maids. They all bowed and kept their heads down.

They were about 10 maids. Most of them were young girls. Their clothes looked shabby and dirty compared to the luxurious room that they were in, a sharp contrast.

"Which one of you were a maid before?" One of the elder women moved a bit forward and bowed again "I was a maid all my life, my prince."

"Great! You are the head maid then. You can assign the other maids their responsibilities based on their capabilities. I don't have time to get involved in these things."

"I will do as you ordered my prince." Khadijeh bowed and moved a few steps back.

Khadijeh was a middle-aged woman with narrow black eyes and a confident look.

"You can reside in the maid's chambers downstairs. Be aware of the locked room with guards. No one can enter that room without my permission. Understood?" Osman said to the maids.


They all bowed "Yes your highness."


"I'm getting tired of this stupid door," Ahmad said angrily hitting the door with his foot.

"Keep calm Ahmad. We cannot open this door if you continue your aggressive acts. Think instead." Samir said, patting Ahmad's shoulder.

Osman and Ahmad looked at Samir with surprise. Samir was always the one who usually act without thinking not them, and now he was lecturing them to be patient and think.

"What?" Said Samir.

"Nothing, just... Are you alright?" Ahmad asked putting back of his hand on Samir's forehead to check if he has a fever or something.

"hahaha, very funny." Samir said looking serious shoving Ahmad's hand away.

Staring at the door Osman said, "one week had passed without any progress with this door." He looked defeated and tired.

They had already tried everything that they could think of. At some point, they decided to destroy the walls to get into the area behind the door but soon they realized this is not possible without ruining the whole palace. Ahmad's suggestion of asking Arta's help was now in his mind all the time.


"I want to talk to your general." Arta told one of the guards who brought the tray of her dinner inside.

One week has passed and the only people that she had seen were the soldiers who brought food for her. She had no news from outside her room. she looked pale from lack of sun and she had lost a few kilograms because she usually does not have any appetite for food.

She could not continue living like this, so she decided to talk with that dreadful general. She needed to know what they want from her. If they want to kill her why to wait, kill her and get done with it.

Osman was halfway through the stairs up to his room when one of the guards bowed and inform him that Arta wants to see him.

Osman laughed "What? Now her highness has summoned me? What a great honor." He suddenly stopped laughing and looked into the guard's eyes "Don't bother me again with these nonsenses."

Walking toward his room "Who did she think she is? That arrogant creature."

The next day Arta demanded again to see the general. Silence and not getting any attention were her replies. Every second she felt more stressed and anxious. She was walking in her room and shouting at the guards. Throwing everything that she could get hold of toward the door.

Another day had passed, and she stopped eating and drinking. She was on the edge of insanity. Still no sign of that general.


"Why don't you go and see her?" Samir asked.

Three of them were sitting in Osman's room looking at the palace maps to see if there are any indications of the room with the locked doors. Looking for any hints that could help them to open that door, they didn't even know how to read those maps in front of them.

"For the hundredth times, it's not the time yet," Osman replied indifferently.

"When is the time? You are making her crazy." Samir said looking concerned.

Osman threw an angry glare at Samir to not continue this discussion.

"Can you at least tell me what you want to do with her when the time comes?" Samir asked.

"Samir stop it!" Ahmad said glaring at him.

A few seconds passed and Osman said "I want to make a deal with her."

"Is it about the locked door?" Samir asked carefully.

Osman nodded while looking at the plan in front of him. He has a proposition for Arta, but he had to wait till he makes sure that he won't receive a no as an answer from her. Thinking about his plan brought a devilish smirk on his face.

"I really don't get you Samir. Why do you care for her? she is our enemy for God's sake." Ahmad said disbelievingly.

Samir shrugged "I know but she looks so frightened and lonely. She had lost everything. I just feel pity for her."

"Why didn't you feel pity for the other families of the enemy soldiers that you have killed until now? I think you should pay a visit to all the family members of the people that you have killed and comfort them as well". Ahmad said.

This conversation attracted Osman's attention and he looked up from the plans in front of him and stared at Samir waiting for his reply.

Samir's head was moving from Ahmad to Osman and again to Ahmad. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say. Ahmad was right he had killed many soldiers on the battlefield without any regrets. Why he should care for her?

Osman narrowed his eyes fixing his gaze on Samir "Are you in love with her?!" he slowly walked toward Samir.

"What?? No...what? Where did that come from?" Samir said looking confused and helpless.

"Then why do you care so much for her?" Osman asked. Sparks of rage could be seen from his expression.

"For the thousandth of time, I just feel pity for her. Nothing else. I don't have any other feelings. Stop looking at me like that Osman. You both know me well." Samir said looking sincere.

An awkward silence washed over them. Ahmad cleared his throat and broke the silence. Osman averted his gaze from Samir's eyes and looked back at the plans on the table. He was still angry but more confused about his rage.

"Anyway, I don't care if you love her or not." Osman said while busying himself with the papers on the table.

"Of course, why would you!?" Said Ahmad while trying so hard looking convinced.

"Yah that's my point. Why would I?" Osman said as a matter of fact as he threw his shoulders up.

"Both of you are crazy." Samir said pointing at Osman and Ahmad and left the room angrily.

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