《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-5


Osman informed his father about the princess that they have captured.

"What should we do with her? She could be a threat to us."

Sultan was deep in his thoughts and did not reply to Osman. He was about to repeat his question when the sultan said "Actually we can use her to our advantage."

Osman looked at his father questionably.

"We can use her to catch her father. Her father is the biggest threat to us. We should get rid of him as soon as possible before he forms another army."

Osman was bobbing his head in confirmation as he was thinking and processing the situation.

"We should spread the news all over the Persia that we have the princess and if he wants to see her daughter alive, he must surrender himself" Sultan said as he was looking so pleased.

"It's a great opportunity to strengthen our domination over Persia." He continued.

"Yes, you are right. What are your orders now father?"

"Spread the news that we have their princess and keep her alive."

Osman bowed his head respectfully and left the tent.

Samir was waiting for him outside the tent. "What is going on? I heard you have killed one of the prisoners."

"Gather all the generals in my tent for a meeting."

Samir nodded and left.

Once everyone gathered in his tent Osman cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"You have probably heard about the incidence." He looked at the generals and continued "today we accidentally captured the king Darian's only daughter." Few generals gasped in surprise and a murmur started to circulate among the generals.

"This is a great opportunity for us to put an end to the king Darian's future actions by using her daughter as our hostage." He continued.

"I asked you to come here to share this news with you and also ask you to send your men all around Persia to spread the news."

"Why do you think that he would care about his daughter's life?" asked one of the generals sitting in the corner of the crowd with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. He was a slim and tall man with deep-set brown eyes, long face, and sharp noise.

Looking irritated, Osman averted his gaze toward Azim "King Darian is famous for his love toward his family and people. I'm almost sure that he will be deeply concerned for his daughter."

"Almost?" he chuckled and looked at the other generals in the tent.

Azim was the eldest son of Abdulaziz, . Like his father, Azim also hated Osman and envied everything about him.


Osman didn't pay any more attention to him and conveyed his father's orders to the generals. After generals left the tent Samir who was still sitting in the tent asked "The princess, ha? That was a surprise."

Osman nodded while still looking at the documents in front of him.

"Poor girl she must be so scared." Samir said almost whispering to himself.

"Are you serious right now Samir? Don't tell me that you are pitying our enemy." Osman asked looking at him while raising one eyebrow.

"Of course I pity her. She has lost everything in one day." Samir said as a matter of fact.

"Well just to remind you, she is our enemy, thirsty of our blood. She will kill you if she gets the chance. So it's better not to pity her brother."


"Samir" Osman almost shouted looking irritated, remembering the slap Arta had given him.

Samir shrugged and was about to leave when he turned and asked "Do you want me to check on her?"

"No, I'll do it myself."


It was late in the afternoon and everyone was getting ready for the feast that Sultan Faisal had arranged. Osman had changed his war clothes and was ready to attend the feast. He decided to check on Arta before attending the feast.

Before entering the tent, he heard a breaking noise and water splashing from the tent and a soldier came out looking disturbed.

"What is going on?" asked Osman from the soldier.

Bowing his head, he replied "she refuses to eat or drink anything and each time that I bring food and water she throws them at me."

Osman thought for a few seconds "Keep taking food and water for her. She will eventually give up."

The soldier bowed again, and Osman left for the feast.

In the tent, Arta was looking miserable. She had opened the bandage on her head and a thin thread of dried blood was visible on her forehead. Her hair was messy and all over her, but she still looked so pretty. Fear and anger could be read from her amber eyes.

When the soldier left for the third time that day with the tray of broken plates and glasses, she sat in the corner of the tent once again and hugged her knees. Her eyes didn't have any more tears to shed. She felt exhausted and weak but anger was the dominant feeling for her.

She hasn't eaten or drunk anything for more than a day. She placed her head on her knees. She wanted to know about her father and brother. Where are they now? Her head was spinning. She closed her eyes and was drowned in her thoughts and misery that didn't realize someone had entered the tent.



Everyone was happy and celebrating their victory. Even the cold looking Osman was smiling occasionally. Dinner was served and after that Sultan gave a speech and thanked everyone for their efforts and specially mentioned Osman for his braveries and his important role in their victory.

Sultan Faisal clapped his hands cheerily after his speech "now it's time for my gifts to you my bravest generals"

A group of young girls came into the tent. They looked scared in the dresses that barely covered them. Generals smiled mischievously and each grabbed a beauty. Soon the generals left the tent with their woman to spend the night.

"Son, why don't you take a beauty and ease some of your tensions?" Sultan mockingly asked Osman.

"hahahaha, no father thanks, no need for that." He laughed and was walking toward the tent's entrance.

Sultan shrugged. "you know better. I'm just an old man. Now leave me. Unlike you, I want to enjoy the time that I still have in this life"

Osman chuckled and shook his head while leaving his father. Walking away from his father's tent he decided to check on Arta again.


It was dark in the tent except for the weak light that was coming from the lantern hanging from the tent's ceiling.

Arta's head popped up when she heard a movement close to her. In front of her was a tall figure. She stood up immediately and looked in those deep-set of eyes.

Azim moved one step closer to Arta as he was examining her from head to toe. A shiver ran down Arta's spine. Arta was looking him with her eyes wide open. She felt threatened by this guy.

"The beautiful princess" Azim said as he was licking his lips. Arta could smell alcohol on his breath. She slowly took a step toward the tent's entrance while her back was on the tenet's wall.

As she was about to run, Azim grabbed her arm in a sudden move and pulled her closer.

Arta's throat was so dry that she couldn't even make a sound.

A devilish smile on his face "When I can entertain myself with the Persian princess, why would I need the lowly Sultan's gifts?"

Arta tried to free herself from his hand, but it was useless. She didn't have any energy to fight against him and he was so strong and tall.

He tore one of her sleeves and harshly pushed her on the quilt while throwing himself on her. Arta tried to scream but he placed his hand on her mouth and prevent her from screaming.

"Shshshsh little princess no one can hear you. I have dismissed all the guards. I promise to be gentle." He smiled hungrily whispering in her ear.

Trying to free herself from under his heavy body, Arta bit his fingers that were covering her mouth.

"Awww" he pulled his hand away angrily and slapped her so hard on the face.

Tears falling down her eyes as she felt dizzy from the hit.

Azim grabbed the collar of her dress and with a sudden move tore it off. Looking at her bare body he lost all his patience and was about to force himself into her when a hand grabbed him from behind and tossed him away from her.

Arta was shaking and trying to cover herself while crying hysterically. She curled up and crushed herself at the corner of the tent shaking and crying.

In front of her, Osman was punching Azim "You bastard. How dare you touch something that is mine." He said punching him again.

Soldiers rushed into the tent and tried to separate them. "touch her again and you are dead."

Azim laughed as he was spitting blood "Don't tell me the cold-hearted Osman has feeling for a slave?"

"Take him out before I kill him." Osman roared ordering the soldiers.

"You will pay for this. Mark my words." Azim and soldiers left the tent.

Trying to breathe normally and control his rage she turned toward Arta curling up at the corner of the tent shaking and sobbing.

The tent's entrance flipped open and Samir rushed in. He turned his look from Osman to Arta and back at Osman again "What has happened here? I saw Azim left the tent with soldiers."

"That bastard ..." he pressed his teeth together and couldn't finish his sentence.

He took off his robe and slowly walked toward Arta. Arta saw the movement in front of her and shoot her head up pleading "Please, no, please!"

"Let me help you. I won't hurt you" Osman said softly and covered Arta with his robe.

Grabbing the edge of the robe she covered herself tightly.

Turning back, he saw tears in Samir's eyes as much as he tried to hide them. Clearing his throat Samir was looking at the ceiling trying so hard preventing the tears to drop.

"I want you to keep her safe," He said while putting his hand on Samir's shoulder.

Samir looked into his eyes wondering if this princess has affected Osman's heart "Until we capture his father, we need her." He added swiftly almost whispering not looking into Samir's eyes. He was wrong, he is the same cold-hearted Osman. Samir sighed and nodded.

Glancing back at Arta he left the tent hurriedly.


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