《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-2


It was almost dark when Arta came back to her chamber. Everything seemed so unreal. Deep in her thoughts, she sat on the bed. A lot of things were in her mind. What will happen to her father and brother if they lose this battle? What will happen to the people? A shiver ran down her spine only thinking about the horrific stories that she had heard about the cruelty of their enemy.

"even thinking about losing the capital is ridiculous" she whispered to herself while shaking her head to free herself from the bad thoughts.

Arta was not a very religious person but at that moment the only thing that she felt she needed was to go to the fire temple and pray. She grabbed her Avesta from the drawer of her desk and went toward the fire temple.

Although it was midnight the palace looked fully awake as the soldiers and guards were getting prepared for tomorrow.

At the royal temple, the sacred flame was burning within a golden vessel. The hall was huge with several high pillars. The floor was made of polished limestone that reflects the ceiling.

The royal temple was empty except for the priests that were acting weird. Approaching one of the Mobeds Arta asked "What is going on?"

Bowing slightly the Mobed replied "We are sending the sacred fire to different places in the country and also outside of Persia"

Arta's stomach lurched at his answer. Although she knew the reason behind their actions, she asked "Why?"

The Mobed looked uneasy and he was looking everywhere but at Arta. "It's just a precaution Shahzadeh." Looking at the firebox in his hand he hastily bowed again and left Arta before she could ask further questions.

Arta stood there for a few more seconds watching the priests as they were carrying fireboxes out of the temple. She knew that if their Muslim enemy reaches the capital, they will destroy all the temples and set the fires off, as they did to the other cities on their way to the capital. "Even the priests think that we'll lose this battle, how pathetic." She sighed and approached the fire alter.

Sitting in front of the alter she tried to read some verses from the Avesta. Her mind was anywhere but on the holy book. After a few attempts, she put the Avesta aside and stared at the fire. The fire was reflecting in her amber eyes and her eyes filled with tears. Whispering to herself "God please help us to protect our land from these devils. Protect my family and people." After a few minutes of whispering and sobbing, she felt the heaviness on her chest has been lifted a bit.

Her eyes were burning, and she suddenly felt so exhausted. Filling more relaxed she slowly walked out of the temple. Reaching to her room she threw herself on her bed and after a few minutes, she fell asleep.


Osman was walking around the tents in their camp, his two most trusted men were accompanying him. It was still dark but everyone was getting ready for the Fajr prayer.

"How long do you think we should wait for the Persians to make the first move?" Asked Samir.

Osman shrugged "It shouldn't take long. We must be prepared."

"This will be our biggest conquer Insha-Allah, the heart of the Persian empire." Said Ahmad cheerily.

Osman nodded and they continued their inspection while stopping here and there talking to the soldiers.


They all knew that the legendary Persian army is no more undefeatable. After defeating them in several battles they believed that they will be victorious this time as well. Despite the Persian army soldiers, their enemy's soldiers didn't have the slightest doubt about their victory.

A soldier approached them and informed Osman that his father has summoned him.

Leaving Samir and Ahmad behind he walked toward his father's tent.

Sultan Faisal welcomed him and motioned Osman to sit in front of him on the cushions.

Sipping from his tea Sultan said "Soon we will capture the greatest city on earth by Allah's will" with great anticipation in his voice. Osman nodded in agreement and murmured inshallah.

"I go straight to the point. I want you to be the leader of our army this time." Looking at his son to see his reaction. "I will stay in the camp and entrust you with the whole army."

Osman was first surprised by his father's sudden decision, but he understood the rationale behind his decision. Osman was the oldest son of the Sultan and was his successor. By trusting him to lead the army he could prove himself to the tribe leaders and gain their trust and support.

"I will do my best to make you proud father". He said with determination in his voice.

Sultan nodded with a smile on his face. They both left the tent for the morning prayer.


In the palace, Arta woke up from slumber. She had a terrible headache and her eyes were hurting from lack of sleep.

She didn't have any appetite for breakfast. She had mixed feelings. She was nervous, scared, and full of hatred toward their enemy for disturbing their peace and comfort.

She was wearing her armor when she heard a knock on the door.

"come in" she said standing in front of the mirror while maids were helping her putting on the cream and gold armor with the lion head carving in the middle of the armor that indicated her as a member of the royal family.

Her hair was tied back in a high ponytail and a headband with the royal symbol embroidery was covering her forehead. She had already taken out her mother's necklace and put it back in its beautiful box to keep it safe during the battle. It was the first time that Arta was participating in an actual war. All her battle training was in the palace ground and mostly with her brother.

Abtin entered the room in his war attire and bowed to Arta "Shahzadeh"

"What are you doing here Abtin? Don't tell me you are here to make me stay at the palace." She asked Abtin while checking herself in the mirror.

"No Shahzadeh. The king has assigned me to accompany you today."

Turning her back to the mirror, she looked at Abtin with narrowed eyes "You mean to babysit me?"

Abtin didn't reply and looked down.

"I can take care of myself. You may leave now."

"This is the king's order. I cannot disobey the king's orders." Speaking in a firm voice.

Arta knew that she did not have any other options. It was the king's order and knowing Abtin she knew he will not listen to her when he has the king's order "Fine!" she said looking irritated.

"I will meet you by the gates" she said while taking her bow and arrows.

"I have already brought your horse. I will be waiting for you outside" he said pointing to the door.


He didn't wait for Arta's reply. Quickly bowed and left the room.

"Oh God. Give me patience" she whispered to herself.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Wearing her dark purple royal war robe she left the room.

When she exited the room she saw Abtin talking to one of her maids. Smoothing her throat, she grabbed Abtin's attention and then left without waiting for him. Abtin reached her in the hallways and accompanied her to the yard where their horses were ready to depart.

Riding side by side Abtin and Arta arrived at the palace gates. The troop was in move leading by Kian and other generals.

She rode to reach her father. They have a small party of 50 soldiers who were mostly archers and the king's knights. The interesting thing about the Persian army comparing to the Arab army was that there are several female soldiers and generals in the Persian army while there is no female at all in the Arab army.

Everyone was silent. The only sound was the rattling noise of the armors. A chilly wind was blowing, and the sun was about to rise.

It was about four hours ride to reach the fortress. Riding alongside his father she couldn't help but think of all the terrible things that could happen to them today. Her eyes were filled with tears and her palms were sweaty. She hated that she was scared.

It was early in the morning when they arrived at the fortress. Arta saw her brother from distance engaged in a conversation with the generals around a table that laid the fortress area map. They looked brave and determined. This fortress was their final point of hope to prevent the enemy to conquer the capital.

The Persian army troops were ready to march out the gates when the king and his companions arrived.

Archers received orders from their general to take their positions at the top of the fort entry.

Stepping down from her horse Arta approached his father. Looking into her eyes the King gave her an affirmative nod and then avert his gaze to Abtin. Abtin lowered her gaze in obedience and went after Arta. There was a sad look in the King's eyes. He knew they did not have many chances against the Arab army but what else they could do? It was a very emotional moment for Arta but she knew better not to show her emotions. This is where she wanted to be.

Standing at the top of the fort she gasped at the sight of the Sultan Faisal's army. There was no end to the black sea of soldiers. She literally could not see how far the train of their army goes. She was frightened at first but soon it replaced with anger. "This is our land. This is our home. This is our country. How dare you step your dirty foot in our sacred lands?" she thought to herself while clenching her fists.

Still panting out of anger she Sat next to one of the archers. He bobbed his head in respect "your highness"

The archer looked as old as Arta. He looked a bit uncomfortable when Arta sat beside him.

"No need for ceremonial titles. I'm just like you an archer who wants to contribute to this war and defend her country. So please be at ease." She said and forced a smile.

"What is your name?" Arta asked.

"My name is Tigran your hi..." he laughed nervously. "Sorry Shahzadeh but I don't know what else to call you."

"You can call me by my first name, Arta" she said shrugging.

Tigran eyes widen in shock "No I can never call you by your first name Shahzadeh"

Arta smiled, she felt a bit better talking to someone "Alright call me whatever you wish"

"It's an honor fighting beside you Shahzadeh." Tigran said looking very brave and determined.

Arta smiled at him and she was about to say something when she heard a trumpet sound. Arta had never participated in any war before and this sound was unfamiliar to her. Looking questionably at Tigran he said "this means the beginning of the war and everyone should be ready".

Arta's heart was racing in her chest and her palms were sweaty. Looking at Tigran he looked so calm as if this is what he is doing every day. She felt embarrassed and tried to calm herself.

Looking down she saw that the fort's gates opened and their soldiers poured out of the gates, her brother in the front line along with other generals. The king and other nights were following the troops.

In a few minutes, everyone was on the other side of the fortress except for the archers. Two armies in front of each other. It seemed as if time was stopped.

"Archers in your shooting positions" Shouted the Archers' leader who was a tall and well-built woman.

All archers stood up in their place and faced toward the battlefield.

"Draw" all archers drew their bows.

"Aim" Arta's heart was racing so fast and her hands were trembling she didn't know where to aim, she had never killed any living soul before.

"Release!" Shouted the leader.

A tear fell down Arta's eye as she released the arrow.


The sun was shining and the Sultan Faisal's Army Led by Osman had already placed in its entirety in front of the fortress. Osman, Ahmad, and Samir along with other high-ranked generals were in the front line. Soldiers were ready to receive the attack order. The Persian Army lined in front of them, a couple of hundred meters away.

There was a moment of silence, the calm before the storm. Persian Army in front of the Muslims army. One was determined to protect his home to the last drop of his blood and the other was determined to spread Islam and increase his power and domination.

"Shield!" shouted one of the commanders as the flood of arrows was coming toward them. A few soldiers fell to the ground as arrows pierced their bodies. The Sultan's army still stayed rigid waiting for their commanders' orders.

The Persian army charged to attack. Osman was still silent waiting for the Persians to come close enough so that they could surround them and swallow them into their massive army.

When Kian and his army got close enough to attack the enemy the straight line of the Arab army suddenly changed to a curvy form. He saw that the soldiers in the enemy's front line were running toward the two sides. The realization came to Kian, but it was too late to change their tactics and reform their army. Confusion washed over the determine Persian army. They saw themselves surrendered by the enemy.

The king and the nights were at the gate protecting it from the enemy's entrance. But they all knew that they had already lost the battle.


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